Nehora School Presents The Kabbalah Of Rabbi Ashlag



The Kabbalah of Rabbi Ashlag


  • Inner Counting

    08/04/2013 Duration: 14min

    In the external unchanging pattern of counting the days between Pesach and Shavuot there is an extremely rich inner reality. Each day pertains to a different Sephirah, a vessel for the light of God. From the Zohar of Rabbi Ashlag

  • The Inner Meaning of Seder Night, the Night of Redemption

    07/03/2013 Duration: 36min

    Listen to a live class given by Yedidah on the inner meaning of the Seder night using texts from the the Talmud, the Zohar, and the teachings of Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag.

  • Who knows One? From Exile to Redemption

    28/02/2013 Duration: 10min

    The energy of exile and redemption comes around again as we approach Passover. But are we simply re-enacting an historical event? According to the Kabbalah to the extent we can experience an inner exile we can likewise come to an inner redemption. A teaching from the Haggadah of Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag, Vzot l'Yehudah.

  • Purim: Until We Don’t Know!

    19/02/2013 Duration: 15min

    The essence of Purim is its light. The Sages teach us that it is on the festival of Purim when the Jews were saved from total destruction that the light of redemption shines out the strongest. We connect with this light by reading the Megillah, the book of Esther, having a festive meal and giving presents of food to our friends and gifts to the poor. Celebrating also means finding the elements of the story within ourselves. Finding the Mordecai (and the Haman) inside oneself and really celebrating the light of Purim!

  • The Basis for True Joy

    14/02/2013 Duration: 14min

    When Adar comes in we increase our joy. What is the true basis for joy and how can we come to true feelings?

  • The Torah: The Soul’s Voice

    03/02/2013 Duration: 14min

    The Zohar states that the Torah, the soul and the Holy Blessed One are one. It also states that God is hidden in the Torah. How does Torah differ from other knowledge? How can  the Torah help me hear my soul? What qualities do I need to cultivate in order to find the Essence of God hidden in the Torah?

  • “For the Human is as a Tree of the Field”

    24/01/2013 Duration: 11min

    The tree is a metaphysical and spiritual symbol . For Tu B'Shvat,, the New Year for Trees, from the Kabbalah of Rabbi Ashlag

  • Choose Life!

    09/01/2013 Duration: 13min

    The path of the ego or the path of the connection with the Torah. T We stand at the crossroad. How do we choose? A podcast based on the writings of Rabbi Ashlag

  • Kabbalah: What is it?

    31/12/2012 Duration: 13min

    A Kabbalist is not someone who knows Holy Names but rather someone who allows the light of the Torah to shed light on his own motives and intentions. From the Zohar and the teachings of Rabbi Ashlag

  • Faith: Torah from the Years of Fury

    23/12/2012 Duration: 22min

    Following the recent tragic events at Newtown Connecticut, people ask but where was God? The holy Rabbi Of Peicezna who taught in the Warsaw Ghetto in the holocaust, teaches faith when in the midst of suffering.

  • Chanukah: The Triumph of the Soul over the Ego

    10/12/2012 Duration: 13min

    Rabbi Ashlag teaches us that a human being is considered as a small world. The elements of the Bible stories are to be found within each one of us. So inside each of us we have the element of the Children of Israel and the element of Pharoah. We have the element of Jacob and the element of Esau. Similarly for Chanukah we have within ourselves the element of the Greeks and the Maccabee within us. What do these parts of ourselves represent? Why do they battle?

  • Chanukah: What is a Miracle?

    05/12/2012 Duration: 10min

    Rabbi Baruch  Shalom Ashlag,  in a letter written to a friend around the time of Chanukah asks the question,  "What is a miracle? and in his answer we find that the Chanukah lights don't just spread physical light but they point the way for our own personal miracle too. Spiritual exile and the miracle of spiritual redemption is the message of Chanukah in our own lives.

  • Feelings: True or False?

    22/11/2012 Duration: 13min

    Feelings may mislead us. Sweet may be bad and bitter may be good. .Yet they form an important part of our decision-making. How can we get our feelings to be more accurate, and distinguish good from bad? Rabbi Ashlag teaches us from the Kabbalah.

  • How do We Value Ourselves? The Paradox of the Human

    11/11/2012 Duration: 14min

    The psalmist ponders the value of man. How do we evaluate ourselves and why do we sometimes seem so worthless and other times so valuable? What are we really? From the Kabbalah of Rabbi Ashlag

  • The Natural Forces of Creation and How Human Consciousness Affects Them: From the Zohar

    31/10/2012 Duration: 09min

    Hurricane Sandy hit the coast of America this week. The Zohar discusses Man's relationship with nature and the forces of Creation, and we learn how the consciousness of the human being is a prime factor in influencing the behavior of natural forces. Keep safe. we're thinking of you.... (Inspired  by  a talk  given by Rabbi Avraham Mordecai Gottlieb)

  • Choosing our Path

    27/10/2012 Duration: 14min

    Our choice lies in this world yet our perfection is already assured at the soul level in the Infinite. From the teachings of Rabbi Ashlag

  • And God Called the Light “Day”

    15/10/2012 Duration: 12min

    "And God called the light "day" and the darkness "night"." Why did He do that? What does this mean for me? These are questions that the great Kabbalist Rabbi Baruch Shalom Ashlag asks. His answer takes us to the Purpose of Creation, the process of Creation, and the role these play in  our own individual lives.  

  • Succot and the Clouds of Glory

    29/09/2012 Duration: 08min

    The shade provided by the Succah is that of the shelter of faith and this gives us faith for the New Year now open to us .This has the same essence as the Clouds of Glory that protected the Children of Israel in the wilderness.

  • From the Depths I call to You

    25/09/2012 Duration: 06min

    The psalmist calls out to God from the depths of his heart.  We too access those depths on Yom Kippur . The Zohar explores the meaning of depth and teaches how Return and  Forgiveness  were given as a gift by God before even Man was created.

  • Teshuvah- Coming Back to our True Selves

    20/09/2012 Duration: 10min

    We are now in the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur when the theme of Teshuvah reaches its height. Teshuvah is a God-given gift to us calling us back, showing us the way home. Often translated as repentance it really means "returning to our inner selves". By the Sages, the term Teshuvah not only describes a state of mind of regret when we wish make amends, but it is also also used to describe a higher state of spiritual consciousness than we had previously attained. So the question we need to ask is, how is achieving a higher consciousness considered a "return"?

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