Crossway Christian Church



Sermon Audio from Crossway Christian Church


  • The Essentials in Christian Ministry

    12/10/2013 Duration: 1738h00s

    Here Paul describes his apostolic ministry to the Colossians. This description serves as a pattern for us today for all Christian ministry.

  • By Faith

    06/10/2013 Duration: 2465h00s

    This passage is all about the faith of people who encounter Jesus and how their faith in him changes their lives. As we unpack this passage, the point is that Jesus is the one in whom we should put our faith and we will look at what that faith should look like.

  • When Pigs Fly: Why Jesus is Our Only Hope

    29/09/2013 Duration: 2657h00s

    Luke is showing us again and again his power and compassion to bring salvation and change to the lives of sinners. He wants us to bask in the glory of Christ and come to an ever-deepening love and appreciation for his work.

  • Master and Commander over the Perfect Storm

    22/09/2013 Duration: 2427h00s

    The question that faces us: do we have a fair-weather Christianity? Or, will our faith prevail throughout all circumstances. Luke continues to show who Jesus is and why we should put our faith in him.

  • The Power of God's Word

    15/09/2013 Duration: 3284h00s

    What happens when Jesus preaches the gospel? What effect does it have in the world? We should ask ourselves the same question, when we tell the good news of the kingdom, what is the effect?

  • She Has Loved Much

    08/09/2013 Duration: 2515h00s

    It was this extraordinary behavior that not only revealed the hardened heart of the Pharisee, but the heart of this forgiven woman. Two people have encounters with Jesus; two people are eager to be with him, but only one shows any signs of having been changed.

  • Jesus: The Promised Savior of Faith Part 2

    01/09/2013 Duration: 2558h00s

    You need not look to anyone else ~ "Jesus is the promised Savior of faith."

  • The Faithful Covenant God of David

    25/08/2013 Duration: 2318h00s

    This scripture will answer the following questions: Is obedience to God always a clear path? What if God says no to your request? What should be the response of a servant?

  • Jesus: The Promised Savior of Faith Part 1

    18/08/2013 Duration: 2637h00s

    John asks, "Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?" In these verses we will see that Luke is answering that question this way: 'Jesus is the promised Savior of faith.'

  • Jesus: Worthy of Our Faith

    11/08/2013 Duration: 2488h00s

    God isn't looking for good people, he's simply looking for faith. He's looking for people who will believe in him; specifically, people who will believe in his Son, Jesus Christ. Luke tells us why we should put our faith in Jesus.

  • Dug Down Deep

    04/08/2013 Duration: 2166h00s

    After looking at Jesus' Sermon on the Plain - his teaching for his disciples about what life in his kingdom should look like, there is the temptation to listen, nod, and go away unchanged. Here we come to the conclusion of that sermon and see Jesus press home to us the importance of hearing what he says and what we should do in response.

  • How Jesus' Disciples Deal with Sin

    28/07/2013 Duration: 2833h00s

    We are often blind to our own sin. Jesus teaches his disciples, who live and serve in his kingdom, how they must live.

  • Love in Hard Places

    21/07/2013 Duration: 2840h00s

    Here we come to the Mount Everest of Jesus' commands. It is the command that many find most difficult to embrace. It stands at the heart of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus for it stands in the heart of God himself. What is this difficult command? That we should be a loving people. Jesus defines for us the kind of love that should mark us out as his people.

  • The Sermon on the Plain: Life in Christ's Kingdom

    14/07/2013 Duration: 3001h00s

    It's been called the greatest sermon ever preached. Jesus redefines life for his disciples.

  • Gospel Ministry

    07/07/2013 Duration: 2741h00s

    Shadrack Black, Missionary to Burkina Faso, West Africa

  • The New People of God

    30/06/2013 Duration: 2755h00s

    Over the last few weeks we have seen Jesus' life and ministry and how that provoked many religious leaders to be his enemies. Yet, what Luke now highlights for us is that just as Jesus had enemies, he also had followers. From these followers, Jesus was going to gather together a new people of God.

  • Lord of the Sabbath

    23/06/2013 Duration: 2312h00s

    What does it mean to keep the Sabbath? On the simplest terms, it meant to rest. Certainly, there is some practical element to it. God knows his creation, and taking a break is good. But there is a deeper reality to the principle of rest. The Sabbath was meant to point people back to God, that they might find rest of their souls in him.

  • Friends of the Bridegroom

    16/06/2013 Duration: 2336h00s

    What Jesus brings is so new that nothing old can compare. This was true for the ancient Jews and it's true for us today. Jesus offers a new relationship with God.

  • He Came for Sinners

    09/06/2013 Duration: 2325h00s

    In the previous section, Luke shows us what kind of Savior Jesus is - a Savior who can meet our deepest spiritual need and who is willing to save. Luke continues this theme as we see Jesus call yet another disciple to himself. From these verses, we see how Jesus still calls disciples to himself today.

  • Healing and Forgiveness

    02/06/2013 Duration: 2594h00s

    Here we read about two times Jesus healed. In looking at these stories, we want to see what they tell us about Jesus and what they tell us about ourselves and the healing we still need today.

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