Summit Community Church Hazard



Summit exists to see people transformed by Jesus and equipped to transform the world for Jesus.


  • Landmines - Sex

    22/07/2012 Duration: 51min

    Sex is everywhere. Magazines, movies, conversation - Everyone is talking about it. Including God. What does God think about sex? How can you stay pure in a world that isn't?

  • Landmines - Legalism

    15/07/2012 Duration: 47min

    Too many Christians live their life more aware of how they are blowing it than who they are in Christ. Constantly dealing with a sense of low grade guilt before God. How can you have a rock solid assurance and be set free from a roller coaster type faith? The answer is one word: Justification.

  • 40 Days In The Word - How Can I Use the Bible in My Daily Life?

    08/07/2012 Duration: 41min

    Listen to the final part of 40 Days In The Word and learn how to preach the Bible to yourself.

  • 40 Days In The Word - How Can I Make Sense of The Bible?

    01/07/2012 Duration: 43min

    Listen to learn 3 simple questions you can ask everytime you are reading the Bible to help you know what God is saying to you. Nothing is more powerful than a word from God and nothing is more important than knowing what God has said.

  • 40 Days In The Word - What Is The Bible About?

    25/06/2012 Duration: 42min

    The Bible can be a pretty intimidating book. There are so many different people and stories, it might be easy to get lost in it. But in reality the Bible is all one story. Listen to hear how the story God tells in the Bible can change the perspective you have on your life and where your life is heading.

  • 40 Days In The Word - What Is The Bible About?

    24/06/2012 Duration: 42min

    The Bible can be intimidating for a lot of people. With so many things going on, a lot of people struggle to understang what the Bible is about. In reality the Bible is one strory. It is the one stoy of how God set out to rescue his people and make all things new. Listen to hear how this story can change your perspective on your life and where it is heading.

  • 40 Days In The Word - Why Should I Trust The Bible?

    17/06/2012 Duration: 42min

    2 Corinthians 5:17 says that in Christ you are a new creation. The Bible is full of great promises like this, but are they true? Can you really trust the Bible? Listen to hear 6 reasons for why you can trust the Bible. If you have questions about whether or not the Bible is true, or your friends are asking questions like that, this audio is for you.

  • 40 Days In The Word- Why You Should Build Your Life on the Bible

    10/06/2012 Duration: 38min

    Listen to hear why you should build your life on the Bible and the impact it will have on your life.

  • 40 Days In The Word - 4 Principles of Spiritual Growth

    03/06/2012 Duration: 49min

    If you want to grow spiritually, you need to know how spiritual growth takes place in our lives. Listen to the first part of 40 Days In The Word to hear 4 Principles of Spiritual Growth.

  • Family Vacation - How To Change Your Family

    20/05/2012 Duration: 45min

    You might be thinking everything in your life would improve if only the people around you would get their act together. It's easy to see the problems other people have, but then we can miss where God wants to change us. Listen to discover how your greatest problem is not outside of you, it is inside of you.

  • Family Vacation - Moving Out

    13/05/2012 Duration: 46min

    Think about the day your kids move out. What wil you want them to know? What sort of things do you hope are impacting the way they live? Listen to hear 4 things that we need to intentionally pour into the next generation.

  • Family Vacation - Whose Driving?

    06/05/2012 Duration: 47min

    if you have a destination, you won't end up there by accident. God has called men to step up and be the spiritual leaders in their homes and worl he has placed them in. Listen to hear how God has called men to take responsibility to see their families get to the destination God has in mind.

  • What If - What if you took the next step God was telling you to take?

    29/04/2012 Duration: 40min

    The life God wants you to have is all about following Jesus. Jesus calls us to follow him. Following Jesus happens one step at a time. Wherever your at is not where Jesus wants you to stay. Listen to hear how true followers of Jesus will take that step.

  • What If? - What If You Forgave That Person?

    15/04/2012 Duration: 39min

    The hardest thing in the world might be to forgive that person for what they said or did to you. But what if you did? Listen to hear how the power of God's forgiveness at work in our lives can enable us to forgive others.

  • What If? - What If You Could Have Hope?

    08/04/2012 Duration: 47min

    When you look at your life, hope might be the last thing you see. But if the resurrection of Jesus really did happen, then regardless of your situation, there is hope.

  • Be The Church

    25/03/2012 Duration: 46min

    Jesus doesn't simply want us to go to church, he wants us to be the church. Listen to hear three qualities we need to always have if we will be the church Jesus wants us to be.

  • The Day - The Day You Stand Before God

    18/03/2012 Duration: 49min

    If you've ever traveled, you know that your destination determines your preparation. Jesus, in Matthew 25 says there will be a day when every person who has ever lived will stand before God. That's where your life is going. Are you prepared? Listen to discover what it means to be prepared for the day you stand before God

  • The Day - The Day You Got A Second Chance

    26/02/2012 Duration: 38min

    God is a God who loves to give second chances. Listen to hear how no matter where your life is at, God is ready to move and change everything.

  • Don't Give Up! - Don't Give Up On Other People!

    19/02/2012 Duration: 42min

    In the final part of our "Don't Give Up!" series, listen as we talk about how Jesus sees our world and what that means for us. People need Jesus, many are ready to come to him right now so we need to work and pray!

  • Don't Give Up! - Don't Give Up When Your Dream Dies!

    12/02/2012 Duration: 43min

    We are all dreamers. We all have hopes. But what do you do when those dreams & hopes seem to die? Listen to hear how 2 people whose dreams appeared to e dying came to Jesus and refused to stop believing.

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