Mariners Church Irvine



Media at Mariners Church in Irvine, CA


  • We Sing because He Remembers Us


    The arrival of Jesus brought the dawn of hope and salvation to a weary world trapped in darkness. Dig into Zechariah’s song with Eric and see how Jesus brings us a new day!

  • This is my Story, This is my Song


    Gods work begins with the impossible. Experience this powerful message from Christine Caine and see how God still uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Will you say yes to His call?

  • Thankful in Living


    Its easy to complain or take our blessings for granted, but when we intentionally thank God for everything He has given us and become thankful people, we experience the fullness of His presence. Discover the secret of contentedness in this powerful message from Kenton and confidently declare with us, 'I want what I have; it couldn’t be better!'

  • Walking In His Ways


    “How happy is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways,” Psalm 128:1 (CSB). How can fear make you happy? Find out this week as Eric closes out our weekend message series on the Art of Skillful Living!

  • Fret Not


    Where is your focus? Is on the others around you or is it on the One who can truly satisfy you? This week, Eric walks through how we can skillfully avoid the traps of frustration, envy, and comparison and delight in the Lord.

  • Fear the Lord


    We usually run away from fear, but there’s one type of fear we should be running toward. This week, Doug Fields uncovers what it really means to fear the Lord and confidently trust in Him in every situation.

  • Check Your Influences


    There are two ways to live, which path will you take? Whose influence will you follow? Join Eric the first week of our new weekend message series, The Art of Skillful Living, and discover how delighting in God and His Word leads to a life filled with joy, purpose, and true happiness.

  • Loving


    God is love. But what does that really mean and how should we respond? Join Eric for the close of our series examining the character of the Creator and encounter the redeeming, righteous, reigning, and remaining love of God that changes everything.

  • Holy


    Day and night they never stop, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God, the Almighty, who was, who is, and who is to come,” Revelation 4:8 (CSB). Kenton explains why in heaven, all of God’s people will be joined together in this one song and how God’s holiness forms the foundation of His character.

  • Sovereignty


    In a world that feels so out of control, who is really in charge? This week, Steve Bang Lee dives into God’s Sovereignty over nature, the nations, and new life in Jesus. Learn how you can trust Him and rest in His goodness, no matter what is happening around you.

  • Jealous


    What does it really mean that God is jealous? Join us for a special Easter II celebration and discover the beauty of God’s jealousy for us that ultimately drove Him to the cross.

  • Eternal


    In every generation and every season, God remains the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. This week, Eric explains how God’s eternal nature gives us unshakeable hope for the future and how His unchanging character changes everything for us.

  • Knowable


    God is constantly communicating who He is, but are you listening? This week, Eric unpacks the life-changing truth that God is knowable and clearly reveals Himself to us through the skies, the Scripture, and the Savior.

  • He Is Greater than I


    "He must increase, but I must decrease,” John 3:30 (CSB). What have you let become greater than Jesus in your life? This week, Doug shows us how we can elevate Jesus above everything else by standing firm in the Gospel, avoiding spiritual drift, and seeking to serve God in every area of our lives.

  • Overcoming the Enemy of Sloth


    Even the busiest, most driven person can fall victim to the enemy of sloth when they neglect the things that truly matter. This week Eric lays out the battle plan for defeating the enemy of sloth through God’s gift of real rest.

  • Overcoming the Enemy of Lust


    The enemy of lust wreaks havoc on individuals, relationships, and marriages, but that doesn’t have to be our story. Kenton teaches us some practical, Biblical strategies for how to effectively fight the lust within and live free from its bondage.

  • Overcoming the Enemy of Envy


    How often do we desire to have the life, things, wealth, or relationship that someone else has? Envy can be all-consuming. So how do we fight against it? We look at the power of contentment, and Jesus in us.

  • Overcoming the Enemy of Wrath


    God desires for us to live in freedom! But what does that look like when we’re consumed with wrath and anger? This weekend, we look to God’s Word and learn that we can overcome the anger in us through the power of Jesus and his gift of forgiveness.

  • He Shepherds You


    “The Lord is our shepherd! He protects us, guides us, watches out for us. We take a look at one of the most famous passages, Psalm 23, and learn just what it mean for us to be sheep and for our God to be our shepherd.”

  • He Guards You


    Eric uses Psalm 139 to answer how we can be certain that we have salvation in God's goodness. We can be certain that we are His son or daughter, and what is most important is most certain.

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