Answers With Ken Ham



Ken Ham is president of Answers in Genesis and cofounder of the 75,000-square-foot Creation Museum. This daily, 60-second audio program is also broadcast on over 950 radio stations.


  • Do We Need the Apocrypha?


    Some skeptics claim the apoycryphal books were arbitrarily left out of our Protestant Bibles. But is that true?

  • What’s the Role of Science?


    Christians can study creation for God’s glory and our good. But science doesn’t trump the Bible. God’s Word is the ultimate authority because it’s flawless.

  • Is the Bible Enough?


    There’s a biblical doctrine that’s comes under attack a lot and that’s the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture. In other words, “is Scripture enough?”

  • Settled Science?


    The history of climate change science is failed predictions. If you’re assumptions are wrong, your model will be wrong.

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