Security Management Highlights



Security Management Highlights brings the security professional expert interviews and information on the most critical industry topics. Join Host Holly Gilbert Stowell as she interviews thought leaders and industry professionals, as well as editors from the magazine.


  • Security Management Highlights August 2015

    31/07/2015 Duration: 23min

    This month, podcast host Holly Gilbert Stowell talks to Homeland Security Editor Lilly Chapa about the U.S. National Park Service and whether it’s equipped to deal with threats facing America’s parks and monuments. Cybersecurity Editor Megan Gates speaks about bug bounty programs and how businesses are using them to spot cyber vulnerabilities. News and Trends Editor Mark Tarallo discusses the issue of suicide among security guards, and what factors are contributing to this disturbing trend. Finally, David Buckley, the author of this month’s cover story, joins us to talk about investigative techniques and the power of positive persuasion when trying to conduct a workplace investigation.

  • Security Management Highlights July 2015

    30/06/2015 Duration: 13min

    This month, Assistant Editor Holly Gilbert Stowell talks to the editors of Security Management about the stories they covered for the July issue. Legal Report Editor Megan Gates stops by to talk about the status of a lawsuit against Target brought by customers affected by the retailer's cyber breach in 2013. News and Trends Editor Mark Tarallo tells us about the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s response to Hurricane Sandy and recent developments surrounding homeowners’ insurance claims. Finally, Assistant Editor Lilly Chapa explains the dilemma employers are facing now that the recreational or medical use of marijuana–or both–has been legalized in 23 states.

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