Christ Chapel Audio Podcasts



The life and book of Daniel have many present and prophetic truths to guide the life of the believer; but our focus tomorrow will be on the personal, habitual life of cultivated prayer and how that impacts us and those around us.


  • Your Next Chapter in God

    01/02/2015 Duration: 46min

    In every life, until you die, there is a next chapter. To make it to the next chapter in the natural, all you have to do is survive. To make it to the next chapter in the spiritual, there is much required of you. But most importantly to believe that it exists, and set your face like flint to get there.

  • Don't Change Your Name

    25/01/2015 Duration: 52min

    This message deals with the common and destructive nature of bitterness. Naomi's loss was so great and her pain so intense that she let bitterness creep in and eventually it took over. But one choice changed it al for her, she turned toward the revealed will of God. That direction eventually landed her in the place where God could and would heal her.

  • The Journey Home

    18/01/2015 Duration: 51min

    This message deals with the journey back home to God. Naomi has lost much, but she knows with God there is still mercy. Wounded, confused, and bitter, she turns away from Moab never realizing all that God has in store for her.

  • The High Cost of Leaving Bethlehem

    11/01/2015 Duration: 42min

    This message is the first in a comprehensive series on the book of Ruth and the primary characters displayed. There are so many beautiful types and life lessons found here. This first message explains why it is imperative that we remain in the will of God, regardless of how hungry we might be to leave.

  • Things to Come

    04/01/2015 Duration: 54min

    As we enter the new year, these are things that I believe await us. Things we can plan on, prepare for, endure, and anticipate. In the end, we know that Christ will have his way on the earth and in our lives, so instead of fear there is a deep confidence and abiding home on whatever is to come.

  • God Moves in One Direction

    28/12/2014 Duration: 45min

    Heading into the new year, God desires for us to move in His direction: forward.

  • If It's Your Miracle

    21/12/2014 Duration: 51min

    Miracles are more about who God is than they are what is done. God is all powerful, and it is impossible to walk with him and not witness his power in and for us. This message deals with the subject of what you can expect from God when a miracle is on the way.

  • Living Chosen

    14/12/2014 Duration: 50min

    The bible plainly declares that we did not choose God, it was he who chose us. In the account of the angel appearing to Mary, it is the secret to living out God's plan for our life.

  • Why I Choose to Celebrate Christmas

    07/12/2014 Duration: 35min

    With the rise of social media, many people use it as a platform to discourage others from celebrating the birth of Christ. This message addresses their uninvited and incomplete ideas and reveals the why of those who choose to celebrate His birth.

  • Abounding with Thanksgiving

    23/11/2014 Duration: 38min

    As christians, we are not only expected to be thankful unto God, but abound in thanksgiving. In all things give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

  • As a Tree

    16/11/2014 Duration: 49min

    The scripture draws a parallel between our life and that of a tree, with many pertinent and remarkable applications that if we ignore, we do so to our own peril.

  • On the Road to Wholeness

    09/11/2014 Duration: 57min

    Many people today, including Christians, have settled into managing something. Managing their pain, their problems, their situation, their dilemma. But Jesus asked this lame man a question that cuts through the way it has been and opens the door to the way life could be. Do you want to be made whole? This message looks at the circumstances that create the problem and the way that God provides the solution.

  • The Promise of God's Leading

    02/11/2014 Duration: 51min

    As Christians, the idea of hearing God's voice, knowing for sure it is him, and following his leading can be something mystical or daunting. But God is clear in the fact that the surrender is up to us, the leading is up to him. And the responsibility of getting us to our destination is on his shoulders.

  • The Power of the Cross

    26/10/2014 Duration: 55min

    While the message of the cross may be offensive at times, there is a power available to us through it.

  • In Times of Great Crisis

    19/10/2014 Duration: 46min

    In Mark 5, a man named Jairus's little girl was dying, so he went in search of Jesus to bring him home to heal her. Many of us have something at home that is sick. Some of us have something at home that is dying. A few of us have something at home that is dead. This message deals with the importance, the necessity, and the power that results when a believer brings "The Resurrection and the Life" to their home.

  • The Great Falling Away

    12/10/2014 Duration: 52min

    Before the great and terrible day of the Lord the scripture is clear that there will first be a great falling away and then the son of perdition (Anti-Christ) will be revealed. We are seeing the firstfruits of it today. This message looks at what falling away is, how it happens, and how we can make sure that we are never a part of it.

  • Satan's Gospel

    05/10/2014 Duration: 49min

    When Jesus told his disciples how he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things and be crucified, Simon Peter rebuked him, "Let it never be so Lord!" To which Jesus replied, get behind me satan, you savourest not the things of God, but only the things of man. This still happens today, in our pulpits and among others who name the name of Christ. And the satanic message is still the same, Jesus did not have to die, and neither do we. But Christ answered immediately, clearly, and definitively: If any man would come after me, he must first deny himself, take up his cross, and follow him. Making sure tomorrow that none of us are followers of "Satan's gospel."

  • The Question that Leads to Eternal Life

    28/09/2014 Duration: 53min

    In the beginning of life on earth, there was man, there was satan, there was sin, and there was God. And what followed after man's sin is still the most amazing thing ever recorded, an opportunity to be forgiven. But we cannot cover our shame, our covering must come from God.

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