Project My Life With Anthony Monetti



My mission is to unlock my ultimate life potential, and inspire you to do the same. Because life is either taken for granted or appreciated and fulfilled, your choice. I have been addicted to exercise since the age of 9 and built my body and mind by overcoming obstacles and divorcing insecurities. My vision is to produce some entertaining, educating and life changing media.Bodybuilding and Business make up a majority of my life. Merging the two together with another passion of mine, storytelling. I like to talk, so a podcast seemed to be a great idea. Way before Mtv True Life I want the perfect body I was documenting and creating media as a hobby just for fun, let's see what we can come up with here. What you could expect to hear on this show; Successful Entrepreneurs, Bodybuilding and fitness professionals, strength coaches, film makers, film directors, actors and any other movers and shakers I feel like shooting the shit with. Lets call this podcast a long form conversation that brings inspiration, entertainment and life changing media. Like, share and subscribe if you would be so kind. Im Anthony Monetti and this is project my life.


  • #69 What is the Champion Mindset

    09/02/2021 Duration: 11min

    Karen Monetti won two of the most coveted natural physique competition titles in 2011; Ms. Universe and Overall Figure World Champion. Today she joins me as we talk about the mindset necessary to win in life as well as athletic competitions.  

  • #Coffee and Quarantine - Control the Controllables

    18/03/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    Today's first "Coffee and Quarantine" went great! We talked about at-home workouts, emotional eating, and how to avoid gaining weight during this wild time. stay strong, stay healthy.  I'd love to help navigate through this wild time, text me at 908.526.2288 or hit me up on Instagram @anthonymonetti

  • #66 The Reality of failure

    20/02/2020 Duration: 08min

    When you quit trying. That’s when you fail. Until then, you are just practicing and experiencing opportunities to get better. We put so much pressure on ourselves, to accomplish our goals, and when we don’t accomplish them when we feel we should we get discouraged, frustrated and often consider ourselves a failure. That can’t be further from the truth, the only time we truly fail is when we quit trying. want to avoid failure? It’s simple. Don’t give up, keep going. what are your thoughts on this? Message me on Instagram | canthonymonetti

  • #65 The #1 thing you can do to improve culture in the workplace

    11/02/2020 Duration: 20min

    Craig walked into to bodhi last October, after realizing he needed to get healthy. As an entrepreneur, his life for the past 12 years has been work, work, work leaving little (to no) time for himself and his health.  In this podcast, we talk about his recent transformation progress during a weekly check-in at bodhi and how he sacrificed his health to build his businesses. Also, how he is now fully committed to a healthier way of living and how he has inspired his whole team to follow his lead. If you are an entrepreneur and have given up on your health to become successful, I want to help you make fitness a priority again, text me at 908.526.2288! or message me on twitter or Instagram  @anthonymonetti

  • #64 The (not so) Glamorous Life of Entrepreneurship

    06/02/2020 Duration: 21min

    Becoming an entrepreneur gets all the hype lately with guys like Gary Vee making it look easy. It helps that he is a charismatic showman with a bunch of energy. The reality is, entrepreneurship is difficult. Like really, really difficult. And as much as people like the idea of beaming their own boss, many people can’t handle all that it entails. The crazy part is some people who may not be able to handle it which is not a bad thing by the way because everyone has their “thing” they are good at, and being an entrepreneur may not be one of them. But the wild part is that people will continue to “grind” it out while their business tanks just because of #1. they are fearful of letting go of something they worked so hard for. And #2 they are fearful of what people will think of them. In this podcast, Karen and I speak openly about closing our yoga studio and how it frees up our time to upgrade our other project and main businesses. We took a risk when we opened it, we assumed all liabilities and went for it, just

  • #63 Two characteristics to win for life

    29/01/2020 Duration: 29min

    When our lives are full of chaos we lose sight of our goals. It's up to us to establish some structure to our days, and work on disciplining ourselves to stay on track. On this podcast, I talk with a member of bodhi (client) and first-time physique competitor in the Jersey Cup Classic Bodybuilding and Physique championships in Atlantic City, NJ. This podcast isn't just for competitors though, we can all take something from being more disciplined with our lives. We talk about fitness, nutrition, and the mindset needed to accomplish anything in life. Believe in yourself. Trust The process. Practice Patience. Hit me up on instagram @anthonymonetti 

  • #62 Joe DeFranco Industrial Strength

    22/01/2020 Duration: 01h36min

    In this podcast, I met up with Joe DeFranco - World-renowned strength and conditioning coach in his private (and secret) NJ based facility. We talked about his rise to become one of the best coaches in the world, and how he's overcome trauma that would have made most people quit. From entrepreneurship to training just about every NFL team as well as WWE Superstar Triple H we talked about it all. A great podcast for coaches, entrepreneurs, and anyone whos inspired by overcoming odds to become great! If you are enjoying these podcasts, please leave 5-star review on Itunes, thank you! Message me on Instagram @anthonymonetti when you do, I have a gift for you! thank you!

  • #61 What happens to your body when you skip a meal

    09/01/2020 Duration: 08min

    We understand the importance of eating balanced meals throughout the day when trying to lose weight. But, as life can get very busy we sometimes skip meals. In this episode, Karen and Anthony explain what happens to your body when you skip meals and share valuable insight on what to do when it happens to avoid weight gain. Please share this with your friend who is trying to lose weight and is unsure about what to do when they skip meals, thank you!  

  • #60 Professional Top Fuel Drag Racer - Joe Morrison

    28/12/2019 Duration: 29min

    When passion drives us to chase our dreams, they come true. You just have to trust the process, because it doesn't happen when you want it to, it happens when it's supposed to. Joe Morrison won our Mansformation Transformation Challenge last year when he lost 28lbs in 12 weeks. One of the driving forces for him was to get in shape for his next attempt to become a Pro Drag Racer. In this episode, we talk about his journey from losing weight, to gaining some of it back and how we are going to prepare for his pro debut in 2020. This episode is a great example of how life is a project with forever changing opportunities and situations and how we adapt to them is what determines our success and ultimately our happiness. Message me on Instagram @anthonymonetti

  • #59 Finding the power within to overcome anything

    20/12/2019 Duration: 13min

    Lieutenant Lisa Gilmurray has been doing mixed martial arts for over 20 years and has found her passion for helping others become empowered to avoid being victimized. After dodging a near-death experience at gunpoint she discovered mixed martial arts to not only defend herself but to empower herself to accomplish anything, including winning her professional status as a drug-free figure competitor. Learn more and register for her self- defense Empowerment workshop on January 11, 2020, here:

  • #58 Successful people don't give up

    19/12/2019 Duration: 16min

    If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. It’s been said many times but successful people are the ones who don’t give up. Patricia is a member of the bodhi community and has committed herself to the process of becoming the best version of herself. And when you commit fully, there is only one result - success. Successful people figure shit out. It wasn’t easy, and it has taken months to finally figure out what was preventing Patricia to lose weight. Finally, after trying many different types of diets, Patricia is now feeling better than she has in over 18 years! If you are finding value in these inspirational stories, please leave us a nice review on iTunes! Thank you! Tweet me @anthonymonetti DM me on Instagram @anthonymonetti

  • #57 Learning the art of the process

    16/12/2019 Duration: 11min

    #56 Learning The Art Of The Process In this episode, I chopped it up with James who is an amateur bodybuilder and men’s physique competitor. James is also a professional salesman and he relates to building his body like being a successful salesman, through the process. He shares some really great takeaways like “You can control what you do, but you can’t always control the results”. A key component when transforming your body, building a career and everything in between. Focus on the process of becoming and the results will eventually show up. We also talk about delaying gratification and how taking just a few minutes to think before you act can drastically increase your chances of accomplishing the desired outcome. Please share this with someone you feel would find value, thank you!

  • #56 Entrepreneurship - Ten Year Anniversary and an a call with Mom & Dad

    13/12/2019 Duration: 31min

    It's been 10 years since Karen and I opened up our business - bodhi by anthony monetti in Somerville NJ. It hasn't been easy but, I'd be lying if I said I didn't love every minute of the process of growing a business, building a brand and creating a legacy. My parents didn't jive with this in the beginning and when I lived with them and they paid my room and board I didn't have much to say. They wanted nothing by success for me, they just didn't think "starting a business" was a smart idea. On this podcast, I call them up to ask them how they feel now, 10 years after we opened up our first business. Great fun on this one and the message is simple. Not everyone is going to agree with what YOU want and dream about. And they don't have to. This is your life, and the only one that has to believe in you is you. Thank you for listening! And please leave a review on itunes and share this podcast with someone who will find value in this message, Thank you! here's to 1 million downloads!

  • #55 The Magic of visualization

    11/12/2019 Duration: 11min

    Jen, fifty-three years old, a mother of 3, transforming her body while building muscle, burning fat and getting stronger with the magic of visualization. Before we can even begin to take action ion our goals, we must paint a mental picture of what our success will look like. It starts with seeing it mentally, then believing it’s possible, and then we can take action and actually do the necessary tasks needed for success. Creating a mental image of what we want, is like planting a seed of exactly how we want our life to look. Once the seed (thought/mental image) is planted in our brain, then just like a flower or tree we nurture those thoughts by thinking of them often and connecting more with the actions needed. The mental image we visualize is like roots that form from seed. The more vivid the picture, the stronger the roots become eventually manifesting into success. It’s not always easy to do, especially when results don’t show up quickly. But on this podcast, Jen shares her story and how she ran her first

  • #54 The Hero's Journey - Overcoming Diabetes

    10/12/2019 Duration: 13min

    Chris Miller walked into the gym 80 lbs overweight with type II diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. After accepting the “Teacher of the year award” he saw a photo of himself and wants happy. As a man who loves to lead by example, Chris began his transformation journey despite being scared and intimidated. Mr. Miller’s transformation will be remembered as one of the most inspiring stories we’ve seen. And at 62 yrs old he says he’s just getting started! If you have a story you’d like to share, or a question you’d like to ask Tweet me @anthonymonetti !

  • #52 Building The Patience Muscle

    05/12/2019 Duration: 10min

    Once you know what needs to be done, the rest is a game of patience. Patience is a matter of delaying gratification in the short term, knowing the results will be more worthwhile in the long term. I talked with John K - a member of bodhi for the past 3.5 years and asked him what was the key to his transformational success. He has completely transformed his body, from 23% bodyfat to 6%, from bench pressing 135 as a max 3 years ago to now benching 205 for reps of six. Results don't happen overnight, but with consistency and patience. If you find any value, entertainment, educational, motivational or somewhere in between please subscribe to this podcast and share it with a friend! Also, if you have bodybuilding, fitness, nutrition or life questions, I would love to create more content around it. Send me your questions Thank you!

  • #51 Losing weight during the holidays

    05/12/2019 Duration: 07min

    #51 Losing weight during the holidays I’ve been talking about this a ton lately. Mostly because it’s the most difficult time of year to start a weight loss plan. Which is the exact reason why I feel you should start your weight loss plan. We are constantly faced with life events which can easily distract us from our goals. Any goals really, but I’m talking specifically about weight loss and body transformations here. I’ve seen it in 1000 (maybe more) times. Your restricted diet is going great with meals timed out perfectly, workouts are invigorating, and losing weight seems easy Then, you get invited to a birthday party and you don’t have access to the foods you’ve been eating which has gotten you recent success on the scale and in the mirror. What do you do? Do you eat the meal with the forbidden foods that you’ve avoided for so long? Do you “splurge” and have the cake also? The reason I offered a 6 week Holiday challenge for the folks at bodhi was to create some awareness around eating foods moderately an

  • #50 Letting go to move forward

    02/12/2019 Duration: 24min

    Fear. It holds us back, and when we find out that there is literally nothing that holds us back more than fear, we can move forward to create our best life. F**K fear. and create your best quality of life. If you are enjoying these podcasts, please subscribe and leave us a nice review.  Thank you for your support in growing this podcast so we can help others live their best life!  

  • #49 Thanksgiving tips to avoid massive weight gain

    28/11/2019 Duration: 05min

    Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy all the foods, and get back on track on Friday!

  • #48 F**k the scale. It doesn't define your success.

    26/11/2019 Duration: 09min

    SO many people are afraid of the scale. Some of the hate as coming from expectations of being a certain weight other than what they feel they should be. Also, it’s often not a direct reflection of their hard work in the gym and from their healthy eating habits. In theory, when we work out and eat healthily the scale should give us a number we are happy with, yet it often doesn’t. Many people avoid weighing in because of it and think to evaluate their success from that number. The scale is just one measurement of weight loss. The number on the scale should be going down if we are doing everything we can to support weight loss, however, don’t use this as the one all be all method.   I encourage you to get on the scale just for the fact that you should be aware but don’t let it define your success.   Today’s #askmonetti question “why isn’t the scale going down, if I did everything to lose weight” If you are digging this Q&A podcasts, please leave us a review and help us spread the word! Thank you for your su

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