New Start New Jersey Podcast



New Start New Jersey is committed to exploring and enacting the most effective public policy initiatives to grow the economy and improve our quality of life in New Jersey.


  • #8: On The Volcker Alliance's Truth and Integrity in State Budgeting

    17/06/2015 Duration: 24min

    The fiscal health of our state directly influences the daily existence and long-term prospects of our citizens. This is a principle espoused by Paul Volcker, one of the world’s most respected leaders in finance and government. The organization that bears his name – The Volcker Alliance – recently released Truth and Integrity in State Budgeting, a report that explores potentially harmful fiscal practices and outlines recommended adjustments. The document focuses in detail on three states: California, Virginia and our own state, New Jersey. Joining New Start New Jersey's Philip D. Murphy for this discussion is Bill Glasgall, Program and Editorial Director of the Volcker Alliance’s State-Local Accountability and Improvement Program. Bill is the architect of Truth and Integrity in State Budgeting and one of the foremost experts on the finances of state and local governments Read the Report >>

  • #7: Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit

    27/05/2015 Duration: 24min

    Unlike 28 other states, New Jersey does not provide a Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, a policy to assist working families with costs incurred tending to the needs of a child or incapacitated adult.  In the report with the Center for American Progress, New Start New Jersey has recommended the state implement a Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit that would be tied to a percentage of the federal benefit and would be refundable. Joining New Start New Jersey for a discussion of the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit is Amy Matsui, Senior Counsel and Director of Women and the Courts at the National Women’s Law Center.  Amy is a recognized expert on economic issues affecting low- and moderate-income women and families and the co-author of Making Care Less Taxing: Improving State Child and Dependent Care Tax Provisions.

  • #6: Early Childhood Education

    09/03/2015 Duration: 28min

    New Jersey has implemented one of the most successful early childhood education programs in the nation, providing high-quality, full-day preschool to all three- and four-year-olds in designated districts. Several states – Texas, Washington, Alabama and Michigan – as well as the federal government, have weighed similar initiatives, citing New Jersey as a model. As New Jersey looks to continue its documented success, the state also has the opportunity to examine extending the benefits of early childhood education to a broader population. Joining New Start New Jersey Chairman and Co-Founder Philip Murphy for this discussion are Dr. W. Steven Barnett, Board of Governors Professor and Director of the National Institute for Early Education Research at Rutgers University and Dr. William Gormley, Georgetown University Professor of Public Policy and the co-Director of the Center for Research on Children in the U.S.

  • #5: Earned Sick Leave

    20/02/2015 Duration: 25min

    The United States is the only one of 22 nations that ranks highly in terms of economic and human development not to guarantee earned sick leave. Across the country, nearly 40 percent of private-sector workers do not enjoy the benefit, with an estimated one million people in New Jersey lacking earned sick leave, exposing individuals, families and business to such negative potentialities as poor health, the spread of illness, decreased productivity and elevated attrition. In response, Connecticut, California and recently Massachusetts have implemented or approved statewide earned sick leave, while localities including New York City, Washington, DC, Seattle and Portland, OR have adopted ordinances. In New Jersey, efforts at the local level have proved especially effective, with Jersey City, Newark, Irvington, Passaic, Paterson, Trenton, Montclair and East Orange having advanced ordinances. Joining New Start New Jersey Chairman and Co-Founder Philip Murphy for a discussion of earned sick leave is Dr. Ruth Milkman

  • #4: Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

    08/01/2015 Duration: 25min

    The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a voluntary, market-based, cooperative effort to reduce greenhouse gas pollution, has generated since its inception $1.9 billion in cumulative proceeds, which the nine participating states invest in clean energy, energy efficiency, consumer assistance and other programs. Once a RGGI member, New Jersey withdrew in 2011, although leaders in the state have worked to forestall the exit, citing lost economic and environmental opportunities. Joining NSNJ Chairman and Co-Founder Philip Murphy for a discussion of the model and its benefits to middle-class families are two members of the RGGI Board of Directors: Kelly Speakes-Backman, Commissioner of the Maryland Public Service Commission: and David Cash, Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.

  • #3: Tax-Credit Auctions for Venture Capital

    02/12/2014 Duration: 31min

    States have experienced a decrease in venture-capital activity in the years during and following the recession, a troubling pattern, especially in light of the role venture capital plays in creating jobs. New Jersey, in particular, has suffered steep declines, with investments and the number of deals reaching their lowest levels since the mid-1990s. In response to the downward national trend, Maryland and – following its lead – Pennsylvania each launched innovative insurance tax-credit auctions, with the funds dedicated to incubating high-growth, job-generating sectors. NSNJ Chairman & Co-Founder Philip Murphy is joined by Thomas Dann, who serves as the Managing Director of the Maryland Venture Fund.

  • #2: Export Promotion

    17/09/2014 Duration: 32min

    With the promotion of a revitalized export economy viewed as an effective policy to help engineer a durable, job-generating recovery, New Start New Jersey has examined national trends related to exports, looked at a best-practice model in the Greater Portland Export Initiative and explored steps our state might consider taking in this direction. Joining New Start New Jersey for this discussion are Derrick Olsen, Vice President of Regional Strategy and Promotion for Greater Portland Inc., and Dr. John Kennedy, CEO of the New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program. Hosted by New Start New Jersey Chairman & Founder Philip Murphy.

  • #1: Free Community College

    17/09/2014 Duration: 25min

    In an effort to improve degree attainment and capture the accompanying economic and social benefits, three states – Tennessee, Oregon and Mississippi – recently promoted the provision of free community college to high-school graduates.New Start New Jersey has explored both the projected advantages and criticism of the policy, while asking if our state should consider the proposal. Joining New Start New Jersey for this discussion is Dr. Lawrence Nespoli, President of the New Jersey Council of County Colleges.   Hosted by New Start New Jersey Chairman & Founder Philip Murphy.

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