Escaping The Cave: The Toddzilla X-pod



#MAGA? #MeToo? #NotForYou. Aimed at those rejecting conversion into either radicalizing ideological religion. Toddzilla is not for everyone. Use as directed.


  • #82 - A "Real Conversation"? Allow Me to Retort...

    19/06/2020 Duration: 01h53s

    You say you want a real Great Racial Awakening™ dialogue? Great! Quit proselytizing long enough to take a stiff drink and have a listen. Remember: when you clicked you asked.  Also: supporting lockdown protests and the 2A while mocking militia stalkers at the capitol, burning heretics and blasphemers at the free speech stake, influencers exploiting and monetizing catastrophe and chaos, electoral Ground Hog Day, and why Biden's VP choice is maybe more important than anything. Like it? Share it!   More: and 

  • #81 - Activist Media, Dogma as God, Marrow of Humanity

    16/06/2020 Duration: 31min

    When the entire media's just abandoned their "objective" pretenses, where do you go? Also, digital detox and cutting the incoming noise, homogenous consistency of thought throughout a congregation qualifies as "religion", retained ideological attorneys, the difference between organic human beings and their virtual online projections, and the Marrow of Humanity: who we are when no one's looking. Don't worry. I'll get to the protests, riots, and thought-purges soon enough. Prepare yourselves accordingly! Like it? Share it.  More: and     

  • #80 - The Stalker Militia, A Hydroxy Hardon, Woke Youth

    19/05/2020 Duration: 01h15min

    So, about that silly "in this together" thing... Topics include Trump's bizarre and supernatural hydroxychloroquine erection, quarantine and consumerist withdrawal, free-rage extremism and Michigan's armed stalkers closing the capitol, ideological bleed-over, identity politics infecting the virus, humble ignorance, a COVID-exploiting Woke Youth Recruitment video seizing the national airwaves, and what happens when I go off my gated social media reservation and why it's becoming nearly essential to completely disconnect.  More:

  • #79 - Stories, Hope, and The Propaganda Paradox

    09/05/2020 Duration: 01h15min

    Adventures in leaving the house after 5-weeks, a quick review of the crappy Vaporesso Target PM-80, populism and the supposed "wisdom" of the bewildered herd, belief and truth are mutually exclusive, atheists: leave the non-phallus swinging faithful alone, the crucial crusading distinction between religious & ideological zealots, and why the simple human need for hope probably makes us powerless against tasty propaganda.     --More: and --Be sure you're subscribed to an genuine and authentic Escaping The Cave feed!    

  • #78 - Social Media Disease: A Cacophony of Nothing

    29/04/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Todd's merciful Bat Plague boycott continues with more spiritually uplifting content like: "F**k Subaru. I hate them and you should, too." Also, 2020's Jill Stein; Steinbeck, Salinas, and digital detox; social media "should" be regulated like radio; data overload is killing democracy; the Wisdom of the People™ doesn't exist therefore populism is pandering to a screeching herd; and rejoice! The Devil's all up in ya! Can you feel him?     --More: and --Be sure you're subscribed to an genuine and authentic Escaping The Cave feed!  

  • #77 - The Blacklands Abyss

    28/04/2020 Duration: 45min

    Taking an improvised break from Bat Plague punditry by focusing on more "uplifting" material like cancerous cynicism! Also, a few old hitchhiking yarns and the metaphysical notion of trail magic, losing your religion, the God/Devil parable, and ignoring the positive side of universal human duality. Just for optimistic kicks, I also muse about my podcast's course and its ultimate futility. A warm and fuzzy episode? Believe it or not, kinda. And, no Covid! You're welcome.   --Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed!  --More: and  [CEP2]

  • #76 - Hot Pockets & The Lysol Orgy

    27/04/2020 Duration: 37min

    "Idiocracy 2: The Pandemic" continues. Todd discusses how the coronavirus hype has matched the reality, his digital detox, covid's ominous sign for star spangled socialist "revolutionaries", hot pockets, and how one quarantine doesn't fit all. He also asks where the Lansing protest's ideological diversity was (not what you think) and rages against Trump supporters and the intellectual treason of joining his limp and lame post hoc orgy. Children's parties: booked thru May! Book June's bat mitzvah or graduation party now! Promo code: "Brawndo" gets you 50% off! Clip: Jim Gaffigan.   --Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed!   --More: 

  • #75 - Seekers, Preachers, The Covid Reality Wars

    24/04/2020 Duration: 36min

    Toddzilla delivers his overdue Message of Hope™ featuring topics like strutting stupidity, social media's performance addiction, Hobbes' inevitable civil war, the need for propaganda, and releasing our infected cattle back into the bewildered herd. Book your children's party now! Use promo code "Leviathan Rising" to get 50% off!   --Make sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed!    --More:

  • #74 - Detroit, Intellectual Distancing, The Glowing Antichrist

    28/03/2020 Duration: 41min

    Can Detroit and rural Michigan bear what they say is coming? Social distancing as an apt metaphor and how it can be useful. A crisis instinctively prods a frightened herd into a closed-tribe psychology, which is nationalism. How data overload contributes to it and helps obliterate the utopian Brotherhood of Man mythology. Why many quietly want Trump to fail, whether they admit it or not.   --Make sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed!     --More:

  • #73 - Incompetent Negligence and Economic Eugenics

    24/03/2020 Duration: 01h08min

    Sacrifice yourselves at Mammon's Altar, proles! As coronavirus cases spike, your president holds a FOX News rally, decides the public health experts are wrong, and that the social distancing guidelines are "too extreme." Re-election trumps public health. Criminal negligence, the Dennis Doctrine, and our vulnerable healthcare workers. Where's Fauci? We're history's lab rats.    --Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed! --More:

  • #72 - Informational Anarchy In A Pandemic

    20/03/2020 Duration: 50min

    A potentially catastrophic stress test as the healthcare system drowns inside a divided country who chose informational tribalism over preparation. Detachment is essential! And, this isn't just about the elderly, dummy! ALSO:  - Media exhaustion & anxiety - Governmental malpractice - Trillions in revenues sacrificed to a "hoax?" Really? - Coronavirus & 9/11 - You can't be in a play and watch it at the same time   --Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed! --More:

  • #71- The Primaries: Noise Makers vs. The Majority

    11/03/2020 Duration: 32min

    The Sober Majority and why Biden's resurrection and surge should surprise no one. Bernie's "revolution" was always fueled by Clinton disgust and a foolish dependency on a Youthquake fantasy. Mike Pence is a Biden asset, Jill the Vulture is back, and embrace Biden: he's far from certain but all you've got; the only thing that "can" work. Also, a 2024 wokeflake warning.  --Don't settle for imitations! Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed! --More:

  • #70 - COVID Media: Crying Blitzer, Aftertruth & The Religious Mind

    11/03/2020 Duration: 24min

    COVID-19: the media sounds like the Weather Channel sensationalizing a hurricane. They'd better get it right or the Aftertruth Age fully arrives. "There can be no liberty for a community which lacks the means by which to detect lies." Why doesn't matter.   Also: -Competing incompatible "realities" -Personalized Informational Warfare -Informational becoming literal anarchy.   --Don't settle for imitations! Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed! More:    

  • #69 - "Insurgent Drag Queen" Or "Go Be a Snake"

    06/03/2020 Duration: 40min

    The Michigan primary is here. Which will it be? The invasive ideology or the country? An extremist biopsy and how they're using our own poorly guarded institutions and exploiting hatred to hijack the political parties. "The fascists seize power to forestall the communists; the communists seize power to forestall the fascists": choosing between authoritarians and totalitarians means we all lose. Also, "Lizzie was sunk by sexism!" Was she? Was she really? --Don't settle for imitations! Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed! --More at    

  • #68 - Insurrection, Resurrection, and The Rubicon

    05/03/2020 Duration: 51min

    Super Tuesday Politics Dump. How did Biden revive himself? It's simple, really. Fighting extremism with extremism is suicide. Also, fanatical ideological religions, the UK canary in the colony's coal mine, our own wokeflake tumor, the Youthquake fantasy, and your righteous revolution: who's actually buying? --Don't settle for imitations! Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed! --Also check out --F*ck Twitter!

  • #67 - Propaganda, Trust, Coronavirus, and You

    02/03/2020 Duration: 01h00s

    How will the for-profit boutique/reality show/agitation news media model affect how we respond to the virus? Have a drink. Make sure it's not bleach. Includes a quick introduction to Matt Taibbi's book Hate Inc. and material from Your Undivided Attention on the reality apathy and the abandonment of trust in public institutions and each other.  Listen to Your Undivided Attention here:   --Don't settle for imitations! Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed!    

  • #66 - Authentic Courage vs. Crying With The Pack

    29/02/2020 Duration: 54min

    "God will not have his work made manifest by cowards." Genuine courage is required to stand apart against the deafening conformity of the cowardly mob. Ask Andrew Sullivan! People are inherently tyrannical. Shared secular delusions: our 21st century religions. God needs the devil; Sapiens need an enemy. Lippmann, the fragility of free speech, and democracy's Achilles Heel: an ignorant "public."    --Don't settle for imitations! Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed!

  • #65 - Conform Or Be Cast Out

    27/02/2020 Duration: 33min

    Social validation & conformity: the evolutionary default setting. Why choosing intellectual autonomy over the herd is nearly impossible. Also, standing apart in self-reliance, the drifter, and mending holes in the firewall.  --Don't settle for imitations! Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed! 

  • #64 - Social Media Disease: The Dopamine Drip

    26/02/2020 Duration: 33min

    "Whoever owns social validation..." Performance addiction and how the masses have become junkies gorging on validation's dopamine stream. How various influencers, including podcasters, have monetized validation mainlining in the name of "brand building". Propaganda, validation, dopamine, and Ellul's "conditioned response." How social momentum works: Tony McAleer on Your Undivided Attention. Also, how ideological boldness is a surefire sign of a propagandee. Listen to "Your Undivided Attention" here:   --Don't settle for imitations! Be sure you're subscribed to an authentic Escaping The Cave feed!

  • #63- "Vladdy Loves Bernie?" Or "It's The Destabilization, Dummy!"

    24/02/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    Of course Putin's playing both sides and assisting Bernie in the Democratic primary. It's about agitation, discord, and eroding the public's already fractured belief it itself, not ideology. This is the perfect insurgent agitation storm: who in this country are more divisive than Bernie, AOC, and Trump? The Russians aren't to blame. We are. Also, why Informational Education programs aren't coming, the simple and cynical reason our for-profit media outlets and political "leadership" won't help us immunize ourselves from foreign propaganda, and Walter Lippmann on free speech and why Facebook must eventually take the fall for our unwillingness to tell truth from falsehood. Includes a quick refresher on 2016's multi-pronged disinformation/partitioning campaign as well as a recap on Jacques Ellul's agitation propaganda material regarding the unleashing of hatred. Introducing: The Rant Alert!   Listen to "Your Undivided Attention" here:   Don't settle for imitations! Make sure you

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