Boring Bill Podcast



If you have trouble in getting to sleep then why not try listening to 'Boring Bill'? Boring Bill has a microphone pointed at him and then he'll rant for the length of the podcast. If you have any ideas for things for Bill to talk about or any questions you would like to ask him about his life for him to answer on the podcast- email:!


  • Boring Bill 17 - Lets Talk About Cheese


    You guessed it, podcast #17 is Bill talking about cheese! Brand names of cheese, types of chesse and so on. Nice and boring. Be warned however that today we turned the recording volume right up because it seems people have been having problems with it being too low. It is far louder than before so keep the volume adjustment down to be safe. Email address is:

  • Boring Bill 16 - Trains Arrivals


    Boring Bill gets the chance to tell you about some train arrivals to London Waterloo station. He even gets the break-down information on some delayed trains to find out what went wrong. Very boring this one. We are up to show 16 and we still want our listeners to send in ideas for shows, email:

  • Boring Bill 15 - Something Quite Different


    In the 15th show instead of Boring Bill speaking we have a bit of music to play people. This is a one off and won't happen again on this podcast but we just thought it might help you getting to sleep. Email your comments to: Enjoy.

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