Your Gps To Success



Are You Ready to Activate Your Spiritual GPS? Join Dr. Michael Mosley every week to explore a weekly lesson on mental techniques that will activate the Law of Attraction in your life to achieve individual goals. Send me an email with your question and I WILL answer it over the air as I connect with your energy to give you a very special READING. Questions can include anything related to personal problems and finding out how to improve the results they are looking for through LOA. I interview�?� Best Selling Authors, Motivational Speakers, Spiritual Teachers as well as My LISTENERS to give you the DIVINE�?� information you need for your success.


  • You Survived 2017!!!!


    If you ready to feel even more excited about the New Year of 2018, you must listen to this broadcast! Our Intuitive Life Coach, Dr. Michael Mosley will certainly have you feeling good and awesome as you listen to his words of motivation. He causes you to look back on the previous year of 2017 and other years in absolute amazement that you, were and still are, so powerful to survive any and everything that could come your way! If you are ready to do greater in 2018, then you' are ready to listen to this episode of Your Spiritual GPS to Success!

  • Interview with Constance Arnold


    If you enjoyed the previous show with Dr. Mosley, get ready for this one which is really explosive with good information, humor and a lot of love. This week Dr. Mosley is joined by his friend and longtime radio talk show host, Constance Arnold. You will be richly inspired as these two coaches talk about letting go of shame, acknowledging one's own embarrassment and how doing so leads to such great triumphs. Listen closely as Constance shares personal insights she's gained through her own testimony and even how Dr. Mosley prophesied in her life about a situation which really gave her much needed comfort. It's all right here on Your Spiritual GPS to Success!

  • It's Time for Your Elevation


    As we celebrate the Christmas Holidays, Dr. Mosley encourages us to realize every gift we receive is part of our elevation. The celebration of Christmas is a reminder of how the world was changed and our hopes were elevated. However, with every elevation comes responsibility. Listen to today's broadcast as Dr. Mosley prophetically speaks to you about your elevation and how God is ready to advance your life into greater happiness and fulfillment!

  • Unblocking Your Success


    In this episode, Dr. Mosley exposes the key element that is blocking one's success. With humor, compassion, and love, you will be inspired to know what other items of greatness and success are waiting for you on the other side of this nasty element. You will also receive tips to overcome this negative into a more productive and positive life. It's time to get your life going with faster speed on this episode of Your Spiritual GPS to Success!

  • Using What You Know


    Get ready to turn your headsets up as you listen to your Intuitive Life Coach, Dr. Michael Mosley as he inspires you to realize how valuable you really are. Through spiritual revelation, you will be inspired to know that you are needed and that the Universe is ready to collaborate with you to accommodate an urgent need! This is one episode you will definitely find enlightening and thought-provoking. Enjoy Your Spiritual GPS to Success!

  • Using Your Faith


    Wow, it has been a while, but Dr. Mosley finally has another recorded LIVE show! You will be inspired as you listen to Dr. Mosley interact with live callers, giving them intuitive readings and comforting words of compassion, instructions, and LOVE. You will be motivated to understand how important it is to use your faith as opposed to believing the opinions and beliefs of others. You were made for success! You will find out more about your power to succeed as you continue listening to Your Spiritual GPS to Success!

  • It is Not Your Fault, But it is Your Problem


    Hold on to your headsets, this episode will surly get you to thinking! Dr. Mosley examines the concept of being prejudice and the emotional hurt it causes. You will be challenged to really examine your feelings about many situations of being prejudice outside of cultures and ethnicity. Yet, this broadcast will also bring forth amazing comfort to those who have experienced this awful disease that has been experienced in family situations and has hindered many dreams and goals. Get ready to realize that it is not your fault, but it is your problem to move past it on Your Spiritual GPS to Success!

  • Guard Your Thoughts!


    You already have ideas within you however, what is keeping those ideas and goals from manifesting? This is the question that is being answered by our Intuitive Life Coach, Dr. Mosley. In this broadcast, he encourages and teaches how important it is to pay close attention to the thoughts we are thinking. With his compassionate humor and sensitivity, Dr. Mosley will motivate you to achieve more by building your confidence while listening to this broadcast! Quickly, put your headset on and turn up the volume and enjoy another episode of "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • A Prophetic Response to a Storm


    This broadcast is dedicated to anyone going through a storm, whether physical, emotional or even financial. In light of the events that have taken place in Houston, TX with the traumatic storm of Hurricane Harvey, Dr. Mosley gives Spiritual insight regarding the storm. Many know that Houston is the home of Dr. Mosley and in this broadcast he shares four powerful points of light that are guaranteed to brighten your pathway through any storm you are going through. As always, Dr. Mosley compassionately encourages you to know you are being routed to your Success no matter what may come your way. Stay on your path to Success on Your Spiritual GPS to Success!

  • Akashic Reading with Marijosephe Bradford


    You are sure to find a source of enlightenment and entertainment as Dr. Mosley interviews another Intuitive Life Coach, Marijosephe Bradford of Chicago, IL. In this broadcast, you will hear how these two intuitive have similar experiences and points of motivation which keeps them focus on their life's mission. In addition, you will discover the concept of the Akashic Records as explained by Marijosephe. In fact, she even gives Dr. Mosley a live Akashic reading which brought forth some questions and unexpected feelings. You're sure to gain something special as you listen to this episode of Your Spiritual GPS to Success with Dr. Michael L. Mosley!

  • Dr. Michael Mosley: What You See is Your Prophecy


    Get ready for an exciting discussion with your Intuitive Life Coach on this broadcast! Dr. Mosley explains how we create the life we live by focusing our minds on the desires we want. Your belief system is so important in manifesting your life, which is what you will hear expressed in the broadcast. Dr. Mosley even reads and addresses an email sent to him from a listener dealing with religion, psychics and prophets. You are really going to want to turn up your headsets and enjoy "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Emotional Hoarding with Dr. Mosley


    Have you ever met someone that has difficulty in letting go of issues of the past? Well, they may be an emotional hoarder. Dr. Mosley reveals some insights about the physical activity of hoarding and relates it to the emotional difficulty of hoarding. This broadcast will render assistance as to how to terminate feelings that are no longer serving a positive purpose in our lives. Dr. Mosley also gives a reading to a caller regarding her ability to stop emotional hoarding and begin successful living!

  • Ddr. Michael Mosley: What are you Proof of?


    With many infomercials of products, health practices and teachings, there is always an underlying question in the minds of consumers. That question is simply, Does it Work? Many of us will try just about anything as long as we know that the product will work. However, many of us know there are no guarantees in life. Therefore, many people are just looking for proof of the claims of a product or a particular belief or teaching. That's where YOU come in. This week Dr. Mosley challenges us to take a closer look at our lives, accomplishments, and successes because they are all proof of a positive mindset. Listen as Dr. Mosley gives a live reading and challenge us all to realize we are proof of the possibilities of success. You're going to love this show, Your Spiritual GPS to Success!

  • Communication of Prayer


    This broadcast is filled with exciting and empowering information regarding the concept of prayer. Dr. Mosley explains how prayer is really Spirit Communication and how no matter what one's religious beliefs are, we all communicate with Spirit. Dr. Mosley stresses the point that we are never alone and that we do have Divine Assistance to help us achieve our goals.

  • Dr. Michael Mosley: Universe Is Having a Massive Hiring


    Wow, it the best word to describe this broadcast! You are going to receive a tremendous revelation as Dr. Mosley instructs on a Massive Hiring being done by the Universe! It doesn't matter where you have been in life or where you currently are, you are a wonderful candidate to be hired by the Universe with excellent pay benefits. Dr. Mosley shares some of his personal story of struggle and triumph as he yet encourages you to realize your success is not just for you, but for someone else's motivation. You will realize two wonderful positions the Universe is hiring for with immediate openings and the only qualification you need to be hired. This is one show you're going to want to listen to again and again. So let's get started with "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Live Readings with Dr. Michael Mosley


    In this episode you are sure to be inspired and maybe impressed with the intuitive giftings of Dr. Mosley. Listen intently as Dr. Mosley takes Live Calls from the listeners and give them insightful and intuitive information regarding their personal issues. Through humor, compassion and a lot of LOVE, Dr. Mosley addresses each caller with personal care and compassion. Turn your headsets up and get ready to be amazed at how you just may find that an inspirational message for one of these callers, just may apply to you and your situation. You are guaranteed great encouragement on this broadcast of Your Spiritual GPS to Success!

  • A Spiritual Cleansing: Washing Away Negativity


    In this episode, Dr. Mosley explains a spiritual ritual, sometimes referred to as a baptism, and the benefits it has in manifesting our desires. You are really going to be encouraged as you hear how negative energies can attach themselves to our lives, causing one to feel disgruntled, angry and not pleasant to be around. However, through a Spiritual bath, one can achieve their desires quicker and easier. Dr. Mosley explains how some hindrances to our manifestations are not natural, but Spiritual. Get ready to be enlightened on this episode of "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Feeding Your Faith - Vision


    In this broadcast, Dr. Mosley humorously encourages us not to eat the poison of fear that limits our vision. We are all created with a powerful energy of Greatness and it would be a disservice to ourselves and the Universe if we don't use this powerful energy. Within this episode, you will be challenged to expand your vision. You will be prompted to see more for yourself and how you can enjoy life more. You are Great, You are You and You are on the right path, Your Spiritual GPS to Success!

  • Moving with the Fear


    We may be a bit afraid at times as we move forward in life. Really, many of us are afraid of the unknown, not being sure of what is going to happen. However, Dr. Mosley gives tremendous comfort during his LIVE recorded broadcast regarding the subject of moving on with Fear. He encourages the listeners not to become stagnated with limiting thoughts. In this episode, Dr. Mosley gives precise and impromptu readings to callers, addressing their needs, fears, and concerns. This is guaranteed to be an empowering show for you listen to and will keep you on Your Spiritual GPS to Success!

  • Relax and Attract


    Do you know that many people find it difficult to relax. Yet when one utilize this special divine gifting from the Universe, one can attract just about anything. In this broadcast, Dr. Mosley challenges and encourages us to relax with techniques that can improve this ability in your life. You may even find yourself automatically relaxing as you listen to a few tunes that will hopefully spark that beautiful feeling that will initiate manifestation in your life. That's right, in this broadcast, Dr. Mosley will offer great insights into the power of relaxation, along with a few musical tunes to get the process started. Turn up your headset and enjoy this broadcast that will keep you on "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!" Have a Great Weekend!!!

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