Sales Enablement Lab With Thierry Van Herwijnen | Enabling Sales Conversation That Matter



The world of sales is rapidly changing! Traditional sales strategies are no longer effective. Customers no longer buy solutions but buy business outcomes. This is the Sales Enablement Lab, a weekly podcast dedicated to Sales & Sales Enablement. My co-hosts and I outline practical ideas you can leverage day to day, to increase sales, enhance productivity and drive incremental growth! How about joining me on a podcast? Be my co-host for a session and lets have fun talking about what works and what doesnt work?


  • SELAB Season 1, Episode 5 - Practical tips on how to create engaging sales content

    23/06/2015 Duration: 24min

    Jim Moliski is the senior vice president of product marketing and Sales Enablement for Corporate Visions. This weeks podcast is a followup to the conversation we had with Tim Riesterer in Season 1, Episode 3. If you did not listen to this podcast yet I recommend you listen to this one as well. In this weeks conversation with Jim we take the conversation to the next level. How do you build engaging sales content? Everyone who has been or is in sales knows the problem. Sales content is typically not up to date, hard to use, overwhelming and often not engaging enough to have the right conversation with your customer. Jim will share his experience on how to create the right content to have outcome based sales conversation. He will explain why you need to start with the why change, followed by the why you (and not the other way around) and how you do this for your company. We will talk about how you can create your own list of standardised sales content which will help you to prepare and budget better for your upc

  • SELAB Season 1, Episode 4 - The value of storytelling in sales

    16/06/2015 Duration: 21min

    Melissa Madian is the vice president of Sales Enablement for Vision Critical, a marketing Nerd and also the Chief Fabulous Officer. In this week’s podcast Melissa and myself talk about storytelling, a topic we are both very passionate about. Listen to Melissa explaining how all the best books, movies and plays tell a story using a framework and how you can leverage the same effective technique in sales. Melissa unveils how every story needs a hero and how in the world of sales this needs to be your customer, how to connect the hero to what you would like to sell and how you structure the story. How do you start a storytelling Sales Enablement program in your company? Melissa shares some practical tips to get you started! Did you enjoy listing to this podcast and don't want to miss another episode? Subscribe to my podcast on iTunes! Let me know your thoughts and feedback by using the comments section on my blog. Which topics do you want me to cover in one of the next podcasts? Go to

  • SELAB Season 1, Episode 3 - The 3 value conversations

    09/06/2015 Duration: 25min

    Tim Riesterer is the chief strategy and marketing officer at Corporate Visions, a marketing and sales messaging business that employs a science-based approach to consumer behaviour and decision-making processes. In August Tim's 3rd book will be released called 'The Three Value Conversations: How to Create, Elevate, and Capture Customer Value at Every Stage of the Long-Lead Sale'. The most successful salespeople understand that they are fundamentally storytellers. The reality is that to succeed in sales, you need to master the art of customer conversation. The best story told in the best way will always win. Being remarkable and memorable in your conversations is very important―but it goes beyond great delivery. You must be able to articulate value. In this podcast we will discuss the 3 stages of the customer conversation, the value and practical tips how you can implement this in your day to day job. Tim's book will be released in August. Don't want to miss it? Pre-order now on Amazon! Did you enjoy listing t

  • SELAB Season 1, Episode 2 - Why did Cisco make Sales Enablement a strategic function?

    02/06/2015 Duration: 15min

    Marci Meaux is the VP of Planning, Programs and Operations for Cisco’s 11B Services business. Marci is an amazing business leader and during my 14 years with Cisco I had the pleasure to report to her for a few years. Together we worked on Cisco’s transformation program to turn Sales Enablement into a strategic function. Listen to Marci and myself talk about the journey we went through, why Cisco decided to strategically invest into Sales Enablement and how we secured the investment for this transformational program. At the end Marci will share some great tips you can use if you are starting a similar program! Don’t want to miss an episode? Subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. Let me know your thoughts! Are you going through a similar transformation? Is your company making the strategic investment you are looking for? Leave your thoughts in the comments section.

  • SELAB Season 1, Episode 1 - Scott Santucci’s view on Sales Enablement

    26/05/2015 Duration: 21min

    Scott Santucci was one of the first in the industry to recognise the strategic value of Sales Enablement, first as the director of research for Forrester and more recently for the Alexander Group. But why did Scott move to the Alexander Group and how does he think Sales Enablement will evolve as a strategic function? Listen to Scott and myself talk about this and a lot more. Don’t want to miss an episode? Subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. Let me know your thought and feedback by using the comments section on the website. How do you see Sales Enablement evolve as a function? What would you like to ask to Scott or myself?

  • SELAB Episode 0: Why did I start the Sales Enablement Lab podcast?

    19/05/2015 Duration: 05min

    Why did I start the Sales Enablement Lab podcast? What is the value to you as the listener? Listen to my first podcast episode addressing these key questions and more. Don’t want to miss an episode? Subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. I would love to hear from you. Leave your feedback, thoughts and suggestions for topics in the comments section on the website.

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