Faith Community Fellowship



Messages from the podium of Faith Community Fellowship, Ellsworth, Maine


  • When the Fasten Seat Belt Sign Comes On: FOLLOW (pt 5)


    **FOLLOW Genesis 37:18-20 Genesis 39:1-2 Genesis 39:6-16 Genesis 39:19-21 Genesis 40:8,14,23 Genesis 41:1,16,39-41 Genesis 45:4-8 Joseph was able to see God in the middle of the uncertainty. Joseph did exactly what anybody in his circumstances would do who was confident that God was with them. Live with confidence that God is with you!

  • When the Fasten Seat Belt Sign Comes On: BE CONNECTED (pt 4)


    **BE CONNECTED Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 When we feel overwhelmed, we respond to the circumstances of life better if there is someone there to walk with us through those circumstances. COMMUNITY is preventive. **We need some structure. **Community takes time and intentionality!

  • Temptations #1 & #2


    The 3 places in our lives where we need to be careful of the attacks of the ENEMY: our needs our power our pride Luke 4:13 Temptation is strong in our weakest moments. Why do we yield to temptation when things are going so well? Genesis 2:16-17 Genesis 3:1-13 The FIRST Temptation Doubt Deceit The Lie Exposed The SECOND Temptation Pride Knowing BOTH good and evil (Eve wanted what she didn’t have, and she didn’t even know what it was!) The Key: She wanted what she didn’t have, and THAT is what convinced her. She didn’t have WISDOM. What the Second Temptation does: – Distorts God’s Word – Leads you to do things you wouldn’t otherwise do – Cause you to miss the blessing/s – Lay blame – Bring other people with you How do we deal with temptation? No more excuses; 1 Corinthians 10:13 Know the Word of God Enjoy the blessings Think of others as better than yourself; Philippians 2:3 Obey God; John 6:38 Love is not complete without obedience.

  • When the Fasten Seat Belt Sign Comes On: SEEK (pt 3)


    **SEEK in the midst of uncertainty, God is not inactive. There is a grace that is available to you... from God. Matthew 6:25-33 to worry: to be consumed by, to pursue or chase after; all you think about To seek the kingdom of God is to live out the values of the kingdom of God. There is a grace available to the Kingdom-seeker.

  • Hope... In the Middle of the Book


    Mark 10:27 Is there a box big enough? Psalm 118:8 is the middle verse of the Bible. Psalm 118:5-8 Nearly 170 times we are told to trust God. Trusting God is one of the hardest things to do. The key: BELIEF and TRUST And keep trusting regardless of what is going on around you, even if things seem hopeless. Solomon: Proverbs 3:5-6 Isaiah: Isaiah 26:4 The Answer: Romans 8:5-17 "The desires of the flesh"... Drop the desires -- and leave them behind.

  • When the Fasten Seat Belt Sign Comes On: REMEMBER (Pt 2)


    **REMEMBER God’s faithfulness in our past brings a ray of hope into our future. If we don’t see Him in our past, we forget to factor Him into our future. 1 Kings 17-19 Why are you where you are? When we forget His faithfulness in the past we are unlikely to factor Him into the future. "Heavenly Father, as I remember your faithfulness in the past, I am confident you will walk with me into the uncertainty of the future." Psalm 77:11-13

  • When the Fasten Seat Belt Sign Comes On: PRAY (pt 1)


    **uncertainty... **PRAY Philippians 4 Vs 6 "anxious": distracted by fear of the future "present your requests to God": unveil the mystery of your desires to God Wherever there's uncertainty, there is always fear. In your fear resides a desire. Vs 7 This peace of God is tied into the character and the presence of God. It is a peace that precedes anything being peaceful. What is your greatest concern right now? What are you afraid will happen if _____________? Matthew 11:28-29

  • A Goal & A Mission


    A GOAL: The Bible App Plans > NT in a year (catch me up) Bible Project A MISSION Matthew 28:16-20 “make disciples" disciple = follower and learner Acts 11:25-26 Four groups: #1, not growing #2, new Christian #3, established #4, on the outside looking in

  • This Changes Everything!


    Bob Crosthwaite, Pastor Emeritus Todd Crosthwaite, Lead Pastor __________________________ Genesis 3:8-10 ~ what God is like God desires relationship with us! Exodus 25:8-9 “So I can live among them.” 1 Kings 8:10-12 “...the glorious presence of the Lord filled the Temple.” John 1:1-5 John 1:14 The Scriptures are about God's search for human beings. Our universal response to our brokenness is to hide. God's response to our brokenness is to seek. John 14:16-17 Revelation 21:1-5

  • The Shadow of the Cross


    Isaiah 7:14 Micah 5:2 Luke 2:8-16 Luke 2:25-35 Matthew 2:1-2 Matthew 2:9-11 Jesus was born in the shadow of the cross. The death and resurrection of Jesus is the most significant and important thing that has ever happened in history! History revolves around the cross. Matthew 17:22-23 Mark 8:31 Luke 18:31-33 John 1:29 John 1:35-36 Luke 9:51 Jesus lived His life in the shadow of the cross. The manger’s shadow is always a cross. We can live our life in the shadow of the cross. The manger’s shadow is always a cross, and the cross is the greatest hope in the world!

  • The 3 R's of Christmas


    What is Christmas all about? Philippians 2:5-7 1) The REALITY “grasped” / Greek = “to choose” John 1:1-5 The CRADLE reminds us of God’s choice to come and become part of His creation. 2) The REASON Philippians 2:8 John 3:16 S-H-M-I-L-Y 1 John 4:9 Romans 5:8 Jesus decided to suffer a horrible death on Calvary’s CROSS. 3) The RESULT Philippians 2:9-11 Hebrews 12:2 God has given His PEACE CHILD! “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” Do you know Him?

  • The Good News of Christmas


    - the Incarnation - the Crucifixion - the Resurrection Fill in the blank: God is ______ and God looks like ______. ‭‭ Matthew‬ ‭1:19-24‬ Two Names: Jesus - God Saves Immanuel - God with Us God is with us. "Christmas is about God's WITH-NESS" Colossians 1 - Jesus is the image of the invisible God. Hebrews - Jesus is the exact representation of God's being. John 5 - Jesus says "I am only ever doing what the Father tells me to do." John 10 - Jesus says "I and the Father are one." John 14 - Jesus says "If you have seen me you have seen the Father!" God looks like Jesus. -as a Filter, as a Handle God is with us and God looks like Jesus.

  • FCF Youth


    FCF CORE VALUE: Children & youth participate fully in church life. Mark 10:13-14 "remove every hindrance" 2 Timothy 2:2 FCF Youth: depth over width We unintentionally fall into a pattern of continuing the OLD approaches to leading NEW generations of teenagers. (The problem) Being a teenager is hard -- and such a pivotal time in everyone’s life. And (to make matters worse) the old model of youth group tends to treat teens like kids at the exact moment they most need to be treated as adults. (Solution) We believe that if you genuinely listen, give them ownership, and create opportunities for deep connection with peers & adults, (results) this gives them THE BEST CHANCE to become healthy adults with meaningful relationships and a faith of their own. 1) FCF Youth Sunday Mornings in The Q (JV & Varsity) 2) FCF Youth Evening Gatherings 3) FCF Youth Service Projects 4) FCF Youth Mentors intergenerational relationships a whole gospel message partnership with families creating a safe place for d

  • FOR our community


    Our mission: to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, for the good of our community and the sake of the world. "neighbor" Luke 10:25-37 Do you have a heart that cares for people? How do we let our community know that God is FOR them? FOR our community... who we are when we gather, and who we are when we go. #1) Be FOR four families #2) Be FOR our community partners #3) Invest-and-Invite If our church ceased to exist, would anyone in our community notice? #forhancockcounty

  • All Those Voices


    Message by Bob Crosthwaite, Pastor Emeritus John 10:1-10 What voices are you listening to? Do we recognize the voice of Jesus when there are so many others?! Each one of us matters so very much. Isaiah 49:16 What voices are familiar or unfamiliar to us? Where He leads us, may we follow! All the way... to the cross of Jesus, and to God's heaven, our eternal home. **Listen to the Voice

  • Our Core Values


    The Bible is our standard. God: revelation = self-disclosure > speculation Spiritual gifts are our ministry tools. abilities distributed to every believer by the Holy Spirit, and empowered by the Holy Spirit for the common good of the body of Christ. Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, 1 Peter 4 Every member is a minister; every member is equipped for service. Servanthood is our operating style. See: span of care Our definition of success is NT community. Forgive, Accept, Care, Encourage, Submit The way we treat each other is a reflection of how we think about God. Small groups function as basic church. Life change happens best in small groups. Children and youth participate fully in church life. FCF should be culturally relevant while remaining biblically-based. For example: environment, music, preaching Excellence honors God and inspires people. - bringing the best we have to offer. Lost people matter to God. Luke 19:10 Luke 15

  • Why Water into Wine?


    John 2:1-11 God can, and does, intervene in our lives at any given moment. He provides us with exactly what we need. There is always a part for God to play. God always saves the best for last. Practical Take-Aways: 1) If Jesus could do this... what situation in your life could possibly be too complex or overwhelming for Him? 2) Jesus knows our situations. 3) Jesus is the master of every imaginable situation. Ephesians 3:20-21 It is a great comfort to know… that nothing catches God by surprise, and nothing limits His ability to intervene in our lives. Your setbacks could be God's set-ups!

  • These Are The Days!


    THESE THINGS WE MUST DO: #1: Keep the vision clear. #2: Get everyone engaged. Nehemiah 4:6 committed to the future a significant mission what we need people to do What you are doing really matters! #3: Make our gatherings meaningful and memorable. Acts 2:43 #4: Pace ourselves. 1 Corinthians 9:24 We need you! Galatians 5:22-23 Does the message of the Church matter? These Are The Days!!

  • Care for One Another


    We are to treat each other in the church the way that God has treated each of us in Christ. the “one anothers” Galatians 6:2 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 When we care for one another... we are caring for the Body of Christ. we enable the Body to more effectively fulfill it’s mission. no one is expected to carry someone else's burden alone. if you don't let the body care for you, we all suffer. pastoral care > span of care > congregational care CARE TEAM: grief support medical recovery home repair crisis support donors

  • Rise, Shine and Give God Glory


    Isaiah 60:1-7 The implication of Isaiah 60 is that no matter how negative your PAST or PRESENT status may be, God can make you rise and shine! 1) WHY rise and shine? It is: a command of the Lord our Lord is the light a sign of life 2) HOW to rise and shine Connect with Jesus Consume God's Word Commit to God's service Cultivate righteous living Call on God's promises ...and Give God Glory!

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