Crosspoint Fellowship Messages



A weekly updated podcast for messages given at CrossPoint Fellowship in Republic, MO. Our church meets on Sunday mornings at 10am at 1660 Hwy 60 E (in the Town East Center next to El Charro and Bair's) so grab a friend and come visit us sometime! Check us out on the web -- -- for more information on coming to one of our services, small groups or events!


  • What is Love?, pt. 2 - Loving Our Family in Christ

    05/03/2023 Duration: 26min

    This is how people will know we are of God. Jesus calls His followers to love each other at a higher standard, the way He loves us. This encompasses everything that Jesus did and does for us, even going to the cross on our behalf.Christ's love begins at the cross.Our ability to love one another is a sign of our salvation.Christ lived in a way that refused exaltation. This allowed him to love in a way that made exaltation possible for others.He lived a life that was not his own, so that we might reap what we could not sew - the righteousness of God.

  • What is Love?, pt. 1 - Loving our Neighbor

    27/02/2023 Duration: 38min

    This is the first way people will know God’s love. This is also considered the second greatest commandment by Christ Himself, so it should be important to us. This is the foundation, the baseline for how we love everyone, and everything else is built upon it.A single question has the power to change the world.Our neighbor is the one who loves us when others would leave us. Too many of us are concerned with others receiving what they deserve, when Christ ensured that we would never have to be in that situation. 

  • A Believer’s Humility, pt. 8 - God’s Provision

    20/02/2023 Duration: 25min

    A humble believer sees God’s provision in all things and can find contentment regardless.Humility allows us to show appreciation for the love of others. Paul had needs. What he had lost was his anxieties. Anxiety says "What am I going to do about this situation"? Faith says "I know God is working in this situation."It’s one thing to say that God is in control. To live that way is an accomplishment.Humility allows Christians to find equilibrium in the imbalance of life.

  • A Believer’s Humility, pt. 7 - Unfinished Business

    13/02/2023 Duration: 28min

    A humble Christian never sees him or herself as a completed work. They continue to push forward towards the Lord.The pinnacle of spiritual maturity can only be obtained when humility is perfected.Humility allows us to find joy in the pursuit of Christ while refusing to rest on past accomplishments or be discouraged by past failures.To rest on what we have done well is to rely on our own merit. To allow past failures to consume us and slow our progress is to ignore God's grace. 

  • A Believer’s Humility, pt. 6 - Righteousness Through Faith

    06/02/2023 Duration: 29min

    A humble believer's affection for Christ doesn’t waiver due to their circumstances.Circumstances should never influence our influence on others.An attitude of humility allows a believer to experience a faith of longevity.In our humility, we know that no human accomplishment is worthy of boasting.All of us can find something to boast about. But humility will not allow us to misjudge our own righteousness. Humility recognizes that Christ is greater than anything we ourselves can provide.

  • A Believer’s Humility, pt. 5 - Lights in the World

    30/01/2023 Duration: 25min

    Lights shine, and our job as Christians is to shine light on what is right and good.We live in a world shrouded with darkness.We are to be lights in this world of darkness.What is light for the believer? Jesus.We follow and obey Jesus because that’s the only way to reflect the light of Christ.We are to stand strong and unyielding in our faith and devotion to Christ so that the world might not be swallowed by darkness.

  • A Believer’s Humility, pt. 4 - The Example of Christ

    23/01/2023 Duration: 28min

    Humble Christians seek to imitate Christ in the way they live their life. Christ himself was the perfect example of humility, even denying his own Godliness.Humble Christians seek unity with the body of Christ.By definition, a Bible believing, God-fearing, Christ-loving Christian is humble. A spirit of pride in human relationships indicates a lack of humility before God.Christ wasn’t held to the cross by the nails in his hand and feet. It was his humility that kept him there in your place.

  • A Believer’s Humility, pt. 3 - To Live is Christ

    15/01/2023 Duration: 29min

    A humble believer seeks to exalt Christ rather than themselves regardless of their own circumstances.Humble Christians are more concerned with spiritual deliverance than physical deliverance. It seems that humility exists in us because we are faithful. And that because we are faithful, we are able to approach life with humility.A humble Christian’s purpose for living isn’t to glorify themselves, but to ensure that Christ be glorified in and through them.Humble Christians put others' needs before their own desires.As Christians, living for Christ and one another only succeeds if we see the other as more significant than ourselves. 

  • A Believer’s Humility, pt. 2 - The Advance of the Gospel

    08/01/2023 Duration: 24min

    A humble believer's only concern is the advancement of the Gospel. There is no room for self-adoration.Humility allows us to see life's tragedies as learning opportunities. Humble Christians will share those stories in an attempt to help others. Humiliated Christians will hide their hurts in hopes that the shame will remain hidden. Humble Christians put the advancement of the Gospel before anything else. 

  • A Believer’s Humility, pt. 1 - A Servant’s Heart

    02/01/2023 Duration: 28min

    Humility begins with seeing ourselves as a servant. And as servants we should seek the betterment of others even at our own expense.Humility begins with seeing ourselves as servants of Jesus Christ.Humility continues with an earnest desire to see others flourish.A humble Christian also gives thanks and shows appreciation for others. A humble Christian is made better and not bitter by their circumstances.Humble Christians don't let their circumstances affect the way they value others. Humble Christians don't worry about the perception of others because they aren't living for their approval.

  • The Gospel of Christmas, pt. 5 - Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men

    25/12/2022 Duration: 21min

    What good is keeping the gospel to ourselves? How can we share good news if we are at war with the world around us? We should seek peace with the world.If we are not people of peace, Christ will not be seen in us.Our goal should be to live in such a way that the only way we offend others is by sharing the good news and great joy that Christ has come.

  • The Gospel of Christmas, pt. 4 - The Reward of Grace

    19/12/2022 Duration: 20min

    Grace is the free, God-determined gift born out of Christmas and God alone. It’s a gift to the response of faith. A Reward, for work we didn’t do.Light may cast a shadow, but its purpose is to illuminate.Faith is a prerequisite for the gift of grace.We rest spiritually with Christ where he rests physically, in Heaven.We can have confidence that our salvation is finalized at the point of faith, because of what Christ accomplished on the cross. 

  • The Gospel of Christmas, pt. 3 - The Response of Faith

    04/12/2022 Duration: 26min

    The response to God’s love is faith. Faith and love are intertwined. Those who have placed their faith in Jesus will love others and they will recognize Jesus as their king.Faith is the proper response to experiencing the love which justifies our hope. In Bethlehem, there is a place referred to as Migdal Eder, which literally means “Tower of the Flock”.Nothing says "I believe" more than a willingness to share. You have a story of how you were introduced to Jesus and how he changed your life. This is the season to share.You may not think you have anything to offer others but, for someone, your story is the one that’s going change their whole world. 

  • The Gospel of Christmas, pt. 2 - For God So Loved the World

    27/11/2022 Duration: 24min

    Love is the Fruit of Hope. God loved us enough to provide justification for our hope. He gave us his son, and his son loved us so much that he gave us his life.Everything that we place our hope in fails to love us, but the Lord in whom we place our hope loves us perfectly.Christ came so that you might realize hope and experience love.

  • The Gospel of Christmas, pt. 1 - Hope Has Come

    20/11/2022 Duration: 25min

    We all hope for better, we hope for rescue. God provided a reason and sincerity for our hope - Jesus. Jesus was the hope of the world and the light in the darkness.Jesus is our reason to hope.The Gospel thrives because hope was born in a manger.My hope cannot be extinguished.My hope is not reliant on circumstance.My hope is in the Lord.

  • Members Only, pt. 5 - How?

    13/11/2022 Duration: 25min

    How can you be a member of a church? By serving the body and its community. Church members take ownership of its ministry.Our best ability is our availability.Church members love one another as family.Church members put each other first even if it comes at their own expense.Church members serve the Lord above all else and do so diligently and enthusiastically.Church members push through times of struggle and frustration to make the church into something better than it is.

  • Members Only, pt. 4 - Why?

    06/11/2022 Duration: 33min

    Why become a member of a church? Because we need one another. We aren’t meant to journey this life alone. The success of our faith depends on the support of the body.Being a church member is not just about being inside the building. It’s about what’s taking place in the building.Encouragement is worth the price of admission. The more you miss church, the less you miss church, and the more you feel amiss in church.The Great Commission is an instruction that the individual is responsible for, but that is nearly impossible to fulfill without the church. We need the fellowship of believers.

  • Members Only, pt. 3 - When?

    30/10/2022 Duration: 25min

    When should you become a member of a church? When you have faith in God, confidence in its leadership and direction, and you build familial ties with its members, it’s time to commit.When should you become a member of a church?When you are a believer.When you feel led.When you have a connection.When you feel you can serve.

  • Members Only, pt. 2 - What?

    23/10/2022 Duration: 44min

    What should members of a church do? Support its ministry financially. Healthy churches only exist when they collaboratively cover the cost of existing. Few things show greater faith in God or a body of believers than giving.Church members support the ministry financially. This tithe, like our tithe, is an act of obedience to God and Scripture.Giving should be proportional to each one's earnings.When you aren't contributing what you are able to in church, you're allowing someone else to fund your experience and to pay your way. You should not give out of compulsion or guilt, but out of a love for the Lord. God's math always works out. 

  • Members Only, pt. 1 - Who?

    16/10/2022 Duration: 18min

    This is part 1 of our new 5-week series focusing on the Who, What, When, Why, and How of Church membership. This week - who should make up the members of a Church? The answer is simple: everyone who considers them a believer. You don’t have to go to church to be a Christian but you do if you want to live according to the Bible. YOU are needed as a member of the Church if you are following after Christ.

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