Brad Freeman Podcast



Celebrating and sharing the Good News of God's grace and your freedom in Christ!


  • A Good Good Father!

    21/06/2016 Duration: 27min

    God is first and foremost a Father! But He's not like our earthly fathers. He's the Father of spirits - better, more generous and more committed to our good than our earthly parents could ever be.

  • Are you righteous?

    16/06/2016 Duration: 25min

    There are only 2 kinds of righteousness described in the Bible - self-righteousness, which is earned on the basis of our success at keeping religious rules, and the righteousness of God, given to us as a gift on the basis of faith.

  • Grace! The power is back!

    09/06/2016 Duration: 27min

    Don't be ashamed of the Good News. Don't be afraid of it. Don't apologize for it. Don't try to weaken or water it down. It is the power of God to save everyone who believes it!

  • Sin no more!

    02/06/2016 Duration: 21min

    Walking in freedom from everything that tries to dominate you!

  • The Cure for the Unstable Life

    26/05/2016 Duration: 24min

    Stabilize your thinking, your emotions and your decision-making.

  • Dirty Jesus

    19/05/2016 Duration: 19min

    Religion wants church to be a hospital, a sterile, germ-free environment.  He wants church to be a garden, a fertile, life-giving environment. Your weakness, ungodliness, foolishness and sin are no obstacles to grace.

  • Finding Peace

    12/05/2016 Duration: 26min

    Are people roughing you up? Are you dealing with money trouble? Are you walking through the valley of the shadow of death? Hunger, distress, affliction or some other storm of life? Why is this happening? Who is doing this to you? You can have peace!

  • HomoSECTuality

    04/05/2016 Duration: 30min

    Will there be many saved or few?  Why do we tend to exclude people who don't see things the way we do?  Jesus was a gatherer, not a scatterer.  We need to open our hearts to people with diverse views, diverse ministries and diverse methods.

  • The Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth!

    21/04/2016 Duration: 29min

    Jesus is the Truth to us about God and the Truth to God about us.  Like any good witness, let's speak the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help us God!  He is our testimony!

  • New Covenant Part 9 - A New and Living Way

    14/04/2016 Duration: 39min

    In Part 9, the final installment of the Understanding the New Covenant series, we discuss the New and Living Way that Jesus opened for us by His blood!  Also, we discuss the only sin that can keep you out of life.

  • New Covenant Part 8 - Perfect Forever

    07/04/2016 Duration: 31min

    In Part 8 of this series on the New Covenant, we look at the perfect sacrifice of Jesus and how superior it is to the old covenant sacrifices.  His perfect sacrifice (a) makes us perfect, (b) cleanses us once for all and (c) removes our consciousness of sins  

  • New Covenant Part 7 - The Creature Lives!

    31/03/2016 Duration: 35min

    In Part 7 of this series on the New Covenant, we look at God's promise to NEVER remember our sins again!  God stopped counting your sins at the cross.  The mercy He showed at the cross by counting our sins and laying on Jesus the iniquity of us all, has gained us access into this New Covenant and removed every obstacle to all that God has always wanted to provide for us!

  • New Covenant Part 6 - From Slaves to Sons

    24/03/2016 Duration: 26min

    In Part 6 of this series on the New Covenant, we consider what it means to be the children of God.  We have been born of God.  

  • New Covenant Part 5 - New Commandment

    17/03/2016 Duration: 28min

    In Part 5 of our series on the New Covenant, we take a look at the laws the Spirit is writing on our hearts and minds.  Is the Spirit writing the ministry of death and condemnation on our hearts or the ministry of life and righteousness? Jesus said the Father didn't send Him to condemn or destroy men's lives but to save and minister abundant life.  There, quite simply, is no condemnation in Christ.  He is writing the law of the Spirit of life in Christ on our hearts!

  • New Covenant Part 4 - Promises, promises!

    12/03/2016 Duration: 32min

    In Part 4 of this serious on the New Covenant, we see that our Covenant with God was enacted on precious and magnificent promises!  In Christ we find that ALL of these magnificent promises are "YES".  Faith in Christ accesses the "YES" of God to all His promises.  Christ perfectly satisfied all the demands of righteousness.  He perfectly fulfilled the Law.  He perfectly satisfied every condition of every promise and set His perfect performance to our account. We enjoy His work! Christ is our Promised Land of rest, the place where all of God's promises are fulfilled.  And we enter our Promised Land of rest in Christ by faith!  Our faith finds us seated at rest with Christ!

  • New Covenant Part 3 - Melchizedek!

    10/03/2016 Duration: 30min

    In Part 3 of this series on the New Covenant, we learn about our New Covenant High Priest and a mysterious Bible character named Melchizedek.  Who in the world is this guy?  What does Mel have to do with our New Covenant?  Jesus' priesthood was foreshadowed by Mel in Genesis 14.  It's a priesthood of blessing, communion, peace and rest.

  • New Covenant Part 2 - A Matter of Life and Death

    03/03/2016 Duration: 37min

    In Part 2 of this series on the New Covenant, we look at the differences between the Old Covenant and the New.  Hebrews 8:9 says the new covenant is "not like" the old covenant.  How different is it? It's as different as life and death, righteousness and condemnation, blessing and cursing.  The New is so much better than the Old, it has made the Old obsolete.

  • New Covenant Part 1 - Life after the cross!

    25/02/2016 Duration: 26min

    In Part 1 of this series on the New Covenant, I address several key issues:  Are new covenant believers carrying our crosses to the place of death?   Or have we already been crucified with Christ and now sit at rest with Him?  Have we passed out of death and into life?  Or are we still dying or are we ALIVE?  

  • Mobbing God!

    19/02/2016 Duration: 32min

    Is God stingy or reluctant?  Do we have to pressure Him by getting a prayer mob together to force Him into acting?  Do we need to go on a spiritual hunger strike to force Him to help or heal?  Or is He simply a good, willing, generous and kind Father? What does our approach to prayer say about what we BELIEVE about Him?

  • Do you hate church?

    12/02/2016 Duration: 29min

    Do believers have to tolerate weekly beatings from the pulpit?  Do our spiritual lives have to consist of unpleasant religious chores?  How can we unload the heavy burden of shame, guilt and obligation?  How can we rescue ourselves and our families from eternal insecurity and the low-grade fever of condemnation church-life can bring?

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