Mandarin Baptist Church

An Encouraging Family | Our Redemptive Family [Week 6] | Mark Seagle | May 23, 2021



More than anything else, God uses people to heal people. We have the opportunity and responsibility to be that voice of love, healing, and encouragement in peoples lives. There is never a time when encouragement isn't needed.Our Redemptive Family (6)Colossians 1.3-14There is never a time when encouragement isn’t needed.Take in Colossians 1.3-14.  What do you learn about encouragement from Paul?  Encouragement speaks life; gives hope; shares truth and assures that one is known and loved.Get creative and list as many ways that can encourage someone.Pray for God to give you an open mind and heart toward speaking life (encouragement)DO IT!  Write the text; make the call; send the note; start the car… Speak and give life!There is never a time when encouragement isn’t needed.Who has carried you to a deeper place in Jesus?  Probably, there are quite a few people who have helped you along the way.Take the initiative to contact them and thank them for their encouragement.Tell them how God used them in your life.A