The Tazz And Paula Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 299:19:00
  • More information



With VIEWS NOT HEARD IN THE NEWS! Celebrating their 20+ years on 91.5FM and an internet-only show ... Tazz and Paula share GUESTS that their Heartbeat beats as ONE with Mother Earth--igniting LOVE and COURAGE clear to the Heavens.


  • Conversation with a True Visionary, John Raatz

    05/01/2012 Duration: 01h01min

    John believes that Hollywood has a bigger role than entertaining; their role is to bring us together as ONE. AND, not only Hollywood, but all authors, screenwriters, musicians, producers of movies and television programs, radio talk show hosts, and anyone who feels they would like to work with the public has a part in the unfolding process that's lifting all of humanity to an entirely new level of ethical and spiritual expression. Oprah along with many others have already started this movement, and John is here to keep it moving forward. He is the Founder of Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment  (GATE) and he's here today to share with us just how all of this is evolving and coming together. Check-out GATE it is hosting a conference in February, where many great spiritiual leaders and entertainers are coming together to entertain and teach. Everyone is invited!

  • Celebrate the New Year with Sheldan Nidle

    29/12/2011 Duration: 56min

    The celebration that will ring out in Heaven and Earth will be most exquisite! Finally, you will all experience full consciousness and become one with all of physicality and Heaven's vast expanse. Millennia ago, what is now about to happen was carefully planned and then executed by the dedicated unfolders of the Creator's divine plan. And as we have stated many times, it will free you from the unending turmoil of the dark and reconnect you with the Light. This mission has proved to us all to be a true mission of Love and we have never swayed from this special task. Now is the time of completion and it will be one of celebration for us all! More importantly, it is a supreme and sacred moment to be remembered with joy by us all. Gaia also intends to rejoice in her return to her natural state of Being. Sheldan will be sharing with us how this will all unfold

  • Astrology for 2012 with Mahala Gayle

    22/12/2011 Duration: 01h01min

      Our Guest, is Mahala Gayle... again and again … she calls it—like it is! She is an Astrologer, writer, lecturer, minister, one of the founders of the Asklepius (Ask-le-pius) Light Center, and the editor of the Asklepius Light Center Newsletter since 1988 and writer/editor of Planet Alert articles.She has studied the science of Astrology since the early 1980's which has allowed her to become an expert in Mundane Astrology—the study of world events.   The energies are lining up here and we are feeling, and no doubt you all out there are feeling it... frankly it feels like our nerves are rattling. So let's find out what we can do about it.

  • Interview with Roberto Dansie

    17/12/2011 Duration: 52min

     Roberto Dansie is  a Maya & ancient wisdom scholar, (We call him our shaman)  Roberto Dansie has been internationally recognized as the most eloquent and accessible contemporary authority on Cultural Diversity. He will be sharing with us his stories of working with the Native Indians and other ancient cultures.  He has traveled all over the world working with childten, community leaders and the elderly. He works through the energy of music and stories. Today you will be able to enjoy some of his stories. 

  • Interview with Ingrid Dean

    15/12/2011 Duration: 58min

    Our first guest is 20-yr police veteran in the Michigan State Police, Ingrid Dean. She will share stories from the front lines of law enforcement which were shaped by angels and apparitions,dreams and intuition, signs and unexplainable phenomena.     

  • Numerology with William Mykian

    08/12/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    Let's play with numbers today!  William Mykian will explain to us the science of numbers. He is the author of two books and has written art icles and papers on metaphysics, meditation, and numerology, conducted workshops on Chaldean numerology, and is a motivational speaker.  Mr. Mykian is a mathematician, philosopher, and a lifetime student of spiritual and metaphysical principles. He is also a Reiki Master. His spiritual and philosophical studies have included, but were not limited to, the works of Joel S. Goldsmith, Swami Prabhavnanda, Alan Watts, Charles Fillmore, Jane Roberts, Earnest Holmes, Alice Bailey, Helen Blavatsky, David Bohm, Sheldon Drake, J. J. Hurtak, Daniel Quinn, and Neil David Walsch.

  • Tarot Card Readings with Carol Adonis

    01/12/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    Carol will be giving free Tarot Card Readings today.

  • INterview with Robbyne Laplant

    10/11/2011 Duration: 01h00s

      Today Thursday November 10, at 12:16 PM PST, the Moon will come to fullness in Taurus. A beautiful time to do a fire ceremony and honor our Mother the Earth, the divine feminine and co-create abundance in our lives..The veil is definitely thinning. We are accessing subtle levels of information that never were available to us, leading to profound healing and a deeper understanding of our divinity as it informs our humanity.   Robbyne La Plant … is the founder of White Wolf Journeys, an enterprise specializing in creating transformational experiences to sacred sites around the world and inner journeys of self discovery at home and abroad.  Following the path of the Ancestors, Robbyne has been able to immerse herself in indigenous cultures around the world experiencing ritual and ceremony to both honor and connect to the divine only to discover there is a universal desire amongst all people to experience and express love.

  • Interview with Jackie Lapin

    03/11/2011 Duration: 01h00s

    Our Guest, Jackie Lapin a world leader in educating, mentoring and coaching people on Practical Conscious Creation. Her newest book, Practical Conscious Creation: Daily Techniques for Manifest Your Desiresfollows on the heals of her  No. 1 bestseller...The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World, which received unqualified endorsements from such personal growth leaders as Joe Vitale and Mark Victor Hansen.  

  • Interview with Psychic Medium, Edward Carrion

    27/10/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    Psychic Medium - Edward Carrion amazes people with his Gifts since birth with the abilities of clairvoyance (also remote viewing), clairsentience, clairaudience, spirit / ghost discovery and relocation, Psychometry, empathic channeling, the ability to communicate with your spirit guides(s), your angels, yours and others Akashic Records and those who have crossed over to the other side. Call in on 347-633-9155 and you may be able to get in touch with a loved one who has crossed over. 

  • Having fun with Freebo and his music

    13/10/2011 Duration: 59min

    For 30 years, Freebo played bass on recordings and toured with some of the great artists of our time–people like Bonnie Raitt (10 years), John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers, CSN, Maria Muldaur, Ringo Starr, Michelle Shocked, Neil Young, Loudon Wainwright III, Dr. John, and many others. He has also appeared on Saturday Night Live, Midnight Special, Muppets Tonight, and in concert with the legendary Spinal Tap. It was his yearning for more creative expression, however, that drove Freebo to begin a process of deep inner discovery, and this has led to his successful transition as a singer/songwriter. Freebo’s latest album is “Something to Believe”. The collection starts with “Standing Ovation” which could be the highlight of the album.  This song represents how Freebo wants to be remembered at his own funeral. Today we will be playing some of the songs from this album.

  • Interview with Christine Upchurch

    06/10/2011 Duration: 54min

      Are you interested in improving your quality of life—by eliminating an illness, alleviating a physical or mental problem, becoming more emotionally balanced, or accelerating your spiritual growth? If so, please listen to today's show and Christine Upchurch will share how you can achieve  this. Christine works with the extraordinary healing modality called Reconnective Healing.  Many  lives have been transformed by this powerful work. Christine found her way to this work via a circuitous path called life.  A former statistician in cancer research, Christine faced her own cancer crisis many years ago. Without the use of medical treatment, Christine healed herself. She has been cancer-free now for eighteen years.

  • Inspiration from Joan King

    29/09/2011 Duration: 57min

     Usually people come to Joan  when they're successful in business but not fulfilled. Or they see that the trajectory they're on isn't leading them to success. Sometimes, they end up leaving the discipline they're in. The work isn't satisfying, meaningful. They CAN use their experience to make a contribution.  Joan works  from the INSIDE OUT. What are their values? What gives meaning in their personal life? There is often happiness in service (to others). She helps people discover the inner aspects of who they are and align who they are with what they do. People have to learn what's right for them. They need self-reflection before they can begin to take action. This is what we will be talking about today.

  • Conversation with Sheldan Nidle

    22/09/2011 Duration: 59min

    Do you worry about our future on Mother earth? Today's interview with Sheldan Nidle will make you feel much better about the future. Not only will Sheldan shed some light about the future, he will also tell us about Mother Earth's history that has never been revealed before. On a grand scale the Agarthans (humanities inner-earth mentors) are supporting our inner and outer earthly transition by allowing us to see more clearly—the veils are dropping helping us to reach out and make the necessary alterations for a healthy new government and a society that embraces with care and giving with true joy.

  • Interview with Alice Chan P.H.D.

    15/09/2011 Duration: 02h00s

      Many who awaken after a near-death experience approach the rest of their lives with purpose, energy and vigor.  In her new book, REACH Your Dreams: Five Steps to be a Conscious Creator in Your Life (published by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House), Alice Chan, Ph.D. reveals the purpose in life she discovered after surviving a terrifying car accident. With her second lease in life, Alice Chan embarked on a mission “to inspire and empower others to live passionately and joyfully in love and grace, honoring who they are and where they are in life always.” She developed a five-step conscious living system to help others transform their lives. She will be sharing some of that with us today.

  • Conversation with Sean David Morton , A Remote Viewer

    08/09/2011 Duration: 01h00s

    We are going to have a close encounter with a comet this coming week-end. Will this cause a a little rock and roll with Mother Earth? According to Sean David Morton,who predicted the East Coast earthquake, the party has just begun. 2011 has a lot more surprises coming our way. Sean says "Hold on to your hats". Tune in to see what preditions Sean has for us.

  • David Elliott, The Reluctant Healer

    02/09/2011 Duration: 59min

    What stands between you and a healthier , more fulfilling life?                         Fear, Blocks and Emotions Realing them is David's gift, Cearing them is David's strenght Healing you is David's life purpose. He will be sharing with us his journey and how he helps others with their journey.

  • Interview with Dr. Turi

    01/09/2011 Duration: 01h00s

      Dr Louis Turi is a French astrologer, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Astropsychologist. Our show with him today shares what is about to take place in September and upcoming dates of extreme importance. Check out his website at: www.drturi.comHe'll also talk more about the Supra-conscious in time and space and we just might be able to have him do some personal readings for those that call in. The phone number to call in on is: 347-633-9155. AND, he said he'll be giving away two free ebooks (2012 Moon Power and Personal Forecast) and he'll let us know how folks can connect to get them. So stay tuned so you'll know how all of this will take place.

  • Psychic Readings with Tazz and Paula

    25/08/2011 Duration: 01h01min

      Celebrate your Life with a FREE Reading from Tazz and Paula – 'JUST 4 YOU'Call-in: (347) 633-9155 …. When you first call in: Please give us your birthdate: Month, Day and Year you were born. Then give Paula your question; her Higher-Self unites with your Angels and Guides for special guidance regarding your question. Then Tazz uses her special astro-numerology developed technique sharing pertinent timed elements and what's up on your horizon.

  • Talking with Dr. Eric Pearl, an incredible healer

    18/08/2011 Duration: 47min

     Dr. Pearl's patients' healings have been documented in six books.These healings elicit great interest from top doctors and medical researchers. he travels world wide teaching his healing techniques. He will be sharing with us today the background of how he got started and the incrediable journey he has been on.

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