Catholic Inspiration



Fr. Andrew Ricci offers inspirational homilies and talks to help people grow in faith. These reflections are part of his meditations at Three Great Things where we grow as disciples of the Lord through Study, Prayer, and Service.


  • 16th Sunday of the Year

    19/07/2014 Duration: 08min

    Seeds and Weeds are part of every garden.  Seeds require care and attention; weeds are constant presence that require dedicated effort to remove.   What's true for the garden is also true for our hearts.  There are seeds that we want to grow into fruitful harvests of virtue & spiritual gifts, and their are weeds in the form of sin and temptation that we want to remove. July 19, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci

  • 15th Sunday of the Year

    13/07/2014 Duration: 08min

    A garden offers many insights for life and spiritual life: A positive attitude that keeps trying in spite of difficulty Cultivating a variety of skills that are dedicated to getting better Hard work that is expended through labor, energy, and effort These practical points of gardening can inspire us to apply them to our spiritual lives, that we take the gift of life that we have been given and offer the blessing of our uniqueness opportunities to be a blessing to others. July 13, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci

  • The Feast of the Holy Trinity

    15/06/2014 Duration: 06min

    There are many ways to say "I love you" to the people in our lives: with words with actions being present to another in silence and stillness The reality of love, its power and beauty, can thus be expressed in many different ways.  Similarly, the love of God is revealed to us through the mystery of the Trinity: one God, revealed in three Persons. May we enter into this great mystery of God's love, and may we express this love - in a variety of powerful ways - to the people in our lives. June 15, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci  

  • The Feast of Pentecost

    08/06/2014 Duration: 08min

    The Holy Spirit - the third Person of the Trinity - descended upon the disciples and empowered them to proclaim the Good News of Christ.  With the power of the Spirit these disciples will change the world. Here are two powerful ways the Spirit helps us: To find our path and direction - giving us guidance To provide power and strength - to carry out our tasks The Spirit continues to work through us today - guiding and empowering us to live our lives for the Lord.  Come Holy Spirit! June 8, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci

  • The Feast of the Ascension

    01/06/2014 Duration: 07min

    There are times in life when we need to say goodbye - letting go of familiar things and embracing new opportunities and challenges.  Transitions are difficult, yet they are a common way we grow. The Feast of the Ascension reminds us that the disciples faced their transition as the Lord was lifted up to Heaven.  We, too, are called to step out and undertake the opportunities and challenges that the Lord sets before us, embracing our transitions so that the Lord can stretch and transform us! June 1, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci

  • The 6th Sunday of Easter

    25/05/2014 Duration: 07min

    God commands us to love, both the Lord and one another.  Love is a way we live - a verb that calls us to actions.  3 thoughts: Where in my life is it hard to love?  Name it! What's my part in that?  Own it! Call on the Lord for grace to love.  Ask for it!   May 25, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci For other podcasts, go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes.

  • The 5th Sunday of Easter

    18/05/2014 Duration: 07min

    Stones are the bones of the earth.  They may or may not be attractive, but when they are shaped and formed they can become powerful - capable of supporting tremendous weight. Our hearts can do the same.  When we shape and form our hearts - working together with those around us - we become a living temple that gives glory to God.  In our unity we become strong, united in the Lord's love for service in the world. May 18, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci For more podcasts, go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes.

  • 4th Sunday of Easter

    11/05/2014 Duration: 06min

    Jesus is not only the shepherd who calls us, he is the gate that protects and guards. When our our lives on earth are finished, the Lord will not only call us - but he will be at the gate.  Will we be ready to greet him?  Do we have any unfinished business that needs to be addressed?  If so, then perhaps today offers the opportunity for us to attend to our hearts. May 11, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci For more podcasts, go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes.

  • The 2nd Sunday of Easter

    27/04/2014 Duration: 07min

    Christ's greeting "Peace be with you!" in the Gospel teaches us about the Lord's longing for us: Serenity is a part of God's desire for us Many things attempt to steal that peace from us We hunger and long for peace...we need it!  And to understand peace, there are two distinct components to look for: What - the thing itself, which is our goal and objective  How - the way we live and act Both are crucial for an authentic expression of the Lord's peace, and both are required if we will live the Peace of Christ in our hearts. April 27, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci For more podcasts, go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes.

  • Easter Day

    20/04/2014 Duration: 06min

    The resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Day transforms the hearts of the disciples.  Formerly afraid and timid, they will now boldly go out into the world - facing terrible fears - proclaiming the Good News with joy.   The power of the resurrection continues through our lives today.  We embrace the examples of the apostles and continue the mission of Christ.   This is Easter power!  Filled with hope and joy! April 20, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci For more podcasts, go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes.

  • Palm Sunday

    12/04/2014 Duration: 08min

    The death of the Lord on the Cross reveals God's uncondional love to take away sin and as Jesus stood in our place. April 12, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci For more podcasts, go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes.

  • The 5th Sunday of Lent

    06/04/2014 Duration: 05min

    Lazarus, brought back to life by Jesus, is given a second chance - a gift - to live his life.  His example reminds us that every day is a gift from the Lord to share our lives with joy and power. April 6, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci For more podcasts, go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes.

  • The 3rd Sunday of Lent

    23/03/2014 Duration: 07min

    Thirst is a common experience of human life.  We need water, and we have all experienced the physical sensation that tells us what we need: to live to thrive to be alive The same is true for our souls, when we feel the thirst - the longing - for something in our hearts.  In our need Jesus Christ comes to us - with the living water that restores us to life. March 23, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci For more podcasts, go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes.

  • The 1st Sunday of Lent

    09/03/2014 Duration: 09min

    A test determines the extent and limit of our ability, knowledge, and power.  Tests reveal our strengths and weaknesses - showing us parts of our lives that we might not otherwise notice. Temptation, like testing, uncovers those parts of our hearts where we our vulnerable. The weaknesses of Adam & Eve are redeemed by the Lord, who faced his three temptations and triumphed over them.  May we turn to Christ and draw strength, that even when we are tempted, we can trust in his grace. March 9, 2014 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci For more podcasts, go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes. or

  • Walking with the Lord in Holy Week - Thursday Homily (3rd week of Lent)

    01/01/2013 Duration: 04min

    Parents and teachers form children by the direction of rules and guidelines.  There are some things we tell our kids to do (or not do) so that they can flourish and grow.   The Lord does the same thing for us by setting precepts and commandments to help us find our way through life. March 12, 2015 - Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church - Green Valley, AZ Fr. Andrew Ricci For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes. or

  • Walking with the Lord in Holy Week - Tuesday Homily (3rd week of Lent)

    01/01/2013 Duration: 06min

    Forgiveness is one of those great teachings of Jesus that is easy to hear and hard to do.  Yet when we say "I'm sorry" and "I forgive you" the grace and peace of Christ flows into our hearts.  God forgives us, and the Lord invites us to embrace this reality in our daily lives with one another.   March 10, 2015 - Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church - Green Valley, AZ Fr. Andrew Ricci For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes. or

  • Walking with the Lord in Holy Week - Monday Homily (3rd week of Lent)

    01/01/2013 Duration: 04min

    God keeps speaking to us, and we have a daily opportunity to listen and take the message to heart.  A couple of points to remember: Sometimes we are biased toward the message Sometimes we are biased toward the messenger May we listen to the Lord - and allow both the message and the messager to touch us and help us grow. March 9, 2015 - Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church - Green Valley, AZ Fr. Andrew Ricci For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes. or

  • Walking with the Lord in Holy Week - Sunday Homily (3rd Lent - Year B)

    01/01/2013 Duration: 06min

    We have all encountered "stuff" in our lives.  Over time we can find in our closets, garages, and attics that the stuff we have tends to accumulate and multiply.  We are confronted with a simple process: Recycle it Repurpose it Remove it Keep it...and put it to good use The same is true for our hearts!  Over time we discover both good and bad elements that need to be examined and sorted - what needs to stay and what needs to go? May this upcoming mission help us to look to the death and resurrection of Christ for the strength and wisdom we need to cleanse our hearts. March 7, 2015 - Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church - Green Valley, AZ Fr. Andrew Ricci For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes. or  

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