Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives



The Grace & Grit Podcast takes the health fairy tale you've heard all your life and turns it upside down and inside out, helping women rebuild their relationship with their body once and for all. Placing the focus on love and respect, rather than the aggressive demands and unrealistic expectations that have become the norm, Courtney Townley is determined to help women mend the fabric of what is driving the female health story.After nearly 2 decades working in the fitness industry as a trainer and health coach, Courtney shares her own insight and that of other professionals that she interviews on topics like movement, nutrition, mindset, recovery, and common obstacles women encounter in the pursuit of deep health and happiness.


  • Episode 220: Fat Loss Basics, Part 2: The Foundation Matters

    21/11/2020 Duration: 47min

    When it comes to fat loss, your hormonal health matters… a lot! Your hormones are the government of your body, so when they are out of alignment, messages aren’t communicated correctly, things get a little (or VERY) confused and a lot of metabolic dysfunction ensues: Your gut health gets disrupted. Your mental health takes a hit. Your organ’s ability to function at full capacity declines. Your muscle health suffers. … just to name a few things. And all of this chaos, in turn, contributes to even more hormonal dysfunction and round and round it goes making fat loss feel impossible. So the question is:How do you heal and fortify your hormonal landscape? Listen to this episode to find out:) You can listen here: Mentioned in this episode: #five2thrive Free Five Part Video Series **** Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review:

  • Episode 219: Fat Loss Basics, Part 1: Clearing up a few misunderstandings.

    14/11/2020 Duration: 36min

    Weight loss is not a conversation I am interested in for so many reasons (many of which I addressed in episode 217). Healthy fat loss, however, IS a topic that I am interested in having with the right women at the right time. In this episode of the Grace & Grit podcast, I bring some clarity to what can be a very confusing topic. More specifically, I discuss: Why I don’t believe fat loss is the right conversation to be having with all women who want to “lose weight” Why where you carry your weight matters Why focusing on healing and building muscle is smarter than focusing on losing fat The three-part process for changing body composition that protects a woman’s mental health as she works to improve her physical health … and so much more. Have a listen. I hope it helps or, at the very least, you learn a little something:) You can listen here: Mentioned in this episode: #five2thrive Free Five Part Video Series **** Are you loving t

  • Episode 218: Menopocalypse w/ Amanda Thebe

    31/10/2020 Duration: 40min

    Back to the Grace & Grit Podcast for the second time, Amanda Thebe gives us insight into her new book, Menopocalypse. This book is a brilliant read for any woman who is trying to navigate her way through the hormonal fluctuations and uncertainties of perimenopause and menopause. Listen in as Amanda and I have a very real conversation about the menopausal years and what you can do to travel through them with more ease and grace. You can listen here: **** Mentioned in this episode: Menopocalypse Book: Amanda’s Website: Fit & Chips ***** Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast? Help us keep the mic on!   Become a Patron:   Leave a Review:   Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit

  • Episode 217: Getting Real about Weight Loss

    17/10/2020 Duration: 40min

    The Grace & Grit Podcast is about to enter its 6th year of production and in the over 215 episodes that I have recorded, I have only specifically addressed the topic of weight loss a couple of times. And, that has been VERY intentional. If you want to hear more about my thoughts about weight loss, do not miss this episode. You can listen here: **** Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit

  • Episode 216: Financial Health w/ Hilary Hendershott

    03/10/2020 Duration: 37min

    How might your physical health improve if your financial health improved? In this episode of the Grace & Grit Podcast, my friend and financial expert, Hilary Hendershott helps up explore precisely that. If you are someone who’s financial health could use a little (or a lot) of TLC, you do not want to miss this episode. You can listen here: **** What if you had enough money to live your dream life?To travel, save for retirement and ditch the financial worry? Hilary addresses this and so much more in her FREE online training which you can access right here: **** Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast? Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit

  • Episode 215: Owning Your Process

    26/09/2020 Duration: 20min

    This is our final episode in our Unrelenting Ownership theme and in it I talk about what it means to: own your motivation own your strategy own your failure own your success Have a listen and let me know if it helps! Mentioned in this episode: Rumble & Rise Membership Arena – Now Open! Learn more and sign up: **** Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit  

  • Episode 214: Own Your Time

    19/09/2020 Duration: 39min

    Your relationship with time is a very big deal because how you spend your time will either bring you closer to the life you said you wanted to live… or further away. In this episode of the Grace & Grit Podcast, I give you some ideas for how to improve your relationship with time, so you can spend less time in a space of overwhelm and more time with the things that matter most to you. I hope it helps! You can listen here: Mentioned in this episode: Women’s Health Reimagined (FREE) Masterclass **** Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit  

  • Episode 213: Owning Your Possibility

    12/09/2020 Duration: 38min

    What is possible for your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts. => What you choose to believe about your life. => What you choose to believe about yourself. => What you choose to make failures and obstacles mean. In this episode of the Grace & Grit Podcast, I explore what it means to own your possibility regardless of what has happened in the past or what might happen in the future:) Have a listen and share your thoughts! Mentioned in this podcast: Women's Health Reimagined Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit

  • Episode 212: The Call to Own Your Worth

    05/09/2020 Duration: 43min

    Most women I work with have spent a lifetime trying to prove or earn their worth, but worthiness is not something you need to hustle for. Worthiness is baked into your humanity. That being said, worth does need to be acknowledged… BY YOU because if you don’t think you are worthy of time and attention, you won’t show up to do the things you are being called to do. This month on the Grace & Grit podcast I am talking about what it means to take Unrelenting Ownership of your health, and ultimately, your life. In this episode, I talk about why it is so important to answer the call to own your worth. I hope you love it and, even more importantly, I hope it helps. You can listen here: Mentioned in this episode: Women’s Health Reimagined (FREE) Masterclass **** Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast? Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit https://graceand

  • Episode 211: Realignment: Part 3 - Make success probable not simply possible.

    29/08/2020 Duration: 41min

    More than ever the world needs people who are grounded, resilient, and operating from a space of proactive thinking NOT reactive thinking. I dedicated the entire past month on the Grace and Grit Podcast to The Practice of Realignment to help you stabilize yourself when life may be feeling more difficult and uncertain than ever. In part 3 of this series, I give you 3 steps to make your realignment, and your long-term success, not just possible but probable. I hope it helps! You can listen here: And, be sure to sign up for the FREE #five2thrive Five Part Video Series: **** Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit

  • Episode 210: Realignment: Part 2

    15/08/2020 Duration: 42min

    ​All month long on the Grace & Grit podcast, we have been talking about the Practice of Realignment because life is going to present you with a LOT of opportunities to get “thrown off your game” in terms of your self-care. And when you do… there are graceful ways to pivot yourself back with less struggle and more grace. Really. In part 1 of this series (episode 209), I introduced the first two steps of realignment. In this episode, I dish out the 3rd and MOST potent thing to consider when working to realign yourself. Have a listen. I hope it helps! You can listen here:   And, be sure to sign up for the FREE #five2thrive Five Part Video Series:   ****   Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit

  • Episode 209: Realignment: Part 1

    01/08/2020 Duration: 44min

    To say that 2020 has thrown us a curveball is a massive understatement. Routines have been disrupted, new stressors have emerged and a lot of people are struggling to navigate these new waters while keeping their mental and physical health in check. I get it! I have been swimming in those waters too. So, I am dedicating the entire month of the Grace & Grit Podcast to “Realignment” and in today’s episode I dish out a few tips and tricks for helping you get traction with your self-care in this new reality. Have a listen. I hope it helps! ****   Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit

  • Episode 208: Wanting It More: A Conversation About Sex with Janna Denton-Howes

    18/07/2020 Duration: 56min

    I have long wanted to have an expert come on the Grace and Grit podcast to talk about sex because having worked with hundreds of clients over the years, I know there is a lot of shame, resentment, and frustration about what happens, or doesn’t happen, in the bedroom. Since our theme this month is pleasure, I thought this would be the perfect time to broach this topic. My guest, Janna-Denton Howes, is a Sex Coach who specializes in helping married women want and enjoy sex more with their husbands. We cover a ton of ground in this episode, including: How to prioritize pleasure (like sex) in your life and how it benefits your health How to design a safe and enjoyable sexual experience How to ask for what you need How to reconnect to your body’s “pleasure potential” How to set boundaries inside and outside of the bedroom … and so much more. You can listen here: ****   Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: https://www.patreo

  • Episode 207: Seeking Pleasure That Promotes Health

    04/07/2020 Duration: 43min

    The human brain is hard-wired to seek pleasure. The problem is we are living at a time where concentrated pleasures are being sold to at every turn and our over-consumption of them is actually hurting our well-being. In this episode of the Grace & Grit Podcast, I talk about natural vs false pleasure and why the type you pursue will have a huge impact on the future of your health. You can listen here: **** Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast? Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit

  • Episode 206: Granting Yourself Permission to FEEL Emotion & Why It Matters to Your Health

    20/06/2020 Duration: 40min

    ​Emotion can be incredibly helpful or horribly destructive depending on what we do to process them or if we process them at all. I deeply wish that emotional management was a course taught in primary school. There is so much needless suffering in the world because people either do not allow themselves to feel difficult emotion or they don’t take responsibility where they can for the emotion they do feel. In this episode of the Grace & Grit Podcast, I talk about why learning how to FEEL all emotion is so important to your health and how to retrain yourself to feel emotion rather than deny, resist or numb it. You can listen here: **** Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast? Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit

  • Episode 205: Acknowledging Gaps & The Art of Listening

    06/06/2020 Duration: 33min

    Admitting where we could do better is not necessarily fun, but oh-so-important to our personal health and even to the health of the world at large. The past few weeks have shown me where I could serve women (all women) better AND reminded me of the art of listening. You can listen here: **** Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast? Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit

  • Episode 204: Rising To the Occasion That Is Your Life

    16/05/2020 Duration: 32min

    I wish I could tell you that deep health could be attained by following a playbook that worked for someone else’s life, but that’s not how it works (the horrific failure rate of the diet industry is proof of that). Deep health requires deep inner work so YOU can author the playbook for your own life. I meet women every day who say they want to get off the diet hamster wheel but they also want to avoid the inner work at all costs. Inner work isn’t optional if you want to nourish your mental and physical health in a way that is sustainable. In this episode, I talk about what inner work is and why it is the very thing that will help you rise in the most powerful way to the occasion that is your life:) You can listen here: And, be sure to register for the FREE Masterclass for Women here:   ****   Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: htt

  • Episode 203: Why You Must Rumble in Order to Rise

    02/05/2020 Duration: 36min

    I have long believed that improving health, be it mental or physical, is a practice of self-leadership. Self-leadership is a practice of righting decisions and habits that may no longer be serving you. To move your life to higher ground, you must be willing to rumble between who you have been and ultimately who you want to be. Rumbling is how we learn, how we grow, and ultimately how we become stronger and more confident versions of ourselves. In this episode of the Grace and Grit Podcast, I explain why rumbling is so necessary to the change process and how to rumble well. You can listen here:   ****   Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit

  • Episode 202: Rumbling with Courtney: Your Questions Answered

    18/04/2020 Duration: 38min

    This week for the podcast I decided to reach out to my community and ask them what they were rumbling with, and I got some GREAT questions that are going to be relevant to a lot of women. In this episode, I answer 4 questions: I was doing so well with not eating sugar, why am I struggling again? How do I get traction with a routine again when life has been so disrupted? I am noticing that I am driven to take action out of guilt (a lot), and I know it isn’t serving me. How do I remedy this? Why can’t I seem to take action that counts? Is it a lack of commitment? Listen in here: And, don't miss the FREE online summit starting Monday. You can learn more and sign up here: **** Are you loving the Grace and Grit Podcast?  Help us keep the mic on! Become a Patron: Leave a Review: Looking for more Grace and Grit? Visit

  • Episode 201: Start Your Day With the End in Mind: Navigating Through the Storm

    11/04/2020 Duration: 36min

    Yes, life is a little (or a lot) disorienting right now and we are being challenged in new ways. It is all too easy to focus on everything that is wrong with our current reality and why it shouldn’t be happening. The sooner you stop fighting reality (because let’s be honest you will never win that argument) the easier you will be able to navigate your way through it. No, we cannot control what is happening out in the world (pandemic) but we can control how we live this day despite what is going on in the world. Meaning… You can control how you show up today. You can control how you spend your time. You can control how you feel You can control what you choose to focus on. And in this episode, I teach you one of the most powerful practices I know to help you do just that. You can listen here:   Have you signed up for the free online Confident Women Rising summit? It starts Monday, April 20th with 16+ speakers and a ton of free bonus gifts. Learn more at https://confidentw

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