Building A Better Dave

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 56:46:30
  • More information



The personal diary of Dave Jackson. Each short episode attempts to make you laugh, cry, think, groan, educate, or entertain. Sometimes, you get to play therapist as Dave attempts to share life's lessons from Father Time.


  • He Was Here A Minute Ago

    02/07/2008 Duration: 18min

    I lost my cousin Shawn Steinmetz this week. He was 33, and has two very young daughters. It was a freak bike accident. He was here a few weeks ago for my niece's graduation party, and now he's gone. I don't have all the details, and in reality, it doesn't matter. Hug your kids. Call your parents. Love the one your with. Speaking of Love... On the way to Podcamp Ohio the Nurse (my girlfriend) and I drove to Columbus and listened to a book (something like saving your marriage before it even starts). Once again I hear how a man needs to make the woman feel cherished. To do this he has to give up anything she asks for. Then because she loves him, she will give it back. This seems inefficient. Why not just believe me, and we can bypass the giving and giving back. I guess it doesn't work that way. UPDATE Please note: At the end of this podcast I mention how you "have to give up everything." This is NOT what the book states. This is the "warped" version in my head. The bottom line is a relationship is give and take.

  • Kids Are Like Electric Football

    08/06/2008 Duration: 19min

    Today I introduce you to my new Great Nephew. He sure is little. It really drove home the point of how absolutely life-changing kids are. I can honestly say that at age 43 I'm glad I don't have this kind of responsibility that is soooo 24/7. I talk about how "The Countess" has made the "Show Choir." This scared me as if she had not made it, I would've been there for the meltdown, and I want the best for all of "The Nurses" kids (and I'm not sure I could take watching the meltdown from the front row).  Luckily I got to be part of the celebration. One thing as I "Hang out" with children of all shapes and sizes, I can see where the role of the parent really comes into play. Kids have their own personality. It sure seems like they are preprogrammed to go in a certain direction. It reminds me of "Electric Football." A game my brother and I got for Christmas (pre-Atari). This game had some vibrating device on the bottom and a flat (or supposed to be flat) surface that the players would stand on. You could adjust so

  • Cereal Killer

    13/05/2008 Duration: 14min

    Today's show has the F word it. You've been warned.   This is one of the "weird" episodes where I just wonder why things go into my mind at certain times. I happened to notice that Apple Jacks has no mascot while most children's cereals have a mascot (Tony the Tiger, Lucky for Lucky Charms, The rabbit for Trix, Count Chocula, Frankenberry, Boo Berry, The Bee for Cheerios). It turns out there IS a mascot that was launched in 2005, but apparently, it never caught on. Does anyone remember Euell Gibbons and his crazy "Eat a pine cone" commercials for Grape Nuts? What marketing person thought this made me want to eat this cereal. Also, did you know there was a fourth Crispy Brother? Roy. (OK, I stole that from David Letterman). NEVER USE THE WORD CLUSTER when talking about food. Brownies are the bastard son of the cake family. If we didn't have the word "muffin" we would all be eating cupcakes for breakfast. Music today by the band Gecko 3 www.gecko3.comfrom the Podsafe Music Network at

  • Drive By Schooling

    07/05/2008 Duration: 20min

    Today I talk about one of my life’s most embarrassing moments. I made a huge mistake, and I thought about not talking about it on the show. However, the “teacher” in me took over and I thought “If someone can learn from my mistake, it’s worth it.” All signs point to me not passing a class this semester. While I’ve always had good grades, this semester I’m not going to be able to come in at the last minute and save the day. While most politicians don’t understand the concept of accepting your responsibility, I’m here to say “no excuses” and say this was ALL MY FAULT. I’m very upset that I somehow lost my mojo, I took on things I shouldn’t have, and I should’ve said NO when I said yes. I kept thinking I would get back to school and get caught up. I wonder if subliminally that when I go so far behind, if I just didn’t give up. I think I always could get caught up eventually, and I just flat out ran out of time. I have done nothing but examine this semester over the last few days trying to figure out what went wr

  • It Ain’t Easy Being Green

    28/04/2008 Duration: 17min

    Today I tell the story of trying to help my niece as she is in labor. The bad news is Hospitals make me physically sick due to some psychological reason beyond my control. It is very strange as my new great nephew was born on the same day my Mother died 19 years ago (in the same hospital). It made for a day full of many emotions. I also speak about how I regret not asking my Mother to quit smoking more frequently. Quitting smoking is very hard to do. My ex-wife tried every method and the only that worked was the quick key system (when she used it it was called something different). This system slowly weens you off cigarettes using a computer that fits in your hand, You can but it at

  • Hey It’s Your Birthday

    22/04/2008 Duration: 03min

    I’ve noticed that when you go to just about ANY restaurant these days, if its someone’s birthday they bring the whole kitchen crew out to sing their “Hey It’s Your Birthday” song. I’ve also noticed that after about the 27th time of hearing this song the performance needs some tweaking. I think this whole thing was started by a mexican food chain called Chi Chi’s (which went out of business after giving many people food poisoning). THANKS CHI CHI’S! It may be a bit before my next episode. I’m behind in school (been a bad boy) and I need to get caught up. Keep those emails and comments coming! 888-563-3228

  • Rubber Band Man

    09/04/2008 Duration: 16min

    So my girlfriend and I listened to the book "Men are from Mars, women are from Venusin the car ride to Dayton Ohio where I was talking to the Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop. I learned some new stuff as did my girlfriend. Men are like rubber bands. They have an intimacy cycle, where they get close, and then snap away. When they stretch as far as they can they will then snap back. If a woman tries to stop them from "stretching" it causes problems. Women are like waves. They go up and down. If you try to stop the natural cycle of women. If you try to stop this cycle, it causes issues as well. So you can see where if a woman is "crashing" and a man is "Stretched out" it could cause a a problem if both parties don't understand that they are just being male/female. I found it interested and it has given "The nurse" and myself some valuable insights. P.S. The song "Rubberband Man" is from The Spinners. Buy it in iTunes using this link or Buy it at P.S. Yes I know there is a typo in the album art. .... s

  • Over the Top Cosmo

    03/04/2008 Duration: 05min

    Today I talk about being in a house that is 75% percent women most of the time (and how it makes toilet paper and endangered species). Also, this week's Cosmopolitan magazine has a headline that says, "Be a genius in bed." (or something like that). I mean sex has been around for a while. Don't you think we've got a pretty good grip on it (no pun intended). Is there really anything 100% new? So I talk about some of the things I expect to see if and when I read a Cosmopolitan magazine.

  • Relationship2.0

    31/03/2008 Duration: 17min

    So my trust went left of center this weekend as I let some small circumstances get the best of me and get “in my head” making me act like someone I don't want to be. I'm not very proud of myself. In the end, my “suspicious” attitude showed “The Nurse” how much I TRULY cared, and that made her happy (not a recommended practice). In the end we put all the cards on the table, and came back with “Relationship 2.0” Its stronger, faster, and built to last. Guys if you find yourself suspicious, its best to get the information directly from the source, instead of finding bits and pieces and trying t connect the dots. MUSIC “I Believe in Us” by Marc Doiron off of the Podsafe Music network ( Buy his music at you can also buy the download of the single in itunes


    18/03/2008 Duration: 22min

    Today we welcome a new listener - and then piss them off. Wonderful. This podcast is kind of "my diary." But not really the truth. You only get MY side of the story so you know there is another two-thirds of the story. So my last podcast where I got to be a "Dad" for a day. It was a joke. It was a strange moment, and a great memory as the "Countess" won her talent show. Well, double agent 0017 somehow accidentally played that episode for THE BIOLOGICAL FATHER. NICE. I understand her loyalty, but if she had not shown him, he never would've known. Now we have a lovely bowl of DRAMA STEW. Am I mad? No. I pretty much expected it. Besides, she loves cheese (an inside joke). It's not like we didn't know it was going to "accidentally" get back to him. So why was it such a big deal to be Dad for a day? Because I don't have kids, and won't have any. That door has closed. I spent 10-15 thousand dollars trying to bypass the natural obstacles my ex-wife had. So I understand how children are a gift. They are not things yo

  • Dad For a Day

    04/03/2008 Duration: 18min

    Today I talk about how “The Countess” and I performed in a talent show. It was amazing, and I am so proud of her. It was great to make a memory with such a great kid. Then I thought about it. As much as we know parents can influence their kids. Does that mean as adults we influence our parents? I mean who can drive you more nuts than your kids (or your parents). So as much as parent should take advantage of every minute they can spend with their children, are we doing the same thing when our parents are growing older? The one thing I know is I got to make a great memory with a great kid I enjoy watching as she grows into a lovely young lady.

  • Congratulations it’s a Boy!

    18/02/2008 Duration: 20min

     I went to a Casting Crowns show last night. It was amazing. I had never heard of them (I went to see the opening band), and they just blew me away. Check out their latest CD from iTunes and AMAZON.COM   I've always thought about sponsoring a kid. In the end, I never did. Well, its time. Sure its not in the budget, but just like having an actual kid, are you ever financially ready for a kid? We get some feedback from some folks about quitting vs making wise decisions. I also talk about some recent shows that I went to, and how they rocked. For more information about Alan Alex go to


    07/02/2008 Duration: 15min

    I'm trying to learn new things as I try to "better" Dave.  The one thing I think I stink at is quitting.  I've been thinking about quitting things. You can only take so much right? I was watching the movie "Rocky Balboa" (not horrible).  There was a great scene in the movie.  In the movie, Rocky is talking to his son and says, "It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.  It's about how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth, but you need to be willing to take the hits." So as I watching the movie, and the exercise equipment I was using broke. I went upstairs to take a shower. They are working on the water system in the neighborhood, and you guessed it - NO WATER. To this I say, Is that all you got life? You think you can get me down? I'm answering the bell. Quitting is not my strong suit, and I'm not going to start now. My biggest problem is I have a woman

  • I Don’t Undertstand Women

    24/01/2008 Duration: 18min

    OK, it's official. I don't understand women.  Today I return to one of my favorite topics which is how men and women are so different. Here are some topics: Nails: I don't know a guy who picks a woman based on their nails, but women love to do their nails and comment on other women's nails. Listening: Guys are used to fixing things that are wrong. We are used to taking action. For a guy to listen to 2 minutes of complaints and then do NOTHING and by doing NOTHING something is FIXED. I don't get it, but its true. Cat Fights: Put women in a room and they will scratch each other eyes out. Put guys together and they will work together to find a television set. My School has purchased a new WEBCT program with 30% fewer features. My tuition money at work.

  • Koochie Don’t Fail Me Now

    01/01/2008 Duration: 11min

    Before we even set foot in Fat Fish Blue in Downtown Cleveland, I knew what to expect. You see a large female soul singer (who happened to be African-American)  was going to be on stage. I told the nurse (my girlfriend), "This woman will follow the large soul singer formula and sing about grinding it to a nub.  We weren't there 10-15 minutes and she starts a song about "Sleeping with one eye open because her man won't leave her alone." Your honor, I rest my case.  I also made up a couple of songs I might expect to hear including, "I think I done broke it off in me..." Now it's just my opinion. These seem like lovely people, but I'm not really into watching a 270+ lb woman grind on stage. It's just not my thing.   Speaking of great soul singers, I end the show with a cut from the Podsafe Music Network ( featuring Shameka Copeland ( ) "Breakin"

  • Top 10 Holiday Tips for 2008 from JESUS

    28/12/2007 Duration: 08min

    This year it was interesting as the conductor at the High School said "Happy Holidays" and someone from the audience shouted out MERRY CHRISTMAS. The audience laughed. Today we have a very special guest who chimes in with some tips for NEXT year around the holidays (or really ANY day). 1. Instead of writing protest letters objecting to the way My birthday is being celebrated, write letters of love and hope to soldiers away from home.  They are terribly afraid and lonely this time of year.  I know, they tell Me all the time. 2. Visit someone in a nursing home. You don't have to know them personally.  They just need to know that someone cares about them. 3. Instead of writing George complaining about the wording on the cards his staff sent out this year, why don't you write and tell him that you'll be praying for him and his family this year.  Then follow up.  It will be nice hearing from you again. 4. Instead of giving your children a lot of gifts you can't afford and they don't need, spend time with them.  Te

  • Popo Reads the Christmas Story

    24/12/2007 Duration: 09min

    Today  I tell the story of Christmas Eve. For a child this was known as “Hours of Torture” followed by some presents. The “finish line” of the waiting for presents was Grandpa (better known as POPO – “poe poe”) reading the Christmas story. So when my Grandparents left of to go live with relatives in Texas I had my Grandfather read the Christmas story into a cassette tape. I had lost this tape for years. I really thought I had lost it. So I have received a great present this year by having the voice of my Grandfather back in my life after many years of absence. Welcome to the Podcast POPO. Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks so much for listening.

  • The Christmas tree From Hell

    23/12/2007 Duration: 05min

    My Grandfather was one of the first people to have an artificial tree. He had a unique way of decorating it. It sticks in my mind even though it was so many years ago.

  • Santa's Workshop

    21/12/2007 Duration: 04min

    Today is Day #9 in the Twelve DAVES of Christmas. Today I talk about how we turned the tables on our parents and had a Surprise for them when they woke up. This is a tradition that would take a horrible turn in the near future (tomorrows show). But it did teach me that it doesn't take much to stand out in a crowd.

  • 10 Little Fingers and 10 Little Toes

    20/12/2007 Duration: 05min

    Welcome to another installment of "The 12 Dave's of Christmas" (#8 for those keeping Track) Today I'm going to do something I've NEVER done in any of my 100s of podcast episodes. I'm going to SING. It's a Christimas song about the true meaning of Chrstmas. It's me, a guitar, and a microphone (and a touch of reverb).

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