Good Leaders With Stephen George



Good Leaders is at the crossroads between non-profit leaders and entrepreneurs in the business world, bringing them together to be better leaders, more entrepreneurial and creative, to change behaviour, raise more money for non profits and do more good in their lives and with others


  • 023 Karen Armstrong from More Strategic in Australia on gaining fundraising insight and better journeys through fast data

    16/09/2017 Duration: 14min

    Karen Armstrong, from More Strategic in Australia shares her insights on fundraising in Australia, on the drive for giving donors a better experience, how to find ways to retain support and how fast data through surveys can find real insights and drive better fundraising

  • 021 David Love the Godfather of Good talks of the power of legacies

    10/07/2017 Duration: 34min

    David Love is called the Godfather of Good. He donates to over 40 charities, 17 of them monthly and since 1969 has raised money thinking about the donor first, bringing his donor focus to the ultimate opportunity for people to heal the world and fulfil their personal mission – by leaving a legacy.

  • 020 Abby Clemence, Founder of Infinity Sponsorship, on being a better fundraiser and how corporate partnerships are changing

    28/06/2017 Duration: 38min

    In this episode, Abby Clemence, International speaker and one of Australasia's leading corporate partnership advisors to the not for profit sector explores the changing face of corporate partnerships. Abby has had 25 years experience in marketing, sales, adult education, communications, event management and corporate and cause related sponsorship. Abby is the founder of Infinity Sponsorship and talks about passion, language and being a better fundraiser 

  • 019 Darian Rodriguez Heyman, best selling author and Exec Director at the Numi Foundation on fundraising leadership, purpose and worldwide community

    29/03/2017 Duration: 26min

    In this episode Darian Rodriguez Heyman, Executive Director at the Numi Foundation, best selling author of Nonprofit Fundraising 101 and global speaker, shares reflections on the Japan Fundraising Conference in Tokyo, explores non profit leadership, purpose and the worldwide community of nonprofits and how they can best change the world

  • 018 Mark Phillips from Bluefrog on meeting donors needs

    27/02/2017 Duration: 54min

    In this episode Mark Phillips from fundraising specialist agency Bluefrog, shares his perspective on leading a fundraising agency and how to meet donors needs through innovating for the future by drawing on the wisdom of the past

  • 017 Oli Lewington on living with Cystic Fibrosis, having a life saving transplant and moving forward

    09/01/2017 Duration: 52min

    In this episode Oli Lewington from the Cystic Fibrosis Trust shares his personal journey living with CF and what that means growing up, working and his daily routine, through to his life saving transplant and his reflections on surviving and for many, not surviving - and what lies ahead

  • 016 Stephen George on the 12 days of Christmas Fundraising

    23/12/2016 Duration: 11min

    In this episode Stephen George hijacks the 12 days of christmas to share 12 days of christmas fundraising thoughts and ideas - a fundraising manifesto for 2017 as we head into the holidays and prepare for the year ahead

  • 015 Gordon Michie from Poppyscotland on remembrance, service and new generations

    12/12/2016 Duration: 34min

    In this episode Gordon Michie, Head of Fundraising at Poppyscotland shares his thoughts on remembrance, service, tradition, passion and and the challenges of how to inspire a new generation to raise money and continue to remember  

  • 014 Sarah Carter on Leadership, culture and individuals

    16/10/2016 Duration: 38min

    In this episode, Sarah Carter, Head of Leadership at Home Fundraising shares with Stephen George a view of a more mindful, person centred leadership model and why the organisational leadership culture is at the heart of real transformation

  • 012 Pedro Pimenta on resilience and purpose

    06/10/2016 Duration: 01h58s

    In this episode, Pedro Pimenta a 24 year-old international speaker, best-selling author, entrepreneur and a mentor to other amputees shares his story of contracting a fatal form of meningitis that soared through his bloodstream in 2009. With slim chances that he would survive, nearly one hundred of his closest friends and family took turns saying their goodbyes. Miraculously, Pedro left the hospital alive six months and two comas later, but in exchange, had all of his limbs amputated above the elbows and knees. People destined him to a life in the wheelchair, saying that no other amputee in his situation had successfully lived a life on prosthetics. But Pedro had developed a sense of purpose that saw him challenge this belief and prove them very wrong.   

  • 012 Rob Cope on Remember a Charity

    30/08/2016 Duration: 21min

    Rob Cope Director of the legacy charity consortium in the UK, Remember a Charity talks legacies, campaigns and how to change behaviour

  • 011 Tim Johnson on the meaning of success

    13/08/2016 Duration: 28min

    Success can mean many things for different people. And for many its the traditional symbols - house, car, money. In this episode Businessman, entrepreneur and author Tim Johnson shares how, having built two multi million pound business’s and then an accident and personal setbacks, forced him to rediscover the meaning of success. Tim is the author of a new book called The Success Book - How to grow yourself personally and in business

  • 010 Birmingham Children’s Hospital Fundraising team on getting inspired

    11/07/2016 Duration: 19min

    In this episode Birmingham Children’s Hospital Fundraising Team rediscover and connect to find moments of inspiration. Finding and sharing stories, they explore how to take personal responsibility to be inspired and together share their personal tips to become connected, focused and deliberate about finding inspiration to be better fundraising leaders  

  • 009 Howard Lake on being a digital fundraising entrepreneur

    03/07/2016 Duration: 31min

    Howard Lake shares his story from fundraiser to digital pioneer and founder of UK Fundraising, the worlds first web resource for professional fundraisers. In this episode, Howard and Stephen challenge fundraisers to do more to embrace the digital opportunities before them  

  • 008 Canadian children on a great read and story

    30/05/2016 Duration: 07min

    Canadian school children at a literary festival in Toronto share their insights and joy with Stephen George on what it takes to get a story right so you turn the page, make an impact and connect

  • 007 Scott Gray on working with suppliers to be better

    15/05/2016 Duration: 26min

    In this episode Scott Gray, Managing Director at Rapidata, explores the relationship charities have with suppliers, how working together makes the difference, how its time for testing and why innovation should flourish

  • 005 The essential qualities of a great fundraiser

    03/05/2016 Duration: 13min

    The 10 most essential values, skills and qualities that makeatruly great all round fundraiser are shared by Stephen George inacountdown of must haves to help people become abrilliantfundraising leader

  • 006 Stories from the mouths & hearts of legacy donors

    28/03/2016 Duration: 13min

    In this episode we get to hear directly from committed donors who have left a gift in their will or have given their time and money already. They talk of their joy, pride and love for their charity UNICEF and share advice on what matters   

  • 004 Lauren Codling on a journey from a carer to fundraiser

    28/03/2016 Duration: 25min

    At the age of 21 Lauren fundraises for the Carers Trust. Her own experience and story as a young carer and her journey to find support and a role are shared in this episode, including some advice for new fundraisers who want to make a difference  

  • 003 What’s the legacy problem for fundraisers?

    28/03/2016 Duration: 07min

    Getting to the root a problem first before designing a solution is true of all of us. In this episode, Stephen George talks to legacy fundraisers to get their take on the problems they face to raise more money for charities from gifts in wills

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