Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley



Aging GreatFULLy will inspire unbridled life enthusiasm while broadening your thoughts about growing older. Kelley incites a Life unstoppable! outlook and encourages people to live life through their Bucket List! Commonly known for saying, Its all about perspective, Kelley will have you rethinking your anterior perspectives on aging, and soon you too will delightfully accede to your own amazing aging adventures and do so in the spirit of greatFULLness!


  • Cowboy Ethics, Living Well & Aging GreatFULLy with Jim Owen

    27/08/2021 Duration: 57min

    There are some things that just don’t go out of style, no matter how much time passes by. That is some of the core values taught by our ancestors that came before us who lived to tell the stories of their day. And we too, are building and creating our stories, the introductions of which often began unfolding early in our youth. At nearly 81 years young, returning guest, Jim Owen still has a lot of living, passion, purpose and stories to share! Determined to get fit in his 70’s, the 80-year-old former Wall Street executive, best-selling author of Cowboy Ethics, and Just Move, documentary filmmaker, social entrepreneur, and global speaker, Jim Owen, inspires others through his fitness journey, positive and empowering thoughts about life and living and his recent documentary film, The Art of Aging Well. We unpack his best-selling and highly inspirational book, Cowboy Ethics: What It Takes to Win at Life, and how he came to explore the Code of The West. Jim will tell you he had a fascination with cowboys since hi

  • Live Your Bucket List with Julia Goodfellow-Smith

    20/08/2021 Duration: 53min

    Be Inspired to Live Your Bucket List as we welcome author Julia Goodfellow-Smith, self-described ordinary person who is not-so-ordinary at all! She’s living her bucket list adventurously and encouraging others to do the same! Her book, Live Your Bucket List: Simple Steps to Ignite Your Dreams, Face Your Fears and Lead an Extraordinary Life, Starting Today, will inspire everyone to begin living theirs!Join the power-hour of enlightYOUment, and discover simple tools and steps Julia shares to get started on Bucket List Living. Including why “today” is the best day to begin. Julia acknowledges that just the thought of a bucket list can feel overwhelming for some and she offers practical advice for everyone on how and where to begin, including what to do during the challenging times we currently face. She believes in positive self-talk, and you won’t have to listen long to realize she also sees great value in facing one’s fears, and even establishing their source by doing research and determining if they are truly

  • FUNdamentals of Caregiving with Ellen Rittberg

    13/08/2021 Duration: 56min

    Join us in this episode of Aging GreatFULLy as we welcome Ellen Rittberg, award winning journalist, humorist and attorney who represented senior citizens and children in court for over twenty-five years. She also wrote reports and recommendations for judges in guardianship cases. In her humorous self-help book, Why is Grandma Naked? Caring for your Aging Parent, she describes what worked for her while being a caregiver for her mother after moving in with her mother for six years, while working full time. She chose to write this book from a humorous perspective to lighten the load of caregivers, knowing their roles are often stressful she wanted to bring moments of laughter, comfort and even peace to their lives. Ellen treats listeners to an on-air excerpt read; and explains the importance of laughter despite what uncontrollable circumstances life doles out. While written in a lighthearted manner, the book contains quick-read chapters of Ellen’s personal wisdom and experiences of what she learned as a caregiv

  • Memoir of a Midlife Crisis with Sara Arnell

    06/08/2021 Duration: 55min

    Tune into to discover how a rogue lobster served as a messenger for a midlife crisis!In this powerfully candid episode of Aging GreatFULLy, we welcome guest Sara Arnell, author of There Will Be Lobster: Memoir of a Midlife Crisis. Sara shares her personal journey of an impressive thirty-year career in fashion, writing, and advertising. And, one of the biggest lessons she learned in her thirty-years is that in advertising—appearances can be deceiving—and Sara was good at showing people only what she wanted them to see. Behind her façade of happiness and success, she morphed into a divorced, sad, lonely, anxious, self-medicating, empty-nesting, middle-aged mess. She joins the show, to share her book, There Will Be Lobster, including her incredible journey and the importance of the way we perceive midlife crisis. She provides an unguarded and honest look into her personal struggles, knowing that her sincerity on this topic of anxiety, depression and mental health is the best way to help others who may be facing

  • Choose Better, Live Better with Dr. Alan T. Carpenter

    30/07/2021 Duration: 59min

    Sometimes life’s great challenges leave behind remarkable gifts – unexpected silver linings that stay with us and forever change our lives in the grandest ways we never dreamed. Today’s guest suffered a life-threatening accident and that was just the beginning of an unexpected journey as he shares – in a new direction. Join us as we welcome Dr. Alan T. Carpenter, a wonderful role model of Aging GreatFULLy, and author of Chose Better, Live Better: Nine Healthy Choices That Nurture Body, Mind and Spirit. Dr. Carpenter makes the scientific case that embracing these nine choices in our daily lives can elevate our health and wellbeing and help us Age GreatFULLy!At 74 years young, Carpenter doesn’t just speak and write about healthy lifestyle choices, he practices and lives an active life and shares it with others – with a few occasional slip ups of course, saying after all, he’s human. And that’s part of his charm, really, his candid authenticity that we all appreciate; because we realize this truth speaks to eac

  • It’s Never Too Late with Wendy Darling

    23/07/2021 Duration: 52min

    Do you sometimes feel like your ship has sailed? Like this last year-and-a-half or life in general has taken its toll on you? Like you don’t know which way is up anymore or your dreams have fallen to the wayside? Perhaps life is dealing you a really tall shiitake mushroom club sammich – well, you’ll have to listen to understand that one!But in this power-hour of enlightYOUment, we aim to stir your soul with enthusiasm as we welcome guest Wendy Darling, author of Create Your Miraculous Life: It’s Never Too Late, who encourages you to reach for the stars! Prepare to be inspired towards living the life you desire and aspire as every listener is invited on a journey to see miracles in everyday life! And realize better yet, that – It’s Never Too Late! In this all too authentic book, Darling shares some of her own personal challenges and setbacks, including being in a place where she felt her dreams were long gone. And now, as founder of the Miraculous Living Institute, she’s here to share with everyone that “It’

  • Cracking the Code of Caregiving with Dr. Aaron Blight

    16/07/2021 Duration: 55min

    Sometimes we’re just driving along life’s scenic journey enjoying the view and suddenly out of nowhere we intersect with something we never saw coming. We get the call the changes the entire trajectory of our intended destination. That is often what it can feel like when we are thrust into a caregiving role. Today’s guest knows this first hand. Aaron Blight, Ed.D., joins us to share his personal story of becoming a family caregiver and how it forever changed his life. Dr. Blight is the author of When Caregiving Calls: Guidance as You Care for a Parent, Spouse, or Aging Relative, and not only is he a professional expert in this field, he’s been there, done that – personally. As founder of Caregiving Kinetics, Dr. Blight has made it his mission to Crack the Caregiving Code! In this must listen power-hour of enlightYOUment, he shares how caregiving suddenly took its detour into his family’s life, why he wrote his book, When Caregiving Calls, and how prevalent caregiving is in society. We use the metaphoric roa

  • Two Lifetimes: From Fear to Love with Patti Henry, MEd, LPC

    09/07/2021 Duration: 50min

    If your life seems to be one long endless struggle, your relationships unsatisfying, you're angry, disillusioned, unwell, stuck or just plain unhappy, and you'd rather be sailing along joyfully, enjoying a life of freedom, peace and prosperity...The solution is moving from Lifetime One to Lifetime Two-without ever kicking the bucket.Join us as we welcome special guest, Patti Henry, MEd, LPC, a psychotherapist who has been in private practice since 1988, and author of Two Lifetimes: From Fear to Love. We’ll explore her novel concept of Two Lifetimes and the incredible possibilities for growth, healing and happiness when we lean into our full potential of authenticity. Patti Henry poses the all-important question of “which lifetime are you in today? The one that’s run by fear or the one that’s fueled on love?” This clever metaphor is one that graduates us from being controlled by our wounded child to being lovingly directed by our emotionally-mature adult. Moving into lifetime two means GROWING UP. Moving from

  • Some Light at the End with Beth Cavenaugh

    02/07/2021 Duration: 53min

    So often in life we find ourselves in situations looking for that glimmer of light to lead the way out of the darkness; as without it we felt lost in our sense of navigation. It’s so wonderful when that light appears because it is not only the answer, but our usher and guide, so welcomed. There are times in life we need such a light, a guiding hand to usher us through unfamiliar terrain, one certainly being a terminal diagnosis. It can be scary, feel like a dark place. The options can feel so limited. Joining us to offer Some Light at the End, is Beth Cavenaugh, RN, BSN, CHPN, author of just that book. Beth is a certified hospice and palliative care nurse, Reiki practitioner, and educator with over 14 years of experience in caring for patients at the end of their life. Compassion, patient autonomy, and transparent communication are at the core of her care philosophy. In this incredibly soul-enriching and deeply transparent hour, we discuss the all too familiar reality of grief, the many ways we can create me

  • Secure Your Retirement with Murs Tariq, CFP®,

    25/06/2021 Duration: 56min

    If we’re going to retire, we want to seriously ROCK that retirement! But many of us have fears and worries when retirement begins to draw near. Such as... will there be enough money to do the things we want to do? Will our money outlast our years? What about budgeting health insurance such as Medicare Supplements and Prescription Drug Plans? Social Security! Thinking of all these things can definitely feel overwhelming. But to the rescue is today’s guest who definitely brings peace of mind to this conversation and quells our fears with sensible approaches and answers that relieves fear and put us in the driver’s seat! Meet Murs Tariq, a Certified Financial Planner™ and Partner at Peace of Mind Wealth Management. With over a decade of expertise in retirement planning, Murs is dedicated to helping clients pursue their ideal retirement. Murs Tariq knows all too well what people most commonly fear when planning for retirement. In this episode, he shares the top 3 things someone should do when they are ready to re

  • Compassion Heals: From Self-Care to Healthcare with “Patient Lee” Tomlinson

    18/06/2021 Duration: 59min

    We carry out many roles in our lifetime and even throughout each and every day. Some of them we give little thought to, while others may require us to bring our A-Game or may even cause anxiety as we anticipate what’s ahead. That can certainly be the case when our role is the one of “patient.” When we access healthcare, we, as patients, find ourselves part of a care delivery system that also requires some patience on our part. While most health care experiences are hopefully positive ones, there are instances when care delivery falls short somewhere along the way. When this happens, it can add stress and even negatively impact our state of well-being. That’s where this week’s guest, “Patient Lee” Tomlinson, Award-winning television producer, movie studio executive and owner, former professional athlete, speaker and TED Talk presenter, comes in to revamp the provider / patient experience. Author of the new book, Compassion Heals: From Self-Care to Healthcare, Lee Tomlinson’s life mission is to inspire health

  • EIGHTYSOMETHINGS: Wisdom to Celebrate Growing Older with Dr. Katharine Esty

    11/06/2021 Duration: 57min

    In this stereotype shattering Aging GreatFULLy power-hour of enlightYOUment, we welcome Dr. Katharine Esty, PhD, a practicing psychotherapist and author of Eightysomethings: A Practical Guide to Letting Go, Aging Well, and Finding Unexpected Happiness. A widow, a mother, a grandmother, and an activist for aging well, Esty imparts incredible wisdom as she focuses on creating a new understanding of possibilities for living into older age. At 86 years young, she has learned first-hand the very wisdom she imparts and has many lessons on a variety of important issues, including dispelling myths about older age and a mission to end ageism, which limits and undermines the most experienced among us. Additionally, Dr. Esty feels it’s healthy to acknowledge what we’ve lost in the pandemic, and to grieve these losses—big and small—for our own welfare. But she also shares lessons for a post-pandemic life and how older adults can continue to live fulfilled, happy lives despite the challenges of aging and even COVID and in

  • The Stories We Tell with Dr. Mary J. Cronin

    04/06/2021 Duration: 58min

    Everyone has a story but many of us choose to keep them in the quiet crevices of our memory bank. But what if you were inspired to share your story beyond your own cognitive archive and actually put pen to paper? What would your story or even stories be about? What would they say about you and the life you’ve lived? What messages might they hold for your loved ones or even the greater world, both today and for future generations to come?In this episode of Aging GreatFULLy, we welcome special guest, Dr. Mary J. Cronin, an advisor for Write the Family, an intergenerational family storytelling program affiliated with Write the World for a powerful conversation on the potential capacity of sharing our untold stories. Be prepared to be inspired to begin your own storytelling journey or even write a memoir or micro-memoir, as Dr. Cronin addresses how engaging family members in telling stories can strengthen connections across generations, reassure younger family members when they hear how elders coped with disappoi

  • Beauty in Wisdom with Gregory Landsman

    28/05/2021 Duration: 01h52s

    In this episode of Aging GreatFULLy we celebrate the gifts of growing older; including the value and beauty in wisdom shared across generations with special guest, author TV Host, Gregory Landsman, one of the world’s most noted wellness and beauty experts. While some societal views continue to associate aging with loss, the reality is that aging offers many incredible gains. Gain of understanding, knowledge, wisdom, life experience, and so much more that lend itself to well-celebrating living. Gregory shares how important his relationship was with his grandmother, and how she positively shaped his life early in his youth and how her lessons remain eternally with him into adulthood, long after her passing. We discuss the often-overlooked reality that everyone has untold wisdom that can be shared with those they love, the broader community, and even the greater world regarding life, love, lessons learned and important values that allow others to learn, heal and even grow. We revel the incredible role parents an

  • UNSTOPPABLE with Joshua M. Greene

    21/05/2021 Duration: 55min

    At a time when many are looking for stories and examples of individuals who have triumphed in adversity – for ways our own unique ingenuity, humor, resilience, and belief in ourselves can carry us out of the depths of despair back into the light of an exciting new life we bring you an unbelievable true story that will inspire and bring joy. We welcome renowned author, Joshua M. Green, to discuss his newest release, Unstoppable: Siggi B. Wilzig’s Astonishing Journey from Auschwitz Survivor to Wall Street Legend. Unstoppable is a one-of a kind rags-to-riches adventure that follows a young boy from starvation on death marches, to dinner at the White House, and recounts the volcanic, miraculous life of Siggi Wilzig, who survived the Holocaust to become one of the biggest—and most unexpected—successes in postwar American business. Greene shares a captivating story birthed from surprising and devastating circumstances that inspires the soul. Aristotle Onassis is quoted as saying, “It is during our darkest moments

  • Midlife NO Crisis with Lisa Levine

    14/05/2021 Duration: 52min

    Midlife Crisis is a familiar term that conjures up all kinds of images and behaviors. But what if we flipped the narrative and instead, enjoyed Midlife NO Crisis?! Enter age activist, Martha Beck Institute-Certified Life Coach, and heath coach, Lisa Levine, author of just that book, Midlife No Crisis: An Audacious Guide to Embracing 50 and Beyond. Lisa herself reached a turning point when she turned 50. Spending years in a successful career and even as an entrepreneur starting her own business, she always had a sneaking suspicion that something was calling her name. Getting through a diagnosis of Graves disease, infertility, and raising a daughter with Hashimoto’s Disease, sparked a passion within Levine to use food for healing. This was audacious for her because it required her to step out of her comfort zone and learn to enjoy veggies beyond carrot sticks. And that bold move turned her “midlife meaning-of-life crisis” when she was tired of her career into taking a leap of faith into the coaching world. Beco

  • I’m Vaccinated, Now What? Q & A with Cleveland Clinic's Dr. Ronan Factora

    07/05/2021 Duration: 57min

    We’ve been social distancing for so long; we know those rules. So as vaccines become more readily available throughout the country and even the world, many older adults are wondering, Now What? It leaves us with many new questions. Dr. Ronan Factora is Staff in the Center for Geriatric Medicine and Program Director for the Geriatric Medicine Fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic and focuses on the challenges and choices of aging and providing care to older adults. And he joins the Aging GreatFULLy show to share with us the very same advice he gives his patients at the Cleveland Clinic, regarding what is safe—and what is not—once you receive the vaccination. Dr. Factora answers questions listeners submitted, including a host of others. As more and more people desire to enjoy more of the social activities they once did, Dr. Factora offers advice about traveling, what guidelines to continue following, including if you’ve had Covid-19, whether or not you should still get vaccinated. He discusses the various vaccin

  • WHAT IS ENOUGH with Treveal C. W. Lynch

    30/04/2021 Duration: 56min

    Prepare to be inspired and explore “What is Enough” in this soul-enhancing Aging GreatFULLy episode with Treveal C.W. Lynch, a Self-Worth Specialist and Founder of iamthepossible®, a self-development company built on the philosophy that “I and my possibilities are one and the same; everything I hope to be tomorrow I already am today.” Treveal is the author of WHAT IS ENOUGH: How to Lighten Your Load and Find What Makes You Happy. Treveal is one of those special individuals whose professional calling found him in an unsuspecting way and his story is one of purpose, birthed from genuine personal passion that benefits the greater world in immeasurable ways. His messages are many, each full of passion. He is committed to communicating ideas to audiences to see themselves in ways they’ve never imagined possible, present innovative ideas that spark the imagination, inspire the soul, and call for lasting change. He shows up daily to remind others of their self-worth! In fact, he has designed 5-ways to start appreci

  • Reclaim Your Right to Grow Old with Kathleen O’Brien

    23/04/2021 Duration: 57min

    You may have heard the voice of today’s guest before … but these days she’s using it to echo a different message, inviting everyone to Reclaim Your Right to Grow Old!Once dubbed “the most heard voice in America” by New York Times, Kathleen O’Brien was the voice of directory assistance throughout the 1980’s and 90’s. If you dialed 411 at any time from a landline, it was her voice you heard. And while technology and times have changed over the decades, with an abundance of education, research and a career portfolio under her belt, at the proud age of 72, Kathleen has a timeless message of wisdom to share as author of her new book, “Reclaim Your Right to Grow Old: How to Immerse Yourself In, Be Curious About, and Celebrate Life’s Most Important Stage.” In her book, Kathleen takes a deep dive into societies misguided attitude towards aging and highlights all of the wonders that lie ahead for those who dare to grow old. Reclaim Your Right to Grow Old is filled with what might seem like surprising advice in today’

  • The Heart of Home: Home Care Conversations with Merrily Orsini

    16/04/2021 Duration: 57min

    Home may be where the heart is … but perhaps each home takes on its own symbolic heart too.In this episode of Aging GreatFULLy we put the spotlight on HOME. Specifically, The Heart of Home, as we welcome special guest, Merrily Orsini, for home care conversations every listener will truly appreciate! Merrily Orsini is Founder and Board Chair of corecubed, and considered a thought leader in the in-home care services industry. In this must-listen power-hour of enlightYOUment, Orsini shares why home care isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach and explains why choices for aging-in-place are so complicated. But, despite the challenges, Orsini provides a simple overview to begin the decision-making process as to when, where, and how to begin making decisions, either for yourself or on behalf of a loved one. We also discuss intergenerational living, healthcare at home, the importance of a social infrastructure or support system, why health care at home isn’t the model, and how assistive technology is changing the way we

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