


Conversations on Current Biblical Scholarship


  • Q&A – Matt Lynch and Matt Bates


    You've spoken. We've listened.  You've asked for more episodes giving a window into the secret lives of OnScript co-hosts. Or at least, you've asked us to allow more time for chat between hosts. So we'll try to do a bit more of that. In this episode, Matt Lynch and Matt Bates, the co-founders of OnScript, ask each other questions about Paul, hell, life, violence, divine-human appearances in the OT, faith as allegiance, Matt B.'s new book, books we've read, and more. Enjoy, and share the word! The post Q&A - Matt Lynch and Matt Bates first appeared on OnScript.

  • Sharon Ketcham – Reciprocal Church


    What is the relationship between the individual Christian and the community of faith? How do we navigate the pendulum swings between an overemphasis on the individual at the expense of community and an overemphasis on community at the expense of the individual? In this episode, OnScript host Amy Brown Hughes talks with her colleague Sharon Ketcham about her new book Reciprocal Church: Becoming a Community Where Faith Flourishes Beyond High School, how often we talk about faith as a "product," what theological anthropology must undergird our ecclesiology, and where hope lies in the future of the church. The post Sharon Ketcham - Reciprocal Church first appeared on OnScript.

  • Joseph Gordon – Divine Scripture in Human Understanding


    Episode: We all know that for Christians, Scripture is crucial–it’s the lifeblood of the church. But when we press deeper, what is it? What do words like authority and inspiration […] The post Joseph Gordon - Divine Scripture in Human Understanding first appeared on OnScript.

  • (Theology) Fr John Behr – Origen and the Early Church, Pt 2


    Theology Track Episode: Live from Nashotah House, WI (3rd year running), here’s part 2 of our interview with Fr John Behr. Amy Brown Hughes talks with Fr John Behr about […] The post (Theology) Fr John Behr - Origen and the Early Church, Pt 2 first appeared on OnScript.

  • (Theology) Fr John Behr – Origen and the Early Church, Pt1


    Theology Track Episode: Live from Nashotah House, WI (3rd year running), we’ve got a two-part interview. Amy Brown Hughes talks with Fr John Behr about Origen and all things Patristic. […] The post (Theology) Fr John Behr - Origen and the Early Church, Pt1 first appeared on OnScript.

  • Darren Sarisky – Reading the Bible Theologically


    Episode: Erin Heim and Chris Tilling interview Darren Sarisky about his recent book Reading the Bible Theologically (Cambridge). The post Darren Sarisky - Reading the Bible Theologically first appeared on OnScript.

  • Dru Johnson – Human Rites


    This week's ep features a public talk from OnScript's Dru Johnson on his recent book Human Rites: The Power of Rituals, Habits, and Sacraments  (Eerdmans, 2018). Special thanks to Christ Church Jerusalem who recorded this event, and let us re-post it here. Enjoy! If you like this episode: Check out our original episode with Dru (before he was a host) on his book Knowledge by Ritual, and Dru's interview with Jonathan Pennington. The post Dru Johnson - Human Rites first appeared on OnScript.

  • Jonathan Greer – Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament


    Episode: Jonathan Greer joins the show to talk about a big project he just co-edited on the history, context, archaeology, culture, and world of the Old Testament. Jonathan shares from his own work digging at Tel Dan, a very significant site for understanding the Jerusalem Temple and worship in ancient Israel. They discuss major archaeologists, the historicity of events in the Bible, the interaction of faith and critical study, and much more. Guest: Jonathan Greer is Associate Professor of Old Testament and Director of the Hesse Memorial Archaeological Laboratory at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. He has written extensively on the history and context of the Bible. He's the author of Dinner at Dan: Biblical and Archaeological Evidence for Sacred Feasts at Iron Age II Tel Dan and Their Significance  (Brill, 2013) and the co-editor with John Hilber and John Walton of Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament: Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts (Baker Academic, 2019). If you like this episode: Check out ou

  • Ellen Davis – Opening Israel’s Scriptures


    Matt Lynch has been eagerly awaiting this book (Opening Israel's Scriptures), and the chance to talk with one of his favorite OT scholars. That day has come! Matt speaks with Ellen Davis about the intersection of critical and theological biblical interpretation, the manna economy in Exodus, ecology and the Bible, Wendell Berry, violence in the Old Testament, lament, & more! The post Ellen Davis - Opening Israel's Scriptures first appeared on OnScript.

  • Ryan O’Dowd—Wisdom Literature and Commentaries


    Ryan O'Dowd is the rare combination of Anglican Priest and scholar of the wisdom literature (though he agrees with Will Kynes's critique of the wisdom genre). In this episode, Dru and Ryan talk about his recent commentary on Proverbs in the Story of God series (Zondervan), his life as a pastor-scholar, and how being an academic is like being a model. The post Ryan O'Dowd—Wisdom Literature and Commentaries first appeared on OnScript.

  • Kelly Murphy – Rewriting Masculinity


    Episode: Kelly Murphy joins OnScript to talk about about Gideon in scripture and tradition, and about how various biblical and post-biblical writers portray the Tuba Warrior as a ‘real man’ […] The post Kelly Murphy - Rewriting Masculinity first appeared on OnScript.

  • (Theology) Ivan Satyavrata – Holy Spirit


    The Pentecostals are taking over OnScript! Amy talks to Dr. Ivan Satyavrata, pastor and theologian about the necessity of the "traditioning" of Pentecostalism, the incongruence of Pentecostalism not being completely on board with women in ministry or engaging extensively with the poor, and a discussion of the transformation of the Holy Spirit. The post (Theology) Ivan Satyavrata - Holy Spirit first appeared on OnScript.

  • Rafael Rodríguez – Jesus Darkly


    How does social-memory theory change how we think about the New Testament? In Rafael Rodríguez's Jesus Darkly, the Jesus that emerges from the shadows is surprisingly bright and relevant. Yet even when he remains mysterious, the darkness helps us anticipate the ultimate face-to-face encounter. The post Rafael Rodríguez - Jesus Darkly first appeared on OnScript.

  • Brent Strawn – The Bible is Not a Story


    Super-fan Brent Strawn is back on the podcast to talk about why he thinks the 'Bible-as-story' paradigm needs to die, Andy Stanley's book Irresistible, how the Old Testament is still dying, and the idea that problems with violence in the Old Testament are often projections. The post Brent Strawn - The Bible is Not a Story first appeared on OnScript.

  • Daniel Hawk – The Violence of the Biblical God


    I (Matt L) have been wrestling with the topic of violence in Scripture for a while, and has returned to Dan Hawk's Berit Olam commentary on the book of Joshua. It was a pleasure to talk with Dan about his new book on violence in the Bible. He takes a literary approach that deserves serious attention. The post Daniel Hawk - The Violence of the Biblical God first appeared on OnScript.

  • Scott Harrower—God of All Comfort (Trinity & Horror)


    Episode: Scott has a riveting biography, from growing up as a missionary kid in South America to entering the Goth and underground music scene to thinking about the effects of horrors and traumas on the body of Christ. You won't want to miss Scott's insights here. The post Scott Harrower—God of All Comfort (Trinity & Horror) first appeared on OnScript.

  • Kyle Hughes – The Trinitarian Testimony of the Spirit


    Is the Holy Spirit properly called God? Yes, Christians are eager to say. But how and when did this development take place? The early church sensed the Spirit's full divinity, but struggled for centuries to find a grammar. Kyle Hughes, The Trinitarian Testimony of the Spirit, advances an exciting new argument. He shows that the key is the Spirit's role as a divine person who could bear witness to other divine persons. Everyone who is interested in bible and theology--take note!--and grab a listen. Trigger warning: we also dream of eating large quantities of smoked meat. If that is more than your stomach can handle, beware. Hosted by Matt Bates. The post Kyle Hughes - The Trinitarian Testimony of the Spirit first appeared on OnScript.

  • Sameer Yadav – Theology, Race, and the Mystical Tradition


    In this wide-ranging episode Amy Brown Hughes talks with Sameer Yadav about the 'promiscuous' nature of theology, his book 'The Problem of Perception and the Experience of God: Toward a Theological Empiricism,' his recent work on apophaticism in the Christian mystical tradition, and race in the philosophy of religion. The post Sameer Yadav - Theology, Race, and the Mystical Tradition first appeared on OnScript.

  • Ervine Sheblatzm – Faultlines in the Horizon


    He's back! And this time with ideas about science, theology, and philosophy that will blow your mind! Prof. Ervine Sheblatzm has been "rethinking everything" and "sequencing out" several innovative new theories that he believes will usher in "encounters of the fourth kind" in the study of Paul's letters and in science. Listen in as Matt talks with Ervine about his groundbreaking new book Faultines in the Horizon: Paul's Dawning Age Marches On. The post Ervine Sheblatzm - Faultlines in the Horizon first appeared on OnScript.

  • Robert Alter—The Art of Bible Translation


    Dru Johnson and Matt Lynch talk to Robert Alter about his new Princeton University Press book The Art of Bible Translation and his newly released translation of the Hebrew Bible into English. Robert explains how the translation came about and how The Art of Bible Translation acts as a methodological introduction to his translation of the Hebrew Bible. The post Robert Alter—The Art of Bible Translation first appeared on OnScript.

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