Aj Knits

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 20:15:09
  • More information



AJ knits is weekly fiber crafting podcast. The host AJ has been knitting for about 10 year and crocheting almost as long. Join in to hear what's on the needles and all about AJ's learning curve as a new spinner.


  • Baby Suprise or "Winging It"

    19/11/2012 Duration: 37min

    In this episode AJ comes clean as to where on earth she's been, what's going on, what's cooking and what's on her needles.b

  • Swaps Rock or "Do Zomies have Names?"

    06/08/2012 Duration: 30min

    Production Scheduling Events                                                               i.      Great Trail Festival August 25-26 & September 1,2, and 3 in Malvern Ohio                                                             ii.      Yankee Peddler September September 8-9, 15-16, 22-23                                                           iii.      Old Mill Festival October 12,13, 14                                                           iv.      Possibility of Ann Arbor Fiber….  or maybe Rhinebeck…. Production What’s In my Tea Pot Material Sourcing Shipping After 5 Production Juno Regina by Miriam Felton                                                               i.      Still on chart three and it seems to be 2 steps forward and three back.  After correcting the last error I got the first lace row of chart three complete only to make another error in lace row #2 that I didn’t find until  I was at the end of lace row 3.  I need to tink the two row but I decided taking a deep breat

  • Portage Lakes or "Happy Birthday Nate"

    25/06/2012 Duration: 31min

    Episode 43 Productions scheduling Events Production What's in my Tea Pot Materials sourcing After 5 Events 1.Wool fest June 23 & 24, 2012 at Lake farm Park Production The Juno Regina Miriam Felton back from the dead! I sat down with my charts and a stitch marker this week and tinked back the row 3 times before I found the spot where the titch was missing. I picked it up and the lace hole ma be a touch bigger than the rest but I’m back on course and in the beginning of chart # 3. This is slow going because it's not to the point of being social knitting yet. The long easy part in the middle is coming! The Hitchhiker by Martina Behm I'm doing a KAL with a friend I met at Camp Kip. We decided back on Towel Day (May 25th for all you non Douglas Adams fans out there.) I chose to knit mine from the Briar Rose yarn I bought from the Great Lakes Wool festival. I love this yarn it has a bit of nylon in it and all the garter stitches shine a bit like beads. The color way I’m using is c

  • A day with Alpaca and Ewe or Podcasting by Candlelight

    30/05/2012 Duration: 39min

    Episode 42: Alpaca and Ewe or “ “ Production Scheduling Suddenly out of the blue my calendar has filled up with fibery events! Yay! During the winter there really wasn’t much to do but knit and surf yarn on the internet. Spring is here and even though it’s hotter than a 2.00 pistol it’s time to get back on the road! Events Production What’s in the Tea Pot Materials Sourcing Shipping After 5 Events A day with Alpaca and Ewe A while back Gloria from Alpaca and Ewe invited me to a podcaster gathering she was having while her Alpaca’s were being shorn (sheared?). I drove down to Palestine and spent Sunday morning with Gloria and family, the Wool Junkies, CA Shearing, and Karen (who I never got a last name for but has a serious eye for fleece grading!) I got there about 9:30 and the shearing was already in progress. This was a really organized process. When I got to the barn all the boys were in the barn and in the pen. The C A Crew ( April, Pat, Willie and Connie) Had their shearing Ta

  • Not the Camp KIP recap or Happy Podaversary

    14/05/2012 Duration: 38min

    Episode:41 Production scheduling I’m semi freshly back from camp KIP. I have so much to talk about regarding camp that I think it’s going to be an entire podcast. SO instead of launching into that now I’ll use this week to get caught up on what I’ve been doing and will recap Camp in depth next episode. I will say this. Camp Kip was absolutely awesome. I had an amazing time and I will be stalking Jackie so that I can do it again. If she woub Production What’s in My Teapotbb Materials Sourcing Shipping After 5 Production Drop stitch Scarf by Lisa Buccellato found in the spring and summer 2012 issue of vogue knitting. Knitting this our of Cascade Ultra Pima. I think Last week I called this Pima Silk. I shocked my self when I wound the second skein and saw that it’s 100% Pima cotton. No silk… I finally have this chart for the most part memorized. Which maded me feel brave enough to pack this as my knitting for CAMP Kip. That lasted about ½ a chart repeat. No sooner did I settler in

  • Finally Finished or "Puzzle Blocking"


    Episode: 40 Production scheduling Production What’s in My Teapot Materials Sourcing Shipping After 5 Production Gnome Socks By Spilly Jane Drop stitch Scarf by Lisa Buccellato found in the spring and summer 2012 issue of vogue knitting. I’m not usually one for pink and girly but I really like this! I’m knitting this from Cascade Pima Cotton in a lovely pinky lavender color # 3710 I cast this on last night and tore through the chart the first time. Started a second round on the chart and noticed that that little chicken foot symbol that I had been reading as an Sk2P (a centered decrease) was in the 1st part of the pattern a K3TOG ( right leaning decrease). . It’s a good thing I was only 1 ½ chart repeats in, frogging won’t be as painful as it could have been. Knitted Knockers of a Good Yarn Shop Knitted Knockers is part of Debbie Macomber’s Knit 1 Bless 2 initiative for 2012. I found out about them through a suggestion on my knit groups face book page. The pattern is fr

  • Episode 39: Truffles of the Serengeti or "The vacation that wasn't"b

    29/03/2012 Duration: 30min

    Episode: 39 Production scheduling Production Knitting Mojo exhausted What’s in My Teapot Materials Sourcing After 5 Production Gnome Socks By Spilly Jane Another week of little progress. Last time we talked I wasn’t liking my tension which was skewing my gauge. The big debate was to Frog, perfect and frog, or Plunge on. I’m taking the path of least resistance and plunging forward with an eye to perfect and frog. I also manage to botch the pattern this week. Which has made me lay these down in disgust. (With myself… and my lack of skills…) So Despite having a few more rows done I’m pretty much in the same conundrum … “To frog, or not to frog, that is the question: Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to sufferThe Slings and Arrows of outrageous color work, Or to take up needles against a Sea of troubles…” Back onto the project pile they go. Ruffled and Ruched Scarf by Pam Powers Ruffed and Ruched Redux The party is next weekend! ARGH! Where have I frittered my time away to?!

  • Hard Boiled Eggs or "Riffing on a Theme"

    14/03/2012 Duration: 27min

    Episode 38: Production scheduling Production What’s in My Teapot Materials Sourcing After 5 Production Gnome Socks By Spilly Jane I had a little progress on these this week. I’m in to the three color rows which include the tip of the gnomes beard, his shirt, and the main color. I have a feeling that my gauge is too loose. There aren’t any blatant holes but… I think in my quest to make sure my floats aren’t too tight I’ve over compensated and the stitches are too loose. For a bit of inspiration I took a look at Mary Scott Huff’s video for the Rockin’ Sock Club Where she discusses stranded color work. Can I just say that I love Mary? Her Sense of humor kills me! Do check out her blog on the exploding over head lighting. This is sooo something that would happen to me and I would be blogging / hiding under the dining room table as well. Don’t even get me started on the Laundry – cano. Right now my gnome socks are resting in my project pile. I have to decide whether or not the gauge

  • What is a Cowmoon? or "Monstermeat!"

    06/03/2012 Duration: 23min

    Episode 37: Production scheduling Production What’s in My Teapot Materials Sourcing After 5 Production Gnome Socks by Spilly Jane Camp KIP Theme Using the recommended Brown Sheep Nature spun. Tried to use Knitpicks “palette” but couldn't find colors I liked. Tension is a bit wonky. I think it's mostly because I'm concerned about the floats getting to tight across the back. Through the hats and faces of the first row of gnomes. Getting ready to cast on the white for beards and then the next row is the start of the oh so scary three color rows! The Bee Keeper’s Quilt by Tiny Owl knits Hexipuffs! I tried to avoid it I even found the vlog post mildly annoying and yet I bought the pattern and am happily hexipuffing away. My puffs are a bit smaller than what the pattern is calling for as I'm knitting mine on two sz one circular needles. I found the method in the pattern of knitting them on DPNs a bit hard on my hands . I have 7 out of the 345 some odd puffs that I'll ne

  • Interesting Times or "Low and Be-Holden"

    22/02/2012 Duration: 24min

    Episode 36: Production scheduling – It feels so good to be back infront of the microphone! Not to be to Excusey but... there's a chineese curse. Or a saying that's been attributed as a chineese curse... That says May you live in interesting times. Life over here ahas taken a turn to the interesting to say the least. Production What’s in My Teapot Shipping Materials Sourcing After 5 Production Soft Serve by fervid Design I found this while surfing Ravelry for interesting hats to make for my knit groups year of the baby contest. It looks like a swirl ofhbh DQ soft serve. I’m using the left overs from the Top Down raglan sweater. 10 stitch Blanket by Frankie Brown. My knittign grup is having a blanket drive for Project linus. I have a large amount of recycled afghan yarn ans thought this blanket mayhe a good use as It doesn't include my main turn off when it comes to blamkets. Long never ending rows. I have this cast on and I'm to the point of adding in the contrast color. I've r

  • Bobble Bobble or "From the Ahses"

    03/02/2012 Duration: 28min

    Episode 35:   Production Scheduling Production What’s In my Tea Pot Shipping Materials Sourcing After 5   Production The Holden Shawlette by Mindy W ilkes being knitted from Wollmeise Twin in Nazar Boncugu ( merino super wash, semisolid) Electric Blue. Ignored for hats. Cup Cake Hat by Jane Mack What can I say I can't resist a funky hat. I'm knitting this out of stashed left over acrylic. I'm on the 2nd row of Bobbles in the icing   What’s In My Tea Pot   Trader Joe’s Candy Cane Green Tea i Don the wonder Intern found this one and was nice enough to gift me a box for Christmas. ii. The Back of the Box:  While out Candy Cane Decaffeinated Green Tea may lack the traditional red and white stripes and candy cane shape associated with your traditional candy cane, that familiar minty taste is ever present.  We’ve taken some of our favorite holiday flavors like refreshing peppermint, creamy vanilla, and spicy cinnamon and mixed them with a naturally decaffeinated, rich green tea. ii

  • Episode 34 Year's end or "Humble Pie"

    21/01/2012 Duration: 32min

    Episode 34: New Year's Round Up or “Live From NE Ohio” Production Scheduling Events Production Finished Objects UFO's Favorite Project Ugliest FO? What's in my tea pot Materials Sourcing After 5 Events Pittsburgh Knit and Crochet Festival http://www.pghknitandcrochet.com/ February 10, 11, 12 of 2011. Camp KIP Session #1 will run April 21-24, 2012 The 2nd Annual Camp Kip retreat will be hosted at Cedar Creek Conference Center in New Haven, MO Production The Holden Shawlette by Mindy W ilkes being knitted from Wollmeise Twin in Nazar Boncugu ( merino super wash, semisolid) Electric Blue. Through the chart the 1st time, once more to go. I blanked out on this I thought I was done until I checked the pattern to make sure I was supposed to bind off in picot. That's when I noticed the note to knit the chart twice. Top Down Raglan Baby Sweater by Carole Barenys One sleeve most of the way done. About ½ inch more of ribbing. Then pick up the second sleeve... Year of the baby

  • The Moon on a String or "The Year of the Baby"

    09/01/2012 Duration: 19min

    Episode 33 Production Scheduling Events Shipping Production What's in my tea pot Materials Sourcing After 5 Events Pittsburgh Knit and Crochet Festival http://www.pghknitandcrochet.com/ February 10, 11, 12 of 2011. Camp KIP Session #1 will run April 21-24, 2012 The 2nd Annual Camp Kip retreat will be hosted at Cedar Creek Conference Center in New Haven, MO Production The Holden Shawlette by Mindy W ilkes being knitted from Wollmeise Twin in Nazar Boncugu ( merino super wash, semisolid) Electric Blue. Pattern has charted and written directions for the lace. I've not gotten as far as I would have liked on this. I'm still in the stockinette section. My knitting group has declared 2012 as the year of the baby. In honor of that they are currently having a contest for baby hat's, mitts, and booties. It's team Sugar and Spice vs team Snips and Snails. My hooks and needles are laboring for team Snips and Snails. The competition has been fierce and the crocheter's are kicking the knitters

  • Freedom House or "Lobster Surprise"

    29/12/2011 Duration: 38min

    Episode 32 Production Scheduling Events Shipping Production What's in my tea pot Materials Sourcing After 5 Events Pittsburgh Knit and Crochet Festival http://www.pbbbbghknitandcrochet.com/ February 10, 11, 12 of 2011. Camp KIP Session #1 will run April 21-24, 2012 The 2nd Annual Camp Kip retreat will be hosted at Cedar Creek Conference Center in New Haven, MO Shipping Mohawk Hat by Darlene Dale provided free on www.caron.com I did this in Nate's school colors. Not sure if this was as big of a hit as the beard hat was only time will tell... He says he likes it, but he is a teenager. The Incredible Custom fit Raglan Sweater by Pamela Costello www.woolworks.org/patterns/raglan.html I'm using this pattern B's horse sweater. I finished a sample of the Loopy the Appaloosa Cloth by Rhonda K white. This one came down to the wire. I did both sleeves in one night. Ended up finishing the neck with a simple backward crochet edge. B wears it but the first time he tried it on he yelled

  • Milk Jug Luminaries or "Peace On Earth"

    17/12/2011 Duration: 35min

    Episode 31 Production Scheduling Events Production What's in my tea pot Materials Sourcing After 5 Events Camp KIP Session #1 will run April 21-24, 2012 The 2nd Annual Camp Kip retreat will be hosted at Cedar Creek Conference Center in New Haven, MO Only 4 months and 6 days to go! Pittsburgh Knit and Crochet Festival http://www.pbbbbghknitandcrochet.com/ February 10, 11, 12 of 2011. Production Mohawk Hat by Darlene Dale provided free on www.caron.com the crocheting is done all the fringey bits have been attached to the mo-hawk strip and all that’s left to do is attach the strip to the hat. I started to attach it and was having second thoughts about how to go about it. I'm worrying about getting it centered. Finishing really is not my best thing. Perhaps the next class I take should be one on finishing. The Incredible Custom fit Raglan Sweater y Pamela Costello www.woolworks.org/patterns/raglan.html I'm using this pattern B's horse sweater. I finished a sample of the Loopy the Appal

  • Taco's for Santa or "Blessed are the Cheese Makers"

    06/12/2011 Duration: 26min

    AJ has finally come to terms with the Christmas knitting.  Joe picks out the tea in the tea pot.  B wants to leave tacos for Santa.  Aj, B, and Nate try out their acting chops.

  • Getting off my Duff or “Return of the Bride”

    28/11/2011 Duration: 23min

    AJ explains / makes up excuses for her unplanned hiatus.  Tons on the needles, nothing off the needles, and a good dollop of trials and tribulations.  Aj and Joe snuck off for a date night and while they weren't looking the inlaws have been spoiling B.

  • Pie Fight or "Sage Advice"

    14/11/2011 Duration: 21min

    The handspun is running low and AJ is freaking out.  B wants to make a pie but Joe prefers his pie store bought.  The guilt Knitting is cast on and the Super Secret Christmas poroject is still ongoing.

  • A Quick Update Or "Winning Mojo"

    07/11/2011 Duration: 15min

    In this mini episode AJ updates on the holiday knittign and the newly cast on scarf. Joe makes stew and Nate takes the ice while B is starting to compile his christmas wish list. AJ keeps her winning mojo going by winning another project bag.

  • Episode 26 Double Bubble or “Mulling it over”

    02/11/2011 Duration: 24min

    Happy Halloween.  The crispness of fall is in the air!  AJ has mulled cider in the crock pot, B has his Halloween costume, and Joe only gets about 4 houses down while trick or treating.  AJ has a project in shipping and is swatching everythign in site trying to knit from her sock yarn heavy stash.

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