Sasquatch Chronicles



People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this too be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. If you have had an encounter, shoot us an email at episodes and content can be found on our website. Become a member today and receive access to our full back catalog of episodes, additional exclusive shows posted weekly, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums.For the latest news, please visit our blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.


  • SC EP:223 Something on my property

    30/05/2016 Duration: 01h24min

    A listener writes: “Hey, I just started to listen to the show after having a sighting behind my house in east Texas. I moved in this place 2 months ago. I hear them often not yelling or anything like that. I did hear knocking in the front of the house, tree breaking and I found tree structures. There are lots of deer in the area and I have a drainage creek behind my house. So I think they may have been hunting here. No one lives in the house for a year before I bought it. This last Sunday I heard my dog in the woods and it sounded like it was got hurt. I ran out of the house and there was my dog sitting in the front and nothing was wrong. I think that the Bigfoot made that sound to get me or the dogs in the woods. Latter that night my wife was on the porch and heard something banging around and the heard tree branches braking on the other side of the yard. She came and got me I didn’t here anything but she said it had to be two of them. I also saw a print that might be from Bigfoot. It was 12″ long 6″ wide. T

  • SC EP:221 Deep in the woods

    23/05/2016 Duration: 01h31min

    The Olympic Project is an association of dedicated researchers, investigators, biologists and trackers committed to documenting the existence of Sasquatch through science and education. Co-Founder Derek Randles of the Olympic Project has an expedition this weekend in Washington State. My good friend Shane Corson from Monster X sent me the invite. I interviewed several of the Olympic Project members and they will be sharing their encounters with us tonight. I will also be interviewing Thomas Steenburg who is an author and researcher.

  • SC EP:219 Squallies – Ape human hybrid

    15/05/2016 Duration: 01h19min

    Proclaimed as, "America's most credible cryptozoologist," Scott Marlowe, spends as much time in camos and boots as he does in a Lab coat and oxfords. A Fellow of the famed Pangea Institute and educational consultant to The American Primate Conservation Alliance, Marlowe is the first expert in the field to succeed in establishing an on-going college course in cryptozoology at a state institution of higher learning anywhere in the world. His cryptozoology course, hailed as one of the "Top Ten" news stories of 2004 by The Cryptozoologist, a well-known insider eMagazine, has won both accolades and awards for its fresh approach and application of forensic science methodologies to the study of enigmatic animals. Author of “Cryptid Creatures of Florida,” (First published by CFZ Press of Great Britain and now in its second edition published by Pangea Press) Marlowe “literally wrote the book” on Cryptozoology in the Sunshine State. Followed by his “Bigfoot Enigma” and “Bigfoot in Art History” are considered must-reads

  • SC EP:217 Monsters Underground

    08/05/2016 Duration: 01h28min

    Bill Brock (the Team Leader of Monsters Underground on Destination America as well as the founder of Team Rogue) joins us this evening. Brock has made it his life mission to identify unknown creatures around the world. As a Crypto-Expeditionary he has been all over the world looking for creatures from Bigfoot to the giant bat known as the Olitiau. Now he bring his hunt to Maine with Team Rogue. Team Rogue has been responsible researching and publishing some of the best footage of a possible Bigfoot to be seen from Maine. Brock is also a accomplished author and speaker, co-writing a book focusing on the connection between the ancient mound builders and the paranormal. He has also given speeches to thousands of people on Bigfoot and the origins of the Sasquatch. He continues his journey researching Cryptids and the Paranormal in Maine and around the world. Also, Melissa and Cari George stop by to talk about Melissa’s new book, "Sasquatch, The Native Truth." “A Native American tells her horrifying story of growi

  • SC EP:215 The creature was looking at me intently

    02/05/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    Very interesting encounter tonight, I spoke with the witness and his impression of the creature was it was trying to warn him to go away because something was coming down the hill. He could hear something large and breaking branches on the hill at the time he ran into the creature. He writes, “It was very early in the morning, maybe 1 or 2 am, day 3 of a five day backpacking trip, and I got out of my tent to relieve myself. I walked ten or 15 feet to go behind a tree, when I felt dizzy and had a strange urge to walk up the hill from our campsite. I had walked maybe a hundred yards or so up the trail, when I saw something squatted down in the trail about fifty feet from me. It had one fist on the ground and was looking at me intently. I noticed then, that even squatted down, it was as tall as I was (5 foot 8 ). It was at this point I realized I wasn’t looking at a person, but I felt frozen to the spot and didn’t want to make a run for it. We stayed this way for a few seconds, then I heard something big crashin

  • SC EP:213 Dark Waters

    24/04/2016 Duration: 01h29min

    ouTuber Dark Waters will be joining me. You can find his channel here, I highly recommend subscribing to his channel. We spoke last night and he was sharing some terrifying Sasquatch and Dogman encounters he has been investigating. What is a dogman? Have they ever attacked anyone? DW talks about what he has learned looking into the Dogman and Bigfoot subject. Get ready for a night full of encounter stories! DW will be sharing some encounters that are not up on his channel…yet!

  • SC EP:211 Running right into a creature...literally

    17/04/2016 Duration: 01h12min

    Its a double hitter weekend! Have a great weekend! A listener writes “I’ve been listening to your show. Not really sure I wanted to put this out there but back starting in 1998 my family and I had 2 years of problems on our property in Northern Florida culminating with me actually running right into a Skunk Ape. Message me if you’d like to hear my story.” The witness describes different problems they had on the property, everything from the house being slapped to something screaming at the house on almost a nightly basis. Everything changed the night he ran into the creature…literally.

  • SC EP:210 Encounter while investigating a property

    17/04/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    It's a double hitter this weekend! SC EP:211 is coming! I am in the process of uploading it to the site. Here is EP:210 with Dan Baker who describes an encounter while investigating a property. Dan Baker will be my guest, and will be sharing with us his personal encounter. Dan writes “I was a 12 year old boy in 1967 when Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin made the historic film of “Patty” in Bluff Creek California. I always sat with my mom and dad in the evenings to watch the news. One evening, I saw that epic film of a large, hairy creature walking away from the camera. That was the film that sparked a lifelong interest in bigfoot. Over the years, I watched as many films and documentaries as I could and read about as much. The Internet allowed me to further my research, in some areas but I needed to start getting into the field, which I did along with my wife, Sue. On June, 6, 2013, I finally had a night time sighting through my night vision in Carroll County, Ohio. Soon after that, I began researching anthropol

  • SC EP:208 Terrifying night out hunting

    10/04/2016 Duration: 01h07min

    A witness contacted me and says he was hunting with a friend and they were being followed most of the night. They were unsure of what was pacing and following them. As the two hunters were leaving the area, they both turned around and saw a 7-8 foot tall creature looking around a tree at them. The creature did not flinch when they had their lights on him. The witness describes the creature’s face looking tired of like it had down syndrome. One of the hunters wanted to run but the men remained calm and slowly backed off and walk out. The witness who was in front said his friend screamed and bolted past him. He said that the creature had grabbed his backup light that was hanging on a cord and shook it.

  • SC EP:206 The creature at the window

    03/04/2016 Duration: 54min

    I will be speaking to Hunter who was face to face with a Sasquatch. Hunter says “My window was about 7 feet off of the ground and my bed is right next to the window. As I was in bed I had this feeling of something watching me. I looked over and we were inches from each other, separated by glass. The eyes had a reddish color to them and it’s expression never changed, it just had a blank stare. The only thing moving was the creatures eyes looking me over. I thought a gorilla was loose but the more I stared at this creature in fear the more I realized, this was no gorilla. I can give you a very clear description of the face, eyes, ears, mouth and even what little of a neck it had. This thing was huge! I thought these things were in the Pacific Northwest but not Ohio!” I will also be speaking to another witness who had an encounter with a Devil Dog (Dogman). He says “I writing cause I heard your interview you did with Chris Jerchio. Now I would not call my self a huge believer of Sasquatch but I was more curious

  • SC EP:204 That is NOT a bear!

    28/03/2016 Duration: 01h48min

    I will be welcoming two guests to the show. My first guest came face to face with the creature. It was a hot night and in order to cool the house down she was going to open her back door. As she pulled the curtains back to open the sliding glass door she was face to face with a Sasquatch. The witness describes the creature as very tall and bending down with its arm reaching out like it was trying to open the door. She said the Sasquatch was white and looked very old, as she pulled the curtains back it had a look of shock on its face and she screamed and the creature screamed and ran off. My second guests was camping in Arizona and as the family turned the corner he saw a Sasquatch on all fours drinking out of a small river. The witness describes the creature looking very odd. The witnesses father jumped out of the truck and started shooting his .357 at it. The creature stood up like a man and started running on two legs. The witnesses father told him at the time it was a crippled bear. He said that he has nev

  • SC EP:202 Is that a gorilla?!

    20/03/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    I will be welcoming two guests on. My first guest is from Washington state. When he was a child he got on his bike along with other neighborhood kids and started riding to a friends house. His friend had called him and said that “the bear is back and looking in the windows.” The boys wanted to see this bear and as they were riding up the road they came across this “bear.” He said this man-like creature ran across the road in front of them and retreated into the wood line. The boys were unsure what it was but it was heading towards their fort in the woods so the boys got off their bikes and gave chase. My guest was one of the oldest boys and said that he caught up with this thing and it turned to look back at him and that is when he realized it was not a man or bear. He had no idea what he was looking at, he started screaming at the other boys to turn around and go back….. My second guest writes “I saw Bigfoot along with my friend and two daughters on our way to Georgia from Arizona. It was around 2:00 a.m. co

  • SC EP:200 The 200th Show Part Two

    14/03/2016 Duration: 01h47min

    Tonight researcher Brenda Harris stops by to say hi and talk about what is going on around the reservation in New Mexico. Brenda shares an encounter that happened on the reservation when two young men hit a small Sasquatch with their truck and the events that took place afterwards. Brenda also shares with us some recent encounters of Sasquatch looking in the windows of peoples homes and what she advises witnesses to do to make these creatures leave. I also welcome back Duke who stops by to share an encounter he has not shared before when he was younger with his cousin. My final guests tonight are the Bigfoot Outlaw, Coonbo, Bear and Matt. This will conclude my 200th show!

  • SC EP:200 The 200th Show Part One

    13/03/2016 Duration: 01h47min

    Tonight the show starts off with my brother Woody who somehow got on the 200th show (Just joking he was invited) and he wanted to ask me some questions. Next up is Bob Garrett who shares with us his first encounter when he was 16 years old. Bob has never shared this before on my show and it is a very interesting encounter. I also announce that Bob and his group will be bringing back their radio show The Big Thicket Watch right here on Sasquatch Chronicles. Look for their upcoming show. Tomorrow night I welcome Bear, Coonbo and Matt from Bigfoot Outlaw Radio as well as many other guests. I also want to thank the listeners and past guest for making Sasquatch Chronicles what it is. Thank you guys!

  • SC EP:198 I know what I saw!

    06/03/2016 Duration: 01h09min

    I welcome Ronnie to the show, and Ronnie writes, “I came from the city and moved in with my mother in law who lived out in the country. In this area of Washington State it is very remote. One night I heard a creature breathing outside of my window. I assumed it was a bear until it walked past the window. It walked over to my mother in laws window which was next to mine. My mother in law snores like a chainsaw at night and the creature mimicked her snoring as I went to the window to get a look at this thing the floor creaked. The creature turned and looked at me and growled. It was huge, the largest thing I have ever seen. I fell backwards and stayed in the corner of the room until the sun came up. Looking back now I know this thing was around the property, I would go out to feed the horses and the horses would be acting strange and I had a weird sense I was being watched. At night I would watch TV and always felt like something was watching me. I started closing the shades on the windows. After my encounter I

  • SC EP:196 The Paracas Skulls

    28/02/2016 Duration: 01h03min

    Join me as I invite Ron Morehead to the show and we go off trail tonight talking about the Paracas Skulls. Ron Morehead has traveled the world doing research on the unexplained, undiscovered, and underexplored. He is recognized around the globe for the best Bigfoot/Sasquatch audio recordings known as the Sierra Sounds. Ron’s Research includes the scientific study of Bigfoot evidence, the possibility of connections between Bigfoot and the skeletons found in Peru and Bolivia, the Love Lock Cave, and the Minaret Skull. Ron and I will be discussing the Paracas Skulls and Ron shares with us what he learned from his recent trip to Peru and also a recent encounter he had in 2011 when he returned to the location where he captured the sierra sounds. Check out Ron’s website at

  • SC EP:195 Two Hunters Encounter A Sasquatch

    26/02/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Kyle writes "As we approached we heard a really loud “huff” and again we froze. We both had our heads on a swivel looking for this “bear”. That’s when at about 30 yards away I saw a huge dark creature standing upright pulling the bamboo aside to peek through. I brought it to the attention of my brother and we both stood there in amazement. We saw what looked a lot like a man. I would say it was between 7.5-8.5 feet tall, black brown hair covering all of the body that was visible to us. The shoulders were as wide as the tailgate of my pickup truck, I mean just tremendous. We also noticed that there was a musky smell reminiscent of a buck during the rut. The forehead had little to no hair on it and the skin was a grayish color. We both saw this creature blink it’s eyes and for whatever reason, I feel like that’s the only thing I was able to focus on was its eyes the eyes were set deep in the skull and almost looked black. I mustered the courage to take a step forward and this thing took off like a dragster. Ive

  • SC EP:193 Primal fear of being hunted

    14/02/2016 Duration: 01h24min

    Tonight I welcome Jeremy to the show. He was recently out on expedition in East Texas and talks about his experience. Jeremy had a piece of concrete thrown at him in the middle of the night and then was roared at. He will be sharing this along with a short sighting he had while he was down there. I will be also welcoming Robert to the show. Robert talks about an Appalachian Trail encounter with “tall brown man.” The witness and his son were hiking and decided to stay in a shelter along the Appalachian trail when they encounter a strange creature the witness says “It was NOT a bear or a man.” My final guest had a scary night hiking into a remote location. Ben talks about seeing the creature outside of his tent and being harassed all night by several creatures. The witness writes “Wes, I had an experience last year that left no doubt in my mind as to the existence of Sasquatch. I told my dad about it and he said I should check out your show, he started listening after being screamed at in Idaho by an animal tha

  • SC EP:191 Do not chase strange lights

    07/02/2016 Duration: 57min

    Earlier in the week I posted a video of strange lights in the woods. Woody returns to the show to talk about what we experienced that night. To see the video, visit the episode page on our website HERE. I also welcome Seth to the show who shares with us two experiences he has had with Sasquatch. My final guest of the night is Steve, and Steve writes, “I was visiting our family house in St. Étienne de Bolton, Quebec, Canada. There is a creek behind house. My cousin (probably around 8 or 9 at the time) and me (around 13) walked down to Creek like we always did when we went up there. We got within eye sight of creel and we both froze. There was this grayish white monstrous sized thing sitting at the waters edge. At first I would of sworn it was an elderly thin polar bear. Obviously couldn’t be a polar pear, or a grey gorilla much like the movie congo. As soon as it moved it’s head the slightest bit I shoved my cousin in front of me up the hill and we ran back to the house. I told my parents that we saw a giant d

  • SC EP:189 Sasquatch is bad for business

    31/01/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    Tonight I speak to Cory who is from Texas and went on a commercial hunting trip in Canada. Cory had several strange things happen while he was on this hunting trip. He writes, “After I arrived in Canada and was out in the middle of no where I heard tree knocks. It went on for along time. I asked the trip organizer what the noise was and he insisted it might have been a moose. Things progressed on this trip and I heard a very very violent vocal. I have never heard anything like this before. It sounded like King Kong killing something, the creature was tearing apart something. The creature soon circled around my tree stand, I finally backed out of there slowly. I talked to the trip organizer and I am not sure if he knew about these creatures and they were bad for his “paid” hunting trips or if he truly had no idea. This brought back memories of growing up on the family farm in Texas. We had a lot of strange things go on and around that property. My sister even saw what she describes as a “very large monkey walk

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