Your Kick Ass Life Podcast



Join Andrea Owen, life coach and author, as she serves up self help in a easy-to-digest way that is also practical and implementable. Andrea brings you guests as well as solo episodes on topics such as perfectionism, the inner-critic, courage, and more.


  • Episode 80: Can you handle all the joy?

    06/01/2016 Duration: 18min

    I have a client, we’ll call her Stacy, who got a really difficult assignment from me recently. I asked her to sit with joy. You may be wondering why that’s so difficult. I mean, isn’t that what we all want? Isn’t that why people hire life coaches in the first place? To find and feel joy? Let me explain. The women that come to me for help are serious go-getters. They are extremely good at doing things for everyone else, but putting themselves last. They do one project and are on to the next. They set enormously high expectations of themselves which they can rarely reach (and if they do reach them, it’s at a huge cost and mostly because it matters what others think of them) if they ever reach the expectations at all. They struggle with perfectionism, people pleasing, isolating, and the need for certainty and control. And why do they act that way? They act that way because the other way of being— standing up for themselves, being imperfect, saying no, letting go of outcomes— all require being vulnerable. And bei

  • Episode 79: Playing big, with Tara Mohr

    30/12/2015 Duration: 40min

    Hey Ass-kickers!   Welcome to episode 79 of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! Thank you so much for being here and joining our guest for today’s show, Tara Mohr. Tara is an expert on women’s leadership and well-being. She is the author of Playing Big and is the creator of the leadership program for women of the same name.   Tara holds an MBA from Stanford and an undergraduate degree from Yale; she is a Coaches Training Institute-certified coach who helps women play bigger and share their voices in work and in life. She’s been featured in The New York Times, on the Today Show and in the Harvard Business Review. Her fans include Jillian Michael, Maria Shriver and Elizabeth Gilbert!   On today’s show we talk about dealing with your inner critic, some of her 10 rules for brilliant women and how to decipher the stories we make up versus what actually happened in our lives.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 78: Radical self care, with Jamie Mendell

    23/12/2015 Duration: 41min

    Welcome to episode 78 of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! As always I’m excited you are here and so happy to bring you our guest: Ms. Jamie Mendell.   Jamie is a health and lifestyle coach who helps women master their lives by diving deep into self-care healing, with a particular focus on food and body issues. She’s a regular contributor to Women’s Health and Huffington Post.   On today’s show Jamie shares with us her decade-long struggle with food, dieting/bingeing and her weight, and how she finally made a lasting change. She talks about what self-care actually means (it’s not just manis and pedis!), the healing power of self-care, and how she got real and got vulnerable with the people in her life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 77: You are enough, with Megan Hale

    16/12/2015 Duration: 40min

    Hey Ass-kickers!   Welcome to episode 77 of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! Today I’ve brought you yet another amazing guest, Megan Hale. Megan is a retired psychotherapist, enoughness coach and women’s leadership mentor. She advocates courageous, authentic living and helps her clients break free from limiting personal beliefs to live brave, whole lives.  Megan joins us to discuss her courageous and powerful journey to being who she is today and what she’s doing, the concept of worthiness, and her 5 steps to having enough and staying enough! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 76: Learning to let go and healing your past

    09/12/2015 Duration: 44min

    Hey Ass-kickers! Welcome to episode 76 of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! I’m excited - as always - to bring you today’s guest, Terri Cole, whom I met and bunked with at Soul Camp. Terri joins us to talk about getting her PhD in fear via two life-changing experiences, and how she found freedom from that fear for herself and is sharing it with the world today.   Terri is a licensed therapist, transformation coach and de facto expert on turning fear into freedom. For nearly two decades she’s worked to help celebrities, athletes and everyday people redesign their limiting beliefs to create extraordinary lives. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 75: How to surrender and relax without being a slacker, with Bex Boruki

    02/12/2015 Duration: 45min

    Hey Ass-kickers!   Welcome to episode 75 of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! Today we have yet another amazing guest: Rebekah Borucki, or Bex as she likes to be called. Bex is the founder of Bex’s Life and The Blissed-In Movement; she’s also the mother of 5 kids (!), a popular YouTuber, TV host, yoga and meditation expert, Hay House author, and birth doula.   This powerhouse woman is here to talk about using meditation for exploration and for self-care, how to find the joy in everything we do (even the things we dread doing) and why living authentically is such a powerful example to set for everyone in our lives. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 74: Personal responsibility vs. self-blame

    25/11/2015 Duration: 15min

    Two weeks ago I posted a personal story of mine that walked you through the decade of my 20’s.  What I want to talk about specifically in this post is the topic of personal responsibility. I mentioned it in that post and also wrote a more specific post about that a few weeks prior. There's a common misconception around personal responsibility and that is that taking responsibility for one's actions and mistakes equals self-blame. That in order to take responsibility, we must blame ourselves for the behaviors and actions we have taken that we're not proud of and subsequently feel like shit. Bottom line: this is not true. It doesn’t have to be black or white. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 73: Real relationship talk, with Dr. Eris

    18/11/2015 Duration: 50min

    Hey Ass kickers! Welcome to episode 73 of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! My friend, fellow life coach and therapist Dr. Eris is here with us today. Some of you may recognize her, she’s been featured with Dr. Drew, Nancy Grace, NPR, Entertainment Tonight, and she’s also a star of Bravo's LA Shrinks television show. She’s also the author of Emergency Break-up. On this edition of the show we talk about real sh*t that matters! Dr. Eris gets real about what her relationships were like before her marriage, why rock bottom is a great place to start, and how to keep the sexy in your marriage even with young kids around. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 72: Not wanting to deal: My story of running away and hiding

    10/11/2015 Duration: 40min

    Preface: I got this email awhile back from an ass kicker: “The first podcast I heard from you, you seemed like a perky, outgoing blonde – and these are all great things, but I must admit, when looking at you, we might think “oh, she’s never been through anything. Yeah, she has great things to say, but does she know what this is like?” ….and then upon listening further, I learned your earlier life actually very much mirrors my own. It was not only comforting but also a lesson learned about first impressions.” -YKAL blog reader ************************* I’ve been sitting on this blog post/podcast episode for months now, unpublished. It’s a huge part of my story, what went on in my 20′s emotionally that led me to my big breakdown/breakthrough in 2006. I’ve hesitated to take the leap and publish it because it’s long, it’s probably the most imperfect piece of writing I’ve ever written, but mostly because every time I take a giant leap into vulnerability I still hear the voice of “OMG what will people think of you?

  • Episode 71: How to be a bad-ass, with Jen Sincero

    04/11/2015 Duration: 37min

    Hey Ass kickers!   Welcome to episode 71 of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! Our amazing guest for this show is Jen Sincero, a New York Times best-selling author, renowned speaker and success coach.   From helping people find their soulmate to negotiating million dollar deals to writing best-selling books of their own, she’s helped people around the world transform their personal and professional lives.   On today’s edition we talk about the power of surrender, why creativity isn’t limited to just art, and powerful exercises to get clear on who you are and why you’re here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 70: To those of you who don’t think you have any shame (and those who do)

    28/10/2015 Duration: 25min

    Shame seems to be a buzzword these days, isn’t it? And it’s a good thing-- people talking more about the things that hold them back and keep them unhappy. But, what I see over and over again are women saying, “I get and love when you talk about the inner-critic, perfectionism, and even not feeling good enough...but I don’t get the whole ‘shame’ thing and I don’t think I actually have any”. And I get it. I think we might think of people walking around with shame that have done unthinkable things. Caught embezzling money from their church and the whole congregation knows. Caught having an affair with their psychiatrist and people are whispering around town about it. Or the kid whose mom is an alcoholic and comes drunk to the school play, things like that. But, what I’ve come to know, is that shame is much more common than we think and most of the time, shame happens in much smaller scenarios. And I hate to break it to those of you that think you’re the exception to shame, but ALL of us have it. And if we’re not

  • Episode 69: Making a scene, with Susan Hyatt

    21/10/2015 Duration: 42min

    Hey Ass kickers! Welcome to episode 69 of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! Today’s show has already become one of my personal favorites, I’m so excited to bring it to you. My long-time friend and master certified life coach Susan Hyatt is here with us! Susan has been coaching for a decade and has thousands of fans, including Dr. Martha Beck and Maria Shriver! And one of the things that has won her so many fans is the fact that she walks her talk. She’s used coaching techniques to drop 35 pounds, revitalize her marriage and uplevel her career. On today’s show we discuss a mishmash of topics including why body issues are holding women back from leading big lives, what we can do right now to make peace with our bodies and why it’s so important to take big risks! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 68: The freedom in personal responsibility

    14/10/2015 Duration: 17min

    I was having a conversation with my friend Kate-- I’m not even sure what we were discussing and I started telling her about about how amazing it felt to finally take responsibility for my life. Let me back up… I hit my own rock bottom in early 2007. About a year prior to that my husband had left me for another woman, and I immediately got into a new relationship. This new boyfriend ended up being a drug addict and faked cancer to cover up his addiction. Our break-up was horrible. I found myself on the floor of my apartment, crying my eyes and begging The Universe to help me. Not to spoil the story-- but the Universe did show up to help me, however there was something really important I had to do first. See, the reason I found myself in two back-to-back messed up situations was because I made two very big mistakes in my life: 1) I looked to other people to make me happy and 2) when it didn’t work out I blamed them. For everything. My addiction to control was so strong I had unknowingly convinced myself that if

  • Episode 67: How to find clarity and change in an instant, with Dr. Amy Johnson

    07/10/2015 Duration: 44min

    Hey Ass kickers! Welcome to episode 67 of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! On today’s show we’re talking with the one and only Dr. Amy Johnson. Amy is a social psychologist and master certified coach who helps people see their true default nature is wellness and clarity, even when they don’t see it themselves! Amy is also an accomplished speaker; she has been a regular guest expert on The Steve Harvey Show, and has been published often in The Wall Street Journal, SELF magazine and During our talk today, Amy and I dialogue about all things brain-related! We discuss the remarkably simple way our brains work, why understanding that simplicity and following it leads to an easier life and the important role curiosity and suspicion play in examining our own stories and opening up to new ways of being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 66: Loving yourself is the new black

    01/10/2015 Duration: 23min

    You know that person everyone falls in love with the second he or she walks into a room? He or she doesn’t necessarily have to be gorgeous, or start throwing cash around the room. No, this person just has “something” that draws others in. And you’d give your right arm to know what it is that is so super awesome about that person. She isn’t necessarily even charming or charismatic; she just seems to radiate something that is magnetic. I’ll save you the endless nights awake trying to figure out what it is. Truth: That person loves herself. The end. Confidence is about believing in yourself. Self-esteem is about believing in your worth. Self-love is both of those wrapped up into one, plus more. It’s like the perfect feast for your soul. And at the same time, self-love can be this mysterious, elusive thing. Ask a woman what her menstrual cycle is like or how she takes her coffee and she can tell you in great detail. But ask her about self-love and you’ll probably get a blank stare. If you’re not sure whether you

  • Episode 65: Healing through creativity: Why you need it, with Rachael Rice

    23/09/2015 Duration: 42min

    Hey Ass kickers! Welcome to episode 65 of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! Today we’ve got a topic I’m super excited to dive into and share with you: healing through creativity. And we have a very special guest to share her wisdom on this subject: Rachael Rice. Rachael is an artist, writer, teacher, and speaker who travels the world performing and creating non-stop like a BOSS. She believes and teaches others to express themselves, and embrace the healing that happens in the process. On today’s show we talk about why it’s so hard for us to be still (eek!), why humans are meaning-making machines (and how to deal with it) and how to redefine and understand yourself as a creative being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • 25 Acts of Self-Love

    16/09/2015 Duration: 15min

    I do my best to listen when I hear the universe speaking to me. For one, I know I was put on this earth to teach and inspire. One of those things is to teach people how to love themselves. And I’ll be honest- when I went into business for myself and followed my intuition that told me to teach about self-love, I had this belief that self-love is a hard sell. In the beginning I had this made up notion that people only wanted solutions to 3 things: How to be thin. How to find their soul mates. How to have more money. The end. Self love didn’t fit anywhere into that equation for people looking for what made them happy. Unless I was selling those three things, I was doomed as an entrepreneur. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 63: Common self-love myths and pitfalls, with Amy E. Smith

    09/09/2015 Duration: 45min

    Welcome to episode 63 of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! I’m thrilled to bring you this episode with life coach, master communicator and my very best friend, Amy E. Smith. Amy hosts a podcast called The Joy Junkie with her hubs, Mr. Smith. On the podcast and in her business Amy helps people find their voice, and stand up for themselves (without being a dick). I brought her on the show to talk about self-love: what it is and how to practice it no matter who you are or where you are in your life. We get into the common misconceptions and pitfalls about self-love, why loving yourself actually helps you change your life and why choosing self-love is a daily practice. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 62: Why I Think “Don’t take things personally” is kinda bullshit

    02/09/2015 Duration: 17min

    I may very well be pissing off the personal development Gods today, but bear with me. If you dabble in self-help at all, you’ve probably heard the advice of not taking things personally. If you’re new to this advice or need some clarification, what the message is saying is: If you take the words and actions of others personally, it’s easy to fall into the victim role, spend your life chasing approval from others, and just generally making everything about you when it isn’t. I totally get that and agree. But, here’s what I don’t like and what I take issue with. People hear this advice and look at it as being very black or white. Either we don’t take things personally at all and feel good about ourselves, or we do take things personally and live in this hellfire and brimstone world of damnation where we are victims and prey to others. Yes, that was dramatic, but sometimes self-help can be make people feel like YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 61: Dealing with shame even when you think you don’t have any, with Rebecca Bass-Ching

    26/08/2015 Duration: 48min

    Hey Ass kickers! Welcome to episode 61 of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! Today we’re revisiting two familiar and favorite topics: perfectionism and shame. And joining us is one of my favorite people ever - Rebecca Bass-Ching. Rebecca is a certified Daring Way™ facilitator and consultant. She’s also a licensed marriage and family therapist with her own multi-therapist practice. I had the honor of working with her as a client while also becoming certified in The Daring Way™ and I’m thrilled she’s here for this episode. On today’s show we dive right into the thick of it. We define what shaming is, draw the connection between perfectionism, vulnerability and shaming, and discuss how to develop and practice courage in our everyday lives. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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