Sex, Religion, Power And Politics



Named one of the Top 13 Most Influential Women in Goddess Spirituality - tune in to find out why! Wednesday or Thursday nites, hear Dr. Rev. Karen Tate, author, speaker, and teacher, discussing global and personal issues with a broad spectrum of advocates, visionaries and forward thinkers from a Divine Feminine, Right Brain point of view. Some call it the Feminine Consciousness or the shift away from patriarchal values. These are issues that could raise your consciousness or save the world. It's all the stuff Mom taught you to NEVER discuss at the dinner table - sex, religion, power and politics. Fear Not - taste the forbidden fruit! Rethink, reclaim and embrace the age old knowledge that's been denied us for too long. Unlock your female tool kit and empower yourself as you learn long hidden truths from your home altar to the voting booth. Learn what denying the feminine face of god, whether the Great She be deity, archetype or ideal, has cost humanity - particularly women! Karen Tate's 4 published books include: Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations, Walking An Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth, Goddess Calling - Inspirational Messages & Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy and the anthology based on this show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine: Conversations to ReShape Our World. Please "like" my Facebook pages for each book and my personal Facebook page found at


  • Gone But Not Forgotten Their Voices Live On Lady Olivia Robertson

    15/11/2016 Duration: 30min

    As is tradition in the month of October we honor our ancestors with this series Gone But Never Forgotten: Their Voices Live On and in this installment, we re-broadcast my actual interview with Lady Olivia Robertson, one of the founders of the International Fellowship of Isis, formerly headquartered at Clonegal Castle in Enniscorthy, Ireland.

  • Gone But Not Forgotten Their Voices Live On Shekinah Mountainwater

    12/11/2016 Duration: 01h14min

    Honoring our ancestors, this October series, Gone But Never Forgotten: Their Voices and Work Live on, we honor the priestess and author Shekinah Mountainwater.  

  • Honoring Our Ancestors - Barbara Mor....with Jack Dempsey

    11/11/2016 Duration: 01h40min

    Writer and editor, Jack Dempsey is with me tonight to honor the life and work of Barbara Mor, poet and co-author of the book, The Great Cosmic Mother during this season when we Honor Our Ancestors.  Jack is a close friend of California-born writer, Barbara Mor, who passed away in January 2015, who first came to fame in 1985 when she teamed up with Monica Sjoo, a UK feminist, to pen the aforementioned landmark work of natural and women's history.  Because Jack worked with Barbara's family to bring out the little-known facts of her life, he is here to share them, and to explore Barbara Mor's words and ideas, her works and personal letters with you.

  • Gone But Not Forgotten Their Voices Live On Diane Wolkstein

    05/11/2016 Duration: 01h44min

    We honor our ancestors in this October series, Gone But Never Forgotten; Their Voices and Work Live On.  In this installment we hear the interview with Diane Wolkstein, storyteller extraordinaire!

  • A Woman In Every Seat - Kris Steinnes

    03/11/2016 Duration: 57min

    Returning to the show is Kris Steinnes, visionary founder of the Women of Wisdom Conference, which is celebrating its 25th year in February 2017 in Seattle.  We'll discuss her work in the world and share her wisdom and insight into what it would look like with more women leaders at the top of organizations and what we can all do to make that happen!  Kris is also the host of the Voices of Women Radio Show and author of the #1 Amazon bestselling, award winning and inspirational book, "Women of Wisdom, Empowering the Dreams and Spirit of Women."

  • Gone But Never Forgotten; Their Voices Live On: Merlin Stone Tribute

    01/11/2016 Duration: 01h44min

    Join us on tonight's Special October Broadcast as we honor our ancestors in our tribute to Merlin Stone during our series, Gone But Never Forgotten; Their Voices Live On.  Merlin Stone, beloved foremother and wayshower was the author of many books, including one that put me on this path - When God Was a Woman.  Hear Merlin's partner, Lenny Schneir, discuss her life, her work and their life together.

  • Gone But Not Forgotten Their Voices Live On Isaac Bonewits

    29/10/2016 Duration: 02h04min

    As is the tradition in the month of October, we honor ancestors.  Here on VSF I do just that with our series, Gone But Never Forgotten; Their Voices and Work Live on.  In this episode we hear elder and respected scholar, Isaac Bonewits.

  • Awakening Galactic/Unity Consciousness & Women's Ritual Dances Language of Godde

    27/10/2016 Duration: 02h01min

    Double Feature Tonight:  First up is Laura Magdalene Eisenhower discussing Awakening Galactic & Unity Consciousness.....explaining the Ascension window period, our DNA potential, higher dimensional beings, Guardian races and Gaia-Sophia.  We'll talk about Chakras, our connection to Earth Grids, multi-dimensions, 13th Gate and the Galactic Zodiac.  Phew - it's going to be a jam-packed hour! Followed by Laura Shannon sharing with listeners how Women's Ritual Dances are the Secret Language of Goddess!  We'll talk about the therapeutic quality of women's ritual dances as a healing modality, how they're associated with Goddess cultures of Old Europe as researched by Marija Gimbutas and why she calls them the "secret language of Goddess" -- very exciting stuff!  Don't miss this - as these dances are very relevant for women today in all parts of the world.  

  • Gone But Never Forgotten; Their Voices Live On: Layne Redmond

    25/10/2016 Duration: 01h45min

    Special Broadcast Series this month, Gone But Never Forgotten: Their Voices Live On, paying tribute to our deceased foremothers and wayshoweres who have contributed so much to our world.  Tonight we honor Layne Redmond, author of When the Drummers Were Women and famous musician.

  • Gone But Never Forgotten; Their Voices Live On: Margot Adler

    18/10/2016 Duration: 01h51min

    Tonight's Special Broadcast, Gone But Never Forgotten: Their Voices Live On, we pay tribute to the late Margot Adler, a beloved wayshower in her community.

  • Jailbreaking the Goddess w/Lasara Allen

    13/10/2016 Duration: 01h19min

    Tonight Lasara Firefox Allen, a wild hearted change agent delivers tools for transformation by way of her wisdom shared in her book Jailbreaking the Goddess: A Radical Revisioning of Feminist Spirituality.  We'll discuss the idea of collective liberation and how social justice might work toward that.  Also, what's both problematic and attractive about the Maiden/Mother/Chrone models for feminine idivinity and can we develop a gender-neutral model using neither feminine or masculine language?  Lasara will introduce and explain the FiveFold Goddess, a model empowering for those who may feel alienated by feminine-coded concepts. Finally, Lasara suggestswhat people limited by time, finances and ability can do to still engage in social justice work.

  • Gone But Never Forgotton; Their Voices Live On: Loreon Vigne

    11/10/2016 Duration: 02h01min

    Special Broadcast tonight...Gone But Never Forgotten; Their Voices Live On, paying tribute to the foremoter and wayshower of the Fellowship of Isis and Isis Oasis Sanctuary, Rt. Rev. Loreon Vigne

  • Modern Minoan Paganism w/Laura Perry & Starhawk's New Audio Book

    06/10/2016 Duration: 01h50min

    Laura Perry, Pagan author and artist, fascinated by ancient cultures and spirituality has immersed herself in reconstructing Minoan Paganism by way of a Minoan Tarot deck, a Minoan-themed adult coloring book and she teaches online courses in Modern Minoan Paganism, which her group practices. Tune in to find out why Minoal Paganism is relevant now, if its mostly for lesbians, if its female-centric and why heterosexual men would be interested in the spirituality.  Laura will explain what we know about what Minoans believed and practiced and how she and her group have extrapolated that into a contemporary practice as close to the original as possible.  We'll also talk about how the ancient religion and society became skewed by later Greek writers from patriarchal societies. Laura is the author of Labrys and Horns: An Introduction to Modern Minoan Paganism, her most recent book.  Should be very interesting! Second guest tonight, returning to the show, we have beloved foremother and social justice activist, Starh

  • Gone But Never Forgotten; Their Voices Live On: Lydia Ruyle

    04/10/2016 Duration: 02h02min

    Special October Series...Gone But Never Forgotten; Their Voices Live On, tonight we hear and pay tribute to the beloved artist and wayshower, Lydia Ruyle

  • Secret Life of Lady Liberty-Goddess of New World w/Bob Hieronimus/Laura Corner

    29/09/2016 Duration: 01h15min

    Join me tonight as I interview Dr. Bob Hieronimus and Laura Cortner discussing their new book, The Secret Life of Lady Liberty; Goddess in the New World,  We'll delve into why Lady Liberty might encourage women to positions of power, and what about it led Bob to a pro-environmental message to slow down man-made climate change.  Further, Evangelical Christians associate "goddess" as being associated with Satan so where does this leave Libertas, our American Goddess?  We'll talk about Belva Lockwood and Victoria Woodhull, the first women who campaigned for President long before Hillary Clinton.  Laura and Bob will share with listeners the association between Libertas and feminists/suffragists who have protested for women's rights. Discover what the Cathars, Mary Magdalene, Black Madonnas  and Joan of Arc have to do with Lady Liberty.   We'll talk about the "flexibility" and symbols of the Statue of Liberty....and much, much more than you've ever thought related to the statue in New York harbor.

  • What the Ancient Sibyl Says About Your Vote w/David Hillman

    22/09/2016 Duration: 01h43min

    Returning to the show tonight after a long hiatus is Dr. David Hillman with the topic "What Does the Ancient Sibyl Say About Your Vote? Dr. Hillman has been embroiled in some very interesting circumstances of late regarding free speech in universities, or lack there-of, and how speech and artistic expression are under attack by corporate-driven universities and why you should care.  We'll delve beyond the obvious and look at what a University is and why we need them now and what Corporate America is doing to destroy our educational system.  We'll learn about "holy sodomy" and why it might be required learning.  We'll look into the Sibyls of the Vatican Hill, prophets for the Pagan Roman government and why poetry of pirestesses was consulted in a national crisis.  We'll take a closer look at that controversial story of Jesus caught with a naked boy in the Garden the evening before his arrest and what the play Medea teaches us about Catholicism.  

  • Shifting to the Maternal Alternative to Capitalism: Gift Economy w/Gen Vaughan

    15/09/2016 Duration: 01h24min

    Foremother Genevieve Vaughan, founder of the all-women multicultural Foundation for a Compassionate Society discusses Shifting the Paradigm to Gift Economy and away from predator capitalism that causes so much suffering and destruction.  We'll learn how Gen got into this philsophy, why exchange is so popular and how this could lead toward a more peaceful world.  We'll discuss homo donans, the interpersonal neurobiology of mothers and children and discover what that has to do with the gift economy. What is gift vs exchange? And are there societies basedon gifting?  I'll ask Genevieve how we can start making this a reality and what challenges she's been up against teaching these new ideas.

  • Matriarchal Politics w/Heide Goettner Abendroth

    08/09/2016 Duration: 01h30min

    Tonight Heide Goettner Abendroth returns to finish our conversation delving into Matriarchal Politics.  We'll briefly recap what is matriarchy and modern matriarchal studies then delve into what we can learn from matriarchies that still exist so that we might create a better world.  We'll look at matriarchies on a social, economic, political and cultural level.  Heide will show us where these ideas are already implemented and how we might implement them in our societies today. 

  • Retelling the Future: What Stories Are We Telling w/Pat Allen

    01/09/2016 Duration: 01h36min

    Join me tonight as I discuss with Pat B. Allen, Ph.D, writer and artist, the topic of Re-Telling the Future: What Stories Are We Living....Living as if the future we most wish for already exists shifts us into a space of limitless possibility.  Doing this full time is delusional but trying it out exercises our heart and our imagination.  As we witness the end stage of the patriarchy, new roles for both genders become available.  it is time to reconsider and re-evaluate howwe see ourselves in relation to the crumbling paradigm.  The new novel Cronation, authored by Pat, grew out of the author's desire to do just that: examine the different ways women and men act in relation to the world as it is and to crate the world she wishes to see and make it real to others. 

  • Practical Applications of Mindfulness w/Tom Evans

    25/08/2016 Duration: 01h17min

    Tom Evans, ex-BBC-TV engineer who became an author after he learned to meditate in his mid-40's has some valuable information to share about the practical benefits of mindfulness, some call a form of meditation, as a way to enhance your quality of life and help reduce stress.  He teaches authors and artists how to channel and entrepreneurs how to generate light bulb moments on demand and he's created the world's first time management program based on mindfulness called Living Timefully.  Tom is the host of the popular podcast, The Zone Show and this promises to be a fun and enlightening conversation!

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