Christ Chapel Audio Podcasts



The life and book of Daniel have many present and prophetic truths to guide the life of the believer; but our focus tomorrow will be on the personal, habitual life of cultivated prayer and how that impacts us and those around us.


  • Embrace the Wait

    28/08/2022 Duration: 44min

    Waiting is something that we all experience. For the believer, "how" we wait is what matters.

  • Hitherto Has the Lord Helped Us

    21/08/2022 Duration: 44min

    Yesterday I turned 60 years old, but as i look over my shoulder at all that is behind me....I can say without any fear of contradiction, that the Lord has been near, faithful, kind, patient, generous, gracious and always present with and for me. There is nothing good in my life that hasn't come from him, and nothing in this world that i want outside of him or his will. Tomorrows message will be my attempt to honor him with my reflective testimony and unpack the story of Samuel's Ebenezer moment!

  • O Thou Wicked Servant

    14/08/2022 Duration: 44min

    Wicked is such a strong word, and even more stunning when it is coupled with the word "believer" or "servant". There are many forms of wickedness a believer can fall into, but there is one so severe that according to scripture you may not come back from it In a dream last night, I believe it was the Lord who stirred me to this topic and message; knowing in his omniscience who would be here and who would be watching on line. Search us O God, and try our hearts and help us see if there be any wicked way in us.....that we may repent and turn far from it.

  • The Answer

    07/08/2022 Duration: 44min

    The entirety of God's word is perfect and profitable, but there are differences and emphasis that are found when we rightly divide the word of truth; that seem to zero in on where we are turn all the lights on. This is one such verse. Its truth is simple, absolute and without exception. It is the kind of verse that would be on heavens phone system, if you ever found yourself on hold.It is the anthem of those who have gone before us and the wisdom of those who are older and remain. This one verse is pure oxygen to those who can't catch their breath, Shade for those who have traveled in the blistering sun and cool water for those dying of thirst, It is morphine for those who live with unspeakable pain and sweet rest to the weary, It is the divine and unchanging truth of God's word that brings perspective and clarity to EVERY situation.

  • Jesus's First Miracle

    24/07/2022 Duration: 44min

    The first miracle of Jesus has much to teach about the where, how and why of his pulling back the drape of his power and glory at this moment in time.

  • The Feeding of the 5000

    17/07/2022 Duration: 44min

    The feeding of the 5000 is one of the few stories in the gospels that is found in all four books. The primary lesson is of course that Christ is the bread of life that feeds mens souls, that he is the creator of everything that is in this world and all things continue and are kept by the power of God. But there are several important lessons here for us that precede this miracle. These are not a formula, but a compilation of truths that will guide us as we navigate seasons of lack and insufficiency.

  • That Which Precedes the Miracle

    10/07/2022 Duration: 44min

    This Syrophenician woman who through many obstacles approaches Jesus on behalf of her daughter who was demon possessed. On it's surface it would be easy to misunderstand what was really going on and how it would make application to us today....but one thing that most people miss is right under the surface of the narrative. This alien womans cry reached the ear of God, touched the heart of God and opened the hand of God. And remember this, with God NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE!

  • Navigating the Currents of This World

    03/07/2022 Duration: 44min

    The bible is clear that Satan is currently the prince of this world, and all that is in the world (seen, felt, heard, and experienced) is designed to turn our hearts and feet away from God our creator. Yes the currents are strong, but the Holy Spirit inside of us is STRONGER STILL.

  • June 26, 2022

    26/06/2022 Duration: 44min
  • A Psalm for Those In Crisis

    12/06/2022 Duration: 44min

    Whether it is by loss, pain, disappointment, responsibilities, betrayal or suffering; the feelings and the unanswered questions are similar if not the same. How can i continue, finish, start over or change tracks? Will this end, How will this end, will i still be here in the end and is this the end? King David was no stranger to great pain, great sorrow, great opposition and great breakthroughs and his first psalm, the first he recorded was one not only for himself and peers, but for all of us to follow.

  • Fleshly Lusts That War Against the Soul (Part 2)

    05/06/2022 Duration: 44min

    Every christian has their own lusts, but not all christians treat them the same. Some do not despise them, see them clearly, or distance themselves from their deceptive destruction. This message is a timely reminder in the day and age where nothing is off limits and the casualties are innumerable. Living clean, victorious, and free; others cannot do it for you and God will not do it for you. But you can, through humility, sobriety of heart, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Others

    29/05/2022 Duration: 44min
  • From Here

    22/05/2022 Duration: 44min

    Today we will be honoring our graduates and I will be sharing a message entitled "From Here". It is not primarily inspiring, although I hope it inspires. It is not primarily motivational, although God may use it to motivate you. It is not primarily correction, although we each may feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit in some of these areas. But it is an awareness, a challenge, an opportunity to make decisions now that we can implement in the days to come. Decisions to be faithful, good, true, effective, and powerful. Decisions to live separate from the world, and near unto Christ. Decisions that will not only become librarians of the past, but prophets of our future.

  • Fleshly Lusts That War Against the Soul

    15/05/2022 Duration: 44min

    Every christian has them, but not all christians treat them the same. Some do not despise them, see them clearly, or distance themselves from their deceptive destruction. This message is a timely reminder in the day and age where nothing is off limits and the casualties are innumerable. Living clean, victorious, and free; others cannot do it for you and God will not do it for you. But you can, through humility, sobriety of heart, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Lord I Need Thee

    08/05/2022 Duration: 44min

    The weight upon our mothers (and women in general) is greater than ever before and greater than they can bear. Relational pressure, social pressure, cultural pressure, pressure without and within. Others cannot help, and self medication only leads to darkness, destruction, and regret. This message will remind them of his nearness, his care, his power, and willingness to meet them right where they are in this moment. So may the cry come forth, "Lord I need thee!!" And the answer fall like rain, "I am here!!"

  • Stop the Statistics

    01/05/2022 Duration: 44min
  • You Can Make It

    24/04/2022 Duration: 44min

    Yes heaven is our eternal finish line, but there are many finish lines, promised lands, large places, and strongholds like Zion that await spirit filled believers who will not quit, who will not look back, who will not wilt in the last hour. They are overcomers, and you will recognize them by their overcoming. Against all odds and obstacles, they make it to the other side (where Jesus awaits them).

  • The Resurrection and the Life

    17/04/2022 Duration: 44min

    The reality of this event in the past, the implications of that event in the present, and the certainty of that event in the future has the power to transform our life, realign our priorities and give us courage in the face of any obstacle. The resurrection is not just a historical fact but a promised one to come.

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