Element Christian Church



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  • Summer of Love 13 - Dance of Mahanaim

    28/08/2011 Duration: 40min

    God intends that husbands and wives experience true sexual freedom in marriage.

  • Film & Theology - How to Train Your Dragon

    26/08/2011 Duration: 19min

    The Cinema. Today's modern day pulpit... telling today's story through the digital story form. We'll watch these popular movies and follow up with an expository exploration of the narrative themes and spiritual parallels of these movies.

  • Summer of Love 12 - Fighting And Restoration Part 3

    21/08/2011 Duration: 37min

    We have been given grace; relationships will be restored when we offer that grace to others as well.

  • Summer of Love 11 - Fighting And Restoration Part 2

    14/08/2011 Duration: 34min

    The church is the BRIDE of Christ: HE takes time for us. He speaks what He means - He is not vague and doesn’t beat around the bush. He knows our perceptions cloud the truth, which is why He LEADS us into all truth. BUT HE DOES LISTEN, any and every time we speak. And His Spirit feeds back our perceptions verses His reality. http://vimeo.com/27677304 http://www.flickr.com/photos/ourelement/6040937284/in/photostream

  • Film & Theology - The King's Speech

    13/08/2011 Duration: 28min

    The Cinema. Today's modern day pulpit... telling today's story through the digital story form. We'll watch these popular movies and follow up with an expository exploration of the narrative themes and spiritual parallels of these movies.

  • Summer of Love 10 - Fighting And Restoration Part 1

    07/08/2011 Duration: 38min

    God loves us and has acted in history to express that love. What does that look like? It looks like Jesus. Jesus is God coming to us in love. Sheer unadulterated, unfiltered love.

  • Summer of Love 09 - The Responsiveness of Love

    31/07/2011 Duration: 39min

    God is creator and creative, and when we are spending time with Him we will grow in our creativity, our spontaneity, and our LOVE for each other. Our love for each other comes because He first loved us...so our first priority is LOVING Him.

  • Film & Theology - Inception

    29/07/2011 Duration: 22min

    The Cinema. Today's modern day pulpit... telling today's story through the digital story form. We'll watch these popular movies and follow up with an expository exploration of the narrative themes and spiritual parallels of these movies.

  • Summer of Love 08 - Affirmation & Intimacy

    24/07/2011 Duration: 39min

    God’s primary purpose of sex is to arouse and satisfy a hunger for intimacy and union as something that should be continually repeated. Sex satisfies that desire, but it also creates a hunger for more—not only more sex, but also for a taste of the ultimate union, the final reconciliation with God. God’s plan is for us to pursue Him and know Him in and through the sexual intimacy that we have with our spouse. Spiritual intimacy is found in the midst of the relational, fleshly delight of union and re-union.

  • Summer of Love 07 - Bride of Christ. Excitement.

    18/07/2011 Duration: 34min

    We should be excited about God and his relationship with us, that He forgives sin, that welcomes us home. That excitement must transform into commitment and into a deep commitment with Christ. Just like newly weds are excited to be married, their excitement must transform into commitment or else the relationship won’t thrive, like a marriage should.

  • Film & Theology - Iron Man

    16/07/2011 Duration: 22min

    The Cinema. Today's modern day pulpit... telling today's story through the digital story form. We'll watch these popular movies and follow up with an expository exploration of the narrative themes and spiritual parallels of these movies.

  • Summer of Love 06 - One Flesh

    10/07/2011 Duration: 34min

    She says “My beloved is mine, and I am his” - He gave himself first to me. She says “My beloved is mine”, which means he went first, and then she says “and I am his”. She gives her whole self to him because he went first; that is biblical marriage.

  • Summer of Love 05 - Do Not Stir Up Love Until It Pleases

    04/07/2011 Duration: 37min

    SOS 2:7: I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the does of the field, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases. - Don’t rush in; allow God His time to work...let dodh come when it should, after marriage when you have a lifetime to explore it in the safety and sanctity of that covenant.

  • Film & Theology - Tron Legacy

    02/07/2011 Duration: 16min

    The Cinema. Today's modern day pulpit... telling today's story through the digital story form. We'll watch these popular movies and follow up with an expository exploration of the narrative themes and spiritual parallels of these movies.

  • Summer of Love 04 - The We

    26/06/2011 Duration: 37min

    True friends help to reconcile their friends’ marriages, not encourage the fight that keeps them apart.

  • Father's Day 2011 - A Creed for Fatherhood

    19/06/2011 Duration: 38min

    As a father, I will love my children no matter the circumstance. I will balance my toughness with my compassion. I will delight in them, creating a fun and happy home. I will be pure in heart and deed, and remain loyal to them. I will lead them as I teach, counsel, and pastor them about God and his gospel. I will actually be there, in their lives, and remain available to them emotionally and practically. I pledge to provide for their needs and protect them from the dangers in a fallen world. This I will do diligently and with humility, seeking an honest, transparent, and forgiving attitude with my children.

  • Summer of Love 03 - The He

    13/06/2011 Duration: 34min

    A very strong case from scripture can be made that human marriage is an earthly institution designed to teach us about our intended eternal destiny. We are made for union with God; we are made for love. We may corrupt the vehicle (marriage), even destroy its intrinsic value, and its eschatological worth, but that speaks of our sin, not of God’s intent.

  • Summer of Love 02 - The She

    05/06/2011 Duration: 34min

    Marriage is 2 people and Christ - it is mutual love and abandon to each other. Strength comes from this institution God created, and you can have strength. Surrender your pride; learn to grow into what the other needs because that is part of your responsibility in Christ. God’s desire is that you enjoy one another for a lifetime.

  • Summer of Love 01 - History & Song of Solomon Introduction

    30/05/2011 Duration: 33min

    At Element, we believe the purpose of the book of the Song of Solomon is to show that the Bible does not see marriage as an inferior state or a concession to human weakness. Scripture does not see the normal physical love within a marriage relationship as impure. Marriage was instituted before the Fall, by God, with the command that the first couple become one flesh.

  • Spirit Part 03 - How Much Wine Have You Had?

    23/05/2011 Duration: 33min

    In Acts 2 the people were reminded that story of Sinai was still alive – God’s Spirit continues to move and we are to live on HIS MISSION.

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