Canary Cry Radio



Think Outside the Cage!


  • CCR 035: The Sound Episode

    05/11/2012 Duration: 01h29min

    Basil and Gonz discuss the miracle of the phenomenon we know as sound. Topics covered include sound design, music, cymatics, sonarluminescence, synesthesia, binaural beats and more. They also tackle sound based weapons and technology, and strange sounds in the sky heard all around the world.  LINKS AND CLIPS: Felix in Freefall: [youtube=] Nathan Johnson for […]

  • CCR 034: Fear

    26/10/2012 Duration: 01h28min

    Basil and Gonz discuss the topic of fear in light of the Halloween season. We live in a society drenched in fear. Most products, ideas, and even entertainment is driven and sold as a product of fear. The guys explore and draw from personal experiences as well as a sociological assessment of culture to address […]

  • CCR 033: Chris White Interview on Ancient Aliens Debunked

    17/10/2012 Duration: 01h26min

    ALIENS, ALIENS, ALIENS! IT WAS ALL ALIENS! OR WAS IT? Basil and Gonz are joined by the debunking guru, Chris White. In his latest debunkumentary, Ancient Aliens Debunked, Chris takes down many of the claims made by ancient astronaut theorists featured on the show Ancient Aliens on the History Channel. [youtube=] LINKS Ancient Aliens Debunked […]

  • CCR 032: Carl Teichrib Interview

    08/10/2012 Duration: 01h10min

    THE GLOBALIST AGENDA IS WELL UNDER WAY! Basil and Gonz speak to author and chief editor of Forcing Change, a monthly magazine that covers the Globalist agenda. Carl has attended several conferences and meeting where the talks of global governance has been promoted. His experiences give him a unique perspective to the realization that we […]

  • CCR 031: John Titor the Time Traveler

    28/09/2012 Duration: 01h07min

      TIME TRAVEL, THE BIBLE, AND A MAN NAMED JOHN TITOR! Basil and Gonz talk about internet conspiracy sensation in the last decade, the story of the alleged time traveler John Titor. The guys wrestle with everything from the implications if the Everett Wheeler model for a multiverse is true, to the moral implications of […]

  • CCR 030: Russ Dizdar Interview

    24/09/2012 Duration: 01h25min

    THE DARK ORDER IS RISING AND THEY CALL IT THE BACK AWAKENING! Gonz is joined by author of The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers, and the founder of Shatter The Darkness, Russ Dizdar. Russ has over 30 years of research into dark occult spirituality, satanic ritual abuse, and spiritual warfare from a […]

  • CCR 029: Derek and Sharon Gilbert Interview

    17/09/2012 Duration: 01h06min

    PEERING INTO DARKNESS IS NOT FOR THE WEAK IN FAITH! Basil and Gonz are joined by the co-hosts of PID (Peering Into Darkness) Radio, Derek and Sharon Gilbert. Topics discussed range from how the Gilberts got started into PID Radio, the theory of evolution, domionism, to what they believe will be the characteristics of the […]

  • CCR 028: Tim Kilkenny Interview

    10/09/2012 Duration: 01h10min

    MAIN STREAM MEDIA AND THE CHRISTIAN CONSPIRACY THEORIST: HOW DO WE UNDERSTAND THE NEWS? Basil and Gonz are joined by co-host of Revelations Radio News, Tim Kilkenny. The guys discuss alternative Christian media and what it means to be part of a subculture of Christians who are considered fringe conspiracy theorists. LINKS:  

  • CCR 027: Dream Engineering and Feel Good Pills

    07/09/2012 Duration: 01h02min

    TAKE THIS PILL AND FEEL GOOD FOREVER! Basil and Gonz discuss dream engineering, lucid dreaming, spiritual entities, the new age, Bioengineering Drugs, mind control and Pharmakeia. They also tackle Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984 through a quote by Neil Postman and how both social constructs exist today.   LINKS: Controlling Rat Dreams: Bioengineering Drugs: ttp:// Assassins: DISCLAIMER: The views and […]

  • CCR 026: Johnny Iron Interview

    03/09/2012 Duration: 01h16min

      WASSSSSSAAAAAP!!!! Basil and Gonz have a discussion with host of the Iron Show, Johnny Iron. The guys discuss many topics from Johnny’s experiences of coming to Yeshua, to the modern day Assyrians and what it means to the potential Antichrist. They also talk about some fringe and wild theories that can only come from […]

  • CCR 025: The Sentient World Simulation

    31/08/2012 Duration: 56min

    WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU FIND OUT YOU HAVE A VIRTUAL DOUBLE LIVING IN A GOVERNMENT HARD DRIVE? Basil and Gonz discuss a program set in motion in 2005 of a virtual world that mirrors physical reality based on the data the Department of Defense has been gathering on the people. The virtual world […]

  • CCR 024: Peter Goodgame Interview

    27/08/2012 Duration: 01h17min

    THE RESURRECTION OF THE ANTICHRIST! Basil and Gonz interviews Bible prophecy scholar and author, Peter Goodgame. They talk about his most recent article Isaiah 9:10 and the Tower of Babel as well as his new book released the day the interview took place, The Second Coming of the Antichrist. Modern Babylon, the church, and american capitalism all get […]

  • CCR 023: Cybernetics, Singularity, and Brain Computer Interface

    24/08/2012 Duration: 01h09min

    WELCOME TO THE MACHINE…FOR YOUR BRAIN! Basil and Gonz talk about technology and it’s implications to humanity. Is all technology evil? Is it against the will of God? They bring up, cybernetics, brain computer interfacing, the recent reports of a robot controlled by a brain of a rat, as well as the technological singularity. LINKS: […]

  • CCR 022: Andrew Hoffman Interview

    20/08/2012 Duration: 01h21min

    EUGENICS NEVER WENT AWAY IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER! Basil and Gonz have a discussion with the author of New World Order and the Eugenics Wars: A Christian Perspective, and co-host of Revelations Radio News, Andrew Hoffman. They answer the question “What is eugenics?” and discuss the various tentacles it has in our culture and […]

  • CCR 021: Mars Conspiracy and Bible Curiosity

    18/08/2012 Duration: 01h31min

    THE RED PLANET IS THE SOURCE OF MANY MYSTERIES AND SPECULATIONS! Basil and Gonz discuss these various speculative topics about the planet Mars. They first bring up the alleged experiences of a whistleblower by the name of Andrew Basiago. While his claims are wild, it is interesting to speculate the possible realities of his testimony. […]

  • CCR 020: William Ramsey Interview

    13/08/2012 Duration: 01h02min

    DO AS THOU WILT SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW, ACCORDING TO ONE, ALEISTER CROWLEY! Basil and Gonz talk to author, scholar, and researcher William Ramsey about the life and influence of Aleister Crowley. Crowley was an occultist who declared his worship for Satan. But his influence has rippled throughout the decades since he […]

  • CCR 019: Cris Putnam Interview

    10/08/2012 Duration: 01h15min

    THE FINAL POPE IS HERE! Basil and Gonz interview apologist, author and scholar who runs the Logos Apologia website, Cris Putnam. Cris discuses his latest work with Tom Horn on the book Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here. Some 800 years ago, St. Malachy wrote down in a sudden inspiration, all the Popes that Rome […]

  • CCR 018: Olympic Opening Ceremonies and Bolivian Coca Cola Lockout

    07/08/2012 Duration: 01h06min

    ILLUMINATI SYMBOLS AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES! Basil and Gonz talk about the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games and its many symbolic gestures. They then discuss the lock out of Coca Cola in the country of Bolivia using the concept of a “new beginnings” on December 21, 2012. LINKS Symbols of the Olympic Games: Face […]

  • CCR 017: Rob Skiba Interview (Part Two)

    31/07/2012 Duration: 01h12min

    WE LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERI-OCCULT! Basil and Gonz continue the conversation with author, researcher, and film maker, Rob Skiba. The guys get into some of the symbolism found in our nations capitol as well as the topic of Biblical truth and what we find in Scripture that we don’t in church. Check out […]

  • CCR 016: Rob Skiba Interview (Part One)

    25/07/2012 Duration: 01h01min

    ARE THE NEPHILIM RISING AGAIN? Basil and Gonz have a special guest: Author, Researcher, Film Maker, Rob Skiba. They start the conversation talking about the recent massacre in Aurora Colorado of the shooter James Holmes in the premiere of Dark Knight Rises. They then get into some of the material Rob Skiba has researched. This one […]

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