Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris



Hit the Mic with The Stacey Harris is the must hear podcast for women entrepreneurs ready to get their message out online without feeling like a douchebag. Listen in as Stacey and her guests talk about marketing, social media, business, and making it all work in your life. Each Tuesday Stacey answers questions from listeners and shares the latest in information from the online marketing space.The Stacey Harris is a powerhouse online entrepreneur helping her clients reach rock star status with communities full of raving fans who follow them anywhere. She has a passion for building and being active in communities and teaching folks to use networking to build relationships that grow businesses.Her passion for rock stars goes back to her roots, she graduated with a degree in audio engineering ready to take the music scene by storm. She quickly started working with an up and coming record label finding bands to sign and feature on their web radio station. Now returning to her web radio roots Stacey is the host of her own show Hit the Mic with The Stacey Harris.You can find out more and connect with The Stacey Harris at www.thestaceyharris.com and over on Twitter at @TheStaceyHarris.


  • How to Craft the Perfect Podcast Description and Cover Art

    19/10/2022 Duration: 17min

    Welcome to week three of our podcast housekeeping series. We're going to talk about your podcast description and cover art today. Don't skip this bit, because there are a couple of things here that you might be surprised about. Book Your Podcast Strategy Intensive at https://uncommonlymore.com/intensive Get access to The Podcast Newsroom today at https://uncommonlymore.com/newsroomSupport the show

  • How to Craft the Perfect Podcast Outro Call to Action

    12/10/2022 Duration: 15min

    Let’s kick off week two of our podcast housekeeping series. Last week we talked about your podcast introduction and today we're talking about your podcast outro. I want you to think about these two episodes together. A lot of what we talked about last week is going to apply to this week, and a lot of what we're going to talk about this week, you'll actually be able to reverse and apply to that as well. Book your Podcast Strategy Intensive at uncommonlymore.com/intensive.Support the show

  • How to Craft the Perfect Podcast Introduction

    05/10/2022 Duration: 15min

    Let's talk about housekeeping. This episode is the start of a four-part series on podcasting housekeeping you maybe haven't done in a while. If you don't have a show yet and you're looking to launch your show, these are really good episodes to start with because these are foundational pieces. If you're currently running a show, these are probably things that you “set it and forget it” with. Today we're going to revisit them and make sure they're still doing what they're supposed to do for our shows.  Book your Podcast Strategy Intensive at uncommonlymore.com/intensive.Support the show

  • 3 Ways to Use to Feature Guests on Your Podcast

    28/09/2022 Duration: 15min

    If you're using guests on your podcasts, we're going to talk about three ways to feature guests in your show. They're still going to help you connect with your audience, you're going to still help them make the decisions they need to be making in the space they're in with you, instead of using guests as a distraction from what we normally talk about and what we normally share with our audience. These are three strategic ways to be using guests on your podcast. Get access to The Podcast Newsroom at podcastnewsroom.com Book your Podcast Strategy Intensive at uncommonlymore.com/intensiveSupport the show

  • The 3 Questions You Must Answer If You Want More Sales From Your Podcast

    21/09/2022 Duration: 23min

    When we sit down for quarterly calls and we sit down on onboarding calls, when I sit down for strategy calls, and when I talk to podcasters ever, there are three questions that I always want to know the answer to. These are the KEY to seeing leads and sales from your podcast, they're non-negotiable. Today we're going to dig into those questions and why you should be able to answer them for every single episode you release of your show. Plain and simple. Learn more about the Podcast Strategy Intensive Learn more about Podcast Production with Uncommonly More Get access to The Podcast Newsroom - podcastnewsroom.comSupport the show

  • Introducing The Podcast Strategy Intensive

    19/09/2022 Duration: 11min

    I could not be more excited to share a brand new way to work with Uncommonly More today.   All the details are on the site at uncommonlymore.com/intensive, but here are the basics.   You and I come together for a two-hour call, you walk away with ALL of your podcast prep done for the next full quarter. Not just a list of ideas from your mastermind peers, or your Instagram followers. Instead, it's a 12-episode list of optimized titles with outlines of sales assets.   Turn your podcast from a nurture machine to a sales team member, book your Podcast Strategy Intensive today! Support the show

  • Why I'm Committed to Being Annoying

    14/09/2022 Duration: 21min

    What if you just committed to being really, truly, deeply annoying? What if your goal for 2023 was just to find anyone who will send you an email and tell you, “You're annoying. Shut up”? That was actually my goal in 2014. Today we're going to talk about why and the impact it had on me, then and now, many, many, many moons later. Get access to The Podcast Newsroom today at https://podcastnewsroom.comSupport the show

  • How to Use Dynamic Ad Content to Turn Podcast Listeners Into Clients

    07/09/2022 Duration: 17min

    Today's episode is all about Dynamic Ad Content, if you've ever wished you could go back into a popular episode and add a fresh promo, this is how it's done.  We're defining what dynamic ad content is, some tools to use to do it, and the nuances you need to watch out for when doing this kind of ad roll.  Get access to The Podcast Newsroom today at podcastnewsroom.comSupport the show

  • 3 Things to Consider When Hiring a Podcast Manager

    31/08/2022 Duration: 17min

    This conversation is going to help you build out the questions you’re going to ask me when we sit down because these three pieces are not just what you need to be considering going into it but whoever you work with should be able to answer these same questions. If as we move through today’s conversation, you hear me mention something and you’re like, “Yes, I want to know more about that,” make sure you check out What Working With Uncommonly More Looks Like. That actually walks you through exactly what working with our team looks like, so you can get an understanding of if that feels good for you, if that sounds like what you are looking for, if it is, let’s have a conversation.  Get access to The Podcast Newsroom today at https://uncommonlymore.com/newsroomSupport the show

  • Using Your Podcast As A Sales Tool with Racheal Cook

    24/08/2022 Duration: 39min

    If you’ve ever thought about running a challenge right on your podcast, you’re going to want to listen to this episode, sit down with Uncommonly More production client, Racheal Cook, to talk about exactly how she uses two challenges every single year in her podcast. Get access to The Podcast Newsroom today at https://uncommonlymore.com/newsroomSupport the show

  • 3 Ways To Improve Your Sound Without Upgrading Your Mic

    17/08/2022 Duration: 21min

    We're going to talk about sound quality today, and I'm going to work really hard in not being nerdy. Wish me luck. I want to talk about this because so, so, so often I can on calls with clients or I get questions in my DMs or in my inbox around sound quality and microphone, meaning my quality needs to improve, what mic should I buy? The question should instead be how can podcasters improve sound quality WITHOUT buying a new mic (even if it's what we'd rather do)? Even the best quality mic can leave a little bit to be desired if we're not taking some extra steps. And I think that oftentimes what impacts our sound quality the most has very little to do with the actual microphone. None of the ways I'm sharing today are editing techniques. These 3 ways of improving sound quality are things you will do in the recording process. The bad sound quality in is bad sound quality out. There's only so much you can do in editing to improve the sound. You have to, have to, have to, ha

  • Private Podcast Feeds: 3 Ways to Use Them to Grow Your Business

    10/08/2022 Duration: 19min

    Since we launched the Podcast Newsroom last August, I have been getting questions about how a private podcast feed works. One of the biggest questions has actually been around how I could use it. Today we're sharing three ways you could be using a private podcast feed in your business right now. We're starting right here and we're going to talk about three ways you can be using this tool in your business. But we're going to actually follow this up over on the Podcast Newsroom. Make sure you're subscribed there if you're not yet because I'm actually going to have a training happening over there so you will be able to go right after you're done with this episode and grab that training and it's going to talk about the tools I use, it's going to talk about editing and production of those shows. Get access to The Podcast Newsroom today at https://uncommonlymore.com/newsroomSupport the show

  • How to Get Better Results from Your Podcast Team

    03/08/2022 Duration: 17min

    If you’re struggling with your podcast or your podcast team, this is the episode for you. We’re digging in on TWO ways you can start to see better results from your podcast team (and by extension your podcast, and your podcast experience). Get access to The Podcast Newsroom today at https://uncommonlymore.com/newsroomSupport the show

  • The Strategy Differences Between Private and Public Podcasts

    20/07/2022 Duration: 25min

    In addition to launching our own private podcast about a year ago, we've launched several private podcasts for clients over the last year. And today, I want to talk about the strategic difference between a private podcast and a public podcast. We launched The Podcast Newsroom just short of a year ago, August, but in addition to that, we've launched a lot of private podcasts in the last year for clients, some as marketing pieces, some as content delivery pieces, we talked about some of the ways you can use private podcasts and I sat down with the incredible Lindsay Padilla, who is a co-founder of Hello audio, which is a tool we use for our private podcast and we use most frequently. We've talked a lot about private podcasts on this show, but one thing we've never really dug into is the strategic differences between a private podcast and a public podcast. I want to talk about three today. Get access to The Podcast Newsroom today at https://uncommonlymore.com/newsroomSupport the show

  • What Working With Uncommonly More Looks Like

    13/07/2022 Duration: 38min

    The purpose of this episode above all is to give you clarity on who we work with, what we do, and really how to know if now is right for you. As you listen to this episode, I want you to be thinking about any questions that aren't being answered here. Because if there are questions that aren't being answered here, I want to encourage you to reach out to me. I want you to reach out with those questions because if this episode is leaving you wanting anything else, then it's time for us to talk. That's a really good indicator that you are ready to have a conversation and we can get into the specifics for you and your show then. Get access to The Podcast Newsroom today at https://uncommonlymore.com/newsroom Support the show

  • Why Podcast Hosts Need to Care About SEO

    29/06/2022 Duration: 16min

    Would you be surprised if, on a podcast about podcasting, we talked about SEO? We are talking about Search Engine Optimization today because yes; it matters even for podcasters. That’s why in this episode we’re doing exactly that. I’m sharing why podcasters need to care about Search Engine Optimization (or SEO). I started this conversation on The Podcast Newsroom. Before we get into more of this, I want to remind you that occasionally I start conversations there. We dig deeper into this show.  Oftentimes if you want to be the first to know, if you want to hear what’s happening on my mind right now this month, the podcast newsroom is the way to go. If you’re not yet subscribed, make sure you are uncommonlymore.com/newsroom. Support the show

  • 3 Podcast Growth Strategies Helping Podcasters Convert Listeners In 2022

    22/06/2022 Duration: 25min

    Podcast growth for the sake of growth doesn't help ANYONE. Not you, and not your listeners. That's why we're going to shift the conversation to focus on podcast growth strategies that help us build an audience that is a fit for the solutions we offer.  This is about building an audience for your podcast that is going to actually convert.  What to Listen to Next... https://uncommonlymore.com/what-working-with-uncommonly-more-looks-like/ https://uncommonlymore.com/sarah-cottrell/ Get access to the podcast newsroom today at https://uncommonlymore.com/newsroomSupport the show

  • 3 Things You Must Know When Choosing Your Podcast Topic

    15/06/2022 Duration: 24min

    This conversation around choosing your podcast topic is critical. Often, when I'm having these conversations, I'm actually not having it with people who are getting ready to launch their show, I'm having it with people who are a year into their show. It's because they're not seeing the success they want to see, they're not getting the traction they want to be getting, or they're struggling to build their plan. They're trying to sit down and map out content that supports their sales but they get a little all over the place and they're perpetually in this, “What am I supposed to talk about on my show?” place. I think that's such an important thing to acknowledge and also manage and deal with. When I talk about the three things you must be looking at when you're choosing your podcast topic, I'm not just looking at it from the perspective of “I'm going to launch this new show, what should it be?” but “I'm in this existing show, is it what it&ap

  • 3 Easy Places to Find New Content Ideas This Week

    08/06/2022 Duration: 23min

    If you find yourself sitting down to record and struggling with what you're going to say, tune into this one. We're going to talk today about three easy ways to find content ideas this week right now, today. Also, as a little bonus, I'm going to share three things I want you to never ever, ever do when you're looking for podcast content ideas. Get access to the podcast newsroom today at https://uncommonlymore.com/newsroomSupport the show

  • The Single Most Important Thing Every Podcast Needs to Grow

    01/06/2022 Duration: 25min

    I talk a lot on this show about there not being one magic lever, one magic button, one magic strategy, tactic, or tool that will instantly grow your podcast. That's true. However, there is absolutely one thing that every single podcaster who wants to grow their podcast needs, and it's not necessarily production. I'm sharing three ways you can be using marketing to grow your podcast. Get access to the podcast newsroom today at https://uncommonlymore.com/newsroomSupport the show

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