St. Luke Columbus



These are the weekly sermons preached at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Columbus, Ohio.


  • Faith Is Being Changed - Wednesday, December 9, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    10/12/2015 Duration: 24min

    Just as Joseph believed what God spoke to him in the dream and changed his mind, so also do we act in faith when we live out the changes that God is bringing into our lives.   After hearing this sermon, we hope you will identify one change God is bringing into what you think, say or do. In faith, take the first step in living out that change.     Lessons: Matthew 1:18-25

  • Faith Is Believing You Are Enough - Sunday, December 6, 2015 - Jared Howard, Seminary Student

    06/12/2015 Duration: 11min

    Wilderness experiences can tear us down and making us feel unworthy of the life in which we are called but God still called out to us, faults and fortunes together, to prepare Kingdom for all.   After hearing this sermon, we hope you will ask in prayer what God has for you and wait for God to reveal your calling to your neighbor and beyond.     Lessons: Malachi 3:1-4, Luke 3:1-6

  • Faith Is Believing What You See - Wednesday, December 2, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    03/12/2015 Duration: 17min

    Just as God revealed to Simeon and Anna what they had been waiting for, so will God reveal to us clear answers for what we are waiting. Most often God’s answers are found in the ordinary events like it was for Simeon and Anna.   After you listen to this sermon, we hope that you will continue to pray the prayer that was given out on Sunday and trust what you see when God answers your prayers.   Lessons: Luke 2:21-38

  • Faith Is Hopeful Waiting - Sunday, November 29, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    29/11/2015 Duration: 28min

    Faith is Hopeful Waiting The center of what we are as Christ followers is having faith in what Jesus will do when he comes again. While our faith is based on what Jesus already did in his life, death, and resurrection, our faith now is our hopeful waiting for what Jesus will yet do to bring us into our eternal home.   After hearing this sermon, we hope that you will pray each day this week the “Hopeful Waiting Prayer” and be open to God growing your faith.    Lessons: Jeremiah 33:15-16, Hebrews 11:1 (NLT), John 14:1-6     Sermon Outline with Hopeful Waiting Prayer Text

  • No Worries So Give Thanks - Wednesday, November 25, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    27/11/2015 Duration: 15min

    Because of the worries of our daily lives, we sometimes forget that it is the nature of God to have every care and detail of our lives under his capable and compassionate oversight. Because of this, we need not worry but rather are moved to give God thanks in all circumstances.   After hearing this sermon, we hope that you will look at one care that is worrying you and give God thanks for having that care completely under his loving oversight.   Thanksgiving Eve Service   Lessons: Psalm 126, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17, Matthew 6:25-33

  • Give Thanks To Our King - Sunday, November 22, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    22/11/2015 Duration: 21min

    Why do we give thanks to God? The answer may seem obvious, but it is always helpful to be remind in a new way why we give God thanks. In this sermon we will reminded why we give God thanks by an ancient prayer that was spoken by Hannah whom the Lord blessed with a child after many years of not be able to conceive a child. In her prayer, Hannah beautifully and thoroughly expresses why we give thanks to Christ our King. After hearing this sermon, we hope you will make a sacrifice of thanksgiving to Christ our King.   Christ the King and Thanksgiving Sunday   Lessons: 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Revelation 1:4b-8, John 18:33-37

  • Why Make A Plan To Give? - Sunday, November 15, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    15/11/2015 Duration: 23min

    With so many worthy causes asking for our financial support, it is wise to intentionally plan out how you will give to the missions that matter most to you. In doing so we are more likely to experience joyful giving that is not frustrated with reluctance and guilt-driven compulsion. After hearing this sermon, we hope you will make a prayer-driven and intentional plan for your giving.    Lessons: Malachi 3:6-10, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, Matthew 19:16-26

  • God's Work of Salvation...Straight Up: The Gift - Sunday, November 8, 2015 - David Drees

    08/11/2015 Duration: 21min

    So now that we've seen the cross and we believe in the resurrection… What do we do now. Jesus has presented us with the free gift of grace, how do we enjoy that Grace and live in that Grace forever?   Lessons: Jeremiah 3:12-14, Luke 18:9-14, Luke 23:39-47

  • God's Work of Salvation...Straight Up: Will Jesus Raise Me From The Dead? - Sunday, November 1, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    01/11/2015 Duration: 27min

    As we celebrate that through Jesus we have all been made saints in God’s eternal kingdom, this sermon will begin with a brief apologetic for the resurrection of the dead followed by a brief description of life in the resurrection. It will conclude with a teaching on living the resurrected life today.   After hearing this sermon we hope you will, in prayerful contemplation, identify one area of your life that you desire to more reflect the resurrected life to come. Ask God to reveal to you the steps you can take to make it so.      All Saints Sunday   Lessons: Isaiah 25:6-9, Hebrews 12:1-2, John 11:32-44

  • God's Work of Salvation...Straight Up: The Cross - Sunday, October 25, 2015 - David Drees

    25/10/2015 Duration: 26min

    This sermon will walk us from our sinful state to the foot of the cross, following Jesus’ excruciating journey.  We will look at the need for this and the plan for this from the beginning.  We will weep for our sin and glory in His work! Lessons: Jeremiah 31:31-34, Romans 3:23, 6:23a, 5:6-8

  • God's Work of Salvation...Straight Up: How Bad Is Our Sin...Really? - Sunday, October 18, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    18/10/2015 Duration: 26min

    How do you account for the fact that we suffer really horrible experiences, including death itself? This Sunday, Pastor Steve, will take the next step in  our sermon series "God's Work of Salvation ... Straight Up" as he answers the question, "How bad is our sin ... really?" He will teach that our rebellion against God and God's values causes us to suffer horrible experiences. Our sin is not simply mistakes that we can correct, but rather what has totally broken us and creation. We need more than a second chance, we need a second birth. We are sinners in need of a Savior.     Lessons: Isaiah 59:1-4, James 2:1-10, John 8:31-47

  • God's Work of Salvation...Straight Up: The Bad Doctors - Sunday, October 11, 2015 - David Drees

    11/10/2015 Duration: 22min

    Our pursuit of the Glory of God has been infinitely frustrated because of the Fall, and our often selfish or worldly pursuit to restore our standing before the Lord has led us to run to many counterfeit idols and limited doctors which do more harm to our soul than good.    Lessons: Jeremiah 2:1-8, Psalm 1, Luke 8:40-48.

  • God's Work of Salvation...Straight Up: Who is Jesus (Part 2) - Sunday, October 4, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    04/10/2015 Duration: 27min

    Jesus is the Word of God made flesh. As the Word Jesus accomplishes what he says, so when he promises that when we come to him we will find rest and peace for our souls, he does that. All the promises that Jesus made are accomplished because God’s Word does what it says and in the resurrection of Jesus all this is confirmed.   Lessons: Isaiah 55:8-12a, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Matthew 11:25-30

  • God's Work of Salvation...Straight Up! Does God Exist? - Sunday, September 20, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    01/10/2015 Duration: 26min

    How can we know that God exists? While in the end believing in God takes a step of faith, there are proofs for the existence of God that many have found to be helpful. In this week's sermon we will explore these proofs. Lessons: Genesis 1:1-3, 11-12, 20-22, 24, 26-28; Romans 1:18-20, John 1:1-5.   Sermon Outline

  • God’s Work of Salvation…Straight Up: Who Is Jesus? (Part 1) - Sunday, September 27, 2015 - David Drees

    27/09/2015 Duration: 24min

      We will present some thoughts and ask some questions on who is Jesus and what is it about him that draws us to him? Lessons: Isaiah 35:1-7, Luke 7:18-22, John 5:1-9.   We had some technical difficulties with the first minute of this podcast. The audio quality returns to normal about one minute in.

  • Life Together In Transforming Growth - Sunday, September 13, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    13/09/2015 Duration: 29min

    Christian community is not an ideal but a divine reality, it is a spiritual not a human reality. This sermon will contrast authentically Christian community from all other human communities. In doing so this sermon will give testimony to the transforming growth that we experience in our life together with other believers. After hearing this sermon, we hope you will put yourself in a place where you can deepen relationships with other believers and experience transforming growth.  Lessons: Psalm 133:1-3, 1 Corinthians 12:31b-13:13, Mark 10:35-45.

  • Life Together In Times of Trouble - Sunday, September 6, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    06/09/2015 Duration: 26min

    God has designed us to live together in community and to do life together. This truth is especially vivid to us when we are going through difficult times in life. After hearing this sermon, we hope you will put yourself in a place where you can deepen your relationships with other believers. Lessons: Ecclesiastes 4:7-12, Hebrews 10:23-25, Luke 22:14-20

  • Jesus Is The Bread Of Life Who Is Rejected or Believed - Sunday, August 30, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    30/08/2015 Duration: 22min

    In his sermon recorded in John 6, Jesus’ claims about himself grew increasingly radical to the point that everyone, except the Twelve disciples, rejected and left following Jesus. The Twelve stayed and believed. This has remained the two reactions to Jesus through the centuries and still remains today.  After hearing this sermon, we hope you will, In faith, embrace Jesus as the true bread of life who is the only One who has the words of eternal life. In this way you will have eternal life.   Lessons: Deuteronomy 30:19-20a, 1 John 5:10-13, John 6:51-69.

  • Jesus Is The Bread Of Life Who Always Has the Right Answer - Sunday, August 23, 2015 - Christina 'Tini' Horning

    23/08/2015 Duration: 20min

    Hello to our special friends from Freibrug, Germany who may be listening today! We loved having Tini back today and learning about your ministry on campus. Jesus came to and for those who are skeptical. God works in, on, and through us to help us and others understand and experience that he is the bread of life! When we come to him with our scepsis, he will give us an answer.  After listening to this sermon we hope you will bring your skeptical thoughts/doubts to the Lord. Trust Him to reveal himself to you. In the same way, bring your skeptical friends and loved ones to Him in prayer. He will work on and in them.  Lessons: Psalm 46, 2 Corinthians 3:1-9, John 6:41-51.  

  • Jesus Is the Bread of Life Who Will Never Let Go - Sunday, August 16, 2015 - Pastor Steve Brown

    16/08/2015 Duration: 25min

    When God, the Holy Spirit, has moved you to faith and given you over to truly trusting in Jesus, you cannot lose your salvation. This is the doctrine of eternal security.  After hearing this sermon we hope you will never doubt that you are saved and from that overflow do whatever it takes to lead others to trust in Jesus and be saved. Lessons: Deuteronomy 31:7-8, 1 Peter 1:3-5, John 6:35-40. Sermon Outline

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