Crossway Christian Church



Sermon Audio from Crossway Christian Church


  • Dealing with Injustice

    26/08/2015 Duration: 2160h00s

    How do you deal with injustice? WE have some indication of what is going on in David's life, but not enough detail to know everything. At the same time, we don't need to. We can see from David's prayer how we ought to respond to the difficulty of injustice in our own lives. At is simplest, we remember to bring our problem to God!

  • The Question is . . . Is Jesus Returning?

    17/08/2015 Duration: 1683h00s

    Here Jesus answers the question, will He return? This is something we need to understand in order to disciple others.

  • Is Jesus Still Important Today?

    09/08/2015 Duration: 1935h00s

    Here Jesus tells us why he came, what he did for us and what he continues to do for us today that still makes him important to our lives.

  • Jesus Sends Disciple-Making Disciples

    02/08/2015 Duration: 2378h00s

    Here we see a challenge to actually get busy making disciples.

  • Jesus Equips Disciples

    27/07/2015 Duration: 1802h00s

    Here we look to Jesus as the master disciple-maker. We look to him in faith, as our Savior and our example. So, what did it look like for Jesus to train his disciples?

  • Jesus Encourages Believers

    19/07/2015 Duration: 2237h00s

    Here we see another side of Jesus the disciple maker. He not only calls sinners to conversion, but he encourages believers to maturity. Jesus shows us just what it means to love and treasure him above all else. As he does this, we get to see the proto-disciple maker in action. We also see the method that Jesus uses in leading these disciples to further maturity and faith.

  • Jesus Evangelizes Sinners

    13/07/2015 Duration: 2500h00s

    Here we see how God’s Word portrays an Evangelist as we see Jesus’ life lived out among sinners. Much like our lives today.

  • Jesus Came for Sinners

    06/07/2015 Duration: 2635h00s

    Here we want you to see what the task of disciple-making looks like lived out in the person of Jesus. From Matthew 9, we see that Jesus doesn't ask perfect people to be his disciples, but those in danger of hell. He doesn't seek righteous people but sinners who need his forgiveness.

  • Now What? Christ’s People after the SCOTUS Decision

    28/06/2015 Duration: 2334h00s

    Sermon Audio from Crossway Christian Church

  • Praying from Pain

    22/06/2015 Duration: 2559h00s

    God's people should not be afraid of corporate worship when their lives are less than ideal. We shouldn't be worried when life brings sorrow and pain. Still yet, there must be a place of the people of God as a whole to gather with the weak and struggling in worship. Do we -- individually and corporately -- have a category whereby God can still be praised in the mist of the storm? If not, then we need to listen to this psalm.

  • Advancing God's Kingdom (How to Pray in the Morning)

    15/06/2015 Duration: 3068h00s

    This Psalm has much to teach us about what God's people ought to pray, why they ought to pray, and how they ought to pray.

  • Be Watchful

    07/06/2015 Duration: 1662h00s

    Pastor Jun Taguinod shares about his mission calling and how to stand firm in the faith.

  • Love Missions

    01/06/2015 Duration: 1360h00s

    Guest Filipino Pastor Ramon Alcasid shares about why missions.

  • Confident in God - How to Pray before Bed

    24/05/2015 Duration: 2260h00s

    Instead of stress and anxiety, we should be able to have joy and peace because we are confident in God. Is this how you sleep at night? Even when you feel pressed in on all sides? Learn how to find rest for your soul - not with a confidence in anything you have done, but in God himself. NOTE: a technical difficulty resulted in a loss of audio for about 1 minute. This occurs around the 13:40 mark.

  • Real Help for Real Trouble

    22/05/2015 Duration: 1970h00s

    How do we make it through the pain and despair? In the end, David shows us that it's our confidence in God that will lead us through. He shows us he dealt with troubling times and how we can as well.

  • Serve the Lord and Kiss the Son

    11/05/2015 Duration: 2054h00s

    Psalm 2 points out the Kingship of God over all nations and shows us that the only way to find escape from his judgment against our sins and true joy in this life is to humbly submit to his authority; to bow the knee to the Lord and his Anointed King.

  • Two Ways to Live

    03/05/2015 Duration: 2470h00s

    This is the first of a new series through the book of Psalms, one of the most important, and certainly one of the most dearly loved, books in the Bible. Buy why? How are they so valuable to us? Here we'll look at four reasons.

  • The Ascension of Christ the King

    26/04/2015 Duration: 2381h00s

    More than anything today, we want to walk away encouraged. We want to leave Luke’s Gospel with a deepened faith in Christ and an optimistic willingness to see the news of Christ spread to the world through us. Confidence that this will happen, doesn’t come from what we see in us, though, but what we see in Christ.

  • The Great Commission

    19/04/2015 Duration: 2709h00s

    This encounter between the risen Christ and the apostles is what we will see as we walk through our passage. Here we see Luke’s account of the great commission—the assurance and mission of the Church until Jesus' return. It’s a central passage for how we ought to live out our lives today.

  • Opened Eyes and Burning Hearts

    12/04/2015 Duration: 2680h00s

    Here we're both confronted on our faithlessness, yet also provided comfort and encouragement in the risen Christ. So, let's journey with these men to Emmaus that our eyes might be opened and our hearts might burn with a changed life in the presence of the Lord Jesus.

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