At Mandarin Baptist Church, we are loving people to transformational life in Christ as we go.
Dwelling Place [1 Corinthians 1:18-31] | Mark Seagle | Oct. 31, 2021
01/11/2021 Duration: 37minHow do we orient our lives around the living Christ and define our identity in who we are in Him? Jesus is wisdom from God for us. The only thing we can boast in, is in the Lord.
Dwelling Place [1 Corinthians 1:10-17] | Mark Seagle | Oct. 24, 2021
01/11/2021 Duration: 35minThe church is a community of Jesus-followers who are becoming perfectly one. We should be asking ourselves if we are surrounded by a group of people who are orienting their life toward the things of Christ and living that out in this world. The story upon which we take our stand; by which we are being saved; of which we hold fast, is the story of Jesus crucified, Jesus resurrected. Nothing and no one else.
Dwelling Place [1 Corinthians 1:1-9] | Mark Seagle | Oct. 17, 2021
18/10/2021 Duration: 36minAs we begin this journey through the first letter to the Corinthian church, we see Paul approaching this church with love rather than pointed fingers. Eventually he will address their struggles, inward fighting, and sinful lifestyles but something to take note of is how he is calling out what's within them, and how God sees them. Like Christ does with us, he sees past our sin and guilt, and brings us out of where we are found. We too, have a calling to speak the future into the present, based upon your confidence in the gospel of Jesus Christ and His commitment to confirm the works of His hand. May we grow in confidence of this calling and see the confirming work of His hand.
Word Remains Forever | Dwelling Place Intro | Mark Seagle | Oct 10, 2021
12/10/2021 Duration: 21minThere is a beautiful letter to the Church at Corinth written by Paul. We see as we read, that he loves the people who make up this church and longs that they live with Christ as their center. As those that he loves stumble and struggle on this journey called life, they find themselves surrounded by an abundance of struggles, many by their own poor choice in path taken. Paul does what a loving leader always does, he comes to them with open arms, not pointed fingers. He invites them into the heart of the gospel. He elevates Jesus as the central figure in this unfolding story. And, he invites them to a life abounding in the gospel. This letter is a journey of the spiritual work among spiritual people in the midst of a beautiful mess. Let’s venture in to the love of God in Christ for His people.
Do You See The Church | Gentle & Lowly [Week 4] | JimBo Stewart | Sept. 26, 2021
27/09/2021 Duration: 32minOne of the many tragedies of sin is the fractured friendship between God and man. But the beauty of the Gospel message is Jesus steps into our mess and is Himself the way for true and real friendship with God. He then invites us into His work of reconciliation, ministering to the broken world around us.
So Much More | Gentle & Lowly [Week 3] | Mark Seagle | Sept. 19, 2021
20/09/2021 Duration: 29minThe picture we see of Jesus is one whose love for his people causes him to run toward the broken, desperate, sin-stained, guilty. He steps into the darkness and says there is so much more I have in store for you. Dane Ortlund said, "The intercession of Christ is his heart connecting our hearts to the Father's heart."
Who You're Talking To | Gentle & Lowly [Week 2] | Mark Seagle | Sept. 12, 2021
13/09/2021 Duration: 31minDane Ortlund said "It's impossible for the affectionate heart of Christ to be over celebrated, made too much of, exaggerated. It cannot be plumbed. But, we should surely give great effort." When you look at the life of Christ, you will see the way He lives truly proves His heart. His heart, is one full of compassion that moves toward the ones in need. Do you know who you're talking to?
Who Do You Say I Am | Gentle & Lowly [Week 1] | Mark Seagle | Sept. 5, 2021
08/09/2021 Duration: 34minIn Matthew chapter 11, Jesus gives us a glimpse of his heart as he calls himself 'gentle and lowly'. Unfortunately people often overlook the very heart of Christ as they emphasize other characteristics. But this is who HE says he is. The next question we need to ask ourselves, is 'who do we say that he is'. When we answer that question correctly, we will be able to look over our lives and see his hand, and his heart moving toward us constantly.
Open My Eyes, Lord | Psalm 119 | Mark Seagle | July 11, 2021
23/08/2021 Duration: 32minDo you wonder about what God has already completed in your current circumstance that we don't yet see? We shall anchor our souls in truths of God. Let us put what we do know about God above what we do not know about the days ahead.
Paves The Way | Psalm 119 | Mark Seagle | July 25, 2021
23/08/2021 Duration: 30minGod allows us to go to places where the weight of desperation presses against our hearts. God is drawing each of us back into the center of what is on His mind and His heart. Perhaps, we are those who breathe life into weary and dry souls. We have experienced hopelessness and doubt so that we will speak life into those He brings us who are experiencing the same things. We are witnesses to the redemptive work of the gospel. He whispered life into our soul, so that we may do the same for others.
Even Though, I Will | Psalm 119 | Mark Seagle | Aug 15, 2021
16/08/2021 Duration: 38minAs followers of Christ in this world we should find our delight in His Word, and our faith should be emboldened. We cannot determine our circumstances, but whatever we face we are imprisoned to hope. The only thing we have to do to drift is nothing!
Know, Truth, Free | Cecil Seagle | July 4, 2021
06/07/2021 Duration: 32minMany things fight to control our lives such as custom, culture, country; but let it be truth that rules our lives. Truth is not confined solely to profound words written on fine parchment by ancient scribes, but it is bound up in a person, the Lord Jesus Christ. You might go to church, be familiar with scripture and stories, but have you have a personal, life changing encounter with the Truth of God?
Delight In The Word | Psalm 119 [Week 2] | Matt Dobson | June 27, 2021
01/07/2021 Duration: 34minOur actions and thought pattens reveal where our hearts are. We must be anchored in truth that is bigger than you. If we delight in the word of God, it will consume all that we are.
Drifting or Achored | Psalm 119 [Week 1] | Mark Seagle | June 20, 2021
01/07/2021 Duration: 32minThe only thing that you have to do to drift, is nothing. In life we must be anchored to something bigger than ourselves, and sturdy in its foundation. What are you anchored to?
A Patient Family | Our Redemptive Family [Week 7] | Mark Seagle | May 30, 2021
14/06/2021 Duration: 30min -
A Protective Family | Our Redemptive Family [Week 8] | Mark Seagle | June 6, 2021
14/06/2021 Duration: 37min -
I Will Do This Again | Our Redemptive Family [Week 9] | Mark Seagle | June 13, 2021
14/06/2021 Duration: 27min -
An Encouraging Family | Our Redemptive Family [Week 6] | Mark Seagle | May 23, 2021
24/05/2021 Duration: 33minMore than anything else, God uses people to heal people. We have the opportunity and responsibility to be that voice of love, healing, and encouragement in peoples lives. There is never a time when encouragement isn't needed.Our Redemptive Family (6)Colossians 1.3-14There is never a time when encouragement isn’t needed.Take in Colossians 1.3-14. What do you learn about encouragement from Paul? Encouragement speaks life; gives hope; shares truth and assures that one is known and loved.Get creative and list as many ways that can encourage someone.Pray for God to give you an open mind and heart toward speaking life (encouragement)DO IT! Write the text; make the call; send the note; start the car… Speak and give life!There is never a time when encouragement isn’t needed.Who has carried you to a deeper place in Jesus? Probably, there are quite a few people who have helped you along the way.Take the initiative to contact them and thank them for their encouragement.Tell them how God used them in your life.A
A Generous Family | Our Redemptive Family [Week 5] | Rick Wheeler | May 16, 2021
17/05/2021 Duration: 34minA generous faith family gives regardless of their circumstances. They give from their hearts because God gave first. We should be eager to give, especially when we see Christ glorified, and His Kingdom advancing all around us.Our Redemptive Family (5)2 Corinthians 8:1-9 1.How has God shown generosity to our family? 2. Why did Paul point to the Macedonian church as an example for other to follow? 3. Why is it so important that we give back to God through the local church? 4. Finances and money are mentioned over 800 times in the Bible and 11 or the 39 parables of Jesus focused on money? Why do you think Jesus talked so much about our finances? 5. What would a next step of faith and obedience look like as we respond to the gospel through generosity?
A Forgiving Family | Our Redemptive Family [Week 4] | Mark Seagle | May 9, 2021
10/05/2021 Duration: 30minWithout confession, there is no culture of forgiveness; Without forgiveness, there is no confession. We know that there is nothing that can be known, revealed, exposed or confessed that has not already been covered by the life, sacrifice and victory of Jesus. As the body of Christ, we should be freely guiding others into the grace in kindness of Jesus.Our Redemptive Family (4)Ephesians 4.32; Romans 14.1; Romans 15.7Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ Jesus. - Ephesians 4.32* Without confession, there is no culture of forgiveness. Without forgiveness, there is no confession.* Based on the Scriptures listed above, respond to the above statements. * Why are they important within the faith family?* What makes up a culture of a confessional and a forgiving church?* How could this shape the faith family? The community around us? * A confessional community is a forgiving community. A forgiving community is a confessional community. * Read the verses