Coder Catchup



Catching up with various web developers, web designers and unicorns.Stay InformedFind videos and more on YouTube Visit Channel


  • Episode 034 - jQuery is DEAD

    31/08/2015 Duration: 10min

    Lea Verou posted an article back in April titled "jQuery considered harmful" (great article to show you what you can do instead of jQuery) Paul Irish released bling.js So what does it all mean? jQuery is not dead, it is still quite useful, but there are alternatives if you just want to do a little bit. Plain old javascript isn’t that hard and it certainly is getting easier.

  • News 007 - Episode News 007 -, Relay for React

    30/08/2015 Duration: 04min

    Rails 4.2.4 and 4.1.13 Released Learn all about how to create layouts writing your own html and css. A fantastic beginners tutorial. Facebook releases Relay A JAVASCRIPT FRAMEWORK FOR BUILDING DATA-DRIVEN REACT APPLICATIONS Declarative, Colocation, Mutations. Unix Toolbox A great reference list for all your unix/linux commands Webpack Demos A great list of different ways to use webpack. "webpack is a module bundler. webpack takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules." Webpack is fast becoming the go to tool for all your Learn more about webpack:

  • News 006 - Bootstrap 4 Alpha

    26/08/2015 Duration: 08min

    Bootstrap Version 4 has been released, well the alpha at least. On its 4th birthday, the first alpha release of version 4 has been released. Extract: Bootstrap 4 has been a massive undertaking that touches nearly every line of code. We’re stoked to share it with you and hear your feedback. We’ve got a lot of news to share with you, so let’s jump right into it. So what has changed? With over 1,100 commits and 120,000 lines of changes in v4 so far. And its only the alpha. Moved from less to sass (using libsass) Improved grid system Opt-in flexbox support Dropped well, thumbnails and panels for cards Consolidated all HTML resets into a new module, Reboot Brand new customisation options Dropped IE 8 support Moved to rem and em units Rewrote all JS plugins Improved auto placement of tooltips and popovers Improved docs (rewrote all in markdown too, improved search coming too) Lots more (custom form controls, margin and padding classes, new utilities, etc) Ready to be on the cutting edge? For those jamming on v4 w

  • Episode 033 - The Best Front-end Prototyping Tool

    24/08/2015 Duration: 12min Created by Chris Coyier (CSS-Tricks, Shoptalkshow), Tim Sabat and Alex Vazquez About CodePen is a playground for the front end side of the web. It's all about inspiration, education, and sharing. Need to build a reduced test case to demonstrate and figure out a bug? CodePen is great for that. Want to show off your latest creation and get feedback from your peers? CodePen is great for that. Want to find examples of a particular design pattern for your project? CodePen is great for that. CodePen PRO takes things further with features like Collab Mode which allows you to pair program in real time and Professor Mode for allowing a group of students to follow you as you teach code and chat with each other. Summary It is essentially pastebin/jsbin crossed with GitHub and more. You can create public ‘pens’ that people can fork You can create private pens People can love/favourite pens, comment on pens and more. Free and Paid Plans There is a free tier, yay, there are also paid tiers, starting from

  • Episode 032 - 3 Easy Steps To Improve Your Code 10 Fold, Guaranteed*

    17/08/2015 Duration: 06min

    Linters! It is all about the linters. Linters analyse your code either in real time or when you would like them to run. They evaluate your code and let you know if you are not following best practices or if you are making some kind of violation. While they are great to run here and there, it is best to have them always running through your code editor of choice. Most code editors have support for packages/modules/plugins/add-ons that allow for you to add the various linters you need. There are linters for just about every language, variation of a language and more. Linters will improve your code quality, maybe not 10 fold, it depends on what your code quality is already like, but more than likely you will find something you can be doing better.

  • News 005 - GitHub for Desktop

    16/08/2015 Duration: 02min

    13th of August GitHub released the all new GitHub for Desktop. Read Amy’s post on the github blog at

  • News Rounded 004 - Griddler, Massive Mandrill Changes, Stretchy Forms

    12/08/2015 Duration: 08min

    Griddler In late july Griddler got a huge update, it now has a 1.0.0 release. What is griddler? Griddler is a Rails engine that provides an endpoint for SendGrid,Cloudmailin, Postmark or Mandrill and hands off the email to your application. Release notes and usage: Heroku Performance Dyno Update 4th of august The available memory for each Performance dyno has been increased from 6 GB to 14 GB and the underlying hardware has been upgraded to include SSDs. Changelog at: Mandrill Domain Verification Now Mandatory We're pushing a change today, August 4, 2015 at 12:00pm UTC (see this in your time zone), that makes domain verification mandatory when you add a new sending domain and set up SPF and DKIM. This change won't be applied retroactively, so if you added a domain to your Mandrill account before today and set up SPF and DKIM, we'll still sign your mail as usual. However, we still urg

  • Episode 031 - Drupal Console, Drush is Dead?

    10/08/2015 Duration: 08min Command line tool (CLI) (Drupal 8 and up only) Super easy to install It has a walkthrough by appending --learning to end of command Great docs, actually online and downloadable book It can self update like drush You can run drush via the console Does it replace drush though? No, definitely not, it can be used in combination or as a part of the console What can it do? edit config, export config, run migrations, override config, generate stuff, like themes, modules, permissions, forms, entities, controllers, auth and lots more. It can rebuild your router Switch your site into or out of maintenance mode

  • Episode 030 - Reactions to React from a newbie.

    03/08/2015 Duration: 11min

    React, a javascript library for builder user interfaces Built by facebook Everything is a component feels very unix like, SRP sort of React for designers helped a lot as a nice guide in their first article ES5/ES6 Problems Usage outside of rails (webpack to the rescue) Usage inside of rails (react-rails gem) RailsConf 2015 React.js talk

  • Episode 029 - Listener Questions from Saul Willers

    27/07/2015 Duration: 10min

    What got you started in web development? What was your first "ah ha, I get this" moment in programming? What got you interested in Rails? Do you think there's value in a frameworks like Django, or even a CMF like Drupal 8? Does your day job allow you to contribute back to Open Source? If so are there set hours you can dedicate to that, and to what projects? Thanks Saul Willers for the questions

  • Episode 028 - Listener Question About Bootstrap and postCSS

    20/07/2015 Duration: 07min

    bootstrap's @mdo this week announced that bootstrap 4 will be in SCSS, and version 5 will likely be in PostCSS. firstly, what are your thoughts on bootstrap moving away from LESS to SCSS? secondly, what are your thoughts on PostCSS? - Jordan Gardiner

  • Episode 027 - WordPress Alternatives

    13/07/2015 Duration: 08min

    There are three varying alternatives to WordPress that are worth looking at for your next project. Perch Design your way. Develop your way. Perch will support you. Use the CMS built for web professionals. Great support, very nice templating language, videos, tutorials, plugins and more. Kirby Easy to setup. Easy to use. Flexible as hell. File-based CMS, great docs and support, really nice templating language, less plugins Squarespace Simple hosted solution, great themes, easy to use templating, super flexible with scaling.

  • Episode 026 - Why Laptops Are the Best Choice for Web Developers

    06/07/2015 Duration: 09min

    Portability: Allow you to move anywhere Power is out, no worries there Takes up less space External Displays: Laptop + External Display, Laptop Clamshell Mode with External Display, Laptop Clamshell with Dual External Displays Mountie - Duet - Always be thinking remote, even if you don’t currently work remote

  • News 003 - New Heroku Dynos

    30/06/2015 Duration: 05min

    Heroku's new dynos are generally available. There are now some entry level pricing options available with: Free Dynos: up to 18 hours of activity in a 24 hour period, 1 web dyno, 1 worker dyno, 1 one-off dyno started by Heroku run or Heroku scheduler. They sleep automatically. Hobby Dynpos: This is perfect for developing applications on, whether it is a feature branch based app or just getting started, it provides 24x7 uptime with 512mb of RAM, no sleeping and are $7 per dyno per month. They used to start at $36. You can build apps with 1 hobby dyno per process type, up to 10 process types. You can scale from there. The other semi change is the “Professional dynos”. These come with “pro” features that will make your app production ready, including scaling vertically and horizontally, metrics, preboot and fast builds. Starting at $25 per dyno per month at 512MB and up. It does mean the traditional free dyno that would run 24x7 as long as it had traffic is now gone. Existing

  • Episode 025 - The Importance of a Good Readme

    29/06/2015 Duration: 07min

    Why: Onboarding new developers Remembering how to continue work on the project yourself What to include: Who has contributed, their contact details, etc What dependencies the project has, e.g. imagemagick, postgres, etc How to get the project bootstrapped and ready for development locally How to deploy the project into production Running tests Third party services How to contribute/features (this probably should belong in a different file) Build status etc Overview of the project, what is trying to achieve, etc. How to get started? Use a service such as Check out what some large OSS projects you use do Always think that someone else will have to use and setup your project (even yourself much much later on) Summary Good readme docs save your sanity Always think like someone else will have to take over or contribute to the project It does not have to be perfect, it can be updated

  • News 002 - Foundry by Thoughtbot, Rock Logster

    25/06/2015 Duration: 03min

    Foundry by Thoughtbot - - Logster, thanks for sharing sam saffron

  • Episode 024 - Burnout

    22/06/2015 Duration: 08min

    Test: What Is Burnout? Great Intro: Extract is: Burnout is one of those road hazards in life that high-achievers really should be keeping a close eye out for, but sadly—often because of their "I can do everything" personalities—they rarely see it coming. Because high-achievers are often so passionate about what they do, they tend to ignore the fact that they're working exceptionally long hours, taking on exceedingly heavy work loads, and putting enormous pressure on themselves to excel—all of which make them ripe for burnout. a state of chronic stress and can lead to: physical and emotional exhaustion feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment even cynicism and detachment Differences between stress and burnout: Burnout may be the result of unrelenting stress, but it isn’t the same as too much stress. Stress, by and lar

  • Episode 023 - Rails Reseed Gem

    15/06/2015 Duration: 02min

    My first Gem, yay! Inspired by this article drops the database, creates it, runs all the migrations and seeds the database Thanks (Jerod and Adam from the Changelog for the shoutout, Rob Zolkos for the tests and more, Aaron Dowd for the podcast audio

  • News 001 - Dashboard for iPhone by Stripe, Feedback and more

    11/06/2015 Duration: 03min

    The first and possibly many news episodes... A brief run through of Stripe's newly released iOS App for Dashboard for iPhone which as it sounds, is the Stripe Dashboard and more for your iPhone. Check it out at

  • Episode 022 - Rails Audit Gem Review

    08/06/2015 Duration: 03min

    Runs multiple audit and review tools to ensure quality and security of Ruby (on Rails) projects A gem that provides a single interface to run the following gems: Brakeman Bundler Audit Cane Consistency Fail License Finder Rails Best Practices Rubocop

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