Workforce Central

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 49:02:55
  • More information



Workforce Central is the official podcast of the National Association of Workforce Boards. Join NAWB President/CEO, Ron Painter as he interviews public and private sector leaders in workforce development, education, business and economic development on key workforce issues and investment strategies to help America compete globally.


  • E54: Federal Budget Priorities for 2018- What You Need to Know

    27/12/2017 Duration: 32min

    Sharon Parrott, Senior Fellow and Senior Counselor at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, joins the program to discuss the budget priorities for the current administration and shares her perspective on the proposed tax bill and what it means potentially down the road for continued funding of workforce and other programs. Sharon explains why budget cuts are not inevitable and what can be done to ensure that funding is able to continue at appropriate levels.

  • E53: Transforming The Veteran Services Marketplace

    08/11/2017 Duration: 31min

    Chris Ford, Founder and CEO of NAVSO (National Association of Veteran Serving Organizations) discusses the challenges that veterans often face when transitioning from military service to civilian employment. Chris also shares why employers should consider veterans for positions within their organizations and how employers can think more broadly about the skill sets that veterans possess and how those skills translate to civilian employment.

  • E52: What's Next? Continuing the Conversation About the Future of Work

    25/10/2017 Duration: 29min

    Futurist Richard Lum returns to the program to discuss the most recent trends and thinking about the future of work, and the potential impact on the workforce system. Discover the disruptive forces that are acting upon the labor market, and the potential impact of those forces on employers and job seekers.

  • E51: Getting Men Back To Work

    11/10/2017 Duration: 31min

    Brent Orrell and Harry Holzer, two of the authors of the report "Getting Men Back To Work" join the program to discuss the problem of unemployment among men, particularly less educated men. They discuss the structural reasons and personal choices that have led to a decline in employment for men, and solutions from the right and left about how to get men back into meaningful and well paid jobs.

  • E50: The Rise of Irregular Employment

    20/09/2017 Duration: 40min

    Wingham Rowan, Director of "Beyond Jobs" and Alison Gerber, Senior Associate from the Annie E. Casey Foundation join the program to discuss the report "Beyond Gig Work: Public Markets For Irregular Employment" and the takeaways from the study. Discover the implications of the gig economy and the opportunities that irregular employment create for the workforce system as a whole.

  • E49: Introduction to Season Three

    30/08/2017 Duration: 10min

    Ron Painter, CEO of the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) shares his reflections on the current state of the workforce system and what to expect from season 3 of Workforce Central. Discover the themes that will be explored in upcoming episodes.  

  • E48: Labor Market Exclusion- Lessons for Workforce Boards

    12/07/2017 Duration: 30min

    Jerry Paytas, VP of Analytics at Fourth Economy, discusses the challenge of labor market exclusion and the lessons for workforce boards. Discover why full employment has not led to rising incomes for all and what can be done to help those who have been excluded from the labor market to find meaningful work.

  • E47: Labor Market Challenges and Opportunities

    28/06/2017 Duration: 34min

    Paul Harrington, Director of The Center for Labor Markets and Policy at Drexel University, returns to the program to discuss the opportunities and challenges of full employment in the labor market, as well as the importance of including young people in the labor pool.

  • E46: The Challenge of Full Employment

    14/06/2017 Duration: 09min

    NAWB President and CEO Ron Painter discusses the challenge of full employment in the US labor market and reveals some upcoming guests who will providing advice and tips regarding what this means for workforce boards as well as possible solutions. For more information, visit

  • E45: Building Careers In the Restaurant and Hotel Industries

    31/05/2017 Duration: 22min

    Wendi Safstrom the Vice President, Programs and Administration at The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation (NRAEF) and Shelly Weir,  Senior Vice President of Career Development at The American Hotel & Lodging Educational Foundation (AHLEF)discuss the work that their foundations are doing respectively to provide labor talent to their industries. This episode was recording live at The Forum 2017.

  • E44: The Construction Industry-Workforce Challenges and Opportunities

    17/05/2017 Duration: 16min

    Recorded live at The Forum 2017, Mike Glavin from Associated Builders and Contractors discusses the labor challenges facing the construction industry. Discover industry trends, as well as the opportunities that exist in the construction industry and the steps that the industry is taking to develop future talent. For more information, visit

  • E43: The Role of Workforce in Economic Development

    03/05/2017 Duration: 27min

    This episode features an interview with Tom Murphy, a former mayor of Pittsburgh and ULI Canizaro/Klingbeil Families Chair for Urban Development. Tom discusses the important role that the workforce system plays in economic development, and the efforts that his administration made to rebuild Pittsburgh after the decline of the steel industry.

  • E42: The Forum 2017- Takeaways and Opportunities

    19/04/2017 Duration: 17min

    Doug Foresta, Director of Podcast Services at WORKFORCE180 and producer of Workforce Central, hosts this special follow up episode to The NAWB Forum 2017. You'll hear from attendees about what they value most about NAWB and some of the challenges that they are facing in their region, and how they are going about solving those challenges. To learn more about NAWB, visit 

  • E41: Lessons From An Award Winning Industry Partnership

    29/03/2017 Duration: 32min

    This episode features an interview with Judy McDonald, Executive Director of Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County in Texas and Jon Gustafson from Lockheed Martin Corporation, as they discuss how they were able to create a successful industry partnership. Judy and Jon are the 2017 recipients of the W. O. Lawton Award Winner – Large Company. Discover the key takeaways from this partnership and the lessons for workforce boards across the U.S. To learn more about NAWB, visit 

  • E40: Lessons From The Gold Standard Evaluation

    08/03/2017 Duration: 30min

    Kenneth Fortson, senior economist and associate director for research at Mathametica Policy Research joins the program to discuss the results from the Gold Standard Evaluation and the takeaways for workforce boards. Discover some of the most surprising findings from the study thus far, and the implications for the workforce system. To learn more about NAWB, visit

  • E39: Evaluation and Return on Investment in Workforce

    22/02/2017 Duration: 36min

    Dr. Christopher King joins Ron Painter to discuss evaluation and return on investment (ROI)in the workforce development system. Dr. King shares what he looks for in an evaluation report and what workforce boards need to think about when it comes to evaluation. To learn more about the National Association of Workforce Boards, visit

  • E38: Ron Painter on Evaluation in Workforce

    08/02/2017 Duration: 14min

    Ron Painter, CEO of NAWB, discusses the importance of evaluation in workforce, beyond compliance requirements. Ron shares his thoughts about how workforce boards and workforce systems need to be thinking about evaluation and shares how members can access additional resources about evaluation. To learn more about NAWB, visit

  • E37: How Workforce Boards Can Engage in Education Policy

    25/01/2017 Duration: 26min

    Mary Gardner Clagett, Director for National Workforce Policy for Jobs for the Future, joins Ron Painter as a co-host. Discover why workforce boards should care about education policy and how boards can effectively engage in shaping educational policy and programming.

  • E36: The Future of Workforce In A Jobless Era- Part Two

    14/12/2016 Duration: 18min

    This episode continues the conversation with Josh Copus, Vice President and COO of NAWB, as he discusses lessons and takeaways from his paper "Proactive Policy Making For A Jobless Era." Josh discusses what workforce boards need to know and keep in mind related to the future of work and jobs. Click here to read Josh’s paper:

  • E35: The Future of Workforce In A Jobless Era- Part One

    30/11/2016 Duration: 19min

    This episode features Josh Copus, Vice President and COO of NAWB, as he discusses lessons and takeaways from his paper "Proactive Policy Making For A Jobless Era." Josh discusses the shift that will need to occur in the workforce system with the shifting nature of work and jobs. Note: To read Josh's paper, click here:

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