Sex, Religion, Power And Politics



Named one of the Top 13 Most Influential Women in Goddess Spirituality - tune in to find out why! Wednesday or Thursday nites, hear Dr. Rev. Karen Tate, author, speaker, and teacher, discussing global and personal issues with a broad spectrum of advocates, visionaries and forward thinkers from a Divine Feminine, Right Brain point of view. Some call it the Feminine Consciousness or the shift away from patriarchal values. These are issues that could raise your consciousness or save the world. It's all the stuff Mom taught you to NEVER discuss at the dinner table - sex, religion, power and politics. Fear Not - taste the forbidden fruit! Rethink, reclaim and embrace the age old knowledge that's been denied us for too long. Unlock your female tool kit and empower yourself as you learn long hidden truths from your home altar to the voting booth. Learn what denying the feminine face of god, whether the Great She be deity, archetype or ideal, has cost humanity - particularly women! Karen Tate's 4 published books include: Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations, Walking An Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth, Goddess Calling - Inspirational Messages & Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy and the anthology based on this show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine: Conversations to ReShape Our World. Please "like" my Facebook pages for each book and my personal Facebook page found at


  • Sacred Herbs of Spring, Fairies & Pagan Holy Days w/Ellen Evert Hopman

    03/06/2020 Duration: 01h04min

    Ellen Evert Hopman, teacher of Herbalism and Druidism for decades, is with me today discussing the Sacred Herbs of Spring, or more specifically the magical, healing and edible plants of Beltaine and the Fairy Folk.  We'll explore the significance of the May Day Festival and Beltaine, English May Day customs, how Beltain is observed outside the U.K. and how fairies fit into Beltain rituals.  We'll look at edible flowers of Spring, which are associated with Fairy lore, herbs of purification and protection, abundance and love.

  • Broth from the Cauldron: Magical Memoir from a Shamanic Witch

    29/05/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    Cerridwen Fallingstar, experienced shaman devoted to synthesizing the best of the old ways with the new, teaches classes, offers counseling sessions utilizing tarot, hypnotherapy, soul retrieval, etc.  She's written a novel about Witchcraft set in the 16th century Scotland and her new book, Broth from the Cauldron, Magical Memoir from a Shamanic Witch will be out in mid-May, 2020.  We'll discuss, among many other things, how someone from a Conservative, agnostic Republican family can grow up to be a witch.  We'll talk about her belief skeptics make the best Witches, if witches are hexing Donalt Trump, if hexing is a good idea.  Cerridwen has ideas about the role of Paganism to positively effect climate change and why misogyny is the root of all evil.  We cover a wide spectrum in this conversation, including, being bi-sexual in the Pagan Community, roots of Christian holidays, if Republicans can truly be a witch, why Wicca is so popular amongst feminists....and we'll talk about her novels, The Heart of the Fir

  • Bottoming Out the Universe/Why There is Something Rather than Nothing w/Richard

    24/05/2020 Duration: 01h16min

    Author, Richard Grossinger, with a PhD in ecological anthropology discusses his newest book, Bottoming Out the Universe; Why There is Something Rather Than Nothing.  We'll delve into the relationship between an objective physical universe and our subjective experience of it.  Look closer at the Big Bang.  We'll explore how neuroscientists explain consciousness,  if artificial consciousness is actually consciousness and what are conscious and unconscious motives of debunkers.  We'll delve into the real nature of past-life memories, discuss if scientific materialism is an inadvertent source of Trumpian ideology....and much more - including if the universe is a computer simulation and how ETs might accomplish inter-stellar travel.

  • Why Combating Domestic Violence is Everyone's Responsibility w/Curt Lindsley

    22/05/2020 Duration: 54min

    Curt Lindsley, founding president of the Covington Demestic Violence Task Force and official sponsor of Purple Light Nights facilitates national awareness campaigns to engage communities across America to take a stand against domestic violence and show support for survivors.  Today he's with me to discuss the epidemic of domestic violence across the country, signs of an abuser and abused, where people can get help.  We'll delve into why domestic violence is everyone's responsiblity and I'll ask Curt about the role of religion in giving license to domestic violence.

  • Earth Spirit Dreaming/Shamanic Ecotherapy Practices w/Elizabeth Meacham

    16/05/2020 Duration: 01h11min

    Environmental philosopher, teacher, healer, and spiritual mentor, Elizabeth E. Meacham, PhD., discusses her new book, Earth Spirit Dreaming: Shamanic Ecotherapy Practices.  We'll delve into exactly what shamanic ecotherapy is and how it's connected to shamanic practice.  Meacham will mentor us in why we should embrace this practice in our life and how to do it.  We'll also hear her interesting journey of transitioning from professor to shamanic practitioner.

  • Resurrection of Female Power with Trista Hendren

    10/05/2020 Duration: 01h20min

    Trista Hendren, editor of The Girl God series joins me today to discuss The Ressurection of Female Power.  We'll start the conversation discussing the questions raised by Amy Bammel Wildin, "What would our world look like if there were a rebirth of reverence for women, in all stages of life?  How would we see ourselves if we were to revive the sacred feminine archetype.?  Trista and I will discuss how patriarchy "clips our wings" and how women continue to crucify themselves by continuing to give their time and money to patriarchal religions.  Trista will explain her belief too many women continue to live in the Underworld, but fail to learn ascension.  Mary Daly talked about the "Second Goming" in terms of a new arrival of female presence and we'll chat about if we see that transpiring today and how we can facillitate it.

  • Our Real Wealth and Meditation with Karen Tate

    08/05/2020 Duration: 37min

    Jean Houston, Marija Gimburas and Barbara Walker, along with many other foremothers and wisdom showers have recommended my third book, Goddess Calling: Inspirational Messages & Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy - which is a fancy term that means "Goddess Values Set us Free" from patriarchy, oppression, exploitation and predator capitalism.  Each month in 2020 I'll be bringing you an inspirational message and this month it is about "Our Real Wealth" - followed by a guided meditation.  I hope you'll join me, share with your friends, family and colleagues.  Please do check out my website, where you can find my talks, newsletter (Dancing At the Edges with Karen Tate) and much more.  You can also make a much needed contribution/donation to help me keep my show on the air.  I hope VSF has been a spring that feeds you over the years.  Thank you for your listener loyalty

  • Surviving Trump & Healing a Nation w/Patric Rutherford

    03/05/2020 Duration: 01h14min

    Surviving Trump and Healing a Nation, today's topic, is on most people's minds.  Patric Rutherford, with a bachelor's degree in theology, a masters in health administration and a PhD in educational admin has worked as a pastor, hospital admin and university lecturer.  His doctural dissertation, "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder of 11th Grade Students..." runs parallel to our discussion today, as do his numerous presentations on emotional health, spiritual life and emotional intelligence.  Just some of the questions we'll discuss include:  The effects of the separation of children from parents at the border.  Did God make Trump President?  What hate does to your mental health.  Handling anger and hate and overcoming victim mentality.  5 Steps to Overcome Fear.  Separation of Church and State.  Dominionist Christianity.  Historical dangers of religious dominance in State affairs.  Modern examples of States run by leaders with religious agendas and the dangers of a single-issue campaign, whether moral or political

  • Exploring Trance - Weekend Double Header - Trance & Trance Possession

    27/04/2020 Duration: 01h21min

    Today we delve deeper into the topic of Trance as we discuss Trance and Trance Possession in Pagan Spiritual Practice with Laura Perry.  Yesterday we introduced the audience to trance, so you might want to listen to that first.  Today we look at the differences beetween trance and trance possession, how they're used in Pagan rituals, ecstatic postures and how to use them in Pagan spiritual practices, other modern traditions using trance or trance possession.  We'll also discuss some books on trance and possession, such as Janet and Gavin's book, Lifting the Veil and how poorly known trance possession seems to be in the Wiccan community and why it can be useful to bring it back.  Laura Perry is a trance and shamanic practitioner for many years.  She's also an author, writer and founder and facilitator of Modern Minoan Paganism. 

  • Exploring Trance - Weekend Double Header - Hidden Depths of the Human Mind

    26/04/2020 Duration: 01h11min

    Join us for this Weekend Double Header as I Explore Trance with Laura Perry, trance and shamanic practitioner, author, writer and the founder and facilitator of Modern Minoan Paganism.  Today in our conversation we'll explore the following:  What is trance, how the modern world views trance, how might people trance in ordinary life without realizing it, dangers of trance, learning to trance, values of trance.  We'll talk about trance, or the lack thereof in the Pagan/Wiccan communities. Today's conversation will begin at the beginning, followed by a more indepth conversation tomorrow.    Part 1 is Saturday at 5PM Pacific followed by Part 2 on Sunday at 5PM Pacific.  

  • Hieroglyphic Magic, Oracles & Dreams w/Normandi Ellis

    19/04/2020 Duration: 01h09min

    Priestess of Isis, Spiritualist minister, astrologer, certified clairvoyant medium, Normandi Ellis is back on the show to discuss her newest book, Hieroglyphic Words of Power.  Today we'll delve deep and learn how and why hieroglyphs function as words of power in magical contexts, how priests used them for dream interpretation and how they assist in prophecy.  We'll learn how numerology was a part of myth, hieroglyph and mystery schools.  Why she chose these 60 symbols from the hundreds?  Where in Egypt the hieroglyphs are particularly oracular and which temples demonstrate particular powers.  

  • EASTER SPECIAL...Balance in All Things w/Kwan Yin Meditation with Karen Tate

    12/04/2020 Duration: 57min

    EASTER SPECIAL.....Jean Houston, Barbara Walker and Z Budapest are among the many foremothers and wayshowers who have recommended my third book, Goddess Calling: Inspirational Messages & Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy - which is a fancy way of saying "Goddess Values Set Us Free" from the shackles of patriarchy and predator capitalism.  Every month in 2020 I'll be sharing a chapter and meditation from this book with my audience.  April's inspirational message is Balance in All Things, followed by a meditation focused on Kwan Yin. I hope you'll click the Follow button on my show page to get reminders in your email in-box of weekly shows.  And please check out my website at   There you can sign up for my newsletter, Dancing At the Edges with Karen Tate.  Or you can also go to my YouTube Channels. 

  • Crystal Basics & Stones of the Goddess w/Nicholas Pearson

    10/04/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    Nicholas Pearson, author of Crystal Basics and Stones of the Goddess, is with me today to delve into all things rocks!  We'll discover what makes crystals so effective in healing, and how it's done, and how to choose the right stone for the right job.  Apparently, there are also Goddess Stones and I sure want to know more about tha!  Nick will tell us the 5 essential crystals to have in our healing tool kit, how to incorporate crystal use into your life....and much more.  You'll be surprised what you need to know about crystals but probably, like me, never thought to ask.

  • Reclaiming Lilith, Reclaiming Ourselves w/Monette Chilson

    06/04/2020 Duration: 01h09min

    Monette Chilson, Author of Original Resistance: Reclaiming Lilith: Reclaiming Ourselves, My Name is Lilith and Sophia Rising: Awakening Your Sacred Wisdom Through Yoga, writes about the feminine face of God and today focuses our discussion on Lilith and why she's so relevant to women today.  Of course, we'll explore the truth and disinformation about Lilith, why some might never have heard of Her, and what lessons she can tech us.  We'll delve into attributes of women embodying the Lilith archetype and how you might begin a journey of relcaiming Lilith and one's own personal power.

  • Conscious Evolution - Time is Now with Manda Scott

    25/03/2020 Duration: 01h08min

    Author, shaman and activist, Manda Scott, discusses Conscious Evolution: The Time is Now!  Last year, she sat on the streets with Extinction Rebellion, canvassed for the Labour party and worked her socks off for local resilience networks.  At the start of the year she launched her website platform, Accidental Gods - a gateway to conscious evolution - the turning point into far more full time occupation.  Today we'll discuss what conscious evolution actually is and why its so relevant now.  We'll discover the difference between this and Collective Intelligence and how it fits in with Integral theory of Ken Wilbur and others.  We'll learn what neuroscience says about all this and delve into "coherence and connection" and where this all might go.

  • New Insight into the Heart of the Great Mother w/Christine Page, MD

    18/03/2020 Duration: 01h10min

    Christine Page, MD returns to the show to discuss her new book, The Heart of the Great Mother; Spiritual Initiation, Creativity and Rebirth, teaching us new insight into the Divine Feminine.  We'll delve into new realms in our chat:  the location for the Heart of the Great Mother, which face of the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Crone) is hardest to embody, how the moon phase of our life affects our life's purpose and why listening to the call of Virgin, Mother and Crone is so important on our life's journey.  Christine will teach us about the love energy of the heart, the geometric shape it takes and why this shape acts as a portal into multi-dimensional worlds.  You've maybe heard of the Emerald Tablets?  We'll connect the dots between the tablets, alchemy and transformation in our own lives and what it has to do with the Divine Feminine.   Finally, Christine suggests a new tool we might manifest to create a new reality - our Magician's wand.  Learn about this wand and how to use it.

  • Our Messiah - She of 10,000 Names (Includes Meditation) with Karen Tate

    13/03/2020 Duration: 49min

    Jean Houston, Barbara Walker and Z Budapest all recommended my book, Goddess Calling:  Inspirational Messages and Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy, which is a mouthful that really means Goddess values sets us free of patriarchy and this dominator/opressor culture.  Coming each month in 2020,  I'll share an inspirational message and meditation from this book.  In March, listen to Our Messiah - She of 10,000 Names...followed by a meditation.  Get comfortable.  Settle yourself so you might absorb and enjoy, allowing yourself to take in the inspiration.  Then we'll do a meditation together to round out the show.  Remember to click the FOLLOW button on the show page so each month you get in your email inbox reminders of the show, guests, and a quick access button taking you right here to listen.

  • Who are the Tuatha De Dannan or Druid Clan of Dannan w/Hamsadevi Claudia

    11/03/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Fellowship of Isis member, Hamsadevi Claudia was initiated into the Druid Clan of Dana by the founders of the FOI at Clonegal Castle several decades ago and are practicing members of the Tuatha De Dannan.  Learn more about the Goddess Dana and the Druid Clan of Dana.  Discover the Aos Si or "people of the si" - and the hollow hills in Ireland to which they were banished.  Sometimes called sidhe, or fairy folk, according to W.B. Yeats.  We'l talk about druidry today and if its obsolete in the age of computers and virtual networks.  You'll learn about the contemporary work in groves of the Druid Clan of Dana.  Hamsadevi is calling in from the UK and she'll discuss how this path can bring positive change into our ordinary lives.

  • Christianity's Links to Predator Capitalism w/Luis Valadez

    04/03/2020 Duration: 01h25min

    Rev. Luis Valadez returns to the show to examine the links between Christianity and Capitalism, the theme of today's show.  We'll learn about the shift from pre-christian tribalism and community sharing to the rise of capitalistic thinking and early Christianity's links to communism and socialism.  Rev. Valdez will explain the unholy alliance between Christianity and capitalism, look closer at what socialism really is.  We'll also delve into the roots and ethics of neopaganism and it's association with socialism and the benefits of implementing more socialist ethice into our lives.    Be sure you listen to my interview with Dr Valadez from a few weeks ago, (Feb 26) as we discussed the dangers of Dominionist Christianity and Opus Dei, factions of Christianity many of our top politicians are involved with today.

  • Christianity: The Dangers of the Dominionist Camp & Opus Dei w/Luis Valadez

    26/02/2020 Duration: 01h20min

    Rev. Luis Valadez, author and student of Alternative Medicine is also a former licensed and ordained Christian minister.  He is particularly well versed in the dangers of the Christian Dominionists and Opus Dei, the latter being the sect to which our current Attorney General, William Barr, belongs.  Today we'll introduce Dominionist Theology, what it was like being a preacher there, and how its been melded with American politics and capitalism.  Rev. Valadez will explain the Literalism and End Times Game of this thealogy and the fundamentalism of Opus Dei.  (If that's not familiar, think DaVinci Code and the priest who whipped himself!)  We'll compare Protestant Dominionism and Catholic Opus Dei and the maxim of our current administration under Dominionism:  God, Glory and Gold.

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