Mandarin Baptist Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 229:49:16
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At Mandarin Baptist Church, we are loving people to transformational life in Christ as we go.


  • A Transparent Family | Our Redemptive Family [Week 3] | Matt Dobson | May 2, 2021

    03/05/2021 Duration: 27min

    Our Faith family must pursue honesty before God and one another to live out all that God has intended. A redemptive community must recognize their desperate need for God, and has a deep level of honesty & vulnerability. We will find power, comfort, and grace in honesty before God and one another.Our Redemptive Family (3)Honesty and TransparencyJames 5:13-161. Take a look at the research from BARNA What surprises you? What challenges you? 2. Why is it hard to be vulnerable/transparent with others? What is stopping you? What do you think you would benefit by having a couple close relationships where you could be fully transparent? 3. What stops us from living out James 5:13-16? 4. What do you think outsiders would think if they walked into our small groups or worship gathering and saw the honesty and vulnerability from James 5:13-16? How would that help the gospel flourishing? 5. Transparency before others starts with being transparent before God.

  • A Nurturing Family | Our Redemptive Family [Week 2] | Mark Seagle | April 25, 2021

    27/04/2021 Duration: 34min

    We were never intended to walk this rough journey alone. We all need nurturing people to come around us, and walk with us. Our gatherings are with the intent to stir Gospel confidence, mutuality in submission to one another, and a commitment to one another.A Redemptive Family is NurturingLet us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering… This passage captures why our faith family needs to be nurtured; what needs to be nurtured within us and how this nurturing takes place. Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have boldness to enter the sanctuary through the blood of Jesus — he has inaugurated for us a new and living way through the curtain (that is, through his flesh ) — and since we have a great high priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in pure water. Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, since he who promised is faithful. And let us co

  • No Greater Wonder | Our Redemptive Family [Week 1] | Mark Seagle | April 18, 2021

    20/04/2021 Duration: 36min

    If the church is God's people, then we should be where the world looks to for peace, love, comfort, wholeness, and healing. We should mirror the very character of Jesus to those who are part of the body, but also to those all around us. The true image of the church should create wonder for what has been done in the past, provide hope, possibility, and purpose in the present, and cast our imagination toward God's intended future.Our Redemptive Family [1]Scripture: Ephesians 2.7; Ephesians 4.1-3There is no greater wonder on earth than to be a a part of God’s church!* Ephesians 2.7 teaches that we are the image of God’s riches in kindness. Even more, we put this truth on display to those around us; throughout the heavens; and into the ages to come.  This is quite incredible wonder that is beheld among us. Since this is true, what are we putting on display as the Mandarin family?  Talk with friends and family about what you sense that we are known for as a faith family.  * What do you hope for us as we

  • Jesus Forevermore | Who He Is [Week 5] | Mark Seagle | April 11, 2021

    12/04/2021 Duration: 35min

    We will always see the goodness and kindness of Jesus in the midst of sinners and sufferers. We should not only call Him good when we are feeling the good; we should call Him good even in the unknown. We will be experiencing the grace and goodness of God for all of eternity, and we will never see the end of His love toward us.Who He Is… Jesus Forevermore! (Easter 2021 with our Mandarin Family)Scripture: Ephesians 2.4-7Jesus, who is rich in mercy and lavish in love, he seats us in the heavens that he might display the immeasurable riches of his grace through his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. - Ephesians 2.7The opening lines of this song speak life and hope.  Come out of hiding… take a moment and find rest in this worship: * You and I are made alive in Christ that he might lavish us in his immeasurable grace. Because his grace is immeasurable and on display, your failures and flaws can never outstrip his grace in kindness. How does this bring freedom for your soul?

  • Rich In Mercy | Who He Is [Week 4] | Mark Seagle | April 4, 2021

    05/04/2021 Duration: 31min

    We are more than sinful, we were completely dead in our sin and transgressions. Jesus, not only gives us life, He gives us new mercy every single day. We are all covered in sin, guilt, and shame, but His mercy is so much more. He is rich in mercy, and He lavishes His love on us. That is who this Jesus is.WHO HE IS…. JESUS!  (4) Easter at MandarinScripture: Ephesians 2.4; Ephesians 2.1-6; John 21.1-19Jesus turns graves into gardens. He is rich in mercy and lavishes us in His love.Take a moment and find rest in this song: But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love that he had for us, made us alive with Christ.… - Ephesians 2.4* How should you respond to God, who is rich in mercy and lavish in love?  * When have you experienced God turning a grave (pain; sorrow; betrayal; sin; shame; hurt) into a garden? Is that needed today... now…at this time?  Meet Him in His mercy and through His lavish love.* Spend a few moments and move upstream from verse 4 and tak

  • The Joy Before Him | Who He Is [Week 3] | Mark Seagle | Mar. 28, 2021

    29/03/2021 Duration: 35min

    Why do we so often run or hide because of our sin and shame? We should come out of the hiding to experience the Heart of Christ towards us. The joy of Christ is being made complete as His people come to Him to be made whole. He rejoices in seeing His people forgiven, made whole, new, and complete.

  • Compassion & Love | Who He Is [Week 2] | Matt Dobson | Mar. 21, 2021

    22/03/2021 Duration: 35min

    Jesus showed us that  following God is more important than the rules the the religious people enforced. Looking at His life here on earth, it was defined by compassion, love, grace and mercy. The compassion of Christ defines His heart, and should shape our lives. True compassion doesn't stand still, but moves towards action.Who He Is [Week 2]Matthew 9:35-39If Jesus is known for compassion… what are we known for? What is the church known for? How are we as Christ followers showing compassion? How could we do better? Where would Jesus be today? Where should you be today? Share a ministry opportunity you’ve had the that opened your eyes to the great spiritual needs around you. How might you pursue such opportunities in the near future? Do the massive spiritual needs of the world compel you to action or make you feel helpless? How might Jesus call to pray in vs 9:38 impact your reaction? How would you describe your attitude toward unbelieving coworkers and neighbors? What factors keep you from feeling compas

  • Rest For The Weary | Who He Is [Week 1] | Mark Seagle | Mar. 14, 2021

    15/03/2021 Duration: 22min

    Who He Is….The Heart of Jesus (1) Easter 2021Matthew 11.28-30The heart is the central animating feature of all that we are and all that we do.  Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take up my yoke and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” - Matthew 11:28-30 (CSB)* The one thing that we are to do, as His people is found in the first three words of the scripture.  #1 - Come to me#2 - Repeat #1What do you think of when you hear the name Jesus?  Do you know Him as loving. open. welcoming. kind. understanding. compassionate? His heart for you is gentle and humble. In what ways can you continuously ‘come to Jesus’?* The qualifying attribute of a person that is to come to him is to be weary and to be burdened. The minimum bar to be enfolded into the embrace and care of Jesus is to open yourself to Him. Spend some time in communion with your savior, taking steps of vulnerability

  • Unity of Us | The Prayer [Week 5 | Mark Seagle | Mar. 7, 2021

    08/03/2021 Duration: 36min

    The church is known for many things right now, but over all things, the church should be known for love. We should reflect the perfect love of God, as Jesus brought us into the 'Us-ness' of the Trinity. According to scripture, we are one church, one body of Christ, one movement, one 'Us'. This is what Jesus was praying for in John 17.The Prayer of Jesus (5)John 17.20-23May they all be ONE…. - Jesus in John 17* US greater than ME!  Jesus is praying for US!  Spend some time reading and talking about John 17.20-23 and the Power of Us.   - Based on this prayer, why is US so important to Jesus?  - How would you need to think differently for US to be greater than you?  - How might the Power of US shape and transform our faith family?- Read Acts 2.42-47 and Acts 4.32-35 and describe what you see as an US in His church. * The Gospel greater than when WE are an US- Read Jesus’ prayer and journal what He seems to be praying about the impact of US on our homes… our family… our neighbors... our city…

  • Rest In His Word Most | The Prayer [Week 4] | Mark Seagle | Feb. 28, 2021

    01/03/2021 Duration: 36min

    Are we too busy living FOR Jesus, when we really need to live FROM Him? Our lives, as followers of Jesus, should be lived out of the overflow of His presence, and His truth. Perhaps the greatest thing that He will ever show us is Himself. We are transformed by His word, and now we live as His representatives in this world.The Prayer of Jesus (4)John 17.13-19Those who hear God’s voice best are people who know His word most. - Louie Giglio* May we experience and enter in to Jesus' joyous delight, so that it is fulfilled and overflows. -John 17.13.  Often, we are so busy living FOR Jesus, when we are truly invited to live FROM Him.  What is the difference? Explore ways that you might live from the overflow… life from Jesus?  Share these ideas with a few people. * We are made holy by His truth. Your word is truth. -John 17.19, 17   Those who hear God’s voice best are people who know His word most. We become a living ‘quiet time’  Since it is true that we become who we behold, how can you be intentional about

  • Make It Matter | DNOW Weekend | Matt Dobson | Feb. 14, 2021

    23/02/2021 Duration: 26min

    DNOW MAKE IT MATTER Acts 7Take a moment to read through Acts 7. What are some things that surprise you? What is something you take away from this scripture? How are you actively apart of His story right now? If you are not engaging in God’s story right now, what needs to change? What is holding you back from living on mission? Has there ever been a moment where you didn’t listen to a prompting of the Holy Spirit? What might be God leading you towards right now? Stephen had no clue how his step of obedience would impact the kingdom of Christ. The gospel scattering to the nations. The conversion of Saul to Paul and the flourishing of the church. What circumstances do you think God could be using now to impact the Kingdom of God? In what ways do you hope God will use your life? If you are doing this with another person would you pray for three things over them.1) That they would engage in God’s story.2) They would be sensitive to the Spirit and God at work in our lives.3) They would have a life of eternal impact

  • I Won | The Prayer [Week 3] | Mark Seagle | Feb. 21, 2021

    23/02/2021 Duration: 37min

    We are on the winning side of eternity, yet have done nothing to contribute to that victory. It is entirely based upon Gods work of salvation. His prayer is not that we try harder, or do better, but that we fully trust in what He accomplished for us, and how He is continually working in us even now. If we are deeply convinced of this gospel of Jesus, it will unite us under His name.The Prayer of Jesus (3)John 17.9-12Jesus is praying for you.  *Consider this quote: ‘preach the gospel to yourself every day throughout the day’.  What could it mean to speak the truth of your position in Christ daily?  In what ways is it liberating to know that Christ has completed all that you need in Him and that your role is to seek and to believe?  * John wrote that, 'They are convinced that I have come from your presence, and they have fully believed that you sent me to represent you'. - John 17.8   What do you believe about Jesus that convinces others of His grace and goodness? How has your convictions shaped your

  • They Have Believed | The Prayer [Week 2] | Mark Seagle | Feb. 7, 2021

    08/02/2021 Duration: 35min

    The prayer of Jesus is His heart connecting our heart with the Father's heart. Nothing at all can separate us from the love of God, as Jesus is constantly and passionately moving toward us, working in us, and interceding for us. Jesus' rescue and salvation reaches all the way into the darkest crevices of our souls.John 17.6-8Father, I have manifested who you really are and I have revealed you to the men and women that you gave me. They are yours…. - Jesus, in John 17.6* The work of Jesus on your behalf is a finished work. He has completed your salvation, rescue, forgiveness, present, future and the eternal. It is finished. Jesus’ current work is to pray for you. Jesus always lives to intercede for you. (Hebrews 7.25).  He is praying that you see and that you believe what He has already completed. What is your first thought, as you learn that Jesus lives to pray for you?  Perhaps, Jesus knows that our hearts are in need of revelation. We are in need of eyes to see and ears to hear all that is complet

  • His Prayer; His Heart | The Prayer [Week 1] | Mark Seagle | Jan. 31, 2021

    02/02/2021 Duration: 35min

    When we read John 17, we see a glimpse into the heart of Jesus. His heart is full of passion and focus. His heart is aimed on giving glory to the Father, but also on the love He has for his followers. Even then, we were in His heart, His mind, and His prayer. Focus for this Week: John 17.1-5 ‘The Son of God… loved me and gave Himself for me.’ His heart for me could not sit still. * Wonder… In this prayer, the heart of Jesus is one of glory, beauty, eternity and promise. His posture is that of awe.  The Hebrew word for His uplifted face AND hands is Yadah.  It’s the posture of transcendent worship. Will you spend the week asking that our God stir the wonder for His eternal in your soul? Be intentional in responding in worship. Perhaps, even stretch a bit in lifting your face and hands in awe.  In doing so, you will surely find commonality with your Redeemer, Jesus. * Redemption… You are known, pursued, purchased and redeemed by Jesus. His heart is for you. His heart could not be still in heaven nor could it th

  • Jesus Is Making All Things New | DNA [Week 4] | Mark Seagle | Jan. 24, 2021

    25/01/2021 Duration: 41min

    In Jesus, we are not who we once more. All things are made new in Jesus. It is all through Him, and by Him, and ultimately for Him. This is who we are, and this is what we pass on from generation to generation to generation.DNA (4)Scripture:* Ephesians 1.1-2* Ephesians 1.3-14Hello, my name is Paul…. * God is making all things new. He is changing our ‘name’ (Ephesians 1.1), which is the totality of our character into His own.  How is Jesus making Himself at home in you? In what ways is God changing your character, priorities, passions, purpose and steps?  Take a moment and celebrate the ways that He is planting His heart into yours.  * As Pastor Mark talked about David and the passion that He had for the name of God, he spoke about the ‘roar’ of Goliath.  Goliath’s cry was, ‘come and fight. Is there anyone who will step into the arena.'  Most shrunk back, but not David. What is it about David’s character that made him different?  What was His focus?  I Samuel 17 is a beautiful telling of a man who knows w

  • For Such A Time As This | DNA [Week 3] | Mark Seagle | Jan. 17, 2021

    18/01/2021 Duration: 36min

    As a church, and as individuals, we were placed here in this world and season for a purpose. We might never see all the results of our lives fully devoted to Christ, but we are called to live on mission and to befriend faithfulness. As a people after the heart of God, we should find our delight in the Lord, and we will find ourselves faithful to His purposes.Scripture: Psalm 37:3-5If you are leading in the middle of this, there is a reason that you are leading in the middle of this. 1- How is your thinking shifted, when you move from a ‘goal-setting’ faith to becoming a 'person of revelation’?  The psalmist writes that ‘without revelation, people run wild.’ (29.18)  Because God sets the purposes; defines the direction; prepares the way, what is your role  as you trust in the Lord and as you do what is good?  (Psalm 37.3-5)  How will you discover more of His character?2- We delight in Jesus: He shapes our hearts. Practically, what does it look like to delight in Jesus? Describe God’s heart or His characte

  • Lose Control, Gain Wonder | DNA [Week 2] | Mark Seagle | Jan. 10, 2021

    11/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    Who we are as individuals, and as a church, is not determined by external forces; it is by the indwelling Holy Spirit within us. He is our internal supply, and we should abide in Jesus. When we start to let go of our desire to be in control of our lives, we will begin to see Gods wonders in and through us.Scripture: Psalm 145.4-7; John 15.4-6Pastor Mark talked about two lakes in the Keystone/ Melrose area.  One thriving and filled with life and the other, receding and drying up. The difference is that one has an internal supply and the other does not. Jesus spoke to His disciples in this way: I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me. -- John 15:5 (CSB)In light of this truth, Pastor Mark closed his teaching with these questions:* Within our Mandarin family, what gives evidence of the internal work of the Spirit?* What are habits that cut trails for the Word to be alive among us?* When your life and scripture compete,

  • Who We Are | DNA [Week 1] | Mark Seagle | Jan. 3, 2021

    05/01/2021 Duration: 40min

    As we enter the new year, we evaluate our mission: to demonstrate God's love to a broken world. We are called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This will lead us to multiply and reproduce that kind of love in our faith family, but also our community. Scripture - Psalm 145: Matthew 22.37-39; Matthew 28.18-201- The most important idea ever given is that we ‘love God with our heart and soul; our mind and strength.’ (Matthew 22)  * If it is true that you love what you know, how are you growing in the knowledge of God?  Consider the various pursuits of God described in Matthew 22. How are you doing in pursuit of Him? * Venture to Philippians 3.7-14 and sit down with a man whose sole desire is to know Christ. Read and Learn; Ponder and Apply.2-  I will speak of your splendor and glorious majesty and your wondrous works.  They will proclaim the power of your awe inspiring acts and I will declare your greatness.  - Psalm 145.5 - 6 * You are called to incite wonder and to fuel passion * Ho

  • Communion Unifies | Behold [Week 4] | Matt Dobson | Dec. 27, 2020

    28/12/2020 Duration: 27min

    We can all tend to forget, or move past things quickly and so easily. So as we celebrate the birth of Jesus through the Christmas season, we also should be reminding ourselves of the death and resurrection of Christ. Communion is not something we do only in remembrance as we look back. Communion is something that helps to unify us, focus us, and is a constant reminder of the Gospel we so desperately need.Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:17-341) Pause and reflect on this past year. What is something that you learned about yourself? What did you learn about God? What did God want you to learn from the events of this past year? As you reflect on this be sure to grab a journal or note pad and write down some of these things2) Why is unity among the body of Christ so important? How does communion bring us together? 3) What about reflection is difficult? But why is important? As you reflect on Christ and your life is there anything significant you would be willing to share?4) When thinking about the Gospel what excites

  • Abundant Passion | Behold [Week 3] | Mark Seagle | Dec. 20, 2020

    22/12/2020 Duration: 34min

    Isaiah 9:6 is one of the most used passages of scripture especially during the advent season. As we look at the time and context this was written, we will see a hope filled prophecy in the midst of a societal upheaval and captivity. But the one who is coming, brings a new, unimaginable Kingdom. And when we discover more of this King, we discover more of who we are: sons and daughters of God.There is only one problem on which all my existence, my peace and my happiness depend: To discover myself in discovering God. If I find Him, I will find myself and if I find my true self, I will find Him. — Thomas MertonIsaiah 9:6A Godly friend is a gift at all times. One such friend sent these truths as a Christmas blessing. Spend some time reading these verses and allowing them to read into your soul.  Worship in response to the truths of who Jesus is and what He has done for you.  Psalms 46:1Zephaniah 3:17Lamentations 3:22-24Jeremiah 31:3Matthew 11:28Romans 5:6-8Isaiah 43:1-31 John 3:1Write down as many truths as you ca

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