Bay City Wesleyan Church



Contemporary Christian service. Rev. Mark Haines, speaker.


  • Our Wonderful Counselor - Audio

    30/11/2008 Duration: 32min

    Many people don't do what their doctors or counselors suggest. It's a terrible mistake to treat Jesus in the same way. Whenever he gives advice it is for our healing. From now on we need to listen and do what our Wonderful Counselor says.

  • Behold Your King - Audio

    23/11/2008 Duration: 31min

    It is time to trade in our childish view of Jesus, meek and mild, for the adult vision of Jesus the conquering King.

  • Overcoming Impossibilities - Audio

    18/11/2008 Duration: 25min

    We come to Jesus with our list of recommended solutions and timetables for each impossible situation. We act as though He needs our advice, as though we have the wisdom and He has the power, as though we're the brains and He's the brawn. But that's crazy talk. We create many of the impossible problems we face with our shortsightedness and mistakes. We can no more be the brains behind solving them than we can be the brawn. We must come to Jesus with Mary's attitude. “Lord, I am your servant. Meet this need with your wisdom, power and love.”

  • Faith That Keeps Going and Going - Audio

    18/11/2008 Duration: 35min

    We tend to see the life of faith as a series of 100-yard dashes - short emergencies requiring bursts of faith. For example, an illness crashes in on a loved one and we try to summon up faith for healing. However, the life of faith is a life-long marathon calling us to believe in Jesus' power and wisdom, to trust in Jesus' character and love as well as to follow Him loyally.

  • Forgiven Faith - Audio

    12/10/2008 Duration: 37min

    Every single human being is spiritually dead. In our self-sufficient delusions, we think we can make things right. But dead people don't accomplish anything. Our only hope is God's simple promise of forgiveness for all our sins.

  • Faith Under Authority - Audio

    05/10/2008 Duration: 26min

    Some doubts lead to deeper faith. This kind of doubt is acceptable to God. It asks, "How can this happen?" However, we must avoid the kind of doubt that leads to disbelief and sin. It asks, "Why should I believe you?" Doubts and questions that deepen our faith (creating greater belief and trust in, as well as loyalty to the Lord) are good for us. Doubts and questions that decrease our faith (creating greater disbelief, distrust and disloyalty to the Lord) are spiritually deadly. The difference is whether we are willing to come under God's authority with our doubts and questions unanswered or not.

  • Scoring at Homeplate - Audio

    28/09/2008 Duration: 30min

    We like to think we are playing the ball game of life on our terms with our own team. However, there are only two teams in life- God's play by the rules team & Satan's make up your own rules team. These are our only options. God invites us to sign up with his team.

  • An MVP Performance - Audio

    21/09/2008 Duration: 35min

    A parable inspired by Pastor Kevin Meyers of 12Stone Church in Atlanta, GA

  • Team Means More Than One - Audio

    14/09/2008 Duration: 31min

    A parable inspired by Pastor Kevin Meyers of 12Stone Church, Atlanta, GA

  • Character Flaws & Foul Balls - Audio

    07/09/2008 Duration: 47min

    A parable inspired by Kevin Meyers of 12Stone Church, Atlanta, GA

  • Built to Win - Audio

    31/08/2008 Duration: 30min

    A parable about Christian Life and Baseball inspired by Pastor Kevin Meyer of 12stone Church, Atlanta, GA

  • There's No Plate Like Home - Audio

    24/08/2008 Duration: 42min

    A parable about Christian Life and Baseball inspired by Pastor Kevin Meyer of 12stone Church, Atlanta, GA

  • Everything I Needed to Know about Life I Learned on the Ball Diamond - Audio

    17/08/2008 Duration: 31min

    Parable about Christian Life and Baseball inspired by Pastor Kevin Meyers of 12stone Church, Atlanta, GA

  • The Silent Killer - Audio

    01/06/2008 Duration: 27min

    We always underestimate the deceptiveness of our hearts. We live in denial all the time. We assume that since we feel good about our lives then we must be doing OK. But "The human heart is most deceitful and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I know! I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve." (Jeremiah 17:9-10 NLT) We must ask the Holy Spirit to search our hearts and allow Him to expose all our secret offensive, hurtful, wicked ways.

  • HEAVEN: What is it like? What makes it heavenly? - Audio

    02/12/2007 Duration: 30min

    We humans tend to think of heaven as a vastly improved earth with all of the fun and none of the problems. We seldom mention God in our descriptions, but He is the focal point of heaven. It is God' perfect holy place, designed for His global family reunion. We will meet brothers and sisters from "every tribe and language and people and nation" (Revelation 5:9 NIV).

  • HEAVEN: Where is it? How can we get there? - Audio

    25/11/2007 Duration: 33min

    We tend to think heaven is a place to go when we die - that it's all "by and by in the sky". However, we can begin to experience heaven here and now because it is wherever God is; and Jesus said, "All those who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and live with them." We can also share a little bit of heaven with others.

  • Finding the Gate to Jesus' Joy - Audio

    18/11/2007 Duration: 34min

    God wants us to look inside ourselves because there's something going on beneath the surface. If we're going to find the joy of the Lord, we're going to have to look inside. We often try to avoid the pain, shame and/or guilt we might uncover but if we want to experience joy, we must take a hard look at our hearts. It may be painful to look at the parts of our past we want to ignore and avoid, but honesty is the gate to the joy of the Lord.

  • Pray First - Audio

    11/11/2007 Duration: 19min

    God urges His family first of all to pray. But He doesn't make prayer easy. His instructions specify that as Christians we are to pray for everyone.

  • Let Go - Audio

    04/11/2007 Duration: 36min

    You can learn to let go by giving God your desire for comfort, security and control. Let Him replace it with the reality of His presence.

  • Recognizing Our Enemy - Audio

    14/10/2007 Duration: 32min

    No matter how strong our faith may appear and no matter how firm our commitment feels, our faith can be shipwrecked. That is Satan's goal for us. He wants to destroy us. But God has exposed our enemy's plans and purposes.

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