West Bradenton Messages



Welcome to the audio podcast of West Bradenton Baptist Church in Bradenton, FL with Senior Pastor Sam Rainer. We hope that the sermons and teachings you find here will encourage you in your faith and move you towards a closer relationship with Christ. Please visit us online at www.westbradenton.org or Facebook at www.facebook.com/westbradenton. You can also find us on Instagram and Twitter as @westbradenton


  • Launch: Threats


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a series through the first half of the book of Acts. This sermon covers Acts 5:1-42. You become the threat when you desire God’s glory. Satan wants to make you the threat. God does not condone duplicity. God does not differentiate. Don’t get in the way of God’s mission. Don’t hold back what you’ve promised to God. You will not be threatened for elevating your own name, but you will be threatened for elevating Jesus’ name.

  • Launch: Healing


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a series through the first half of the book of Acts. This sermon covers Acts 3:1-26. When God heals you spiritually, He gives you three blessings: Forgiveness, refreshment, and presence. God’s forgiveness wipes out your greatest enemy. Your debt is cancelled. Your burden is lifted. Your guilt is removed. The presence of Jesus brings refreshment.

  • Launch: Boldness


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a series through the first half of the book of Acts. This sermon covers Acts 4:1-37. Being a good person is not the same as being a bold believer. Bold believers stand where they are saved. Bold believers seize the opportunity to share God’s love with others.

  • Easter: Foolish


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches on Easter Sunday. This sermon covers 1 Corinthians 1:18-21. The god of human opinion will divide us, but the foolishness of God will unite us.

  • Launch: Triumph and Tears


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches on Palm Sunday with the text Luke 19:28-44. Our victory is possible only through the sacrifice of Christ. King Jesus gives victory to those who worship Him. Victorious worship is sacrificial and contagious. King Jesus weeps for those who war against Him.

  • Launch: Devotion


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a series through the first half of the book of Acts. This sermon covers Acts 2:42-47. Devotion is the catalyst for growth and sacrifice. A devoted church gets the attention of the neighborhood. A devoted church is hungry every day.

  • Launch: Certainty


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a series through the first half of the book of Acts. This sermon covers Acts 2:14-41. When uncertainty shakes you, God’s certainty secures you. The time you have left is uncertain, but the place of eternity is certain. Death will hold you captive when you try to control it. Death loses its power when we believe in the resurrection of Jesus. The certainty of grace gives you the power to kill your sin. The certainty of grace is God’s promise for eternity.

  • Launch: Fire


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a series through the first half of the book of Acts. This sermon covers Acts 2:1-13. You can’t be fired up until you’re filled up. On fire Christians have a “God can” attitude, not an “I can’t” attitude. On fire Christians sacrifice together and share together.

  • Launch: Prayer


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a series through the first half of the book of Acts. This sermon covers Acts 1:12-14. Constant prayer is the hallmark of anticipating a movement from God. Prayer doesn’t just fill the time. Prayer is the work of obedience. Small prayers work in big ways. God expects to hear from you.

  • Launch: Holy Spirit


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a series through the first half of the book of Acts. This sermon covers Acts 1:1-11. The church is not a destination point for crowds. The church is vehicle to send people into the neighborhoods and to the nations. We must be filled up before we go out. The Holy Spirit leads us. The Holy Spirit replaces our fear with God’s confidence. The Holy Spirit secures our place in God’s family. A stationary church is a disobedient church. Everyone can reach someone. There is always room in God’s kingdom for one more. Our church address is not an accident. Your home address is not an accident.

  • Healthy Homes: Adopted and Blended


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a six-week series about healthy homes. This sermon covers the topics of adoption and blended families. None of us have a right to grace, but adoption is available to all. Family is God’s idea, and adoption is part of His plan. Adopted children are a reflection of the gospel. Blended homes demonstrate how we’re all grafted into God’s family. Imbalanced homes are opportunities for victories of grace. What can I do to further the culture of adoption? Defend the defenseless. Consider fostering. Give to life. Open the church to everyone.

  • Healthy Homes: Single Parent


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a six-week series about healthy homes. This sermon covers the topic of single parenting. Single parent: God sees you, and He cares about your children. Single parent: We have a place for you in our church. The sincere faith of one can influence generations. Be persistent: Don’t give up. Be consistent: Do the right thing every day, even though it’s hard. Let Jesus fill the gaps in your life.

  • Healthy Homes: Divorced


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a six-week series about healthy homes. This sermon covers the topic of divorce. Divorce is unfortunately common. Our culture has too low a view of marriage. Divorce occurs because we lose sight of the eternal. Divorce is painful and drastic, but it’s not the end. When is divorce permitted? Consider Three A’s: adultery, abandonment, and abuse. Let Christ’s forgiveness drive you, not shame. “Did I marry the right person?” is the wrong question.

  • Healthy Homes: Widows, Widowers, and Orphans


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a six-week series about healthy homes. This sermon covers the topic of widows, widowers, and orphans. God has a special concern for the care and protection of the most vulnerable. The way you live reflects what you believe. Your persistence has more power from a place of vulnerability. Your sacrifice is magnified from a place of vulnerability.

  • Healthy Homes: Singleness


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a six-week series about healthy homes. This sermon covers the topic of singleness. Singleness is a gift from God given for the benefit of others. Singleness is not a problem to be solved. Singleness is not incompleteness. The biblical responsibilities of single people: Stay pure so others can see the purity of Christ. Use your time for others to point them to Christ. Commit your passion to the Truth of Christ. Learn contentment to demonstrate the church’s love for Christ.

  • Healthy Homes: Married With Children


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a six-week series about healthy homes. This sermon covers the topic of parenting. What makes a good parent? Do you have a clear answer? A healthy home includes God-centered parents, not child-centered parents. The gospel keeps us from smothering and controlling our children. Parenting is hard work and heart work.

  • Whatever...


    Pastor Raul Hernandez preaches out of Philippians 4:8-9.

  • The Beginning, the Birth, and the Baby: The Baby


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a three-week Christmas series. This sermon covers Philippians 2:3-11. Incarnation: Baby Jesus brings the Invisible God to our level. Divinity: Since baby Jesus is God, we can be eternal optimists. Humanity: Since baby Jesus is human, we can live balanced. Humility: Since baby Jesus came to serve, we can be saved.

  • The Beginning, the Birth, and the Baby: The Birth


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a three-week Christmas series. This sermon covers Matthew 1:18-25. The birth of Jesus reveals two surprises about God coming to us: Humility and vulnerability The virgin birth is essential to the miracle of grace. Why is the virgin birth essential to our faith? Three implications: The miracle of grace is not painless. The miracle of grace requires our submission to God’s work. The miracle of grace is God’s simple answer to our messed-up, complicated lives.

  • The Beginning, the Birth, and the Baby: The Beginning


    Pastor Sam Rainer preaches a three-week Christmas series. This sermon covers John 1:1-18. Jesus is the beginning, so you can take Him at His Word. Jesus is both the goal and the guide to your relationship with God. The end of your search for meaning is found in the beginning.

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