Brashear Baptist Church Podcast



Weekly Sunday Morning Service Sermons & Christian Programs


  • Doing God's Will


    Subject: Sunday Evening Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother David Burns Scripture Passage(s): 1 Thessalonians 2:17 Date of Delivery: August 19, 2018 This evening Brother David talks about how satin hinders how we serve the Lord.Brother David then reveals to us what man's greatest achievement is... The greatest thing that a man or a woman can achieve.Satin wants to hinder every child of God.

  • How spiritually satisfied are you?


    Subject: Sunday Morning Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother David Burns Scripture Passage(s): Isaiah 57:15 Date of Delivery: August 19, 2018 How satisfied are you with your spiritual life? Are you totally and completely content with where you are spiritually?This morning brother David explains how we should never be totally content with where we are spiritually. We should always want to move forwqard in our spiritual growth with the Lord!Does your spirit thirst for God?

  • You Were The Judas!


    Subject: Sunday Morning Sermon Speaker or Performer: Assoc. Pastor Dustin Cowden Scripture Passage(s): John 13:1-20 Date of Delivery: August 12, 2018 If you knew that for the past three years there's been a person in your group that has been plotting against you, and you knew they weregoing to betray you, what would you do?This morning Associate Pastor Dustin Cowden explains how Jesus faced that with the betrayal of Judas, but Jesus loved His enemies.Dustin also explains how we as parents have a responsibility to raise our children not to betray Jesus!You were the Judas before you were saved!

  • Compromised Convictions


    Subject: Sunday Morning Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother David Burns Scripture Passage(s): Exodus 8:20-28 Date of Delivery: August 5, 2018 No sooner does one become saved or makes a new commitment to the Lord that Satin comes and tries to get the them to compromise their convictions. Satin tries constantly to get us to compromise our service to the Lord!This morning Brother David teaches us that there has to be a division of God's people and the world. We must not compromise our convictions! Bro David explains how the church has become more and more worldly and less Godly over the years.In today's message, learn how Moses was able to notcompromise his convictions.

  • Naaman The Leper


    Subject: Sunday Evening Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother David Burns Scripture Passage(s): 2 Kings 5:1-16 Date of Delivery: August 5, 2018 This Evening Brother David tells a great story of God's Power, of a man who had leprosy, and who was obedient to God.Brother David talks about the struggle we all have sometimes being obedient to God and doing His will. Everyone has stuggled at one time or another at following through and doing the will of God.

  • The Great White Thrown


    Subject: Revival 2018 Speaker or Performer: Brother Tim Lee Scripture Passage(s): Revelation 20:11 Date of Delivery: August 1, 2018 There's only one thing worse than being lost... That's to be lost and no one looking for you!This evening, the lastday of the revival, Brother TimLee tells us of the two Judgements that will take place and impact each and everyoneof us...The Judgement Seat of ChristThe Great White ThroneThe first judgement is for the believer, the second judgement is for the unbeliever... The great white thrown judgement of God.God stands full of Love and Grace and mercy and compassion, not willing that any should parish! But that all should come to repentence!

  • Revival 2018 Worship with The Ferrell's


    Subject: Praise and Worship Special Music Speaker or Performer: Chad, Melaina, and Zach Ferrell Date of Delivery: August 1, 2018 Join in as Chad, Melaina, and ZachFerrell lead in Praise and Worship during the Revival.

  • Commitment


    Subject: Revival 2018 Speaker or Performer: Brother Tim Lee Scripture Passage(s): 2 Timothy 1:7-14 Date of Delivery: July 31, 2018 Ordinary people who make simple spiritual commitments under the leadership of Jesus Christ can make an extraordinary impact in their world.Brother Tim Lee explains how if you become a person of deep commitment in your Christians life, the world will not understand, and you will find yourself alone. In the Bible we find people of deep commitment who also found themselves alone: Noah, Elijah, David, Jonah, Daniel, Paul, John, and even Jusus suffered and bled, and died all alone.This evening Brother Tim Lee also talks about motivation... and has much to say about both of these subjects... all of which each of us need to hear. Listen and be blessed!Learn about the ONE DAY MOTIVATION Tim will never forget!

  • What It Means To Be Filled With The Spirit


    Subject: Revival 2018 Speaker or Performer: Brother Tim Lee Scripture Passage(s): Ephesians 5:16-21 Date of Delivery: July 30, 2018 What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit?Every believer should not be intimidated by this subject, and every believer should be interested in this subject.1 Corinthians 3:16 - Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?1 Corinthians 6:19 - What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is not of his.

  • Real Revival In Our Generation


    Subject: Revival 2018 Speaker or Performer: Brother Tim Lee Scripture Passage(s): Nehemiah 1:1-3 Date of Delivery: July 29, 2018 Tim Lee shares with us this evening on the first day of revival and says his biggest burden other than seeing people saved, is to see real revival in our day, in our generation.Revival is nothing more than a new beginning of obedience to God. Just in the case of a converted sinner, the first step is a deep repentance, a breaking down of the heart, a getting down into the dust before God with deep humility, and forsaking of sin.You can be involved without being committed, but you can not be committed without being involved!

  • What's Your Testimony?


    Subject: Revival 2018 Speaker or Performer: Brother Tim Lee Scripture Passage(s): Revelation 12:7-11 Date of Delivery: July 29, 2018 Today, the first day of Revival Tim Lee gives his testimony, and explains how everybody has a story to tell! What's your story?When one goes to a cemetery and looks at the headstones, there could be much information ofhow each person lived, including the date they were bornand the date they passed away. But more important than those two dates... in between the dates is the little dash (-), and it is what is on your dash that matters the most.What's on your dash?From the time you took your first breath, to the time you took your last breath...What's your story? What's Your Testimony?

  • Revival Takes Work!


    Subject: Sunday Morning Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother David Burns Scripture Passage(s): 2 Kings 3:1-20 Date of Delivery: July 22, 2018 Revival is about change! When revival comes, life does not go on as normal, our spiritual walk with God changes.As we prepare for revival, we are praying that God begins to change us.If we're going to have revival, we MUST have the anointing and the filling, we MUST be praying and preparing forthe presence of the Holy Spirit of God!

  • The Midnight Caller


    Subject: Sunday Evening Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother David Burns Scripture Passage(s): Luke 11:1-13 Date of Delivery: July 15, 2018 Prayer is not an oxygen mask. For Christians, prayer is our oxygen! Prayer is what we need every day!This evening Brother David continues this morning's theme of Prayer - Praying always in the Spirit!Praying Always!Brother David uses the Lord's Midnight Caller Parable of how Jesus uses this parable to teach us some very important principles about prayer!

  • Praying For Revival


    Subject: Sunday Morning Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother David Burns Scripture Passage(s): Ephesians 6:10-18 Date of Delivery: July 15, 2018 Church, we must be prayer for revival if revival is going to happen.We struggle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. We are to put on the full armor of God that we may stand our ground.Bro David describes what we need to do to withstand these influences. So if we're going to have revival, we need to be praying and seeking God's face... earnestly, and reverently!There are still thousands of people who need the Lord Jesus Christ! We need revival!We need Revival Praying!

  • What is Needed to Win the War


    Subject: Sunday Morning Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother Mark Crumpton Scripture Passage(s): 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 Date of Delivery: July 8, 2018 Today church member Mark Crumpton tells of how understanding the enemy informs us that whatever God's desire is, it's satin's desire to destroy, to pervert, to offer an alternitive that will seem pleasing to our mind or to our flesh, but will be destructive to our soul.For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, but we areto bring every thought captive unto the obedience of Christ.

  • The Call of Abraham


    Subject: Sunday Evening Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother David Burns Scripture Passage(s): Genesis 12:1-5 Date of Delivery: July 1, 2018 This evening Brother David tells usthree things aboutthe call of Abraham...1) When Abraham was called2) How Abraham was called, and...3) Why God called AbrahamGod still calls people today just like He did thousands of years ago.Abraham had to separate himself from his family and the world he knew and start following God, and going to places he didn't know. Abraham became a stanger and a sojourner, a foreigner in a strange land that he knew nothing about.Abraham served the Living God!

  • Moving Farward


    Subject: Sunday Morning Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother David Burns Scripture Passage(s): Philippians 3:10-14 Date of Delivery: June 24, 2018 Moving Farward - A message of encouragement.Today Bro David encourages us to Release the passed, our passed failures.He also talks to us about forgetting oursuccesses... to move forward to new successes.He talks about pressing farward, and toward the wonderful future that God has for us.Brother David encourages us to grow closer to Christ, and that God will pull us through. the church is standing on the Rock of Ages... to see what God will do in the future.And lastly... God doesn't waist your sufferings, that's when you grow the most. There's no growth without change.

  • Noah as a Father


    Subject: Sunday Morning Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother David Burns Scripture Passage(s): Genesis 6:5-11 Date of Delivery: June 17, 2018 In the day of Noah, the bible says the world was a wicked place to live, and there was much violence. The earth was a very corrupt place to live, it was a very hard and difficult place to raise a family. But Noah did it with the grace of God. Noah did it with God's help.Brother David wants to encourage dad's today on Fathers' Day to put your faith and trust in God, and do like Noah did... He raised his family in the way of the Lord!

  • What Would Jesus Do


    Subject: Sunday Evening Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother David Burns Scripture Passage(s): Philippians 2:1-11 Date of Delivery: June 10, 2018 What would Jesus do? Is it possible to act and think and walk and talk as Jesus did? Is it possible to do that?Brother David explains this evening that the Apostle Paul is saying Yes, it is...We as Christians should have the same attitude as that of Jesus Christ.

  • Change


    Subject: Sunday Morning Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother David Burns Scripture Passage(s): 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 Date of Delivery: June 10, 2018 The church has to be culturally relavant in today's society.Change is inevitable, everything changes...The church must be willing to change, nothing stays the same but Jesus Christ.Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

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