Armenian/english Christian Broadcasts



Regular weekly sermons from Armenian service at the Iranian Christian Fellowship London


  • Living lives of Worship


    Living lives of Worship by Joseph Hovsepian

  • Death on the Cross


    Brother Edward shares a powerful message on five enemies of the Christian.

  • Liberty and freedom in Jesus Christ


    Chris Ragg looks at Isaiah 61 and the message of liberty and freedom from sin and the meaning of year of Jubilee.

  • Worship from 290309


    Worship from 29th March 2009 service

  • Worship 010309


    Worship from 010409 service

  • Elijah's dilemma


    Br. Pambakian looks at the behaviour of Elijah his victories and his dark days and what that teaches us in our lives.

  • Worship 220209


    Worship from the 220209 service

  • Get out of the pit


    Guest singer Nancy and speaker Tania share worship and a heart warming message on deliverance.

  • Worship 080209


    Worship 080209 let by Anita!

  • God's attitude to us


    God gives us unconditional love, His attitude to us is different to any other kind of love we can know. God sympathises with our struggles and knows what difficulties we are facing and he is always there walking with us.

  • Worship 010209


    Worship 010209 led by Jenik

  • Light of the World (Beatitudes)


    Br. Charles continues his message on the beatitudes this focusing on the light of the World.

  • Injustice: Why choose God's way?


    Why choose God's way? Psalm 73 Injustice in the world can be seen from two perspectives: 1. People becoming rich through unrighteous lives and who dispise the Lord. 2. Righteous trying to follow God's way but conscious of hardship and difficulties along the way. The question can arise why choose God's way....

  • Worship 250109


    Worship 250109

  • Worship 180109


    Worshup 180109

  • Baptism 180109


    Brother Edward gives a sermon on the meaning of baptism, then Mesrob and Raffi share their testimonies.

  • Christmas truths


    Christian faith is not just based on the teaching of Christ, but based on five great facts of the Christian faith. Malcolm expands on these truths. 1. Jesus came as a baby into the world. 2. Life of Jesus his miracles, healings, casting out evil spirits. 3. His death upon the cross. 4. He came alive from the dead. 5. He went back to heaven

  • Search me O Lord and know my heart.


    "Search me O Lord and know my heart" Psalm 139:23-25 What are the benefits? 1. We realise our secret sins. 2. This knowledge teaches us humility as we realise our weaknesses. 3. We will know the grace and mercy of God

  • Worship 110109


    Worship 110109

  • State of our mind


    Br. Elias shares a message on the state of our mind and the cunning ways that satan attacks our mind in order to turn us from God. Rom 8:5-8 - People set their mind on things of the flesh. Our actions are a direct result of our thoughts, a negative mind leads to a negative life. Our minds are the battlefield where satan tries to attack us. Our mind needs to be aligned with God's thoughts in order to have a positive force in our lives. One physical weapon - God's word Two spiritual weapon - Praise and Prayer

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