Pie Factory Podcast



show notes page is at http://www.piefactorypodcast.com


  • Episode 111: “Modemland” and the BBS Scene


    Jim and Sean take a break from the usual arcade game talk and invite friends to join them in a discussion of socializing over online media before there was social media…or widespread Internet.

  • Episode 110: Guzzler and Munch Mobile


    In this episode about a couple of somewhat obscure games, Jim discusses geology, whilst Sean waxes philosophical about parenthood. And games, too. Yeah, they both talk about games.

  • Episode 109: Boot Camp and G.I. Joe


    Happy April! It’s always a sunshine day when the Pie Factory Podcast brings you a new episode! This time, kick back with a couple of relaxing video games from the ’80s, following Jim and Sean through their adventures. (Note: even though we at least twice mentioned the date we recorded this episode, we know that … Continue reading Episode 109: Boot Camp and G.I. Joe →

  • Episode 108: Kick and The Glob


    With an episode title that sounds like a band name, Sean and Jim are back with another rip-roarin’ jaunt into the Golden Age of Video Games, asking that musical question: “Huh?”

  • Episode 107: Solar Fox and Blueprint


    Jim and Sean are back with a lively discussion of two arcade games. This time, both of the games have…color! And sound! And a control panel! It’s sure to set your RSS feed on fire!

  • Episode 106: Home Consoles IV (Atari 5200 and Vectrex)


    It’s been a while since we did a one-off about the consoles we had. This time, Sean and Jim invite a special guest to help out, and God knows they desperately need that help.

  • Episode 105: Warlords and Circus


    Need a break from your family? Didn’t get what you want for Christmas? Well, you’re in luck! Here’s a new episode for ya.

  • Episode 104: NBA Jam and Atari Football


    Gotta get away from your family for a bit this Thanksgiving? Let Pie Factory Podcast be your crazy uncle! And what’s more traditional on Thanksgiving than a football game? Let us be your new tradition!

  • Episode 103: Peter Pack Rat and Turtles


    Chicago Bears fans, hopefully a new episode will cheer you up. Philadelphia Eagles fans, celebrate by listening to a new episode. Those of you who don’t like American Football — hey, good news: you can listen to a new episode on Sunday! In this episode, Sean and Jim talk about two games that are not … Continue reading Episode 103: Peter Pack Rat and Turtles →

  • Brief Announcement!


    Just a quickie announcement before episode 103 is released! https://www.piefactorypodcast.com/extralife

  • Episode 102: Looping and Space Panic


    In this episode, Jim and Sean study the intricacies of the contrapuntal philosophies of the next-generation trends of the upper echelon and how they relate to the hoi polloi’s intrapersonal struggle with the id and the superego. Or…was that another episode?? Hmm…well, this episode talks about either that or a couple of old video games … Continue reading Episode 102: Looping and Space Panic →

  • Episode 101: Pac-Man Plus and Head On 2


    You know…we recently released episode 100, and, well…we loved doing 100 episodes so much, that we’ve decided, heck with it…let’s do 101! So here we are again with an Exciting New episode for your listening, uhh….experience? Yeah, let’s go with that.

  • The Pie Factory Podcast 100th Episode Spectacular!


    So we’ve lasted 100 episodes! Yay! And we’ve extended that savings on to YOU! Three special guests join our not-so-special hosts for a unique celebration of all things Pie Factory…well, maybe not all things Pie Factory, but…oh, just listen to The Pie Factory Podcast 100th Episode Spatula.

  • Episode 99: Cloak & Dagger and Blaster


    This time Jim and Sean talk about a couple of not-too-common arcade games that have a surprising number of things in common and some pretty interesting back stories.

  • Episode 98: Willow and Dragon Spirit


    We apologize for the lateness. We have switched to a 3-week schedule due to a little thing called life. Unfortunately, this coincided with the 4th of July holiday. But nonetheless…here’s the new episode!

  • Episode 97: Star Castle and Super Breakout


    This time we’re discussing two well-known but not-easy-to-find titles. Anything else that would be in this description would be filler because we’re not feeling creative right now with this description. Place more text here. Bye.

  • Episode 96: special guest Ed Kelly


    Hi, and welcome to Episode 96. We, uhh…totally forgot to mention in the entire episode that it’s episode 96, but trust us: it’s episode 96. To be followed by episode 107 (eventually). But we were honored to have the brains behind Edladdin Controllers join us for a hearty discussion.

  • Episode 95: League Bowling and Punch-Out!!


    Sean and Jim celebrate the anniversaries of the classic albums Blonde on Blonde, Pet Sounds, and The Who: Live at Leeds by talking about two games as suggested by a Patreon supporter. Oh…and neither of them say a peep about any of those albums. *ahem*

  • Episode 94: Midwest Gaming Classic 2019 Wrapup


    Jim and Sean just got drove back from Milwaukee, and boy, are their arms tired!….Hello?…..is this thing on???

  • Episode 93: Xybots and Escape From the Planet of the Robot Monsters


    Just the title of episode 93 is longer than some of the tweets we’ve sent out. Unlike with episode 92, these two games actually provide us with something substantial to say…imagine that! And we hope to see you at Midwest Gaming Classic today!

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