Lourdes Health Talk



Information and Education for your Mind, Body and Spirit.


  • Is Antibiotic Overuse a Health Threat?


    Every year your family might face its share of colds, sore throats and viruses. When you go to the doctor for these illnesses, do you automatically expect a prescription for antibiotics? But your doctor could be doing you and your family a favor by not reaching for the prescription pad. Antibiotic resistance is a widespread problem. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are calling it a widespread health problem. Listen in as Kenneth Szwak, PA-C explains that doctors understand that you want to get better, but in most cases routine viral illnesses will clear up on their own without much more than rest, some extra fluids and time.

  • Latest Advances in Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer


    At the Lourdes Regional Cancer Center and our Radiation Oncology Department, the cancer care team is very aware of the many emotions and feelings that a person encounters when diagnosed with cancer. The many recent advances in radiation therapy are making it possible to provide more targeted treatment to better the outcome from radiation therapy. Listen in as Alexis Harvey, MD discusses the latest advances in radiation therapy for breast cancer.

  • Do You Suffer from Tennis Elbow?


    Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition of the elbow caused by overuse. Playing tennis or other racquet sports can cause this condition. However, other sports and activities can also put you at risk.Lourdes Sports Medicine offers complete, timely and caring sports medicine treatment. Our physicians specialize in the care of professional and amateur athletes as well as "weekend warriors." They aim to help patients attain their highest level of performance while minimizing their risk of re-injury. Our focus is on providing non-operative musculoskeletal sports medicine services.Listen in as Craig Kimmel, MD, nationally recognized authority on Sports Medicine at Lourdes Health System, discusses prevention and treatment for Tennis Elbow.

  • HPV and Cervical Cancer: Get the Important Facts


    Many years ago experts discovered a relationship between infection with HPV (human papillomavirus) and cervical cancer. Since then, these experts have learned much more about how HPV can lead to cervical cancer. Women and their healthcare providers have increasingly won the battle against cervical cancer in recent decades. Cervical cancer is the most common health problem linked to HPV in women. Nearly all cervical cancers are caused by HPV.Listen in as Howard M. Saul, DO explains that with early detection and HPV Vaccines, we have made great strides in the fight against Cervical cancer.

  • The Latest Treatment For Stroke Patients


    Stroke strikes about 700, 000 Americans each year, and if help is given in a very timely manner, many people will survive a stroke. The Lourdes Stroke Center is here to deliver innovative, state-of-the-art care to patients with symptoms of stroke.Listen in as Dr. Mandy Binning discusses who is at risk for stroke, how important time is to brain, and that acting FAST can reduce the damage a stroke can do.

  • The Latest Advances in Mazor Spine Surgery Technology


    The Mazor Robotics’ Renaissance® system is one of the only robotic guidance products in the United States used for implanting devices during spine surgery. The Mazor Robotics system allows the surgeon to use the images from a CT scan that is taken before surgery to create a blueprint for each surgical care. The CT scan information is loaded into a computerized 3D planning system which allows to the surgeon to plan the surgical procedure with a high degree of precision before ever entering the operating room.Listen on as Jeffrey R. Gleimer, DO explains this breakthrough procedure and how it helps to insure better accuracy during spine surgery.

  • Tips On What To Expect With Surgery


    If you or someone you love is facing a surgical procedure it can be scary and the period right after after surgery can be a very challenging time. However, there are certain things you can do to help yourself prepare to have surgery and make recovery less stressful.One of the best ways to help the recovery process (if possible) is getting your body in condition before the surgery. The better shape you're in, the lower your risk of surgical complications and the faster your recovery time.Listen in as Matthew J. Finnegan, MD explains that Lourdes uses only highly trained surgeons, anesthesiologists and nursing staff to provide every patient with safe, high quality, comprehensive healthcare in a dignified and compassionate environment.

  • What You Should Know About The Zika Virus


    In February, the World Health Organization (WHO) took the rare step of declaring an international public health emergency in connection with the spread of the Zika virus. Over the last year, the mosquito-borne illness has become endemic throughout the Caribbean and in many parts of Latin America. The Zika virus which is spread primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes).Zika virus infection during pregnancy can cause a serious birth defect called microcephaly, as well as other severe fetal brain defects.Dr. Matthew J. Gettings, DO, is here today to discuss the Zika virus and what you need to know about your risk and to prevent the spread of this virus.

  • Heat Emergencies: What To Do First


    According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from 1999 to 2010, a total of 7,415 deaths in the United States – an average of 618 per year – were associated with exposure to excessive heat. There are three main types of heat emergencies: heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The three conditions are closely related; failure to recognize and treat heat cramps can quickly lead to heat exhaustion and ultimately, heat stroke.Jenice Forde-Baker, MD is here to explain the importance of receiving immediate medical attention if you've been exposed to excessive heat.

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis


    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a difficult condition deserving the utmost attention because of the potential severity of its symptoms, because it can be a chronic condition and tends to affect younger people.Lourdes experienced clinicians can identify this sometimes difficult-to-diagnose condition based on history, symptoms, physical examination and testing. Lourdes GI specialists take an aggressive, proactive approach to IBD to try to minimize the amount the disease interferes with a patient’s life.Andrew R Conn, MD is here to discuss the approach Lourdes take to help each patient on an individual basis.

  • Lung Cancer: What Treatments are Available


    As many as 226,000 Americans could be diagnosed with lung cancer this year.At Lourdes Health System (a partner with 21st Century Oncology), while you may have the same type of cancer as another patient, your particular situation — including your overall health, your medical history, even your work and family responsibilities — make your case unique. That is why we develop an individualized cancer treatment plan for every patient; taking not only their disease but also their overall well-being into account.David Horvick, MD, is here talk about radiation therapy options, and how they offer new ways to manage lung cancer while maintaining quality of life.

  • Heart Attacks in Young Adults 


    What causes heart disease in young adults?Throughout adulthood, the same factors increase risk for heart disease, including age, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, tobacco use, lack of physical activity and family medical history. However, it is likely that heart disease in young adults is strongly related to genetic factors that are harder to modify. That’s why it’s important to identify cardiovascular risk factors early in life to help address risk factors and reduce risk of developing heart disease.Vivek V. Sailam, MD, is here to explain why it's so important, if you have genetic heart issues, that you seek treatment, even as a young adult.

  • Men's Health Issues: Low Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction


    Testosterone treatment may help some older men regain sexual desire, but it won’t give them more energy. That’s the conclusion of a recent that looked at how well this treatment worked.Although sometimes difficult to acknowledge or discuss, sexual complaints such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are common and increasingly easy to address through consultation or medical or surgical care.Dr. Adam Perzin, Urologist at Lourdes Health System, is here to discuss men's health issues to help you better understand your options and to help make it easier for you to discuss your concerns with your doctor.

  • Breast Cancer Surgery Options


    The vast majority of breast cancer patients undergo some form of surgery, which serves as the core treatment step sequenced often with other important modalities of treatment.The breast surgeon helps to define, refine and schedule this care, often working with the medical oncologists and radiation therapists. The team may support the effectiveness of operative procedures with other treatments that take place before or after surgery.Malini Iyer, MD is here to discuss all your breast cancer surgical options.

  • How Obesity Influences Survival Rate of a Cancer Patient


    Overweight and obese patients face worse side effects and survival odds than others with the same cancer.There are nearly 14 million cancer survivors in the U.S., and for many cancers, studies indicate more than two-thirds of those diagnosed are overweight or obese.Obesity correlates with some cancer types more than others. And the increased risk can be substantial.Dr. Edward Fernandez is here to help you better understand how obesity can effect cancer survival rates.

  • The Importance of Blood Pressure Control


    Blood pressure is one of the most important screenings because high blood pressure usually has no symptoms so it can’t be detected without being measured. High blood pressure greatly increases your risk of heart disease and stroke.If you can’t recall the last time you had your blood pressure checked, you may want to schedule a visit with your healthcare provider now.Dr. Hafeza Shaikh, a Cardiologist at Lourdes Cardiology, is here to explain the importance of keeping your blood pressure under control.

  • Tennis Elbow and The Tenex Procedure


    The Tenex Health Technique is a non-invasive, outpatient procedure that effectively treats tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, bone spurs and other issues leading to chronic joint and tendon pain. Ultrasound technology guides a probe that removes diseased tissue from tendons. The benefits are many: The procedure can be done in the doctor’s office, healing times are much shorter than traditional surgical techniques, no scarring and long-lasting results.Listen in as Dr. Thomas Plut is here as one of the first doctors in the region to offer this technique.

  • Liver Transplant: The Importance of Liver Donations


    Transplantation of the liver has become more common within the last two decades. This successful and effective surgery is a major, lifesaving operation typically done in the hands of an experienced liver transplant team.After patients complete the evaluation and the team places them on the organ waiting list, they have the opportunity to meet with their surgeon to review the surgical procedure, including the risks and benefits of the operation and of transplant medications.Dr. Manish Thapar is here to help answer questions about liver health and liver transplant.

  • Are Women More Susceptible To Sports Injuries?


    Lourdes Sports Medicine offers complete, timely and caring sports medicine treatment. Our physicians specialize in the care of professional and amateur athletes as well as “weekend warriors.”Spring sports season is right around the corner. That also can mean a variety of aches and pains. Athletes of all ages and abilities frequently complain of injuries due to overuse.Dr. Kristen Herbst is here to address women and sports injuries.

  • Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)


    Transcatheter aortic valve replacement or TAVR, is an advanced, minimally invasive procedure currently recommended for individuals who are considered too sick to undergo traditional surgical aortic valve replacement.  A significant portion of patients who need a valve replacement for a narrowed aortic valve (stenosis) would be at excessively high risk if undergoing conventional open-heart surgery, due to their advanced age, frailty or other medical conditions.Dr. Steven Kernis is here to explain how TAVR has emerged as a procedure that that provides the same life-extending benefits to these patients that open surgical aortic valve replacement would—and Lourdes has helped lead the way in providing TAVR to patients.

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