Daily Quote Podcast



The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also.Find out More about us at www.DailyQuotePodcast.comThis Podcast was created using www.talkshoe.com


  • Episode 134 - Reputation

    28/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. �You can�t build a reputation on what you are going to do.� Henry Ford Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 133 - Age

    28/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. â??Age is just a state of mind.â?? Dorothy Zbornak (Bea Arthur) Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 132 - It's the journey

    28/04/2009 Duration: 03min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. â??It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.â?? Ursula LeGuin Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 131 - In Friendship

    28/04/2009 Duration: 03min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant. -Socrates Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 130 - Path

    24/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." �- Ralph Waldo Emerson Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 129 - Courageous Patience

    24/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. â??Good ideas and innovations are driven into existence through courageous patience.â?? - USN Admiral Hyman Rickover Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 128 - Quickly

    22/04/2009 Duration: 03min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. A more experienced programmer does not make less bugs. He just realizes what went wrong more quickly. Shlomi Fish Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com THANKS FOR LISTENING :)

  • Episode 127 - Consequences

    22/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. â??You can choose your behavior, the world chooses your consequences.â?? Pia Melody Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com THANKS FOR LISTENING :)

  • Episode 126 - Standing Still

    19/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. "Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still.â?? Chinese Proverb Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 125 - Trust

    19/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. â??The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.â?? - E. Hemingway Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 124 - Barriers

    19/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. â??Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.â?? - Rumi Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 123 - To judge

    17/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. â??To judge individuals before understanding them is a form of human rejection and feeds upon itself.â?? S.Covey Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 122 - Victory

    16/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. â??Some defeats are only installments to victory.â?? Jacob A. Riis Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 121 - Better

    16/04/2009 Duration: 03min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. â??I did the best I could at the time and when I knew better, I did better.â?? Maya Anjelou Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 120 - Experience

    16/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him." Aldous Huxley Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 119 - Loving a changed person

    12/04/2009 Duration: 03min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. �We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person.� W. S. Maugham Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com HAPPY EASTER :)

  • Episode 118 - Blame

    12/04/2009 Duration: 03min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. â??The superior man blames himself. The inferior man blames others.â?? -Don Shula Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 117 - Vague

    12/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. "Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize till you have tried to make it precise." - Bertrand Russell Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 116 - Shoes

    10/04/2009 Duration: 02min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. â??Before I can walk in another person's shoes, I must first remove my own.â?? Brian Tracy Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

  • Episode 115 - Dancing in the rain

    09/04/2009 Duration: 03min

    The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. â??Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about dancing in the rainâ?? Anonymous Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com

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