Canary Cry Radio



Think Outside the Cage!


  • CCR 110: The Geocentric Principle with Rick DeLano


    ARE YOU AND I INSIGNIFICANT PRODUCTS OF TIME + MATTER + CHANCE IN THIS EVER EXPANDING UNIVERSE? Are we just meaningless flesh bags in a world that cares not about human purpose or destiny? Is the future miserable? Or are these ideas a product of bad theories built on faulty premises that ignore the raw […]

  • CCNT *Special* “Paranoid Fringe-Type” Part 2 – 8.31.2016

    31/08/2016 Duration: 30min

    THIS WILL BE THE LAST SPECIAL POST ON THIS FEED. Please make sure to visit iTunes to subscribe to the Canary Cry News Talk Feed! Part 2 of the Paranoid Fringe-type talk of the “Christian terrorist.” LINK

  • CCNT *Special* “Paranoid Fringe-Type” Part 1 – 8.29.2016

    31/08/2016 Duration: 29min

    HERE’S THE SECOND EPISODE of Canary Cry News Talk. Make sure to visit iTunes to subscribe to the Canary Cry News Talk Feed! A “Christian Terrorist” is indicted LINK

  • CCR *Special* : Canary Cry News Talk “Quantum Lochte” – 8.22.2016

    24/08/2016 Duration: 32min

    CANARY CRY NEWS TALK is a show that brings frequent updates on news and events happening around the world from an Alt. Christian worldview. Through the CANARY CRY RADIO podcast, we’ve explored many fringe and alternative topics through the lens of Scripture. We’ve found that Bible Prophecy, and thus the Gospel,  has tremendous explanatory power […]

  • CCR 109: New World Order Theory for Students with Dr. Darrell Hamamoto


    WHAT IS THE ROLE OF ASIAN NATIONS IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER? According to UC Davis Professor Dr. Darrell Hamamoto, it’s the same ole’ same ole’. Familiar agenda’s from the Jesuit run Vatican, the corrupt governments on the modern nation state of Israel and the U.S., and the globalists who aim to rule all of society […]

  • CCR 108: Quantum Computers & Mandela Portals with Anthony Patch


    EVER HEARD OF D-WAVE SYSTEMS? It’s the worlds largest Quantum Computer company with machines that have been sold to the likes of CERN, Google, NASA, Lockheed Martin, and Los Alamos National Laboratory. Their Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Geordie Rose, stated in a public presentation that the quantum machines had a sound that resembles a heartbeat. He went on […]

  • CCR 107: The 4th Watch with Justen Faull


    WHERE IS THE CHURCH IN MODERN CULTURE? According to Justen Faull, film director and host of The Fourth Watch radio program, not where it ought to be. As the world continues to “unite” under faulty premises, it appears we are seeing the marginalization of the Christian church, and an infiltration of mysticism and new age […]

  • CCR 106: The Dragon King with Brian Godawa


    WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF THE DRAGON? The Bible describes the Dragon as Satan, the serpent, the nefarious rebel and adversary who has his own interest in mind at the expense of mankind. Meanwhile, in the ancient far east, the dragon has been a symbol of authority, royalty and class for a millennia. How might […]

  • CCR 105: The Babylon Code with Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson


    IS THERE A CODE IN THE BIBLE ONLY MEANT TO BE UNDERSTOOD IN THE END TIMES? According to Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson, authors of the book ‘The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End-Times Mystery,’ there certainly is. The characteristics of the culture in ancient times as recorded during the building of the Tower […]

  • FLYBY: Canarians on Parade!


    WHY DO BASIL AND GONZ PODCAST? It’s because of YOU! In this FLYBY Basil and Gonz just hang out and talk about a bunch of random things, not the least of which, of how grateful they are for the Canary Cry Radio audience. In fact, they are so grateful, that Basil breaks out into song […]

  • CCR 104: Trilateral Technocrats with Patrick Wood


    WHO IS REALLY IN CONTROL OF THE GLOBAL INSTITUTIONS? According to seasoned researcher and author Patrick Wood, it is the Trilateral Commission. Created in 1973 by private citizens of Japan, members of the European Union, and North America, the Trilateral Commission set out to establish standards for industrialization and globalization by suggesting cooperation and integration […]

  • CCR 103: Black Goo with Nicholson1968


    WHAT IS PROGRAMMABLE MATTER? According to Nicholson1968, it is the next phase in the evolutionary development of technology and science, specifically in the realm of Artificial Intelligence. Soon, scientists will be able to create via biological engineering and nanotechnology, a substance, most likely in the form of some sort of Goo, that will be malleable, […]

  • CCR 102: Alien Hybrids Among Us with Dr. David Jacobs

    12/02/2016 Duration: 02h11min

    DO ALIEN HYBRIDS WALK AMONG US TODAY? Despite the mountains of data and evidence piling up from folks like author and historian Dr. David Jacobs, the subject matter of UFOs and Alien Abductions remain off limits for the “credible” intellectual community. Nevertheless, the stories and testimonies recorded by Dr. Jacobs reveal a dark and disturbing […]

  • CCR 101: Middle-earth with Dr. Mike Heiser

    21/01/2016 Duration: 01h40min

      WHAT DOES MIDDLE-EARTH & GANDALF HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH CHRISTIANITY AND DR. MIKE HEISER? Why does Basil think he’s Legolas? And why does Basil think Gonz is Gimli? So many questions. Only one answer. Episode 101. If you identify yourself as a “Christian,” you might want to grab a warm cup of Joe, […]

  • CCR 100: Basil and Gonz’ Excellent Adventure

    31/12/2015 Duration: 06h50min

    EPIC! LEGENDARY! HEROIC! DARING! 100! Welcome to Basil and Gonz’ EXCELLENT ADVENTURE! Time and space limit the ability for humanity to travel great distances in creation faster than the speed of light. But in this episode, the laws of physics are broken, and the impossible becomes possible! For many years, Basil, the whimsical co-host of […]

  • CCR 099: Nephilim Vampires, Werewolves and More with Dr. Judd Burton

    23/10/2015 Duration: 01h57min

    The story of Nephilim, giants who roamed the earth, is a past not recognized as true history in the ivory towers of academia. Yet, our culture is drenched with stories and statues of strange mythological characters, from 400 foot titans, to hybrid beings, to gods who ruled over the humans. Even today, our pop culture […]

  • FLYBY: Nine Twenty Three and Me

    24/09/2015 Duration: 57min

    THE WORLD HAS ENDED! OR NOT! At least according to you reading it. September 23rd, or Nine Twenty Three was supposed to be, according to some, a day when the rapture of the church was supposed to happen. According to others, it was supposed to be the end of the world! But alas, nothing of […]

  • CCR 098: True Legends with Tim Alberino

    06/09/2015 Duration: 02h16min

    CONSTRUCTING THE PAST IN ORDER TO CONTROL THE FUTURE. That is what the nefarious elite of the world have been doing since antiquity. We have been taught in our history and science classes, that mankind is the only civilized species to ever walk the earth. Yet, the Bible, and many other ancient cultures, tell a […]

  • CCR 097: Forbidden Secrets of the Labyrinth with Mark Flynn

    07/08/2015 Duration: 01h41min

    THE POWERS OF SYMBOLS have been at the heart of the occult hierarchy for centuries. Hidden meanings embedded within this sacred language have been passed down through each generation of initiates, getting buried deeper and deeper under the layers of history, mythology, and philosophy. The attempt to uncover the gems of truth forged deep within […]

  • FLYBY: Everyone Shill Out!

    31/07/2015 Duration: 54min

    HERETIC! SHILL! LIAR! DECEIVER! GNOSTIC SCUM! These are just some in the plethora of labels that are thrown around in the realm of fringe Christianity. And we’re here to say “EVERYONE, SHILL OUT!” The online space has become a cesspool of division, quarrels, and “discernment ministry” soap boxers, who claim to be edifying the church, […]

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