Pastor Mark Reynolds' Podcast



Sermons and teachings from Rev. Mark Reynolds, a Pastor in the United Methodist Church (Florida Conference). These transformative messages will speak directly into your life!


  • Episode 286: Its Not About Winning (The Mission of the Church in Politically Divisive Times: Message 1 of 2)

    14/08/2023 Duration: 41min

    As we gear-up for another election year, but before we all lose our minds, Pastor Mark is offering a new two-week message series titled, "The Mission of the Church in Politically Divisive Times." In this first message, "It's Not About Winning," we talk about how partisan politics can co-opt the church, pull it off course, and destroy its unique voice. Fortunately, the Bible offers us a solution. Take a listen to receive wisdom that will help you maintain peace.If this message is a blessing, you can support our ministries by donating at  Speaker: Pastor Mark Reynolds Venue: First United Methodist Church (Cocoa Beach, FL) Connect with Pastor Facebook: 

  • Episode 285: Flexibility In Faith How We Are Sometimes Wrong and Need To Change Our Minds

    07/08/2023 Duration: 27min

    Sometimes we hold our religious and moral beliefs so tightly that we cannot imagine the possibility of being wrong. When someone questions these beliefs, we feel compelled to defend them and confuse strength of conviction with dogmatic inflexibility. This stunts our spiritual growth, makes us more judgmental, and damages important relationships. In this message, Pastor Mark gives numerous examples in the New Testament and early church where followers of Jesus could not see the truth because of what they thought they already knew. What is required to get unstuck is humility, which builds a new kind of strength that is gracious, tolerant, responsive, gentle, loving, openminded, and flexible. Empowered in this way, we can consider the possibility that we may be wrong, and when we are admit the mistake and move in a different direction. Like the blind man in Luke 18:35-42, pray, "Lord I want to see!"This is message 4 of 4 in the Grown-Up Prayers series.Recommended Reading: Peter Enns, "The Sin of Certainty: Why G

  • Episode 284: Lead Us Not: Pray for Protection (Grown Up Prayers: Message 3 of 3)

    31/07/2023 Duration: 38min

    The third petition in the Lord's Prayer, ". . . lead us not into temptation," gets us to reflect on where we are vulnerable to sin, and what we need from God to remain faithful. It also raises the question, who or what are we following? In this message, Pastor Mark talks about the importance of following Jesus if we want protection from temptation and deliverance from evil. Unfortunately, some churches have changed his invitation "Follow me" to "Believe in me," making it possible to call yourself a Christian for believing "the right things" while following yourself, your political party, your bank account, etc. As long as you change your mind you don't need to change your life. But belief without following is a false gospel that will inevitably lead us into temptation and cause us to fall away.If this message is a blessing, you can support our ministries by donating at  Speaker: Pastor Mark Reynolds Venue: First United Methodist Church (Cocoa Beach, FL) Connect with Pastor Mark:www.revmarkreyn

  • Episode 283: Give Us . . . (Grown Up Prayers: Message 2 of 3)

    24/07/2023 Duration: 30min

    In this message, we continue with the series, "Grown-Up Prayers." In the first message of the series, we learned that prayer is not about looking good in front of others or trying to convince God to give us all the things we want. Rather, prayer is about aligning our will with God's will and assuming a posture of surrender. In this message, we will ask the questions, should I ask God for anything in prayer, and if so, what?If this message is a blessing, you can support our ministries by donating at  Speaker: Pastor Mark Reynolds Venue: First United Methodist Church (Cocoa Beach, FL) Connect with Pastor Facebook: 

  • Episode 282: Surfing and the Gifts of Spirituality (The Least Churchy Sermon You've Ever Heard)

    17/07/2023 Duration: 31min

    In this message, we see how God speaks to us through nature. Reflecting on his own experience of being immersed in the beauty of creation while surfing, Pastor Mark helps us understand the importance of mindfulness, humility, and gratitude in our quest for happiness.If this message is a blessing, you can support our ministries by donating at  Speaker: Pastor Mark Reynolds Venue: First United Methodist Church (Cocoa Beach, FL) Connect with Pastor Facebook: 

  • Episode 281: How Not to Pray: Grown Up Prayers: Message 1 of 4

    10/07/2023 Duration: 35min

    In this new series, Grown Up Prayers, we look at the meaning and practice of prayer to help us mature in our prayer life. The focus is on Jesus' teaching of the Lord's Prayer in the Sermon on the Mount. In this first message, we reflect on how common misconceptions of prayer can lead us to think that prayer doesn't work. If this message is a blessing, you can support our ministries by donating at  Speaker: Pastor Mark Reynolds Venue: First United Methodist Church (Cocoa Beach, FL) Connect with Pastor Facebook: 

  • Episode 280: Finding True Freedom

    03/07/2023 Duration: 33min

    We often define freedom as being able to do whatever we want, but this misconception draws us further into various kinds of slavery. In contrast, the Bible gives us another way of understanding freedom that actually sets us free. Check out this message to see how.If this message is a blessing, you can support our ministries by donating at  Speaker: Pastor Mark Reynolds Venue: First United Methodist Church (Cocoa Beach, FL) Connect with Pastor Facebook: 

  • Episode 279: Jonah and the Whale (Epic Stories in the Old Testament: Message 4 of 4)

    26/06/2023 Duration: 33min

    In this message we look at the story of Jonah and the Whale and discover grown-up lessons about the importance of obeying God, receiving feedback, and praying for our enemies.If this message is a blessing, you can support our ministries by donating at   Speaker: Pastor Mark Reynolds Venue: First United Methodist Church (Cocoa Beach, FL)  Connect with Pastor Facebook: 

  • Episode 278: The Burglary at FUMC and How You Can Help Us Recover

    21/06/2023 Duration: 03min

    Pastor Mark talks briefly about the burglary of First UMC Cocoa Beach on Sunday, June 18, 2023 and how you can help us recover.

  • Episode 277: Joseph in the Pit (Epic Stories in the Old Testament: Message 3 of 4)

    19/06/2023 Duration: 30min

    In this message we continue our series, "Epic Stories in the Old Testament," by focusing on the story of Joseph. This great redemption story raises important questions about how to deal with frustration and pain.If this message is a blessing, you can support our ministries by donating at  Speaker: Pastor Mark Reynolds Venue: First United Methodist Church (Cocoa Beach, FL) Connect with Pastor Facebook: 

  • Episode 276: David and Goliath (Epic Stories in the Old Testament: Message 2 of 4)

    13/06/2023 Duration: 37min

    While human beings tend to focus on outward appearances, God focuses on the heart and sees possibilities in us that others miss. God reveals this in the story of David because He wants us to see ourselves and others in the same way. If we can do this, it helps us get clarity about the things that God is calling us to do and prevents us from elevating and emulating the wrong kind of people. Check out this message to see how important perspective is when trying to follow Jesus.If this message is a blessing, you can support our ministries by donating at  Speaker: Pastor Mark Reynolds Venue: First United Methodist Church (Cocoa Beach, FL) Connect with Pastor Facebook: 

  • Episode 275: Daniel in the Lions' Den (Epic Stories in the Old Testament: Message 1 of 4)

    05/06/2023 Duration: 33min

    David and Goliath. Noah's Ark. Jonah and the Whale. We typically think of such stories as children's tales. Join us as we begin a new series, "Epic Stories in the Old Testament," that helps us see how a deeper study can teach us more than we might expect as adults. In this first message, focusing on Daniel in the Lions' Den, we learn about the importance of identity, prayer, and standing up for what is right when navigating difficult seasons of life.If this message is a blessing, you can support our ministries by donating at  Speaker: Pastor Mark Reynolds Venue: First United Methodist Church (Cocoa Beach, FL) Connect with Pastor Facebook: 

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