Southside Community Church - Milton



Audio recordings from services at Southside Church in Milton, Ontario.Our vision is to welcome the arrival of God's Future in our Present.Our mission is to help families to experience the reality of God's Kingdom in their lives.


  • "The Stories He Told!" - Who loves most?

    20/06/2018 Duration: 29min

    Speaker: Ian Campbell June 17, 2018 "The Stories He told!" Jesus' main communication style was storytelling. The great truths he wanted us to understand were wrapped in story, sometimes delighting, sometimes baffling, but always capturing the attention and imagination of his audience. Just as we saw that John picked out Jesus' "I am.." statements so we see that Luke was particularly interested in Jesus' stories. He actually recorded 19 that are unique to him which we will ponder over the summer months. What was the individual and collective meaning of these tales? Luke 7.41-43 In a family we sometimes engage in the fun debate of "who loves you most?" back and forth. Here is a simple story in which Jesus asks the "who loves most?" question.

  • Meeting Jesus again, for the first time - "I am the way, the truth and the life"

    14/06/2018 Duration: 45min

    Speaker: Ian Campbell June 10 2018 Meeting Jesus again, for the first time How would you introduce yourself with the words "My name is.. I am.."? Jesus introduced himself using nine different ideas. His good friend John remembered these and tells us how and when Jesus spoke about them. As we begin to dig deep into the eyewitness stories about the life of Jesus this may be a good way for us to begin to meet Jesus again, for the first time. John 14.6 "I am the way, the truth and the life" As we conclude our study on the ways that Jesus identified himself as John has recorded his statements we will look at the classic passage in John chapter 14 in which Jesus makes a sweeping claim about his identity and purpose.

  • Meeting Jesus for the first time - Who do people say I am?

    30/05/2018 Duration: 44min

    Speaker: Mike Burns Sunday, May 27 2018 For the last several weeks we have been looking at some of the great “I am” statements of Jesus. As I’ve reflected on these self-declarations, I’ve been reminded that each and every person must at some point answer the question that Jesus first asked Simon Peter: Who do you say I am? This is the single greatest question that everyone must answer! There is a problem though: Many people genuinely do not know who Jesus is and therefore cannot answer this question. They do, however, know us and our lives need to reflect our great I AM. This Sunday we will intentionally pause, reflect on the “I am” statements of Jesus, and then ask ourselves an honest question: Who do people say I am?

  • Meeting Jesus again, for the first time -"I am the first and the last, and the living one."

    23/05/2018 Duration: 32min

    Speaker: Ian Campbell Sunday, May 20 2018 Meeting Jesus again, for the first time How would you introduce yourself with the words "My name is.. I am.."? Jesus introduced himself using nine different ideas. His good friend John remembered these and tells us how and when Jesus spoke about them. As we begin to dig deep into the eyewitness stories about the life of Jesus this may be a good way for us to begin to meet Jesus again, for the first time. "I am the first and the last, and the living one." Rev 1.18 John heard Jesus make statements about his identity in a new way when he had a vision of the risen Jesus while he was an exile on the prisoner island of Patmos. Now we see a very full caricature of Jesus as we are transported with John into a heavenly setting. This great statement gives full meaning to Jesus' claims that he is the "I am" and the "resurrection and the life."

  • Church...The Southside Way - the Hexagon

    14/03/2018 Duration: 44min

    Speaker: Ian Campbell As we enter 2018 we do so with great excitement looking forward to a move to Main Street. In a different setting with different surroundings, different facilities and many different opportunities some of us will feel tremendously empowered and some will feel quite daunted! For all of us there needs to be a grounding in our understanding of who we are as a church and a movement. So we will spend the last teaching series here on Derry to be reminded of our calling as a church as we review and embed our vision, mission and discipleship values. Each aspect of the Lord's Prayer is full of meaning and direction for us as we learn to pray from Jesus' model for us. But sometimes the most challenging part to pray is "forgive us our sins as we have forgiven those who sin against us." Forgiveness is a huge challenge in our lives and world. What is the Biblical teaching on this important topic?

  • Church...the Southside way - The Pentagon2

    25/02/2018 Duration: 01h10min

    Speaker: Ian Campbell. As we enter 2018 we do so with great excitement looking forward to a move to Main Street. In a different setting with different surroundings, different facilities and many different opportunities some of us will feel tremendously empowered and some will feel quite daunted! For all of us there needs to be a grounding in our understanding of who we are as a church and a movement. So we will spend the last teaching series here on Derry to be reminded of our calling as a church as we review and embed our vision, mission and discipleship values.The result of our knowing and using our God given "trade" is that the whole body works together and grows up. Do we each understand our contribution and how is the body growing or perhaps not growing because of our participation?

  • Church...the Southside way - The Pentagon

    11/02/2018 Duration: 01h15min

    Speaker: Ian Campbell. As we enter 2018 we do so with great excitement looking forward to a move to Main Street. In a different setting with different surroundings, different facilities and many different opportunities some of us will feel tremendously empowered and some will feel quite daunted! For all of us there needs to be a grounding in our understanding of who we are as a church and a movement. So we will spend the last teaching series here on Derry to be reminded of our calling as a church as we review and embed our vision, mission and discipleship values.Each of us has been given a particular "trade" by which we engage in building God's kingdom on earth. Knowing our particular orientation is tremendously valuable in finding our place and purpose in life. The Apostle Paul sets out these five trades in his teaching to the early church at Ephesus.

  • Our Father

    11/03/2012 Duration: 54min

    Speaker: Ian Campbell The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in Heaven May Your Name be kept holy; May Your Kingdom come soon; May Your will be done on earth As it is in Heaven; Give us today the food we need; Forgive us our sins As we have forgiven those who sin against us; Don’t let us yield to temptation, But rescue us from the evil one; The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory Belong to You for ever. Amen Often someone will ask me if we can pray the "Our Father". This gives away the person's Catholic religious background, and sometimes is the only leftover of faith in the person's adult life. While others might call the prayer "the Lord's Prayer" the other title is not at all inappropriate, because it is precisely the way Jesus began the prayer and it is certainly at the heart of the power of the prayer. So indeed, let us pray the "Our Father" as we begin our Lenten meditation in this teaching of our Lord about prayer.

  • Jesus Our Coming King

    18/12/2011 Duration: 35min

    Speaker: Ian Campbell Scripture Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1-6 Today, we continue the Advent teaching series based on the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) distinctive. The logo of the C&MA represents the concept of the Fourfold Gospel, the core theme of the teaching of our founder A.B. Simpson. He believed that the church in his day was not experiencing the fullness of what Christ has done for us, and referred to a "half salvation". His idea was that as we fix our attention and life on Christ as Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King we will find ourselves entering greater levels of joy and blessing. Our Advent teaching has explored these powerful aspects of the life and provision of Christ as celebrate His first coming and long towards His second. Jesus is our Coming King. Advent is our season of expectation, the season of longing for our King to come. We live as "in-between" people, between the first and second comings of our King Jesus. And we live as "in-between" people, between the Kingdom w

  • Christ Our Healer

    11/12/2011 Duration: 01h03min

    Speaker: Mike Burns. Today, we continue the Advent teaching series based on the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) distinctive. The logo of the C&MA represents the concept of the Fourfold Gospel, the core theme of the teaching of our founder A.B. Simpson. He believed that the church in his day was not experiencing the fullness of what Christ has done for us, and referred to a "half salvation". His idea was that as we fix our attention and life on Christ as Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King we will find ourselves entering greater levels of joy and blessing. Our Advent teaching will explore these powerful aspects of the life and provision of Christ as celebrate His first coming and long towards His second. Healing: For some, just the word raises strong emotion. And for many, if not most, the topic of healing raises more questions than it does answers. Does healing really exist today? If it does, why doesn’t God heal people more often? Is it just a matter of faith or getting enough peo

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