Mandarin Baptist Church

A Forgiving Family | Our Redemptive Family [Week 4] | Mark Seagle | May 9, 2021



Without confession, there is no culture of forgiveness; Without forgiveness, there is no confession. We know that there is nothing that can be known, revealed, exposed or confessed that has not already been covered by the life, sacrifice and victory of Jesus. As the body of Christ, we should be freely guiding others into the grace in kindness of Jesus.Our Redemptive Family (4)Ephesians 4.32; Romans 14.1; Romans 15.7Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ Jesus. - Ephesians 4.32* Without confession, there is no culture of forgiveness. Without forgiveness, there is no confession.* Based on the Scriptures listed above, respond to the above statements. * Why are they important within the faith family?* What makes up a culture of a confessional and a forgiving church?* How could this shape the faith family? The community around us? * A confessional community is a forgiving community. A forgiving community is a confessional community. * Read the verses